'The Love That Blinds Us' A K...

By ElleMiglioranza

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The second book in the 'The Desire' series.... Star has made her choice to be with Niklaus Mikaelson she leav... More

Always And Forever.... Until the End Of Time....
Teaming Up With The Enemy....
Unraveling Secrets.....
Does True Happiness Come At A Price.....
To Be Curse And Damned.....
Dangerous Love Affair.....
Never Underestimate The Power Of Love....
The Truth Exposed.....
Reckless Decision.....
Author Note ***Important Information***
Angel & Devil..... Which Shoulder Would You Chose?
The Ultimate Choice.....
You're My Mortal Flaw.....
If Our Love's Insanity.....Why Are You My Clarity?
Will You Believe I Never Meant To Hurt You.....
What The Heart Wants.....
But Sometimes.....Its Better To Lie.....
Only You Can Set My Heart On Fire.....
I Will Love You Always & Forever.....

You Hurt Me More Than You Know.....

3.6K 134 51
By ElleMiglioranza

Klaus P.O.V

As soon as I opened my heart out to Star she walked away and I felt hurt, maybe because I thought she would have responded the same in return. The hurt was not because she didn't speak the word back to me the hurt was that I brought this on. When you give your heart away, you usually get it back in pieces fragments. And often a great deal of time passes before you realize that every piece wasn't returned to you and probably never will be. You crave nothing more than to get those small but vital fragments back; to return to the unbroken, undamaged version of yourself. But what's been broken cannot be unbroken and so all you can do is learn to live with the void of the missing pieces, to somehow find beauty in the wreckage. I had toyed with her heart for better half of two months I brought another woman into our home and bedded her in our marital bed. Yes I did all that to hurt her, because I felt that Star needed to feel the same pain as I did. My mind at the time was clouded with rage with anger and hatred I wasn't thinking straight at all. Even as I look back at every word I said to her the way I spoke so venomously... Who could blame her telling me that she couldn't? I constantly disappoint her.

I have not loved many in my thousand years and I have only been in actually been truly in love once. We hurt so much because we have lost a part of ourselves. If we have loved much we must have given much also and when everything's over, we feel as though we have lost everything. Which was what had happened here tonight as nothing else matter to me no longer. I know that I will be a father in a short time and I will give my love and devotion to my son and daughter. That no matter how much all this pained me I needed to be there for these two innocent lives that I helped bring into this world. And Star...... Well I choose not to give up on what we have I'm not one who gives up easily, I will repair what destruction I have cause to her heart, and I will show her once again the man she once loved. It is our wounds that create in us a desire to reach for miracles. The fulfilment of such miracles depends on whether we let our wounds pull us down or lift us up towards our dreams. I knew it would take as such to make this happen but I believed in us. I believe that there a chance that we can once again be united it's just time for the wounds to heal.

I went back into my room and got changed then into my bed I began to listen in on Star and I could hear her crying, hearing her sobs broken me. All I wanted was to comfort her but I knew she would reject me as she having conflict with her heart. There was no doubt that she loves me, but after everything I had done she couldn't be forgiving. I understand that no matter how many times you say you're sorry it won't wash away all the pain and hurt I caused it takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault. We never really learn from the first mistake or the second or third. It only hit us when we're given the last chance. I think that my last chance was blown but I choose not to dwell I choose to still have hope. I know I still have the chance to mend all this as my beloved wouldn't be crying her tears for me. As much as it ached me to hear her in such a way, it gave me that little hope that she cannot be with me as much as I could not be without her.


The citizens of the French Quarter all prepare themselves for Father Kieran's funeral service. A long line of community members and family make their way to Father Kieran's open casket to pay their respects. When I arrived I was the last one to enter by the time he reaches the casket everyone else at the service is already seated in the pews. I greeted Cami and gives her a kiss on the cheek before going to give my respects to Father Kieran. However when I opened the casket Father Kieran is gone and in his place is were two babies side by side. They both looked very much alike in ways but one had blue eyes and dark hair and the other hair was lighter with deep brown eyes. The baby with the darker hair coos at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hi." I reached down to touch the both of them, but before I could I felt a sharp pain through my heart. I felt blood coming up my throat then over spilled over my mouth. When I turned around Mikael is standing there, grinning. He grabs me into a chokehold.

"Greetings, boy." He sneered. This couldn't be happening he was dead how could he be here?

End Of Dream

I suddenly woke up and turned the light on and saw that I was in my bedroom, I was sweating and felt frighten, it felt so real I saw the man who I've loathed for a thousand years. I just couldn't understand after all this time why I would dream about the man I loathed more than anything? I guess it because fatherhood creeping up upon me, and my fears that I might turn into him. I couldn't do that to my children I refuse to allow my fear to turn me into the same monster as he. The issue is when you try to be something you don't want to be somehow your turn into the monster you fear. My relationship with Star is proof of that as I try to be the man she deserves but I'm always so monstrous to her. Was there hope for me? Was there a chance that I could be the father I wanted to be for my children? Those question could only be answered when they are here, and just need to believe in myself that I'll be nothing like that.

I couldn't go back to sleep so I chose to get showered and ready as today was the funeral of Father Kieran. They didn't mess around here as they burry someone within 24 hours of their death I looked at myself in the mirror fixing my tie I looked a mess right now. With Star rejection then to dream of the man I called father haunting me in my dream it's no wonder I'm like this. I needed something strong to drink to control these emotions that are running through me right now. Today will not be a day where I will break.

I left the compound and made my way to Rousseau's where the wake of Father Kieran's was being held. The Quarter is throwing an Irish-style wake in his honour complete with Irish music not forgetting lots of alcohol and tons of people who have gathered to share stories of Father Kieran and celebrate his life. I sat alone at a table with a glass of scotch pondering on my thoughts of how I could fix everything. I know they say once something is broken that it can't be repaired, but I refused to believe that there had to be a way to mend everything that had gone wrong. Even as I tried to think of that all that came into my mind was that dream of Mikael I was angry and annoyed because I still allowed him to affect me until this very day.

"Hey! Earth to you!" I came out of my thoughts to see Camille and I notice the wound on her face from where Kieran attacked her in the church last night.

"Your face—" I began to say but Camille stopped me in mid-sentence.

"--Will heal. Listen, I wanted to thank you—" I didn't want to hear thanks as I shouldn't of left her alone. If I had stayed neither her or Star would been hurt. It still boggling my mind why Star was even there she wasn't one to go church. I held up my glass to Camille.

" --Unless you've come equipped with the means to fill this, no additional platitudes are necessary." Camille looked at me before taking a sit in front of me with a worrisome look upon her face.

"Okay... I'm in a crap mood because my uncle just died, and people are partying like its Mardi Gras. Is Star okay? Has something happened to her and the baby?" She spoke with fear in her voice after what her uncle had attempted to do to her. I didn't reply as there was far too many thoughts that were running through my mind today. "Klaus, seriously, what's going on?" She demanded and I looked at her and there was definite fear in her eyes. Whether it was because of guilt or that she care that was unknown to me.

"Star, and the baby are fine Camille." A look of relief filled her face as I told her that. I was grateful too that they were both ok I wouldn't know what I would do if I was to lose either of them. I felt that my world was falling apart now if the day ever came where that would happen I really don't know what I would do. "I've been having these dreams about my dead father." Camille seemed stunned with mentioning my father but I didn't need her to tell me the reason behind it all. I knew exactly why I was had that dreadful nightmare. "No diagnosis necessary, love. I've already got this one covered: my fears of fatherhood, of scarring my children as my father scarred me, are manifesting as nightmares." I smiled at her fakely and consumed my drink straight after. "It's horrifically cliché." Which it was because more than anything I vowed to myself that I would not be like him that I would show my children love and affection. To be there for them not to raise my voice or lost my temper but to help them understand. With my son I would want to do all the fatherly thing that all father and son like play baseball go to a football game, do all the things that would make our bond even stronger. With my daughter I would be there for a dance recital or sit there with her while having a picnic with her teddy bear. Whatever my children wanted from me in affection and attention I would give it to them, because that something a true father would do they would stop the world around them for something so precious in their lives.

"Truthfully? I'm just surprised to hear you acknowledge out loud that you're going to be a dad. Your wife.... Star is your wife?" I didn't respond to that I just looked down into my drink as she was right, I'd never made it all public knowledge I was going to be a father. Or the fact how happy I was about it all I was concerned about was what was rightfully mine. To win back this city I guess looking at all of it now I didn't deserve to be a father. "You disowned, and embarrassed her by sleeping with the enemy." Camille kindly reminded me of the terrible actions that I had done towards Star I didn't need reminding of my actions as the regret of them were weighting me down already. "Your other baby mama has been living out in the bayou for months, it's not exactly 'What To Expect When You're Expecting.'" I looked up to see Marcel enters the bar. I knew what fatherhood entailed and what was expected of me. I did it once many years ago and I knew it wasn't an easy task to taken on.

"I know more about the trials of fatherhood than you might imagine, Camille." I turned to face her but she looked over at the bar to see Marcel. She turned back to me arching her brow.

"And it worked out for you so well the first time, why change a thing?" She spoke annoyed and leaves table. I caught Marcel's eye across the restaurant which triggers a memory....

