♡ ¹⁷ years ♡ - jotakak

By hisobianne

95.2K 3.4K 11.6K

a lonely redhead's life gets ruined by a delinquent. either for better or for worse. ♡ ♡ ♡ profanity, lonelin... More

characters and more

1999, bizarre summer

3.2K 137 605
By hisobianne

Jotaro's eyes fluttered open from his dreamless slumber.

The noise from his alarm clock blared very loudly.

He checked the date.

April the 4th, 1999.

He looked to his right to see his sleeping daughter, Jolyne.

He had to bring her along since he already divorced his wife.

Either way, today was going to be a big day.

The man moved on with his life and had a daughter.

He was now 28 and a marine biologist.

The job he had now was to go visit his old man's son, Josuke Higashikata, in a small and peaceful town called Morioh.

Joseph had an affair with some woman and Jotaro wanted to go and investigate what was going on and tell Josuke that he's getting half of the money from Joseph or something along the lines of that.

Well, he was already in Morioh but before he could help Josuke any further, he had a meeting with the speedwagon foundation.

It was a meeting where he was getting an assistant to help him with all his work and such.

Just busy work things.

"Jolyne, get up. It's time to go outside." Jotaro gently woke up his daughter.

She opened her eyes, looking at her father with a smile.

"Good morning, daddy!" She smiled.

"Good morning, sweetheart. I'll help you get ready, okay?" He said, a slight smile forming on his face from his daughter's cuteness.

The two got off the bed from their hotel, getting ready for the day.

Jotaro helped Jolyne get ready, buttoning up her dress for her.

Once the two were ready, they went outside of the hotel.

"I'll drop you off at uncle Josuke's place. He's gonna take care of you." Jotaro looked down at his child.

"Okay!" Jolyne laughed.

Her smile was innocent, just white daisies.

Her smile reminded Jotaro of a distant memory that was long ago but faded into an eternal bliss.

The two walked down the sunny road, all the way to the Higashikata household.

Jotaro rang the doorbell and Josuke instantly opened the door.

"Oh, good morning, Jotaro-san!" Josuke smiled.

"Good morning, Josuke." The man greeted the teen.

"I was wondering if you'd be able to take care of Jolyne just for a few hours? I have a busy schedule right now." The man tipped his hat.

"Of course, Jotaro-san! I'd be more than happy to take care of her." Josuke smiled, showing off his cheery grin.

"Alright, don't be a hassle for Josuke, okay?" Jotaro looked at Jolyne.

"Okay, daddy!" Jolyne smiled, taking Josuke's hand.

"Okay, I'll leave you with her. I have a meeting to attend now. Please take good care of her." Jotaro tipped his hat.

"Will do, Jotaro-san." Josuke smiled, waving off Jotaro who was walking away.

The man had to make his way to a lab where the speedwagon foundation was.

His new assistant would be there.

"Good grief. Last night has gotten me tired." Jotaro yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"I'll have to make-do with some coffee later." The man sighed.

Once he finally reached the laboratory, he was greeted by some members of the speedwagon foundation who led him into a room.

"So, this meeting is about your new assistant. They're going to be helping you out with your work and will be travelling with you." A woman explained.

"Why would I need an assistant when I can work by myself?" Jotaro questioned.

"Mr. Joestar requested it. They're in the other room, so we'll bring them in here. Today you're only meeting and talking." She smiled.

"Why's that old man meddling with my business?" Jotaro scoffed, crossing his arms.

The woman from the SPWF then went into the other room, presumably bringing in the assistant.

Jotaro looked around the pure white rooms of the laboratory.

It was calming.

He closed his eyes and thought to himself for a moment before his attention was brought to the door.

The woman from before returned with someone behind her.

The tall man stood up, approaching them.

He then stopped.

It was as if an old memory was coming back.

Something seemed familiar.

"I'll leave you two to talk." She said, walking out of the room.

Jotaro and his new assistant were all alone in that room.

It was a man, roughly about 5'10 and a slim to muscular build. Gentle, lavender eyes and red hair that fell across his face.

He looked quiet and shy at first but then his eyes perked up.

"Nice to meet you." The man put his hand out.

"Yeah, you too." Jotaro shook his hand. It was firm but had a softness to it.

"I'm doctor Jotaro Kujo. You?" He asked the man. His assistant went quiet.

"Jotaro Kujo..." the man whispered to himself.

The two then froze.

