Chain of Pearls

By EllaWrites1443

549 15 4

It's 1903 and the Merry Thieves are on patrol. Stranded in alleyway they find a deumas demon and an unconscio... More

Lovers of Hell- Sammael's Realm, 1886
Frenzied Shadows- London, 1903
The Funeral Bells- Cornwall, 1889
Moonlit Monsters- London, 1903

Angels in the Night- London, 1903

200 5 4
By EllaWrites1443

"I am ever seeking, ever feeling." Unknown

Philomena Woodstorm's eyes fluttered open weakly, as she saw a group of... four boys? Their shadows replicated men, ten feet tall against the grotty, red brick wall. The black demon that had attacked her leered round to face them, it's black slimy body advancing towards the new arrivals. The tallest of the four reached for his weapon, two balls at each end of a metal chain. The one dressed as though he was going to a party and not prepared for a demon attack at all, held out a blade, dull at first, then he spoke- and it glowed, casting dim white light over the scene. Oh, thank the Angel. She thought, realising they were shadowhunters . A boy with thick spectacles and mussed hair stood further back, cringing from the demon. But the fourth boy- the one who's hair blended into the night was nowhere to be seen, even in the glow of the seraph blade the other boy held. The three boys on the ground lunged at the demon, it lashed out and the one with the fancy apparel shouted. Suddenly Philomena saw the missing boy spring from the wall: a shadowy flash in the air. The demon screeched as a knife plunged into it's flesh... then it exploded, showering the air in ichor and goo. Shocked and slightly dazed; she realised she was soaked in stinking slime and gold demon blood. Philomena struggled to sit.
"Hello?" She croaked- wiping her face hurriedly. The group started at the noise, and they wheeled around to her direction,
"It's a girl." The one with glasses said. Now she had  a better view of them she noticed the one dressed extravagantly had bronze hair, dampened from the demons guts, the shine illuminated in the flickering lampposts. And the one who vanquished the demon had golden eyes like pools of honey. The pale, golden-eyed one glanced at the bespectacled one,
"Yes, Christopher, I believe it is a girl." He quipped dryly, but his grin belied his tone. The bronze-haired one gave her a searching look.
"Unless she's a demon, Jamie, which is highly probable."
"I'm not a demon!" She exclaimed, as she stood shakily, holding onto the wall for support.
"That's something an especially tricksy demon would claim." He drawled, a smirk on his face.
"Look at her hand, Matthew." The one who towered above his friends said, gesturing to her right hand. Her voyance rune stared up at the sky, indicating she was a real Shadowhunter. Philomena crouched, fumbling for her stele so she could prove she didn't just draw it on, and patch herself up- since she was positive she'd broken a rib or two. She found it: shattered across the cobbles. Well, there goes that plan, Philomena thought.
Then she noticed her hands, sticky with scarlet blood, my blood, she realised- horrified by the sight. Her red fingers searched for the wound, and they met their mark: a deep gash in her side. Hot pain seared through her as white spots clouded her vision. She gasped and fell down beside a mountain of rot. The group of boys all crowded round her, worry coating their expressions.
"By the Angel!" One shouted, but she couldn't quite distinguish who, as it is was as though someone had placed a blindfold over her eyes.