Flash Back: 1830s New Orleans

I had saved Marcellus from the brutally that he had endured most of his young life. The stories he told me about what he had been through at such a young age broke my heart, he reminded me of myself when I was his age how Mikael would beat me for no apparent reason at times. All because I was the bastard child he loathed me. One thing I wanted for Marcellus was his freedom, yes I took him away from the horror he had been receiving I knew at any point this governor could claim what was his back and even though he wouldn't because I wouldn't allow it. It was for Marcel benefit more than anyone he deserved to hear that he was truly free from this life. I made my way to the Governor's home for a meeting, with young Marcel in tow behind me.

"Well, I see you've come to return some stolen property." He sat at his table looking at the both of us a little smugly. I could see that Marcellus was frighten that the governor was going to claim him back but that would never happen not on my watch.

"On the contrary, I've decided the boy shall remain with me." I spoke to him with a smile and glance over at Marcellus who was smiling now. I didn't want the boy to think I was returning him as that will never be the case not to this monster. They call me the beast the monster everyone should fear when a man such as he beats a child for no apparent reason. That's a monster in my eyes.

"Unfortunately, he's not for sale." He spoke firmly and it seems that I hadn't quite put my point across, I walked closer to the Governor as I did I saw definite fear appear in his eyes.

"Well, I do not wish to buy him. You will grant him his freedom." That was all I wanted for Marcellus to be free from this enslaved life he lived once. To be free from the binds that kept him here and this was the man who kept him tied.

"And if I say no?" He was being rather brave. I simply raises my eyebrows and grabs the Governor in a choke-hold.

"You seem to have misinterpreted the matter as up for debate." I spoke as I squeezed his throat until the Governor gave up.

"Fine! Take him!" I lets go and backs away to join Marcel on the other side of the room before turning to leave "He wasn't worth a damn to me anyway!" He yelled as we left the room every part of me wanted to kill him but I knew that would scar Marcellus. I was told that this man who mistreated him so badly was his father and as much as death would have been justice. As we left the house and walked off the property.

"They tell me he is your father. Is it true?" Marcellus nods but I could see the hurt in his eyes the same kind of hurt I used to feel at his age. I walked toward him "You know, my father hated me, too. The truth is, Marcellus, family can be more than just those with whom we share blood. We can choose." I watched as Marcellus was touched by my words as he begins to tear up. The truth is family doesn't have to be blood you can have a family bond with anyone who you feel connected to.

Present Day

I continues to think over everything while I drank at my table as I glances over at Marcel. Even till this day I still saw that young boy I save from that brutally I wanted to hate him like I wanted to hate my own sister for what they did but I couldn't. Marcel was a weakness to me, I did see him as my own child I raised him into the man he was today. There was some error in the way I did that and if I could of changed the things that I had done maybe this mess that happened wouldn't have happened. My fear of abandonment drove them both to attempt do a dastardly deed if anyone to blame it myself.

"I know I haven't been around these parts lately." Marcel spoke up and I glance over "It's a testament to Father Kieran that we could come together and share a drink, and a story or two." A smile appeared on his face, "Kieran rolled into town on a rusty old cruiser after his daddy died twenty-five years ago. And damnit, that guy could party!" He and the audience laughs "That was, of course, before he took his vows. But, even then, he was committed to the Quarter. He knew that this town needed him. And, we still do." Marcel raises his glass "To Father K!" Marcel was always so eloquent with his words at times and he knew how to get a crowds attention.

"To Father K." The crowed murmurs. The party drinks in his honour and goes back to their festivities. I notice that Camille becomes overwhelmed by the atmosphere and rushes into the back. I looked to see that my brother had joined me at the table.

"Seems rather uncivilized, to laugh and dance around the body of a loved one." Those were my thoughts on it I didn't see it being a party when one dies. It about grieving and trying to remember the person to pay your respects not to bloody dance around there grave like these lot. Elijah take the bottle that was in front of me and pours himself a drink.

"Yes, far better to practice your process of grief, Niklaus--denial, rage, and hoarding coffins in basements." I looked at him unimpressed by his comment of how I kept our siblings over the years. Then we had the honour of Hayley joining us at the table taking a sit between the both of us. "I will warn you, Hayley, Niklaus is in a spectacularly foul mood today. Could it be to the realisation that he may have lost the love of his life?" It seems that Elijah ears were perked up last night to know about Star not wanted to know.

"Sod off." I snapped at him before taking a sip of my drink. I didn't need reminding of my action right now. I see Hayley turn to me with a questionable look up on her face.

"Still treating the one woman who loved you unconditionally like trash?" Hayley spoke bitterly towards me. Her and Star couldn't stand the sight of one another but after that one night in the Bayou where Star did all she could to protect Hayley. A friendship was born two women very different in many ways but held 2 things that were alike. They were both abandon by their parents and they both carried a child of mine I bond I thought would never happen but then that say never say never. "What's the deal with these moonlight rings? Oliver's trying to set a revolution every five seconds, people are scared, angry, and frankly, I'm tired of stalling." I didn't need to talk about war strategies today. This wasn't the time or place about all this my concern was trying to get through this day and find out who intended to harm my child.

"It's a day of peace, Hayley. Try and enjoy it. And, in the meantime, with all manner of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back in with us." That's what I wanted with Star and Hayley both in the compound I knew that they were both safe. The time is drawing closer to the birth of my children and I will not allow anyone to hurt them.

"Awesome!" She spoke with sarcasm in her voice "Then, we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama, and then you two both realize I'm very capable of looking after myself." This wasn't a day for Hayley to be rubbing me up the wrong way. Most days I could tolerate it but today it wasn't going to happen.

"The rings are in progress. I will live up to my word. We will find and punish whoever launched the attack on the bayou, and you will return to the compound for your own safety!" Hayley sighs and rolls her eyes "But, right now—" I grabbed his bottle of scotch. "—I'm gonna finish this bottle—" I opened bottle "—and the next, in the hopes of drowning the demon who has chosen today to haunt me." I looked up at the ceiling "Cheers, Mikael. Impeccable, Freudian timing." I began to chug straight from the bottle. I needed something to numb out the thoughts that kept running through my mind.

"Elaborate." Elijah asked of me I place the bottle down and didn't say a word. "Have you dreamt of our father?" Now Elijah thought I was behaving like a mad man because I brought up Mikael name.

"Go ahead, have a good laugh." I told him bitterly and began to chug on the bottle of scotch again.

"I can assure you there is no piece of this that I find even remotely amusing, Niklaus." I stopped drinking from the bottle and placed it down. I could see Elijah expression was serious but also filled with concern. "Especially considering I've been dreaming of him, too." There was a slight tone of fear in his voice as he spoke of dreaming of our father too.

"What?" I half shouted as this couldn't be happening how could Elijah and I both dream of him on the same night.

"If you are also seeing him—" Elijah stops mid-thought when he notices Genevieve enter Rousseau's. She catches his eye, and smiles "—Perhaps our elusive, unknown enemy is orchestrating a further attack?" I stared over at Genevieve and I knew my brother was right only she could come up with something this devious.

"Well, then. What better way to punctuate a day of peace than by killing someone?" I smiled and waves at her. Oh I have been waiting for this day to finally strike her down and what a day to kill after the night I had. Elijah and I both left the restaurant and waited for come out. We both followed Genevieve as wanders into the Jardin Gris, closing the door behind her. Both of us followed her in she seemed a little edgy as she turns around she is startled when I appears behind her.

"You disappeared from the party." She smiled weakly which was an indication that she was guilty of something. Then Elijah enters the room, examining an athame.

"Do you care to explain why you would choose to torment us with visions of our father?" Elijah spoke calmly while Genevieve looked between the both of us surprised.

"Your father? I didn't. I wouldn't!" She spoke horrified but I had seen her act far too many time the one of her innocents.

"Of course, how foolish of me." Elijah spoke with slight humour in his voice as he approached her "It must have been that other witch that's been parading through our house in scraps of lace." I knew Elijah tactic were not going to work on her and maybe a different approach was in need.

"I know how talented you are with your tongue, Genevieve. Might I recommend you use it to provide answers? I would so hate to tear it from your mouth." I would even hesitate either as I was at breaking point right now. I watched as she laughed nervously.

"As much as I enjoy these repeated accusations of wrongdoings, I don't know what you're talking about. But, if you've both been seeing your dead father, I can try to get you answers." I stroked Genevieve's neck menacingly and I could hear that her heart was steady. She wasn't lying that she didn't have a part in all this. If she could find out what sorcery was behind all this then that was fine by me.

"Fine. Go." I demanded as I wanted answer of why this was happening. I didn't want to go through another night like that again.

"Niklaus, don't you dare let her—" Elijah began to say but this was our only way of finding out what the hell was going on.

"Go!" Genevieve quickly runs out the door and I walked towards a very angry Elijah "You don't trust her, and you're right not to. Only a fool would. But, she certainly wants us to, doesn't she?" I had a very good reason why I let her go because showing her mercy would allow me to get something in return. Something that would not only benefit me but others too.

"Let me guess, there's something of benefit for you in all of this, isn't there?" Elijah knew me far too well and he was right.

"I need a witch to make those rings for the wolves. Perhaps we'll get both answers and cooperation?" Elijah looked at me very intrigued and proud to a certain degree. One thing I knew was that fear is a weakness. It makes a person lose her nerve and her cool. It makes people jumpy and organizations nervous, and when that happens, there is always a chance to take advantage. That what I will be doing with this situation using what they tried to do to weaken me to bring it to my advantage.