Jotaro looked into those eyes once more.

Filled with pain.


Those eyes looked exactly like..

"Kakyoin?" Jotaro asked, his eyes slightly widening.

"Jotaro Kujo," The man's breath hitched.

There was no way.

No way in the world that this was possible.

"Jotaro!" The red-haired man exclaimed.

"Noriaki Kakyoin!?" Jotaro was shocked. The two stood there, looking into each other's eyes with confusion.

Suddenly, the red-head wrapped his arms around Jotaro in a very tight hug.

It was so fast that the two fell to the ground.

At that point, Kakyoin was already crying.

Jotaro's breathing became rapid as he held Kakyoin close, running his hands all over the red-head's body.

"Holy shit, it's really you." Jotaro's eyebrows furrowed.

For the first time in ten years, his eyes teared up.

Just like when he was left behind.

"It's really you.." he too, cried into Kakyoin's shoulder.

Loud, manly sobbing echoed throughout the room.

The two held onto each other for god knows how long, crying and hugging each other.

After a few minutes, Kakyoin got off of Jotaro.

"I can't believe it." He rubbed away the tears from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, for everything, for leaving and-" Kakyoin rambled on and on until Jotaro hushed him.

"Be quiet. I-it's okay. I just want to look at you." Jotaro placed his hands on Kakyoin's shoulders.

He looked into those same eyes that he loved.

The same lips that he kissed.

The same red hair that he ran his fingers through.

Kakyoin had matured a lot.

His facial features became sharper and more defined and his voice changed a bit.

His hair was slightly longer, too.

All part of being an adult.

In all honesty, he had become more elegant and beautiful, aging just like a fine wine.

"It's been so long, Kakyoin. But it feels like yesterday." Jotaro let go of him.

"Yes, it does." Kakyoin looked down.

"I never thought that you'd be my assistant. What job do you have?" Jotaro asked.

"I work for the speedwagon foundation now, actually." Kakyoin said.

"Same old Noriaki." Jotaro sighed.

"Heh, no matter how old you get, you're still the same as ever, Jotaro." Kakyoin gave Jotaro a sad smile.

"I've missed you, Kakyoin." Jotaro said, pulling the red-head into another hug.

"I've missed you too." Kakyoin wrapped his arms around Jotaro.

The two pulled away once more, looking into each other's eyes.

"Well, do you want to maybe talk and get back on track?" Kakyoin shyly asked.

"Of course." Jotaro replied.

The two took a seat inside the room, beginning to conversate.

"So, what have you been up to for the past 10 years?" Kakyoin asked.

"Nothing much. Just work and taking care of my daughter." Jotaro sighed.

"Woah, you have a daughter now?" Kakyoin asked, slightly amused.

"Y-yeah." Jotaro looked away.

"That's good." Kakyoin smiled.

There was a slight look of disappointment in his eyes. As if he felt alone.

"I'm so sorry, Kakyoin. I was clueless. I didn't know how to cope so I just decided to move on. Please, forgive me." Jotaro hid under his hat.

"That's okay, Jotaro. People move on with their lives. It's natural because it happens all the time. Even I've had to move on..." Kakyoin's smile became even sadder.

Tears slightly welled up against the corners of the red-head's eyes.

 "Please, don't cry." Jotaro gently caressed the man's cheek in an attempt to calm his heart.

 "It's okay, Jojo. I.. I guess I'm just so happy to see you." Kakyoin looked down.

 "Jojo? I haven't heard someone call me that in years." Jotaro chuckled. 

"Is that so?" Kakyoin asked. 

"Yeah, nobody's ever thought of calling me Jojo these past years. They all call me Mr. Kujo or Jotaro." The man sighed.

 "Then can I be the first to call you Jojo?" The red-head asked. 

"That would be nice." Jotaro slightly smiled. 

"Okay, then I'll call you Jojo." Kakyoin smiled.

 "I'll call you Nori, just like the good old times." Jotaro tipped his hat. 

The two nodded, staring at each other in silence. 

Jotaro was still as handsome as he was back in 1989. It really has been so long. 

"Jojo, thank you." Kakyoin gently whispered. 

"Thank you? What do you mean, Nori?" Jotaro's expression changed to one with confusion. 

"Thank you for loving me when we were together, Jotaro. Thank you for making me feel so special and wanted." Kakyoin clenched onto the cloth on his chest, looking down.


There was pain in his heart. 