She woke with sunlight dancing over her eyelids. Squinting, she gathered she was in some sort of... hospital? White-sheeted beds were placed around the room in orderly lines, and shelves of various root, powder and liquid spidered up the walls. The light source came from the tall, stained-glass windows.
"Oh!" A voice said from the side of her, sounding vaguely breathless, "Jamie! Get Mam and Papa! She's awake!"
Her eyes opened further, as she spotted the boy from last night leave the doorway, calling for his parents. Philomena looked around and discovered that the voice belonged to a girl of about sixteen, with brilliant blue eyes like the sky on a summers day.
"Hello! I'm Lucie, and that's my brother James. I heard you got attacked by a Deumas demon yesterday night. You were awfully brave. They had to patch up your wound when you got here, and you'd lost a horrid amount of blood."
She was suddenly aware of a dull pain in her side, presumably where the demon sliced her. She smiled weakly,
"That's terribly kind of you to say so. But I'm afraid I wasn't so brave. I fainted with all four of those boys watching."
Lucie waved a dismissive hand,
"Oh, they won't mind. They've all had some rather unglamorous incidents on patrol. Wait until I tell you about the time th-" She was cut off suddenly as she noticed James had returned with two people, one who looked barely older than Lucie.
"Mam! Papa!" She cried, running to them. The man who Philomena figured was their father pulled an arm round his daughter, smiling. Lucie's mother walked gracefully over to her,
"Hello," she said in a gentle tone, "my name is Tessa Herondale, this is my husband Will and my two children: James and Lucie." She gestured to the three of them behind her.
"You know," the man called Will said cheerfully, "it's a good thing you've woken up today. Perhaps you will be well enough later on to attend the party! It is being held as a family who are good friends of ours are coming to stay for a while, since their youngest is to be parabatai with our Lucie."
Lucie seemed to glow with excitement,
"Cordelia! Oh yes, she's coming today! You'll love her!" She said, sounding almost rapturous. Philomena smiled at Lucie's display of friendship.
"You know," Philomena began, "it has just occurred to me I have made quite a startling introduction to you all, and yet none of you know my name. So, to start properly. Hello, my name is Philomena Woodstorm, I'm sixteen years old and I've come here to ask for your help."
Tessa and Will's faces turned to puzzlement,
"Why do you need help, Philomena?" Asked Tessa, her grey eyes full of concern.
"It's my mother." She answered hesitantly, "she's in danger, she- she's made deals with dangerous people in the past and now they're hunting her down. You need to save her- please!" Philomena was aware of the desperation in her voice, but she didn't care. They had to understand, to aid her mother.
The Herondale family turned to face each other, whispering amongst themselves. After a few agonising moments they faced her again, their eyes boring into her own.
"We will help her." Said Will, "if you tell us what she did."
"We would help her and Philomena regardless." Said Tessa, shooting a look at Will.
Will nodded solemnly.
"Of course we shall, Philomena. Tess, fy cariad, perhaps we should call the Silent Brothers to investigate what to do with this situation?" Lucie sighed and James rolled his eyes,
"Papa." he threatened, "I will fill the library with ducks if you even think to summon them."
Will looked put out, then he winked at Philomena and grinned like a particularly naughty schoolboy.
Philomena had been moved to the drawing room shortly after lunch, as Tessa had deemed her in good enough shape to walk around- but not to dance tonight.
"Nothing too strenuous, Philomena." She had said in a motherly tone on their way out of the infirmary.
Philomena smiled at the memory, she liked Tessa; thought her warm and gentle. She liked Will, and Lucie and James too. They seemed friendly and welcoming people- people who would be nice to befriend. Especially Lucie and her soon-to-be parabatai Cordelia, who sometimes was called Daisy- the origin of the nickname explained to her by Lucie in dashing fashion, with wild hand gestures and frantic speech- it would certainly be nice to have some new friends after what happened at her old village. Still, she would not dwell on it. It would do her no good to remember those she left behind. She heard Lucie and James bolt down the stairs, and join Tessa outside on the front steps. She heard a carriage draw up and a door open. Through the window she saw a person stumble on the cobbles, James caught them, and she saw the persons dark red hair peep out from under their hat. So this was Cordelia Carstairs. She heard Lucie exclaim, and then the invite Cordelia to go to the park with her. She saw them amble away, chatting amicably, with James trailing several paces behind. Before the three of them slipped out of view she saw the way Cordelia looked at James. And it hit her like a train: Cordelia Carstairs was head over heels in love. With James. She had no issue with it, of course, as she had only known James for not even a day. But it was still jarring to see Cordelia look at him in that fashion and for him to be so... oblivious? No. Oblivious wasn't the right word. He looked at her as though he noticed it but a glaze was spread over his eyes, but... why?