Davina P.O.V

Since Star helped me to open up my magic it like I'm a different person I wasn't that broken Davina that that they brought back from the dead. I was confident and it was down to the woman who gave me the inspiration to be the best witch I could be. I found a lot out about Star in that one night like how she used to practise magic and how some of the spell we used today were created by her. I kind of felt I never really knew her in a way, then again I understood why she kept her identity but then to hear she was the daughter of Silas that was one thing that stunned me more than anything. I recalled stories about him and how if he rose that it would bring the end. Star told me he was awoken and the earth still spinning it made me realise not everything you're told is true. From that night when Star helped me focus back on my magic she has been helping me. With certain spells that my own coven don't know about but she wanted to teach me as much as she knew. Which in my eyes was a true honour considering who she once was.

There was something that I wanted to learn to do but I knew that Star would be dead against it that was trying to talk to the dead on the other side. Star spoke that it wasn't a good thing as people on the other side will tell you anything to mess with your mind all I wanted to know If Tim was okay. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was that he got involved in all this, because it was all my fault that he had died, I wanted him to forgive me for allowing that to happen. I guess you're wondering since I've got my magic under control what has it been like around here? Well Monique still think she like the queen B which annoys me, but I keep my temper under control. Abigail just goes with the flow she's not so much the trouble maker around here. Oh and 'leader' who has been screwing around with Klaus well she's been a little quite since the night of the party. Which was kind of perfect for me as I didn't have her on my back. I overheard her and Monique talking about some kind of request from the elders but once they saw me they both stopped talking.

Genevieve was out for the day for father Kieran funeral and she told us to work on some spells to improve our powers. We were all in the greenhouse working on a few spells of course Monique had to show off it was like death brought back a different person I don't remember her being such a bitch. As I was mixing a few ingredients together I looked up to see a guy walk in he looked at the three of us with a huge smile I sense there was something different from him. He wasn't human but I knew he wasn't a vampires.

"Davina Claire, just the witch I was looking for." He spoke as he came over to me. Did I know him? I would have remembered some who looked as handsome as this. So how did he know me?

"And you are?" Monique spoke rudely to him and he turned to look at her with a slight evil glint in his eye.

"Monique Deveraux. The teenage bitch who thinks she above every one, because her mommy died for this stupid harvest rubbish nonsense." He began to mock her as he took a step towards her and I could see she was muttering a spell and then this guy began to laugh at her. "I wouldn't do that if I was you—" Monique raised her hand to attack, but instead it sent her flying across the room. " I told you not to do that." He shrugged his shoulders and then looked over to where Abigail and I were standing.

"I don't want any trouble. I don't know how you know me, but you need to leave." I stated to him calmly as using magic on him wasn't really an option with what just happened with Monique. Not like she didn't deserve it with that attitude she has these days.

"We are practically family Davina." He was really freaking me out now because I didn't have any family left apart from Star I've never seen this guy in my life before. "I believe you know my daughter Ophelia...." I looked at him frowning then he slapped his forehead. "I'm sorry she goes by that dreadful name Star." Then it all began to click was this Star father the immortal Silas?

"Your Star father? You're Silas?" I watched as a huge smile appeared on his face as I mention his name. He didn't look old enough to be her father if anything you would have thought they were brother and sister if anything.

"Yes the one and only." He spoke a little smugly then looked at Abigail who was standing beside me. "Abigail I think its nap time." As soon as he said that she collapsed passed out I crouched down tried to wake her but she wasn't responding.

"What did you just do to her?" I yelled at him. He raised his hands in surrender as he crouched down on the other side of her.

"Davina relax she's literally taking a nap. Of course I wanted to speak to without the scheming witches listening in." I didn't understand why someone like Silas would want to speak to me.

"What do you want from me?" I spoke a little calmly to not show my concerns but I knew I was failing as Silas looked at me with a slight look of sorrow in his eyes.

"Please don't be frighten for a start. Star speaks of you as family, and I would never harm family." He sounded genuine as he spoke I could tell that Star meant the world to him. He got to his feet and so I did the same. "On my unborn grandson life I'm not here to harm you. I wanted your help and in return I will help you." I believed he wouldn't hurt me but what did he want my help with? This was the immortal Silas that everyone feared why would he need my help?

"I don't know what you expect from me you're like billion times more powerful than me." Which was true this was the great Silas what did he want from me? I looked at him and he seemed really deep in thought. He didn't seem as scary as everyone made him out to be he just looked like a normal guy, but I felt something radiate from him I don't know if it was his power or possible his emotions but there was something.

"You care for my daughter a great deal don't you?" I didn't know if that was more of a question or a statement. All I knew is I loved and cared for Star dearly since coming back and having her back in my life I didn't feel so alone in this world no more.

"Star like a mother to me. Why you asking me about my connection with Star?" There had to be a reason behind all this because he assured me that he wasn't here to hurt me. So why all the questions?

"Davina the closer Star is getting to have her baby the less time I have to do this." I was totally confused with what he was trying to tell me. What was it that he wanted to do? "I did something incredibly stupid and plan to correct it but I need your help." He spoke as he came a little closer. I didn't feel scared or anything but hearing that this had something to do with Star and the baby I was worried. What could her father have done? Cause the look upon his face was just riddle with guilt right now.

"Help you do what?" I tried to keep my tone calm as I was a little frighten to hear the answer to this question.

"When Star is going to give birth to her son it will kill her, it's part of the consequences of this spell I placed on her for her to be able to have a child." As he spoke I felt my jaw drop slightly in hearing that Star was going to die. She couldn't die I had only just got her back in my life. "I need you to help me save my daughter life." I looked up to see Silas looking at me with tear filled eyes. There was no way I was going to let Star die not after hearing how much she couldn't wait to be a mom. If there was a way of saving her I'm in and I do not care of the consequences or what the elder attempt to do to me. Star was all I had left as family and I will not allow her to die.

Star P.O.V

When Nik finally spoke the words of how he was in love with me. Not your average in love he spoke of like the truly madly deeply kind and it was everything I wanted to hear. I wanted him to bare his soul to me and tell me what was in his heart. When he did and he asked if I would take him back in my mind I was screaming 'YES' but as soon as my mouth opened I told him I couldn't. Then the look on Nik face in that moment felt like someone had ripped out my heart. I couldn't be near him no longer so I went into the bathroom as I closed the door I broke down and cried. Why didn't I turn around to him that what I wanted to? It's because of my fears. I'm scared that if I allow my feeling for him to take over because even though now I see my Niklaus.

It doesn't take away the pain I've felt over the weeks all the hurtful words that were said. The one thing that hurt more than any of the cruel words was how he became intimate with another woman. It's crazy as in your mind your so forgiving you think that you can't be without this person. That you're hopelessly in love with him and you can forgive and forget but in reality it's a lot different. I just couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear as much as I wanted to tell him that. I had learned to bandage myself up on the outside the wound remained just as bad and deep as the moment it had been made. When it became obvious that the one person I wanted above all others was never ever going to be with him.

That is life, isn't it? Fate. Luck. Chance. A long series of what-if's that lead from one moment to the next time never pausing for you to catch your breath. To make sense of the cards that have been handed to you. And all you can do is play your cards and hope for the best because in the end it all comes back to those three basics. Fate. Luck. Chance. It's like being at a table in Vegas and gambling on your future away. Taking a chance or taking a risk on how your life would plan out. How often you wonder has the direction of your life been shaped by such misunderstandings? How many opportunities have you been denied or for that matter awarded because someone failed to see you properly? How many friends have you lost? How many have you gained because they glimpsed some element of your personality that shone through for only an instant and in circumstances you could never reproduce? It's like an illusion of water shimmering at the far end of a highway.

After I got showered and changed I went back into the bedroom and Nik was gone I climb into bed and pulled the covers to my shoulders. I began to reflect over everything that happened and I was still having that battle with my head and heart I always had this analogy of our relationship of how easy it would be for a lamb to lose herself in the eyes of a wolf that first time. She would be unprepared. She would be frightened. Her little heart would pound. Blood would flow to her limbs. Her breathing would catch and quicken. Perhaps the wolf would consume her. I think in most cases, he would. Yes. But this lamb possesses something that arouses his curiosity and makes him hunger for something more than flesh or blood. And so the wolf lay with the lamb. That was Nik and I there was something that was deeper between us. As scary and frightening as he is there was a caring and nurturing side which lead the wolf fall for the lamb.

I woke up in the morning to my phone beeping I grabbed it from the side and saw that I had a message from Camille apologizing about what happened, she spoke how today would be father Kieran funeral and she understood if I didn't attend. So I replied back to her stating I will be paying my respects to him I knew that wasn't the man that the French Quarters respected.

I climb out of bed and walked over to the dresser grabbed some fresh underwear before heading to the bathroom. I showered and dried myself off then placed my underwear on. As I walked back in to the room I saw my reflection in the mirror I hadn't realized how huge my baby bump was and how much it had dropped. I read online that when it starts to drop it means that the child will be coming soon. The strange thing is I haven't has the brack and hicks which is like pre-labour pains I shook that thought from my mind and went into my closet and took out a black maxi dress. I placed it on and done my hair by curling it slightly then added some make up.