"You've made me laugh, have fun, and got rid of this void inside my heart. I'll always be grateful for that." The red-head smiled as giant tears formed in his eyes. 

"Noriaki, you idiot." Jotaro shook his head, pulling the rosy-haired man into his arms. 

"I want to continue loving you and making you feel special. I want to make you laugh and give you the best time of your life, Nori." Jotaro placed his hands on Kakyoin's shoulders. 

"B-but your daughter and wife, Jojo.." Gentle tears poured out of those lavender eyes. 

"The only family I have are a few individuals. No one else. My wife's gone." Jotaro scoffed. 

"I'm a man that goes by my promises." The man said.

It then hit Kakyoin. 

The promise that Jotaro made so long ago.

"The future has many journeys for you, Nori. And if we ever meet again, I'll hold you like this again."

That voice echoed inside Kakyoin's head. 

Those were the words that Jotaro said to him exactly 10 years ago. 

It reminded him about how he was truly loved and wanted.

 It made him feel safe and secure. 

Nothing else in the world could make him feel so loved. 

Kakyoin trembled, wrapping his arms around Jotaro. 

"Forgive me." Kakyoin whispered under his breath. 

"Not for a single day did I forget about you, Kakyoin." Jotaro gently ran his hand through the cherry-red hair. 

"I also wouldn't mind having an extra pair of arms for help, you know." Jotaro chuckled a bit. 

The elder man whispered sweet things to the red-head, calming him down in an instant. 

"I'm so lucky and so glad that I have you back, Noriaki." Jotaro looked into his eyes. 

"Yes, me too. I never thought in a million years that I'd be able to see you again." The redhead smiled. 

"I'm just.. so happy." a tear rolled down Kakyoin's face.

 Jotaro gently patted his head, his heart feeling at ease. 

The two talked for almost three hours, getting back on track with everything they missed. 

They laughed and giggled, talking about adult things. 

"Jotaro, may I meet your daughter later if we have the time?" Kakyoin asked. 

"Of course, she'd love to meet you." Jotaro smiled. 

"That's great! I'd love to see her." Kakyoin put his hands together. 

The two then got ready to leave. 

They had a busy day, after all. 

They packed up their bags, walking out of the laboratory after saying goodbye to the workers in the SPWF. 

The two walked all the way to Josuke's house, getting ready to pick up Jolyne. 

Jotaro rang the doorbell and Josuke came rushing to the door. 

"Hi, Jotaro-san!" He smiled. 

"Hey. I came to pick up Jolyne." Jotaro tipped his hat. 

"Oh? Why don't you two come inside and have some tea before you leave?" The teenager suggested. 

"I suppose that wouldn't hurt." Jotaro tipped his hat. 

The two men stepped inside, greeting Josuke's mother.

 Kakyoin went into the living room to see a little girl running around the coffee table with a paper airplane in her hand. 

Kakyoin's heart began beating very fast. 

Jotaro's daughter was so adorable. 

Jolyne stopped, taking a look at the red-head.

 "Ariel?" She suddenly piped up, running towards Kakyoin. The little girl wrapped her arms around the man's leg. 

Kakyoin felt his heart melt. 

"Oh, she's a ball of sunshine." He whispered to himself, kneeling down to be eye-level with Jolyne. 

Kakyoin looked at Jotaro, wanting a sign that it was okay to talk to Jolyne. 

The elder man nodded, going back to talking with Josuke. 

"Hello, little one." Kakyoin said. 

His voice was gentle and quiet so he wouldn't scare off the little girl. 

"Hi, Ariel." Jolyne giggled. 

"Ariel?" Kakyoin questioned. 

"Yes! The little mermaid with pretty red hair!" Jolyne laughed, touching Kakyoin's noodle hair. 

The man's heart melted even more. 

Jolyne was just so adorable.

 "Do you like the little mermaid?" He asked the young girl. 

"Yes, yes! I watch it with daddy!" Jolyne giggled. 

"Oh, that's great." Kakyoin smiled, gently patting the girl's head. 

"Jolyne, his name isn't Ariel." Jotaro suddenly came over. 

"Oh- that's okay, Jotaro. She can call me Ariel." Kakyoin chuckled.

 "What's your name then, mister?" Jolyne innocently looked up at the red-head. 

"Noriaki." The red-haired man smiled. 

"You're really pretty, Mister Noriaki!" Jolyne giggled, poking Kakyoin's cheek. 

