Stay by my side (Daiharu)

By sleepdeprivedbanana

28.7K 1K 860

Daisuke seems to be acting..weird lately. Whatever it is, Haru can't figure it out. And it's starting to anno... More

Chapter 1: Please Walk me Home
Chapter 2: What's going on?!
Chapter 3: It's been 5 days.
Chapter 4: A Dangerous Job
Chapter 5: Slowly
Chapter 6: Remember Me
Chapter 7: Boyfriends!?
Chapter 8: A New Mission
Chapter 9: Close Save
Chapter 10: Memories

Chapter 11: Rise Together, Fall Together

1.9K 91 120
By sleepdeprivedbanana

After getting escorted to the large building, I instantly lose hope and my heart drops. How am I gonna find Kambe in there? Okay let's see, when he was on the phone with me..he was clearly running. The mission is supposed to take place inside the building so most likely by now he's outside. But where would he run? I look around, then see a small clearing in the woods. Forming a rickety path. Bingo.

{Daisuke's POV :O}

I was making my way down through the trees, this is such a pain. I lost my HEUSC when I was caught in a tree branch so now I can't even contact anyone, great. I keep running, coat has already flew off somewhere, it was slowing me down. A bunch of men carrying guns and knives were chasing me, all of them assassins or terrorists trying to capture me. They were going to use me as some hostage for Suzue to hand over the family fortune, how pathetic. I crouch down below a fallen tree to buy me some time. What do I do.. 


What. That's..

I turn around and peak above the tree to see Haru running towards me, he looked half asleep. He quickly jumps behind the tree and sits down next to me. "What the hell are you doing here, Haru!?" I exclaim, it's too dangerous for him to stay here. "I heard you were in trouble..I couldn't not come." He replied firmly, my throat felt raw. The air was cold and stiff, making me thirsty. Without even saying anything, Haru handed me a water bottle. I looked at him and slowly grabbed it, gulping down as my throat feels much better. 

"So, what do we do?" Haru asked, he rubbed his eye a little. "What do we do? You are gonna go home and I'll finish things here. It's too dangerous." I say, he frowns at that. "What?! I came all this way, no way in hell am I turning back now! In case you haven't forgotten, I'm a cop too! I can handle myself!" He insisted, I sigh. He's too stubborn to go away. "Fine, but don't get in the way," I say, sharply. Maybe that was too harsh, but he just nods in response. We run back to the building, there wasn't anyone else there besides us, though I knew it wouldn't be like that for long. 

We run up the floors until we get to the 15th floor for a break, we were exhausted. Finally, we make it on to the roof, and a helicopter was landing. Haru and I shield our faces from the strong winds, when it landed two big muscular men came out as well as a smaller, skinnier and scrawnier version. "Well, isn't this nice?" The man says, smiling.

"Who..who are you?" Haru asks, clearly shaking. 

"Me? I'm Shigamaku, the owner and facilitator of a mafia business."

"It's good to see you two, from what I hear you've been getting in the way of some of my..plans." He says with a sneer, so this was the guy sending out all those terrorist attacks. "Listen, I'm gonna make this clear. You." The main points at me, "Are of very high value, surrender now and I'll let you work in my company as the Vice President. You hand over your fortune, I hand over my personal guards, you'll get payed and such, we'll figure out the formalities later. So how does that sound, hm?" He asks, the nerve of this guy.

I shake my head, "What?! No! I'm staying here, and I'm NEVER working for scum like you." I didn't have the energy to be smug, he furrows his eyebrows. "Very well, I guess I'll have to force it out of you then." He sighs shaking his head at the floor, one man grabbing on Haru, the other holding my hand behind my back forcing me on my knees. "Surrender or he falls," he snickers, walking over to the ledge looking down, then back at me "It's a pretty long fall." He smirks. "LET HIM GO! HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" I yell, "Ooh, it seems the big strong man has a weakness hm?" He smiles again, this bastard. What do I do? He isn't bluffing, he really will drop Haru.


I have no other choice. 

"Fine, you win."

"Wonderful!" He looks at the two men, they both let go of Haru and me. "Now come with me, Daisuke, and we-" Before I can finish, I go for the leg, he trips and falls. I grab Haru's arm and we book it down the stairs to the 12th floor. I pant, "Are you- pant okay?" I ask, he nods. I flip over a table, dragging Haru behind it as we sit down. "Kamb-" Haru looks at me, "Daisuke."

That's the first time he's said my name.

"If..if we don't..y'know, live through this I just wanna say I'm sorry.."

"Sorry? Sorry for what? There's no need to apologize.."

"No, no you're wrong. This whole relationship between you and me it's- it's a lie."


"Wh-when we were in the hospital..I told you we were boyfriends, but we weren't. All the things we've done together before you go hurt we were only friends and-"

I kiss him to shut him up.

"Idiot, I already knew that." 

He looks at me, dumbfounded.

"You did?!.."

I nod, "Along with all the other memories."

"But- why didn't you say anything?"

"Daisuke! There you areee.." Shigamaku interrupts, standing over the table. I stand up along with Haru. "Leave us alone. I don't want to hurt you." I say, which was a lie. I was ready to send him to the ER.

"Oh my! How scary, well, I have you now. You can't run away again. Due to the complications, I have to edit the deal." He looks at Haru, "You know way too much, so I'm afraid we'll have to take care of you." 


Not Haru, no.

"What about me? What'll happen if you kill me?" I ask, not really knowing what to do. "Well, I suppose he could live. But under close watch, we just can't have both of you alive. So you'll have to choose who to sacrifice! Isn't that fun~?" Shigamaku smirks, he really is just pure evil isn't he. I look at Haru, he looks so scared. I smile weakly, kissing him on the cheek then whispering.

"I didn't say anything because I loved spending time with you as your..boyfriend."

"Because I love you."

The window behind us was open. I stand over the ledge, looking back at Haru and smiling. "I love you." I say again, falling back, down the building.

{Haru's POV}

"DAISUKE! NO!" I scream, tears streaming down my face. No. No this..this can't be happening. Not again. This isn't FAIR! I can't leave him alone. He's supposed to stay by my side. Until the end. This is the end.


I follow him.

I jump out too.

I grab hold of Daisuke, hugging him tightly. Tears still running down my face.

"I love you too."

The End.

OH. MY. GOD. You guys are actually insane- 1.1k views oml i'm so happy you don't even KNOW. Thank you guys SO MUCH for reading this Daiharu! It was really fun :) I will be making more stories so yknow if u wanna see those, click the follow button 👀 Thank you again for reading! XOXO


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