I took one finally look in the mirror and I looked a lot better than I did an hour ago. I walked out of the room as I did I went into Damon room and typical he was still snoozing. I woke him up and told him that we have a funeral to go to. He just looked at me all disorientated I told him he had twenty minutes to get ready or he have to deal with a hormonal Star today. As I walked out he kept asking who died I chose not to reply I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of blood and went into the living room. That's where I came face to face with Elijah who deep in thought until my entrance.

"Star...."Elijah spoke a little surprised as if he didn't expect to see me. "I heard what happened last night are you sure you should be on your feet?" I loved that Elijah cared about me so much but I was fine after last night's horrors with father Kieran. Today was about fake smiled and not thinking about what been bothering me the whole night.

"I'm fine Elijah. And I'll be attending Father Kieran funeral—" I began to say but he stopped me talking in mid-sentence.

"The man nearly killed you." He spoke firmly and I understood why he thought I was crazy to go but he was being a little hypocritical as he was dressed to go.

"I'm not dead, and you can't really talk, you're dressed to go." As said that he gave me an apologetic expression. I knew why he was going to pay his respect not for the monster from last night but the good man that we all knew. "I just want to pay my respects for the man that was good, and cared for this city. Not the monster that attacked me last night." A small smile appears on his face as he came closer to me and placed his hands on either side of my shoulders.

"That's truly honourable of you Star." He spoke with sincerity in his voice. "You look beautiful." He leans in and kisses my forehead then his eyes advert to my swollen bump that looked like I had a huge soccer ball. "I see from your appearance my nephew will be making a grande entrance soon." He placed his hand on the top of my bump as he did I felt my little buddle of joy kick away for his uncle. A huge beaming smile appear on Elijah face. "Amazing..." I took a step back and drained the glass of blood then placing the empty glass on the table.

"Well let's hope it's not today." I really didn't know when he was going to make an appearance as I'm not having no indication of pre-labour. This bump was getting beyond ridiculous in size I looked like I was going to pop in any moment.

"Genevieve." Elijah spoke suddenly and I turned around to see the she devil approaching us with the way she was looking at me I think our truths was over.

"I asked around. It's not just your father. The purgatory where supernatural souls are trapped is disintegrating." I had no idea what she was talking about I think I've missed one huge conversation. "It's all down to her evil father." She snapped me out of my thoughts as I saw her glaring and pointing towards me.

"What do you mean, "Disintegrating?" Elijah spoke with concern in his voice "Star father? What does Silas have to do with this?" That exactly what I wanted to know because if this harlot making accusation of something and pinning it on my father because of what he did to her. I swear I'll kill her myself. I looked up to see Nik enter the room with an annoyed expression at first then our eyes met and his expression changed slightly it was the same look he gave me last night the one that was filled with love and adoration.

"She's right... more or less. It's actually imploding. A made a call to a rather reluctant Bennett witch in Mystic Falls. Who said when Star and her completed the expression triangle it took away the veil to the other side." I have no idea of what he was talking I didn't take no veil down with Bonnie this all had to be some kind of mistake. "The dead are being torn away into nothingness. And, they're not interested in going quietly." This was terrible but I'm not having the blame be put on my father o myself.

"I have no idea of what you're talking about." I snapped at Nik then my attention went to Genevieve "And you mind your mouth about my father." I raised my voice to her as she was just poisoning the minds of the brother all so that they will turn on my father.

"Silas is the reason to the other side destruction all so he could be reunited with his one true love." She spoke bitterly and I knew this was lies as he told me that he wouldn't do that. He promised me that he wouldn't go ahead with trying to be with my mother. "I believe that your dead mother." That I was it she had finally pushed me I was about to go for her when Elijah stopped me.

"Star please keep your composure." He spoke calmly. How did he expect me to hold my composure with her in the room? "So, you're saying that our father, faced with permanent extinction, has decided to spend his remaining tormenting us? How delightful!" I looked at Elijah what did he mean by Mikael tormenting them? I was about to speak but Nik spoke.

"Well, on the plus side, we'll soon be rid of his abhorrent soul forever. And what a good riddance that will be!" Nik spoke with joy in his voice I knew it wasn't no secret of his hatred to his so called father. "So maybe I should be thanking Silas for his deed." He looked at me and smiled then my eyes went to the she whore who stood there and sighed.

"So, am I in the clear, Elijah? Or is there a new conspiracy you two would like to threaten me over?" I had plenty to say to her but I knew if I attempted anything Elijah or Nik may stop me.

"Nothing springs to mind at this precise moment..." Elijah spoke with slight humour and I had to try and fight back my smile. He knew she was devious and had some kind of scheme plotting away.

"Oh, gee. Thanks." She stops in front of Nik before she leaves "I have to get back to the girls. Perhaps after the funeral, you and I could spend some time together. Alone?" I stood there and I couldn't believe what I was seeing right now. I was ready to blow but as Elijah asked me I would keep my composure for now because I want to know what Nik response was going to be. He looked over at me for a moment then back at her.

"I suppose we'll have to see." He spoke smugly and Genevieve sighs in annoyance and starts to leave before Elijah and Nik could notice I walked towards her.

"Genevieve..." She turns around as she did I swung my right arm and punches her in her face making her stumble back. She held her cheek as the blood began pouring from her nose. "W-o-w that felt good." I spoke as I flexed my and it really did feel good doing that. I looked up to see Damon standing in front of me with an impressed look upon his face.

"Well I did come in here to say I was ready—" He looked at her as she walked pass him holding her face ashamed of what happened. "—By the way nice right hook" Damon spoke proudly as I approached him.

"Thanks...." I couldn't help but smile because she had that coming for a while. I didn't look back at the brothers and neither of them have spoken. To be honest I didn't care for their thoughts on my action in my eyes she deserved that.

Damon and I left the compound and he spoke of how Elijah and Nik stood there speechless after I hit Genevieve. Honestly after doing that to her I just felt like a weight been lifted off my shoulder. I was tired of been walked on and I swear if I wasn't pregnant it would of done some serious damage to her. As we were about to get in the car I saw Monique across the street I closed the door and began to make my way over to her.

"Monique." I called out and she stopped in her tracks and turned to me "I think we have an overdue conversation." This girl clearly had an attitude and I didn't understand why but I wasn't going to tolerate it no longer.

"I have nothing to say to you." She spoke bitterly and was about to walk off but I caught hold of her arm.

"Well I do." She turned to me clenching her jaw she didn't like the fact that I wasn't going to back down. "You pull anymore of your stunts. If you ever and I mean ever put Davina down. I will not hesitate to take you down." I threaten her and I meant every word. She tried to take her arm back but I held onto it tightly. "Do you understand?!" I raised my voice as I wanted to make it clear to her that I was not playing a game.

"Star what are you doing?" I heard Damon voice and I turned to see him approaching us.

"Just having a little chat with Monique" I turned back to Monique who didn't look happy whatsoever but I didn't care I wanted to make my warning clear. "We have an understanding now don't we?" She snatched her arm from me and gave me an evil glare.

"Yeah you made everything perfectly clear." She turned away and began to walk off. She was such a bratty thing I swear if she wasn't a child I would done the same to her as what I did to that harlot who hit on my husband right in front of me.

"Is your plan today to piss off every witches in New Orleans?" Damon asked and I shrugged my shoulder I didn't care if I pissed them off. I senses something weird overcome me like a chill so I simply wraps my coat around me tightly and continues walk towards the car.

Outside, the funeral procession is walking down the street to the sounds of the jazz music being played behind the priests acting as pallbearers for Father Kieran. Damon and I walked through the parade and I felt flushed like hot flushes every so often then I kept having coughing fits in between. I didn't know what was wrong but I didn't feel right.

"You alright? You look—" Damon began to say and I stopped him in mid-sentence.

"—A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?" Which was exactly like I felt right now. Damon was right I was waging war against the witches today but quite frankly I didn't care.

"I was going to say you look lovely." He shook his head while wrapped his arm around my shoulder. A typical Damon line to always comfort me when I'm feeling crappy about myself.

"Always the charmer Damon." I spoke with sarcasm in my voice as I knew it was just for comfort I saw myself in the mirror and I know exactly how I look. I was the Star that everyone knew I looked more like a house than anything else.

"No I mean it you do." Damon insisted once again and I just looked at him arching my brow. "Star I know things haven't turned out to well here in New Orleans, with you and Klaus—" He began to say but I knew what he was going to comment on so I stopped him in mid-sentence.

"Not working out?" Which we didn't there had been so much bad blood between us that this time it wasn't as easy to just forgive. I wish I could. I wish I could turn around and say yeah everything fine let go back to how we were. You want to know the truth behind why I can't allow myself to just give into my heart? It's because of my son. If I don't die. If I live and this nonsense that been scaring me I don't want my son to think it's acceptable to hurt the one you claim to love. To love another person you don't hurt them you don't give them wound that cut deep. You overcome your challenges in your relationship. I once said I hoped that my son held some of Nik qualities and this wasn't one of them. I needed to set an example for him because I don't want him in the future to hurt the one he loves and think its okay she will willingly forgive him. That's not how it works and I needed to stop that cycle even as much as it pains me. "It really does sadden me how everything turned out. You know I remember telling you that coming here was going to be a fresh start. While being here I got everything I wanted and more—" I looked down and touched my bump and I felt my child pleasantly kick away and I couldn't help but smile. "—I know I'm going to be doing this alone." That was if I was going to survive this child birth.