The red-head felt like he would die from this girl's cuteness. 

The man looked up at Jotaro, a bright smile forming across his lips. 

"She's adorable." He mouthed to Jotaro. 

"Um, mister Noriaki? Are you daddy's friend?" Jolyne asked with curiosity.

 "Yes, I am. I'm an old friend of your father's." The man smiled. 

"That means you can be part of our family!" Jolyne giggled, jumping into Kakyoin's arms. 

The red-head picked the innocent girl up, holding her and smiling at her. 

"You really think so?" He asked the innocent little girl. 

"Yes!" Jolyne exclaimed. 

The two talked, getting to know each other a bit.

 They talked about their favourite colours and foods. 

Jotaro observed and found it to be very wholesome and heart-warming. 

"He's so good with kids." The man whispered to himself.

 After talking, they bid their goodbyes to Josuke and Tomoko. They all went back to the hotel that Jotaro and Jolyne were staying in.

 "Where have you been staying, exactly?" Jotaro asked.

 "With the Speedwagon Foundation, actually." Kakyoin looked at the older man, holding onto Jolyne's little hand. 

"Ah, right. You can stay with me and Jolyne for the time being in Morioh." Jotaro tipped his hat. 

"Oh? Are you sure?" Kakyoin asked.

 "Yeah." Jotaro nodded. 

"Thanks, Jotaro." He smiled. 

Jotaro then unlocked the door to the hotel room. It was surprisingly huge. 

Two beds and a small kitchen area. There were also two bathrooms.

 Perhaps this was a room originally meant for business partners. 

Kakyoin took a seat on one of the beds with Jolyne, looking down at the little girl. 

He had always wanted a son or daughter like Jolyne. 

Cute, innocent, and bright.

 "I'm gonna take a shower. Do you mind watching over Jolyne for a little bit?" Jotaro asked, taking his jacket off. 

"Sure, you go ahead." The red-head smiled. 

"Alright." Jotaro slipped off his shirt. 

Kakyoin immediately looked away, blushing profusely in extreme embarrassment. 

He covered Jolyne's eyes, making Jotaro chuckle. 

"See you in a bit." Jotaro turned away, walking to the washroom. 

Kakyoin looked back to see Jotaro's muscular back.

 For a split second, he saw the man's abs. 

Kakyoin's face went bright red like a cherry. 

He quickly calmed down as Jolyne pulled on the cuff of his jacket, wanting his attention. 

"Mister Noriaki?" She innocently looked up. 

"Yes, Jolyne?" Kakyoin smiled. 

"Can we read a book together?" She asked, taking a book out of her blue mermaid backpack. 

"Of course." Kakyoin gave her a bright smile. 

It was a book about sea creatures and all that stuff.

 Kakyoin blinked a few times.

 He gently took the book, flipping through the pages very quickly. 

It was the same book that Jotaro and him read together 10 years ago when he was in the hospital. 

Nostalgia burst through the red-head's heart as he flipped to the first page. 

"See this, Jolyne? This is a blue whale." Kakyoin smiled, pointing at a picture of the large animal. 

"They're the largest animal in the world." Kakyoin gently smiled. 

"That's so cool!" Jolyne smiled brightly. 

"Mhm, it is very cool." He smiled.  

"Oh, that's a royal blue tang." He pointed at a picture of a blue fish. 

"That's my favorite fish!" Jolyne bounced up and down in excitement. 

Kakyoin chuckled, patting the girl's head. "What's your favorite fish, mister Noriaki?" The little girl asked. 

"My favorite fish is also the royal blue tang." He smiled. 

"Yay! Jolyne and Mister Noriaki like the same fish!" Jolyne jumped.

 The two read the rest of the book together, not noticing that Jotaro was watching in awe. 

Kakyoin and Jolyne then finished the book. 

The red-head put the book back into Jolyne's bag and turned to see Jotaro. 

"Oh, hey." He smiled. 

"Uh.. can I talk to you for a bit?" Jotaro asked. 

"Sure, why?" Kakyoin asked, following the elder man into the washroom, leaving Jolyne to play with her barbie dolls on the bed. 

Jotaro locked the door behind him and leaned against the sink counter, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips. 

"This has been bothering me for a bit ever since we met again.." Jotaro started. 

"What is it? You can tell me anything." Kakyoin said, lowering his head to look at Jotaro. 

"How do you feel about me, Noriaki?" Jotaro asked.

