๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“ ๐Œ๐„ ๐๐Ž๐“...

By SognoDePapaveri

104K 5.2K 767

๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“ ๐Œ๐„ ๐๐Ž๐“!โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐š๐ซ๐ž? ๐ค๐ข๐ง๐ ๐จ๐Ÿ... More

๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“ ๐Œ๐„ ๐๐Ž๐“!
๐‚๐š๐ฅ'๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐š๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ!
II; forgotten memories
III; The scarecrow speaks
IV; cult activities
V; the first fight
VI; winning battles
VII; total assholes
VIII; death pacts
IX; adventure time
X; time traveling
XI; thieving grass
XII; wheat babies
XIII; quickly told
XIV; rainy days
XV; blind asshole
XVI; near-death
XVII; migraines
XVIII; speedy gonzales
XIX; grandma's house
XX; demi-god dreams
XXI; hungry, hungry hippos
XXII; words of wisdom
XXIII; ignorance is bliss
XXIV; birds
XXV; dokkaebi
XXVI; strawberry stains
XXVII; burps
XXVIII; the cliches of death
XXIX; death's glowing
XXX; glittering komodo dragons
XXXI; the end
XXXII; A brush with death
XXXIII; my first kiss
XXXIV; a battle won
XXXV; the greeks are coming
๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“ ๐Œ๐„ ๐๐Ž๐“!

I; snake ladies

8K 244 23
By SognoDePapaveri

━━━𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬


Callahan was incredibly glad she had Percy. She didn't think she would've been able to survive the snake-haired ladies without him, and she definitely would've died when tumbling down the cliffside on a snack platter. They glanced off a rock, lost their platter, and soared over the morning traffic.

This is a hell of a way to die.

But luckily, something Cal depended on, a gust of wind blew them over the traffic and into the hedges along the side.

She felt something snap.

When Percy pulled her up, Cal bit her lip until blood pooled on her tongue and whimpered. Percy's head snapped up from surveilling the area and looked her over, stopping when his eyes landed on her ankle. She looked at him and he nodded. The ankle was twisted, maybe broken.

"What do we do?"

Glancing up the hill, the Gorgons were making their way down quickly, maybe five minutes?


"You're right, of course"

The old hippie lady wasn't looking at Cal. She was staring at Percy with eyes that didn't fit her outfit. She was decked out in jewelry and tie-dye cloth dress, with fuzzy brown hair and maybe three teeth.

"It isn't a maintenance tunnel" She confided, " It's the entrance to the camp."

A tingling spread across the back of her neck. Camp. Yes. They were from a camp. Something didn't feel right about it, but at this point, Cal didn't care. She needed rest.

The old lady raised her eyebrows, "Not much time, my children. You need to make your choice."

Percy looked at her, and she nodded, grabbing his hand.

"Wherever you go, I go, remember?" She whispered. He nodded and squeezed her hand. He turned back, and demanded,

"Who are you?"

"Oh, you can call me June." Her eyes sparkled like she was telling an inside joke, "It is June, isn't it? Oh! They named a month after me!"

"Ok...look, we need to go. Two gorgons are following us and I don't want them to hurt you."

Cal looked back behind them and watched as they sprouted wings like a bat that glinted like bronze.

"Percy. Percy. We need to go."

He looked back at her and nodded before looking back to June.

"Yes, a choice," June said as if she were in no hurry. "You could leave me here at the mercy of the gorgons and go to the ocean. You'd make it there safely, I guarantee. The gorgons will be quite happy to attack me and let you go. In the sea, no monster would bother you. You could begin a new life, live to a ripe old age, and escape a great deal of pain and misery that is in your future."

Cal sighed quietly. That sounded really nice, and she was sure she wouldn't like the second option.


"Or you could do a good deed for an old lady," she said. "Carry me to the camp with you."

"...Carry you?"

June lifted her scrappy dress to reveal swollen purple feet. Great. Just great. Cal kinda wanted to cry.

"I can't get there by myself," she said. "Carry me to camp—across the highway, through the tunnel, across the river."

Percy and Cal exchanged glances, having no clue what river she meant, but it didn't sound easy. June looked pretty heavy.

The gorgons were only fifty yards away now—leisurely gliding toward him as if they knew the hunt was almost over. Percy looked at the old lady

. "And I'd carry you to this camp because—?"

"Because it's a kindness!" she said. "And if you don't, the gods will die, the world we know will perish, and everyone from your old life will be destroyed. Of course, you wouldn't remember them, so I suppose it won't matter. You'd be safe at the bottom of the sea...." Cal gulped. The gorgons shrieked with laughter as they soared in for the kill.

They were getting closer. A lot closer.

"If we go to camp," Percy asked, " will we get our memories back?"