"That's not true." Damon stops suddenly turning me to him. "Star no matter what happens you will always have me standing by your side through all this. Okay" He spoke with conviction in his voice. I knew he would stand by myside no matter what and I guess I tend to forget that about Damon.

"I know Damon. Thank you." I looked over his shoulder to see Cami. "I be right back I just want to check Camille okay." Before Damon could say anything I walked away and tried to catch up to her. "Cami!" She stopped and turned to me with a surprised expression I guess she didn't expect me to really turn up.

"Star, hi." I sense she felt a little guilty about what happened last night and her face was covered in bruises from her uncle's attack.

"I just want to say that the man I saw last night wasn't your uncle." She stopped and looked at me I could see her eyes fill up with tears. "I know I didn't know him too well but what I do know is that he was respected. I know what it feel like to be a pawn for the witches. All I'm trying to say is that monster that attacked the both of us, wasn't him," Camille tears began to over spill over eye lids and down her cheeks. "Just please promise you'll remember him for who he was, and not what they turned him into." I began to feel emotional myself as I spoke to her. I know I didn't know him but I guess it was sad that someone with such a kind heart was turned into something he never wanted to be.

"Thank you Star." She spoke as she wiped away her tears "Are you and the baby okay?" I guess that was her biggest worry with throwing myself of a balcony then for her uncle to nearly drain me dry.

"Depends on your definition of okay. Life can be really messy and complicated." That was my life just complicated nothing never went smooth sailing. That wasn't the life of Star Mikaelson happiness wasn't at my reach and when it was something would just take it away. I saw from a far Nik walking with Elijah and Hayley deep in thought.

"From that response, you mean Klaus?" Camille broke me out of my thoughts from looking over at the Mikaelson and I turned to look at her.

"It doesn't matter. I'm sorry about your uncle." I gave her a small smile before walking off. I just came here to say to her not to recall her uncle how he was. Not to be psycho analyses.

"Star...." Camille called out and I stopped and turned to her. "If you ever need someone to talk to—" She began to say and I just smiled.

"Thank you Camille." As I walked away I started to cough again and I felt a little woozy. I leaned against a light post to try and pull myself together. This cough wouldn't stop it felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt something wet on my hand I looked to see that I was coughing up blood. I couldn't control it I felt weak and my legs couldn't hold my weight no more I collapses on the sidewalk. The last thing I saw was three figures coming towards me before blacking out.

Klaus P.O.V

I had done my investigating on why Elijah and I had been seeing our father in our dream and how he was enjoying tormenting us. It seem that Silas had been a very bust man since he had awoken I spoke to the Bennett witch and she made a confession that it was her and Star who started this off. I didn't understand what involvement Star had with this. Bonnie spoke of how when she came off the island Silas was in her mind and made her do some despicable things like making Star take part in the ritual to take down the supernatural veil against her will. I was trying to wreck my mind if I recalled any of this because from when Star came off that island she was a vampire. A vampire with no humanity but she would of recalled something like this. Wouldn't she? The good side to all this is every supernatural being on the other side was being sucked into oblivion. Which was an advantage as it was a matter of time before Mikael would be. One thing I wanted to know was why Star had told me that she conspired in this, she held a lot of secrets and this bothered me more than anything because it made me wonder what other skeleton she had in her closet.

I made my way back home and as I walked in Genevieve was informing Elijah and to my surprise Star of the reason behind all this. As I looked at Star she looked breath taking I felt that I couldn't speak for a moment just by her presence I would lose all of my senses that was the kind of affect she would have on me. I shook that all away and confirmed what Genevieve had spoken and this did not please Star at all it didn't help with the fact that Genevieve adding a few hurtful thing that would get to Star. There was nearly an altercation about to arise but before I could intervene Elijah stopped Star from attacking the witch she was still as feisty as ever even as heavily pregnant as she was. It didn't stop there though as Genevieve had to push one more time by making some kind of pass at me. Every part of me wanted to say go to hell but I needed a witch to make these moon rings so I declined her offer for now.

Then Star did an act that truly astonished me, she punched Genevieve in the face as doing so I heard something crack. Both Elijah and I stood there astounded by what we had seen of course Damon was extremely proud of her. As was I because for a long time I looked at Star as this weak fragile human but she reminded me in that moment she wasn't. I wanted to speak to her and see if she was okay but Elijah said it was best for Star just to be with her friend. My actions with Genevieve didn't help with the rage that was brewing inside her as much was I wanted to protest with him I knew my brother was right. Star was in a critical condition right now and didn't need addition stress.

So we left the compound to go and pay our respects. As we walked with the parade Hayley was between the both of us I hadn't spoken much as I was reflecting on Star's actions. She spoke of that we couldn't be together, but her actions proved otherwise I saw how she stood there looking at me with that same adoring look as she always did. I knew I was doing the same in return but what stood between us was a wall of treachery. Yes I forgave Star for harbouring such a secret as she did because when I regained my sanity I knew she did it to protect me. But while in my delusion where I thought that she played me for a fool I had hurt her in so many way. I hurt the woman I loved in so many ways that this time she couldn't forgive me.

Do I give up and not try no longer? No because that not who I am. I have fought many wars in my lifetime from the war with my parents to the people who have tried to take me down. In the end I always succeeded. This battle. The battle to win Star heart back I intend not lose I will not just show her by the words I spoke how much I love her but I will prove it by action. Falling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the sceptic, of a passion of desire. True love is felonious ... You take someone's breath away... You rob them of the ability to utter a single word... You steal a heart. Under these circumstances I didn't mind that it was stolen from Star as I knew as she stole mine in return I had stolen hers.

"Do you think I was the target of those bombings?" Hayley spoke breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned to her and I notice that she was looking over at Francesca. Of course she was the target to this attempt to wage war,

"Of course you were the target! Were I to wage a war on the wolves, you'd be my first kill! I would string you up, for all your worshippers to see." Hayley glares at me looking unimpressed with my little plot of what I would have done. Well I only spoke the truth also the fact I wanted her to return to the compound where I knew she would be safe. I didn't need anything to happen to her now that her life meant that my daughter life was endanger too.

"I believe that was my brother's way of telling you he'd like you to return home with us." Elijah understood my dastardly way of telling Hayley to return to the quarters. He looks over to me "Perhaps try a different approach, Niklaus, with fewer references to murder?" Elijah always wanted me to sugar coat everything for Hayley I knew it was because of his lustful thoughts for her. I guess it was his way to protect her.

"As much as I would hate to throw you over my shoulder, and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know I will," Hayley looked at me arching her brow while I smiled at her. "For the sake of my child." I didn't want her to think of any other reason. In truth Hayley meant nothing to me it was all about that cargo she was carrying. Even though I felt like that I knew I couldn't push her away she would always be the mother of my daughter. That would mean that she will be a part of my life too as much to my disliking.

"One bad dream, and suddenly, you want to be a responsible daddy!" I wrapped my arm around Hayley and pulls her close, leaving Elijah standing awkwardly beside us.

"Let me put this into perspective: my father lived to torment me. It is not my intention to become him. This cycle of misery ends with my son and daughter." I whispered to her as that not what I wanted. I didn't want either of my children to go through what I did and I was determined to end it.

"Mmm." She yanks my arm away from her with a fake smile "You forgot one thing in your little attempt to plead your case-- she's not your child. She's ours." Hayley walks away from both of us as we started to walk down the sidewalk.

"Very heartfelt, Niklaus." I rolled my eyes I wasn't in the mood for another one Elijah talks about how I should and shouldn't speak to his beloved Hayley. "I see this mood because of Star?" Was it all that obvious? I notice that he stopped but I continued to walk I wasn't in the mood for his 'talks' "Niklaus that woman is the best thing that has happened to you in a thousand years. Won't you let this feud be over with?" I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. He really did think I was big bad wolf which yes I was. I wanted it all to end and I tried I put my heart on the line and told her exactly what I felt.

"There no feud brother I told Star exactly how I feel about her." Elijah stood there glaring at me as he thought I probably told her I hated her. How I wanted nothing to do with her but I had told her the opposite. "I told her I loved her. That I couldn't see a life without her." I watched as Elijah seemed surprised by this revelation that I finally came to my sense and brushed away my anger. "It wasn't reciprocated." I looked away from him. I knew this was all my fault that if I just accepted from the start that all she did was try to protect me from the hurt and pain of it all. None of this would have happened Star wouldn't hate me for all the cruel and vial things that I had done because all it did was make her love for me fade away. The one person who always stood by my side gone because of my stupid actions.

"Niklaus are you so blinded?" Elijah grabbed me by my shoulder making me look at him. "That woman loves you, and her cantankerous actions to Genevieve showed otherwise to what she may have told you." Elijah spoke with compassion in his voice as he believed that Star felt something towards me. "Brother there is still a chance. Do not lose hope." Those two words once again being spoken to me 'Chance & Hope' That all I keep hearing but was there any truth behind it all? I didn't feel any of that or was that because I was trying to protect my heart.

"Klaus...." I heard Genevieve call out and as I looked over at her I see Star on the ground. I rushed over to her and she looked half dead.

"Arhhh!" I heard Genevieve scream as I looked up I see Damon attacking her.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" He screamed at her as he was about to lung into her throat but Elijah took him off her.