 "What do you mean, Jojo?" Kakyoin's expression twisted into confusion. 

"Back when we were 17.. we were madly in love. But now..." Jotaro stared at the floor, a faraway look in his steel blue eyes.

 "Is that what you were concerned about, Jotaro?" Kakyoin's eyes softened up. 

"Yeah.." the elder man looked away. 

Kakyoin went silent. 

He sighed. 

The red-head then spoke. 

"Not for a day will I stop loving you. If it's as friends or as lovers, Jojo. My love for you will always be there." Kakyoin looked into his eyes. 

"Is that so, Noriaki?" Jotaro looked up, his eyes softening as well. 

"Yes, of course." Kakyoin put his arms out, inviting the elder to wrap his arms around him. 

Jotaro walked over, pulling Kakyoin into a gentle hug. 

He buried his face into Kakyoin's neck, another sigh escaping him. 

"The same goes for me, Nori." Jotaro whispered. 

"I love you, even after being separated for ten years. I can't let you go." Jotaro's grip on Kakyoin tightened in a protective manner. 

"I love you too, Jojo." Kakyoin whispered back. 

The two slowly pulled away, looking deep into each other's eyes. 

Jotaro placed his palm on Kakyoin's cheek, looking deeper into his eyes. 

"Can I try.. kissing you?" He gently whispered. 

Kakyoin moved his face deeper into Jotaro's palm, feeling the warmth.

 "Yeah," the red-head whispered back. 

He pulled the rosy-haired man closer by the waist, putting some of his hair behind his ear. 

Kakyoin placed both of his hands on Jotaro's chest, looking up at him with a longing look. 

Jotaro leaned in, gently pressing his lips against Kakyoin's. 

The two shut their eyes.

 It was as if their lips were on fire. 

They hadn't kissed anyone in such a long time. 

The same, nostalgic feeling of love took over them.

 Kakyoin felt a familiar taste of ash in his mouth. Jotaro had been smoking again but that didn't matter right now. 

All he wanted was to be held like before. 

Jotaro then pulled away, looking into Kakyoin's eyes. 

"I've missed you so much. I missed kissing you, hugging you, and just being by your side." Jotaro looked down. 

"I'm here and I won't leave you, I promise. I'll never leave you again, Jotaro. I'm so sorry." The red-head looked down as well.

 "Well, you can be part of our family. I can tell Jolyne really likes you." Jotaro slightly smiled.

 "Be part of your family? As in.. being her other father?" Kakyoin asked.

 "If you think about it that way, yeah. Sort of like that." Jotaro looked at him.

 "I could never, Jojo. I'm not good with kids, you see." Kakyoin nervously laughed. 

"Bullshit. I saw you reading a book to her, Noriaki. You can't hide it from me." Jotaro smirked. 

"Okay, fine, but how would she feel about me?" The red-head asked. 

"She isn't growing up with a mother so having a helping hand and another parent like yourself would make her feel at home." Jotaro said.

 "You're right, Jojo. Jolyne's just a ball of sunshine. I want her to grow up into an amazing person." Kakyoin rested his face against Jotaro's chest. 

"I've always dreamt of having a daughter.." Kakyoin gently whispered. 

"Then, Noriaki.. be mine again. This time, forever." Jotaro started. 

"Would you marry me?" He asked the red-head. 

Kakyoin went silent. 

His face then turned completely red.

 "Wait, this is too sudden!" Kakyoin covered his face. 

"I'm not asking for you to marry me now." Jotaro looked away. 

"Marrying each other.. that's like a dream come true." Kakyoin looked down. 

"It is, isn't it?" Jotaro twirled a bit of Kakyoin's hair on his finger. 

"Do you want to marry me?" Jotaro asked. 

"Yes, actually. I do." The red-head shyly looked down.

 "Then let's get married, idiot." Jotaro rolled his eyes.

 "Fine, meanie! Later, though. I want Jolyne to warm up to me first." Kakyoin crossed his arms. 

"That's not hard. She literally loves you already." Jotaro shrugged. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'll just have to make her get used to me first." Kakyoin straightened his cuffs.

 "Let's go now." Jotaro took the red-head's hand and went back to Jolyne. 

Thankfully, she wouldn't have to grow up without a mother now because obviously "Ariel" was going to be her new father. 

Wait, Ariel? 


 It's Noriaki Kakyoin who's going to be the new father of Jolyne Kujo.


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