Two Ghosts || Cedric Diggory

By kepotts21

1.4K 46 1

❝ Same lips red, same eyes blue Same white shirt, couple more tattoos But it's not you and it's not me ❞ Cove... More

『 introduction 』
『 epigraph 』
『 prologue 』
『 beginning of the end 』
『 dazed and confused 』
『 when friends collide 』

『 back at hogwarts 』

107 5 0
By kepotts21


"To our new students, welcome," Headmaster Dumbledore greets with a smile as the Sorting Ceremony ends and the Great Hall falls silent. "And to our returning students, welcome back."

Amira doesn't listen to his speech, hardly expecting him to announce anything outside of his usual unordinary as she ponders whether tonight or in the morning would be the best time to visit Madam Pomfrey. She doesn't even notice the arrival of their strange guests, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Mad Eye Moody, and the Minister of Magic himself, Bartemus Crouch.

She props her elbow on the table still devoid of food and rest sher head in her hands, the sleeves of the too-small robes straining with the effort. She suppresses a groan at the reminder that the school attire isn't her own, though she still can't help but to be thankful that Eliza hadn't said no and subsequently saved what little dignity she has remaining.

With her wand and other belongings still missing, Amira was forced to clean herself as best as she could with nothing but water and paper towels from the bathroom on the train. Not desperate enough to ask for further assistance from Eliza or any of her other friends, she hid her dirt-stained clothing as best as she could under the robes and prayed to any diety above no one would ask why she's not in a proper uniform.

"You better have one hell of a story," Sienna Hale declares, pushing a couple of second years further down the bench in her hurry to sit across from Amira.

"We've been worried sick about you!" Eden Barlowe backs her up, claiming the other empty spot she provided.

Sienna and Eden, a pair of her closest friends and two out of the four other girls she's shared a dorm with since their first year, scrutinize Amira's entire being closely as she's pulled out of her thoughts, eager to ensure she's alright despite their anger.

"What are you talking about?" Amira finally asks, only validating their worries with her obvious confusion.

"You haven't answered anyone's owls since the World Cup!" Sienna practically shouts, earning glares and shushes from those around them. "We even asked the Weasleys about you, for Merlin's sake."

Eden steps in before Sienna can confuse her any further and explains the situation in a calmer manner that doesn't attract unwanted attention. "When we tried to visit you, your father wouldn't let us past the gates. He told us you wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts this year."

"He never said anything to me about not coming back," Amira says truthfully. Although, with the gaps in her memory, there's a possibility Venus and Meri told their daughter the same information. "Why would he want me to leave Hogwarts?"

"We were hoping you could answer that," Eden says with Sienna nodding in agreement. "What's happened to you, Amira?"

Amira leans across the table, causing the other two girls to do the same. Dropping her voice so low it's barely a whisper, she makes them swear to secrecy before launching into her tale.

She tells them everything, keeping nearly every detail from bumping into Cedric to waking up on the train and borrowing Eliza's robes. However, she omits perhaps the most important part where she discovered bruises and a scar whilst hiding in the bathroom.

"You ought to see Madam Pomfrey," Sienna suggests, but her authoritative tone makes it clear Amira doesn't have much of a choice. "Maybe there's a healing tonic that restores memories."

"I will before classes tomorrow," Amira promises, forcing herself to ignore the sharp pain in her abdomen when an older Slytherin student accidentally leans too far over. "I don't want to bother her on the first night, and besides, it'll be curfew by the time we're dismissed."

"The important thing is that, aside from your memory, you're okay and you're here," Eden adds before Sienna can argue that she should attend the hospital wing sooner. "We had an entire plan that would probably get us thrown in Azkaban if you hadn't come back to Hog-"

They're brought out of their intense conversation as grievances erupt throughout the dining area, lead unsurprisingly by the Weasley twins repeatedly shouting about how something is complete rubbish. Amira, Eden, and Sienna glance around, confused by the mayhem until Damion Fernsby, another boy in their year, leans over and catches them up to speed.

The Triwizard Tournament, a dangerous game wizards and witches all around the wizarding world fight tooth and nail to win, is coming to Hogwarts. Instead of protesting the imminent death they may face in their quest for glory, what students are complaining about is the age requirement Dumbledore and the Mr. Crouch have set.

When Dumbledore regains control of the room, he goes on to reveal the Goblet of Fire - a giant goblet that, as the name suggests, spits out blue flames. It's fairly easy for students seventeen and older to enter, for all they have to do is slip a piece of parchment with their name on it into the flames and the goblet will decide their fate in two months time.

"We will be joined by the other competing schools, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, on Halloween day and the tributes shall be chosen after the feast that night," Dumbledore concludes. "Best of luck to those who dare to enter, and without further ado, let's eat!"

Dinner commences and the tense atmosphere around the girls disappears as they delve into mountains of food and light-hearted topics. Eden pesters Amira for details about her run-ins with Cedric, certain there's more to the story. Amira avoids all of her questions, instead asking Sienna about her trip to America. Damion soon joins their conversation and distracts Eden from her interrogation, blatantly flirting with her as Amira and Sienna suddenly pretend to find interest in anything but Eden's growing blush and flustered responses.

It isn't long before the long-awaited meal ends, with professors and students alike stuffed beyond reason and many children already complaining of stomach aches. Dumbledore dismisses the crowd and the trek to their respective common rooms begins, led mostly by shouting prefects hoping the newest members of their houses don't get lost.

Amira keeps her head down for the most part, more concerned with keeping herself from being jostled by others than socializing with the different houses. She briefly considers finding Fred and George to ask if they've already made a plan to enter the tournament despite the restrictions, but decides to put it off until she sees them tomorrow. Thankfully, with her common room being in the dungeons, it doesn't take long before they've made it to their destination.

Like the beginning of every year, the Slytherin students immediately disperse upon entering their common room and venture to their own dorms to prepare for the next long day of classes. However, excited chatter follows everyone up their separate staircases and isn't exclusive to the first years as they all discuss what the idea of the Triwizard Tournament.

Not old enough to enter, the three girls spectate on what the tasks will be and place empty bets as to who they think will enter. Upon reaching their shared dorm, only Amira hesitates in the open doorway while Eden and Sienna immediately drop onto their beds dramatically.

Their other two roommates, Beatrice and Isabelle, haven't arrived yet, but that's not what stops Amira.

At the foot of her designated bed rests her trunk, packed with all of her school supplies and clothes. A dark gray and white Siamese cat, her beloved Lucianna, is perched on top of her neatly folded blanket, nonchalantly batting Amira's wand around and ignoring her owner's existence entirely.

"Oh, Lucy!" Amira exclaims, moving to wrap her spoiled pet in her arms to give her cuddles. Instead, the cat hisses and scratches her hands until she lets go, immediately jumping to Eden's bed and cowering in the bewildered girl's lap.

"Yeah, something is definitely wrong," Sienna says, only half jokingly. "That beast has never let anyone but Amira touch her since I've known her."

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