"Damon stop. Do not waste your time with such a vial creature." Elijah spoke calmly and my eyes went back to Star who had blood trickling from her mouth. "Niklaus...." Elijah picked up a lifeless Star in his arms. "We need to bring her home." With that he began to walk away. I was in complete shock to see her like that it wasn't something I expected and my fear was not only for Star life but the life of our child. We arrived at the compound and Elijah lay Star on a table. I turned to see that Genevieve was with us. My eyes adverted to angry Damon who looked that he was going to attack her while he held Star hand pleading her to come around.

"I can help—" Genevieve began to say but Damon pushes her away from the table in his anger.

"Don't you touch her!" He growled at her while his face turned ready to attack her. Genevieve looked frighten and I knew what was happening now wasn't her fault. She was once a nurse she might know what going on with Star. Maybe she wasn't fully heal from last night that this was to do with that.

"Let it be Damon. She was a nurse." He looked at me with disbelief and the rage in his eyes turned towards me.

"Really a nurse. How convenient Star hits her and what an hour later she like this!" Damon yelled at the top of his lungs. I knew that Star meant a great deal to him but yelling and screaming right now wasn't what we needed. I was trying so hard to keep myself together right now I didn't need him to have his tantrum.

"I assure you this is nothing to do with me." Genevieve spoke with sincerity in her voice and I listen to her heart and it was steady. Which meant she either an incredible liar or she was telling the truth.

"Oh yeah you wanna play hero so that asshole can pay you in kindness." Once again Damon lost his temper as he began to go for her once again but Elijah once again stopped him.

"Damon. The more this bickering continues the more Star will deteriorate." Damon stood there glaring at Genevieve as she stood there with fear in her eyes. I looked down at the table and Star didn't look any different if anything her colouring was beginning to fade.

"There's a spell I can do. Damon get chamomile from the pantry." Reluctantly Damon leaves to go and get what she asked for. She looked at Star who is barely conscious "She's trembling. Your jacket Klaus." I removed my jacket and laid it over Star as I did I notice that she wasn't breathing.

"She's not breathing, I can hear the baby's heartbeat, but not hers." I felt myself begin to panic as this felt like a repeat of 1494 when I lost her and couldn't do anything about it. Damon returns with the chamomile and Genevieve presses damp bundle of chamomile against Star's forehead and chants a spell.

"Coeur la sais patri avec mwen. Coeur la sais patri avec mwen." I held Star hand tightly praying for this to work but from the looks of it time was not on our side. I was frustrated and scared right now and I bit into my wrist and dribbles in into Star's mouth in hopes that it will heal her.

"Come on!" All it did was over flow from her mouth. I looked at Elijah in fear as I couldn't lose her not again this couldn't be happening right now.

"She's still not breathing. It's not working!" Damon angrily throws a table against the brick wall, shattering it into pieces. You never knew the last time you were seeing someone. You didn't know when the last argument happened, or the last time you looked into their eyes and thanked God they were in your life. After they were gone? That was all you thought about.

Davina P.O.V

Silas was freaking me out slightly as he spoke about wanting my help to save Star. I asked him to basically tell me what we were saving her from because I couldn't comprehend all this. He sat down with me and began to explain everything from the beginning. As he spoke of what happened two thousand years ago how he fell in love with Star mom. That he was foolish to play with the heart of the woman who loved him. Silas was filled with a lot of regret and the way he spoke of his daughter made me wish I knew my own father. He loved her that much that he felt it was his fault that she lived this long immortal life. Walking the earth never to truly be the woman that she was meant to be. I didn't quite know what he was getting at but then he told me about the spell he had cast on her so she could be mortal. That he hoped that with her becoming human she would finally realize that her life would be better off without Klaus.

It didn't turn out that way because the spell he cast on her was a trick that the travellers knew he would eventually use on his daughter. Or that Star would use upon herself. This spell was to assure that Star would carry the child that would end white magic all together something that the travellers have been wanting for centuries. Silas spoke how he thought that his daughter was blinded by Klaus that because he had lived a life similar to hers that was the reason behind them being together.

He showed me a piece of parchment that was written in Latin from over two thousand years ago prophesised that unum praeditos and the original hybrid will have a child that will end magic. It was like no matter what they were destined to be together as their souls were entwined. I was taken back by all this but that wasn't the worst of it all. This child will destroy magic but it will bring the end to unum praeditos Silas explained that even though Star was human in this moment she will always be that and her fate was always sealed with this death. It was all crazy and heart breaking at the same time because I knew how much Star wanted this baby. The real question I wanted to know was why Silas was telling me all this. What was it that he wanted from me? He wanted me to cast a spell during the time that Star is about to give birth. An animam pro anima spell which was a soul for a soul spell. Silas wanted me do this but it wasn't going to be any soul that would be transferred to Star it would be his.

"Your immortal that can't be done...." I watched as a smile appeared on his face.

"Not no longer." He grabs athame that was on the side and cut into his hand so it bleeds but it doesn't heal. "I took the cure that I refused to take for her. For my Ophelia. I'm mortal. I'm a witch just like you." This was craziness I understood what he wanted to do and it was a selfless act to save his only child I just didn't understand why I needed to be part of it all.

"If you're a witch then why can't you just do the spell?" I questioned him and it was reasonable question to ask. He finished wrapping a bandage around his wound and looked at me.

"Davina you are by far the most powerful witch I've come across since Qetsiyah, may she rot in hell." He really didn't like his ex and who could blame him. I think the phase of a woman scorned came from her with the length she went to destroy his life. "When this spell cast I need to be by my Ophelia. She can't know of what I'm willing to give up for her." I felt my jaw drop slightly as he expected to keep all this from Star. He was going to die and not tell her the reason behind it all.

"It will destroy her you know that don't you?" It was more of a statement than anything else as I knew Star adored him. Regardless of his faults he was her dad and she loved him dearly.

"I destroyed her life a long time ago, and it's time for me to do the right thing. Not only for my Ophelia but for my grandson he deserve to know his mother. To know how truly special she is." I took a step back from him as this was all far too much. I was told that Silas was a cruel man who was after his own self gain kinda of like Klaus. What I saw in front of me wasn't that he was willing to do whatever it took so his daughter could live a life of happiness.

"Wow..." I was utterly speechless right now. "I heard stories about you that made me shudder but I never expected for you to be..... So noble." That how I saw all this it was a life for a life a guarantee that Star would survive the fate that was inevitable to come.

"I'm misunderstood." He spoke just above a whisper and I looked to him. All I could see was sorrow in his eyes he truly felt guilt for all that had happened to Star. "When it comes to my daughter I'm willing to do whatever it takes." Well from everything I heard I knew that was the truth. Talk about a father love for his daughter. "I heard you speak to Ophelia about wanting to contact the dead." He spoke as he walked over and began to grab some herbs. "Well I might as well teach you a few things while I'm still around." I felt kind of honoured for him to be teaching me some spells but something like this I knew it would upset the elders. I have been there bad side once already I didn't want to go through all that again.

"I don't know if the ancestors would like us messing around in the spirit world." He turned around with a huge smile on his face.

"It's just a simple séance." I watched as Silas sets Tim's violin in the middle of a circle he drawn in chalk on the table and has scattered salt and herbs in various quadrants around it.

"What's that for?" I didn't understand why he was using Tim's violin.

"Wasn't this your friend Tim's the one that Klaus killed. I know he is the reason why you wanted to do this." I looked at him sceptically as I wasn't sure about all this. "Come on! What's the point of being a witch if we can't use our magic for stuff like this?" Silas was right we are witches and we should be able to do certain thing and I needed to stop being frighten. I smiles and nodded in agreement. We clutch each other's hands in order to share our magic for the spell.

"Elikopte fantomes soliter mouri, vous reveler..." We both began to chant as we did the wind starts to blow around us. Silas cuts my palm with an athame and drips the blood on Tim's violin. All of a sudden, the candles blow out, which scared the life out of me.

"Tim?" I called out as I could hear the song that he played for me on his violin starts to play around us. The wind chime near the window starts to play it as well. I felt a hand on my shoulder from behind as I turned to find the hand belonged to some unknown man.

"What a delightful tune." He spoke in a British accent then suddenly he disappears, and all the windows in the greenhouse shatter violently, and broken glass rains down upon us and I screamed in terror.

"I think that went better than I thought." Silas spoke with slight sarcasm in his voice. That was a clear sign from the elder that I shouldn't be messing with all this. I know Silas want me to help him and I will but I'm not planning on doing that again.

Star P.O.V

The Other Side

I slowly opened my eyes and I notice that I was on a table there was a strange haze around me like not everything was in colour I closed my eyes and opened them again thinking it was my vision but everything around me was like blue-hue. I notice I was in the courtyard in and it was completely empty. I tried to recall what happened after speaking to Camille. I remember feeling dizzy and that I couldn't stop coughing. My thoughts were stopped when I saw something move as I looked up I see Mikael I could see him approaching me and I began to back away from him. I recalled the last time we came face to face with one another he was ready to kill me.

"This can't be happening." I watched as Mikael began to smirk as he knew that he was frightening the life out of me now.

"Star, what a pleasure it is to see you again." He spoke darkly with a smirk still upon his face. "See you decided to keep the spawn of the devil. Esther didn't allow you to see sense." None of this could be real right now I fainted and this is in my head.