It was nightfall, and the ballroom was full of well-dressed individuals, some in the latest fashion and some in garments that looked like they were at least from the turn of the decade. Philomena herself was in a dark green dress, an old one of Lucie's, her wavy dark brown hair pinned up around her head in an intricate style. She was sat on a long wooden bench, next to Lucie and the golden-haired boy of last night's demon escapade- who she'd remembered was called Matthew. He was dressed in the most outrageous of outfits- but it somehow suited him. Lucie was in a pretty blue dress, one that complimented her eyes perfectly. Philomena's eyes scoured the dance floor for Cordelia, eager to see her outfit. She saw Cordelia gliding around the dance floor, her deep scarlet hair pinned up in funny corkscrew curls. Then she saw the dress, and Philomena'a jaw dropped. It was horrid. The colour did not suit her in the slightest and the ruffles smothering the lavender fabric made her look like a little girl. Cordelia caught Philomena's eyes and winced. Both Lucie and Philomena gave her encouraging smiles as she turned back to speak to a family that the Herondale's seemed to be especially close with, as they conversed amicably and the fondness in their expression was hard to miss.
"Oh!" Lucie squealed, piercing Philomena's eardrums, "it's Barbara, Aunt Sophie and Uncle Gideon! I can't see Thomas though..."
Lucie practically yanked Philomena out of her seat and led her to where James, Cordelia, Cordelia'a mother and brother, James' parents and the other family were standing. Cordelia brightened at seeing Lucie, and smiled and clasped her arm.
"I must introduce Philomena," Lucie began, "she has arrived here as her mother is in ill health currently and cannot look after Philomena properly. All her relatives are dead or too far away to rush to care for her so, as if by fate, she came to us to see if she could stay. We accepted, obviously." Lucie finished brightly, smiling at the surrounding people. Philomena just nodded, since Lucie had said all that was needed. But none of it was true.
"Oh, how awful!" The woman to Tessa's left exclaimed, "I do hope you will be happy here, and do not miss your mother too much." Philomena mumbled agreements politely- despite the fact she hated being the sole focus of everyone's sympathy. James turned to Cordelia as the conversation turned to adult things and asked her to dance. Cordelia's disappointed expression brightened, as she agreed. Her face was pink and glowing, dark eyes bright with joy. All three girls exchanged a look of pure conspiracy as Cordelia was swept onto the dance floor, in James' arms.
"You know, I do believe James could be in love with Daisy. He was talking to Matthew the other day and I happened to overhear, quite by accident I assure you, that there was a girl coming to London for an extended stay, but Matthew cautioned against Jamie acting on his feelings." Lucie whispered.
"Why does Matthew not believe Cordelia to be a suitable match?" Asked Philomena, who was astounded by this new information.
"Well, Matthew believes the girl in question does not care for James, but if it is Daisy, why, he must be blind! Anyone with a pair of decent eyes can see she loves him. Even me, although she tries to hide it."
"Oh." Breathed Philomena, "how romantic!" Lucie grinned,
"I know!" She said excitedly. Both of their heads flicked up to see how Cordelia was faring.
She was stranded in the middle of the ballroom, bobbing helplessly.
"Oh no." Said Lucie, as they approached Matthew on the bench.
"Matthew! Matthew!" Lucie hissed.
"Mmmm?" Said Matthew, lazily arching an eyebrow.
"Look!" Lucie intoned urgently, gesturing to Cordelia, who was looking at James, who appeared to be greeting a beautiful girl in an ivory dress.
"Aaahhh." Went Matthew, as he slid off the bench and swanned over to Cordelia.
To Philomena's surprise, no one seemed to notice the switch. Or if they did- didn't mention it. One question plagued Philomena's mind that night:
What did that girl have that made James drop everything to go to her?

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