"Eventually," June replied, "But be warned, you will sacrifice much! You'll lose the mark of Achilles. You'll both feel pain, misery, and loss beyond anything you've ever known. But you might have a chance to save your old friends and family, to reclaim your old life. You'll remember things that you long to know."

Cal's heart clenched. She could remember, and so could Percy, but at what price? Would Percy remember and leave her in the dust? He'd mentioned how all he could remember was her name and one other Annabeth, but what if that was only because they were in this situation together?

Percy squeezed her hand again, tighter this time.

"What about those guards at the door?" Percy asked.

June smiled. "Oh, they'll let you in, dear. You can trust those two. So, what do you say? Will you help a defenseless old woman?" Percy doubted June was defenseless.

"I'll carry you." He was about to scoop up the old woman, but then he stopped and looked at Cal.

"Oh yes! Her ankle." June cackled, "what'll it be deary? You can only carry one"

Cal shook her head and limped forward, touching the side of Percy's neck.

"I'll be fine Perce. I have a feeling I've been through worse," she whispered.

He nodded and rested his forehead against hers, "you sure?"

She nodded, laughing softly, and he turned and picked up June.

They made it across the first lane of traffic. A driver honked. Another yelled something that was lost in the wind. Most just swerved and looked irritated, as if they had to deal with a lot of ratty limping teenagers carrying old hippie women across the freeway here in Berkeley. A shadow fell over them.

Stheno called down gleefully, "Clever kids! Found a goddess to carry, did you?"

A goddess?

June cackled with delight, muttering, "Whoops!" as a car almost killed them.

Somewhere off to their left, Euryale screamed, "Get them! Three prizes are better than two!"

they ran across the remaining lanes, Cal ignoring the searing pain in her ankle. Somehow they made it to the median alive. Cal looked over her shoulder and saw the gorgons swooping down, cars swerving as the monsters passed overhead.

One of the guards yelled. The guy with the bow knocked an arrow. Percy shouted, "Wait!"

Cal prayed to gods that this wasn't how they died, running from snake ladies with an old lady on Percy's back, covered in dirt and grime and blood. What did the mortals even see?

But the boy wasn't aiming at Percy. The arrow flew over their heads. A gorgon wailed in pain. The second guard readied her spear, gesturing for them to hurry.

They were close. So close.

They reached the door. "Thanks," Percy said to the guards. "Good shot."

"That should've killed her!" the archer protested.

Still clinging to Percy, June cackled. "Hurry, Percy Jackson! Through the tunnel, over the river! Come along, little Callahan Lee!"

Percy looked back at Cal, asking her a simple question. She snorted and nodded, mouthing 'I'm fine.' over June's shoulder. He didn't really believe her. There was this thing she did when she wasn't okay, where she chewed on the corners of her mouth. Percy could tell she was doing it now.

"Percy Jackson?" The female guard was darker-skinned, with curly hair sticking out the sides of her helmet. She looked younger than Frank—maybe thirteen. Her sword scabbard came down almost to her ankle. Still, she sounded like she was the one in charge. "Okay, you're both obviously demigods, and she's injured. But who's the—?" She glanced at June. "Never mind. Just get inside. I'll hold them off."

"Hazel," the boy said. "Don't be crazy."

"Go!" she demanded.

Frank cursed in another language—was that Latin?—and opened the door. "Come on!" Percy followed, staggering under the weight of the old lady. Cal limped after him, Frank offering an arm when she passed him. She smiled at the sweet gesture and nodded, slinging her arm over his shoulder as he took some of her weight. The pain lessened. She could tell he was nervous about leaving Hazel, and Cal was too. How she meant to hold off two unkillable killing machines, she had no clue, but she didn't question it. There was a squawking sound, just like the gorgons had made when Percy had dropped a crate of bowling balls on them in Napa. She glanced back. The west end of the tunnel was now filled with dust.

"Shouldn't we check on Hazel?" he asked.

"She'll be okay—I hope," Frank said. "She's good underground. Just keep moving we're almost there."

"Almost where?"

June chuckled. "All roads lead there, child. You should know that."

"Detention?" Percy asked. Cal snorted.

"Rome, child," the old woman said. "Rome."

The pain was starting to get to her, and she wasn't sure she heard her right. Though, her memory was gone. They kept running. Finally, they burst into sunlight. Frank stumbled to a stop. Before them was a bowl-shaped valley several miles wide. The basin floor was rumpled with smaller hills, golden plains, and stretches of forest. A small clear river cut a winding course from a lake in the center and around the perimeter, like a capital G. A big inland mountain rose in the distance, right where it should be.

It was definitely a camp and a place to rest, but something about it didn't sit right. It felt kinda like trying to jam a puzzle piece into the wrong place. Almost there, but not quite. Not the right edges. It was beautiful though, a small city of white marble, a hill covered in gorgeous temples, and a curious and very serious-looking military encampment right across the river.