"This is a nightmare. I'm dreaming." I repeated to myself out loud because this wasn't happening right now, Mikael was dead and I wasn't this was some kind of messed dream where I'm allowing my fears to mess with my mind.

"On the contrary, my darling-- this is very real." He spoke venomously then suddenly he's vamp-speeds over to me and put me in a headlock. I tried to fight him off but his grip was tight. "Welcome to my hell, stuck in an eternity of watching over that hideous creature my children call brother!" My heart was racing I didn't know what to do.

"You're dead! How can I be here?" Then I realized where I was. "Oh my god! NO!" I began to thrash around in his hold as this couldn't be possible I couldn't be here. "Noo! The baby!" I couldn't be dead this couldn't be happening right now.

"The baby?" Mikael mocked as I screamed again. "That kid never had a chance! And as if your bloodline isn't filth enough, you poison it by merging it with Klaus'?" He laughs manically. "The deathless vermin, fancying himself a daddy?" Hearing him talk about Niklaus like that brought rage to the surface the kind of rage that I had never felt before. I shrieked as I pushes myself out of his grip I picked up a coat rack and swings it at his head with all the force I could muster. I wasn't going to have him do this to me again I chose not to believe anything he is telling me. My baby wasn't dead and neither was I.

"He's not dead! I'm not dead! If I was dead, you wouldn't be trying to kill me!" I screamed at him as he regain his composure and gave me a deadly look "You're dead, Mikael. Your son already beat you!" Nik brought death to him and he can't accept that I watched as his rage came brewing the surface but I didn't care right now.

"HE is NOT MY SON! He's a scourge, a walking symbol of weakness!" He spat as he continue to stalk me around the table. "You are so stupid to believe his lies of how much loves and cares to for you." I knew what Mikael was doing he was trying to play with my emotions for what I felt for Nik. "I knew traveller were stupid, but you are dull beyond belief to believe that abomination could care for you and that thing festering inside you—" I felt my eyes glaze over as he spoke of Nik like this as all this time I thought the monster was Nik. The true monster was Mikael he was sick in the head and his heart was filled with so much hatred for Nik that it consumed him. "—Niklaus beds another woman before you. What do you do hang around still hoping that you'll unite. Are you that weak Star?!! Are you that pathetic?!!" He screamed at me while breaking a chair and I notice from the chair there was a broken piece that I could use on him. "There is no saving that atrocity festering in your womb. Klaus will destroy it, one way or another. Better he dies now, and you along with it!" I ran over and picked up the broken piece of broken chair that looked like a stake. I spun around and rushes at him stabbing him in the heart with the stake. "Ahhhhhh!" He screamed in pain.

"My son has an advantage Niklaus never had-- he will never, ever know you." I felt like I couldn't breathe and everything went dark around me.

Present Day

My eyes shot open as I gasp breath everything was back in colour I turned my head to my left and I see Damon rush over to me. He help me sit up and I felt someone rubbing my shoulder affectionately I looked to see that it was Nik.

"You're alright, love. You're alright." I climb of the table quickly and backed away from the four of them looked at me with worry.

"Star you're okay. Nothing going to hurt you. Okay." Damon spoke calmly as he tried to approach me as he did I took a step away from him.

"Nothing will ever be okay!" I screamed at him. What happened to me brought a lot of clarity to me. It opened my eyes to this life I let myself get involved in how foolish I have been. I looked to see Genevieve standing there with a worried look "You!" I pointed over at her "I know it was you who did this to me. On my child life I'm going to make you pay!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs then suddenly Nik was in front of me his eyes were filled with fear.

"Sweetheart what happened?" He spoke affectionately towards me while caressing my cheek. I kept shaking my head because I didn't want to believe what happened I didn't want to say it out loud because it meant it was real. I couldn't hold my tears back no longer because the fear and the heartache I was trying so hard to hold back wouldn't allow me.

"I saw him. He tried to kill me. I saw Mikael." I watched as Nik face was filled horror and I pushed him away from me and walked away crying.

I went into my room and just broke down further because I was tired of all this now. No matter what happens I'm dragged in to all this and Mikael was ready to take me down. Death frighten me and today being so close to that happening it's just opened up a lot within me. When we face our fear of death and slow down our busy lives, we come to realize our relationships are precious, a part of life's foundation. Knowing this fact helps us to understand that death's true purpose is to teach us how to live. I heard a knock on my bedroom door then to see it open and Nik walks in. I wiped away my tears and looked away from as I didn't need him to be around me right now.

"You've proved quite resilient." He spoke as he took a seat on the bed next to me turning my face so I was looking at him. "Fighters, both of you." He spoke as he wiped away my tears.

"I guess we've had to be. Especially lately." I looks at Nik and he was speechless by what I said it was the truth I had to deal a lot. Each and every step of the way I had to deal with it alone because Nik was always plotting away to get his precious city back.

"Come with me, hm?" He heads out the door, but stops when he sees that I wasn't following him "Please. I want to show you something." Reluctantly got up and follows Nik out the door. He brought me to the room where I had picked to have as the nursery for our son. As he opened the door it wasn't an empty room with paint swatches on the walls like I left it Nik had already set up to be a nursery complete with a crib a basinet, and a gorgeous mobile hanging from the ceiling, among other things. I stared in surprise as I was takes everything in as it was exactly how I picture it all in my mind. "I hope it's to your taste I tried to get everything you had on your list." Nik spoke and I sense he was a little panicky because I hadn't said anything. I walked over to the crib and touched the crystals hanging from the mobile. "Uh, you said you saw my father." Nik spoke nervously and I turned to him to see that his voice matched his expression.

"Why do you call him that? He's not your real dad." I tried to keep my voice as calm but I snapped involuntary at him as I stepped away from the crib making my way to the door. I didn't want this fictional happy family stuff right now because that what this was.

"He's done damage only a father could do." Nik appear in front of me blocking my exit to leave "What did he say to you?" He spoke with concern in his voice and all I want was to leave so I tried to get pass him but he wouldn't let me. "Star what was said?" Nik spoke firmly to me and that just enraged me further.

"The truth!" I yelled at him and he stood there arching his brow. "That I have been a fool to think that this would work. That I was stupid enough to think that you're capable to love." Once again I tried to pass him but he held me tightly by my shoulders.

"You're allowing his words to corrupt your mind Star. Do not let Mikael win." Is this what he thought it was about letting Mikael win? Everything that Mikael told me made me feel like the fool that he said I was.

"Nik I came to this city with you to start a new life with you, and I was so happy even with the whole Hayley situation. I decided to come here because I loved you. I couldn't see myself continuing a life without you." I felt a lump build up in my throat as I was speaking to him. Nik could see that I was getting upset as he came to hug me and shook my head backing away from him. "When you found everything out about 1919 the scheming plot to run you out of town. You didn't think for a moment that I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want to see you hurt." My anger about that situation was creeping up to the surface. As I spoke the tears began to pour from my eyes. "What do you go and do? You move on. Not just with anyone but the witch that cause all this." I looked into his eyes and he couldn't deny all this to me as he had great pleasure at the time flaunting that harlot in my face. Then today after him declaring his love to me the night before he couldn't even tell her where to go. No if you love someone you love them unconditionally do not jump into bed with the next person.

"Star, I know what I did and I know I hurt you a great deal." I watched as Nik eyes began to glisten and I knew he regretted what he had done but there was no way for it to go back to how we once was. "I don't know how to tell you how sorry I am." He cupped my face and looked deeply into my eyes "What I do know is that I will try and make it up to you, even if it takes me an eternity to do so." That part right there was like a knife to my heart the whole he make it up to me if it takes him an eternity. My clock was ticking I didn't even know if I will survive this child birth.

"That's the problem Nik I don't have an eternity." I knew I had to tell him I opened my mouth to speak but I was so scared of how he was going to react that I didn't. "I can't accept any of this, because this isn't my home. This isn't where I want to be anymore—" I finally was about to tell him but Nik interrupted me.

"Star. Mikael has poison your mind. I know this isn't you talking. I know I hurt you and it's a lot deeper than I ever could image. I will not allow you to keep my son from me." He raised his voice toward the end but Nik didn't see that this wasn't all Mikael. The reason why Mikael words hurt me more than anything because he did speak the truth that I was weak. That I thought I could change Nik when in truth I can't. Whatever time I had left I couldn't keep torturing myself being around him because seeing him and Genevieve together today hurt me. I can't sweep it all under the carpet and move on because Nik had scarred my heart deeply this time.

"Mikael didn't poison mind. No Niklaus he gave me clarity. You disowned me like I was some kind of dog. You threw me on to the streets, the mother of your child. The child your demanding that you see." As I was telling him everything that I had been hold back I was reliving all the hurt and pain I had gone through. "Then all the evil things you said to me. Was that Mikael talking, or YOU?!" I screamed at him and he began to approach me and there was that look in his eyes. The look when he would give when he didn't like what he was hearing. Well I'm not going to shut up till I say my piece.

"Star I was not in sane of mind I was hurt—" He spoke firmly as he tried to get closer to me I pushed him away I didn't want comfort. Or for him to use his smooth words on me I'm not being a fool like I used to be anymore and he needs to hear how much he hurt me.