"Camp Jupiter," Frank said. "We'll be safe once—"

Hazel reappeared, covered in dust, and breathing heavily.

"I slowed them down," She said. "But only for a moment."

Frank cursed in a language Cal didn't recognize, "We have to cross the river."

June cackled at that. "Oh yes! I can't get my dress wet."

When they reached the riverbank, Percy stopped. Cal turned back, looking at with careful eyes.

"The Little Tiber," said June sympathetically. "It flows with the power of the original Tiber, river of the empire. This is your last chance to back out, child. The mark of Achilles is a Greek blessing. You can't retain it if you cross into Roman territory. The Tiber will wash it away."

He looked tired, "If I cross, I won't have iron skin anymore?"

June smiled. "So what will it be? Safety, or a future of pain and possibility?" Behind him, the gorgons screeched as they flew from the tunnel. Frank let his arrows fly. From the middle of the river,

Hazel yelled, "You guys, come on!" Up on the watchtowers, horns blew. The sentries shouted and swiveled their crossbows toward the gorgons. Cal and Percy made eye contact, Cal reaching out to grab his hand, and together they forged into the river.

The current was strong, pulling at her calves, but it wasn't bad. We're almost there.

In front of them, on dry land, Hazel's eyes widen in horror, "Frank!"

And behind them, the gorgons had caught up to Frank, and he screamed in pain as their claws dug into his skin. The sentries behind them couldn't get a good shot without risking Frank.

"Perce! The water!" Cal yelled, watching with bated breath.

Percy nodded and thrust his arms out. The river surged, and two large hands rose out of the water. Percy made a grabbing motion and the giant hands obeyed him, the gorgons squawking in surprise. Percy made a smashing gesture, and gorgons were slammed against the bottom of the river.

Standing beside Percy, Cal could feel the stares of the campers. The only one who seemed unfazed was old lady June.

"Well, that was a lovely trip," she said. "Thank you, Percy Jackson, for bringing me to Camp Jupiter."

One of the girls made a choking sound. "Percy...Jackson?"

Percy turned, hoping to see a familiar face.

June laughed with delight. "Oh, yes. You'll have such fun together!"

Then, just because the day hadn't been weird enough already, the old lady began to glow and change form. She grew until she was a shining, seven-foot-tall goddess in a blue dress, with a cloak that looked like goat's skin over her shoulders. Her face was stern and stately. In her hand was a staff topped with a lotus flower. If it was possible for the campers to look more stunned, they did. The girl with the purple cloak knelt. The others followed her lead. One kid got down so hastily he almost impaled himself on his sword. Hazel was the first to speak. "Juno." She and Frank also fell to their knees, leaving Percy and Cal the only two standing.

"Juno, huh?" he said. "If I passed your test, can we have our memories back?"

The goddess smiled. "In time, Percy Jackson and Callahan Lee, if you succeed here at camp. You've done well today, which is a good start. Perhaps there's hope for you yet." She turned to the other kids. "Romans, I present to you the son of Neptune and the Daughter of Fortuna. For months they have been asleep, but now they are awake. Their fate is in your hands. The Feast of Fortune comes quickly, and Death must be unleashed if you are to stand any hope in the battle. Do not fail me!" Juno shimmered and disappeared.

Cal felt just as confused as Percy looked, and she reached her hand out to grab Percy's. Percy took her hand, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, tucking her into his side. Looking at Frank, Cal saw that he was holding something she hadn't noticed before—two small clay flasks with cork stoppers, like potions, one in each hand. She watched Frank slip them into his pockets. Frank gave them a look like: We'll talk about it later. The girl in the purple cloak stepped forward. She examined Percy warily

"So," she said coldly, "a son of Neptune, who comes to us with the blessing of Juno and a daughter of Fortuna."

"Look," Percy said, "my memory's a little fuzzy. Um, it's gone, actually. Do I know you?"

The girl hesitated. "I am Reyna, praetor of the Twelfth Legion. And...no, I don't know you."

That last part was a lie. Cal could just tell.

"Hazel," said Reyna, "bring them inside. I want to question them at the Principia. Then we'll send them to Octavian. We must consult the auguries before we decide what to do with them"

"What do you mean," Percy asked, "'decide what to do with' us?"

Reyna's hand tightened on her dagger. Obviously, she was not used to having her orders questioned. "Before we accept anyone into camp, we must interrogate them and read the auguries. Juno said your fate is in our hands. We have to know whether the goddess has brought us new recruits...." Reyna studied Percy as if she found that doubtful.

"Or," she said more hopefully, "if she's brought us an enemy to kill."


━━━𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬


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