"I don't want to hear your excuses of you telling me I broke your heart." That was his excuse that broke his heart by keeping a secret when he had kept dozens from me. I didn't behave like him and sleep with another man to hurt him. No because that the different between Nik and I. I knew what the meaning of love meant. Whereas Niklaus was still clueless about it all. "You want to know what you did to mine. You ripped my heart apart. You do not know how to love, and you will never know how to." Nik took a step back as he was stunned by what he had heard. I was speaking the truth from my heart how I felt. Because that how I saw it he didn't love me. Not the way he says he does or maybe Nik didn't understand the meaning because if he did he wouldn't have done everything he had done. "If you knew the meaning of it you wouldn't have your little harlot taking advantage of every situation." That what it all came down to in all honestly. Nik sleeping with her and I just can't shake all that off I can't just forget.

"No Star you not going to do this to me! I will not allow you to leave me. Not again." He spoke a little dangerously as he took a step towards me. Nik couldn't keep me here and if he did there was only one way that he could.

"What are you going to do Nik compel me to stay? Cause that will be the only way." There was a blend of emotions running through this face as he knew that nothing he could tell me would change my mind. I went to walk away and he caught hold of my wrist "Compel me then!" Anger began to spread across his face and I knew he was going to lose it with me. "You will never understand how much I was in love with you. Your father was right about one thing. Nik your impulsiveness with always keep you from being the great man that I know you can be." I didn't want to bring up about his father to hurt him but it was true. Nik would be a great man if he thought about his actions. As this situation right now where he chose to hurt me but in the end he only hurt himself. I got my wrist out of his grip. "I'll be gone in the next hour." I walked away hoping I had the strength to never look back but every step I took is another step away from my heart. That aching feeling in my heart weighed heavy and the lump that build up in my throat felt unbearable. I knew there was a difference between giving up and knowing when I have had enough.

Klaus P.O.V

When I stood there watching Genevieve trying to bring Star back all I kept visualizing was that one night when I lost her. It was like a nightmare that was reoccurring it felt like everything around me had frozen still all I kept thinking was I couldn't live in a world without her that I couldn't see life beyond her. I could heard Damon panicking and shouting at her telling her this isn't how it was meant to end I could see the devastation upon his face at the thought of losing her. When all hope felt lost Star suddenly revived and all I felt was relief. All the colouring returned to her face but she looked so frighten as she back away from all of us like she thought that we were going to hurt her in some way. Damon tried to reason with her but she wasn't listening not even to him who makes her see sense majority of the time. Star seemed convince that Genevieve had part of all this but the way she behaved trying to bring Star back I knew otherwise. I tried to calm her down but she was far too distorted from this ordeal she wasn't going to listen. Then she spoke how she saw Mikael and how he tried to kill her.

Star walked away while I stood there speechless as not Mikael was trying to torment me from the great beyond he tried to harm her. There was nothing I could do about it either that what hurt even more than anything. Damon was about to go and see her when Elijah stopped him and said it would be best if I went. Hearing this it took me by surprised as I thought I would be the last person that Star needed to see. Strangely enough Damon agreed before grabbing hold of Genevieve stating that they needed to have a chat Elijah gave me a look of reassurance and I made my way up the stairs. As I approached her room I could hear Star crying and all I wanted to do was comfort and protect her. I had failed because no matter what I always failed when it came to protecting the one thing I truly can't live without. Today was proof of that because she was close to death and it was because of me that her life and my child life was endanger.

Star looked so broken as she sat on the bed she couldn't even look at me. I tried to tell her how proud I was of her and our child to face Mikael and make it back alive. She reminded me that she had been doing recently that what battle came there way they dealt it alone. As much as it upset me I knew it was the truth as I hadn't been there for her as much as I should have been. I wanted to show her something that I had been doing over the last few days when she had been asleep. So I asked her to come with me but of course she was stubborn at first but in the end gave in. I brought her to the room she had chosen for our son. I had decorated it to all her requirements that she had written down that I had found in the room. I watched as she looked around the room with amazement in her eyes. I even saw her smile for a moment as she touched crystals hanging from the mobile. I wanted her to know that I was excited about our son entering this world soon that we would be a family.

I knew she rejected me last night but I also knew she did that because of her pride. I wanted to show her this because saying the words I love you sometimes isn't enough you have to show the one you love what they mean to you. This was my token I wanted to make this perfect not only for my son but his mother the woman who I loved more than anything. From a perfect moment where I was trying to show her what I wanted for our future that I want to change not only for her but for me. Everything change and I didn't see it coming at all. Star spoke how my father made her see things in a different. If I thought that I hated Mikael before I despised him ten times more now. As Star began to open up through her tears there was one thing she couldn't forgive me for. That was my indiscretion with Genevieve that had truly broken Star to the point that she couldn't be with me.

The words went round and round and round in my mind and my body until I knew they were no longer my words but something that had been carved into my heart. And now my soul was crying. Have you ever longed for someone so much, so deeply that you thought you would die? That your heart would just stop beating? I am longing now for Star. My whole body craves to be held. I am desperate to love and be loved. I want my mind to float into hers. I want to be set free from despair by the love I feel for my Star. I want to be physically part of her. I want to be joined. I want to be open and free to explore every part of my true queen as though I were exploring myself. That was all impossible there was no hope of that so I'll push it down... Down into the deepest part of my heart, so no one will see it. If I crush it, maybe it'll eventually go away. That's what I hope for every day that passes that she no longer in my life. But what can I do? I don't really want to lose this feeling at all.

As soon as she walked away I knew I needed to get out of here before I lost it and did something stupid. I walked out of the compound and saw the marching band continues to play in the streets as the party rages on for Father Kieran. Children and adults alike dance in the street with umbrellas as. I saw Marcel from across the street, which causes me to flashback to the 1830s.

Flash Back--New Orleans, 1835

Marcel is having an argument with the Governor who was his father outside of his plantation, as many of his slaves continue to be beaten like he was. This was something that he wanted stopped as he knew how brutal his biological father can be. With the new law that was put into place the Governor had not realised the ones that he still has in his possession.

"I demand to know why their freedom has not been granted! All necessary authorities have ruled in their favour!" Young Marcel raised his voice to the man who brought him into this world but held no respect for him.

"You think I don't remember you, boy? Have they turned you into one of them, yet?" Marcel remains silent as he was still human as he did Governor laughed. "I thought not." The Governor gestures to one of his slave masters, who whips a slave right in front of Marcel. Before the man can do it again, Marcel rushes over and tackles the man before violently punching him in the face. When Marcel gets up to return to the Governor, Marcel is shot by him with a pistol in the chest.

Present Day

Marcel notices that I was staring at him, and stares right back. I had lost a lot since my return the woman who was once my wife but I didn't lose just one son I lost two.

Flash Black --New Orleans, 1835

I came back home and I could hear someone groans and the smell of blood. Instantly I knew who it was and my undead heart began to race. I found Marcel on a neighbour's front porch, dying from his wounds. I instantly bit into my wrist and offers it to Marcel.

"Here, let me heal you." Even though I knew I could save him it didn't stop that aching feeling in my heart to see him like this. Marcel may not be my son biologically but I loved and cared for him as if he was. So to see him in pain it pained me.

"No. You always said we choose our family. So, what am I to you, Klaus? You made me a promise when you daggered your sister. It's finally time to make a choice. Turn me now, or let me die." Marcel didn't have a lot of time left I could hear his heart fading. I didn't want to bestow him with the fate of vampirism it wasn't the life I wanted for him. I didn't want him to carry the same curse as I and my siblings did.

"You do not know what you ask of me!" I was panicking because I couldn't bring myself to do this to him. "Becoming like me! It would rob you of all that makes you good." That is what I fear the most as a vampire all the goodness that you once had is stripped away and I did not want that fate for him.

"I know what you are. Who you are. This is what I want! Please!" He spoke close to tears. I considered all of this for a moment, and took in a deep breath before biting my wrist again and offering it to Marcel. Marcel drinks several gulps of my blood to heal, and then I snapped his neck. That moment right there was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, as I killed a person whom I loved so dearly.

Present Day

I watched as Marcel turns and walks away. Marcel walks down a dark alley only to find me waiting for him at the end.

"Your furlough ends when the clock strikes." I warned him as I wanted to make it all clear to him that he couldn't roam around this town as if he owned it.

"I'm aware. Don't worry! I intend to be far away from here by then. But, just because I'm across the river, doesn't mean I'm not in the game." He points at the sky. "Full moon's coming. I know you're up to something with the wolves, and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what. And any way I do the math, it ends with me and my guys dead." I stared at Marcel blankly as I had no idea what conclusion he was coming to. "Or, maybe we're supposed to fall in line, pledge our allegiance to you all over again, so if we get bitten, you might deign to cure us. Is that what you're after? 'Cause it's not gonna happen." He spoke firmly and I couldn't help but smirk as I brought Marcel up not to bow at the feet of others. He still held on the lesson that I taught him all those years ago.

"Well, that will be your choice, just as you chose to bring my father to town. You, who knows better than anyone, the specific agony of a father's hatred." Marcel and I were more alike than we cared to show we both went through the same hardship. There wasn't anyone there to save me but I was there to save him for the torture he received from the man who had part creating him.

"Klaus—" He began to say with guilt but I didn't want to hear it.

"I spent decades trying to make up for what your father did!" I shouted at him then tried to regain my composure. "How did I fail?" I tried so hard to be a good father figure to him teaching him right from wrong where did I go wrong? I have a son and daughter soon to be here what if they do the same. What if I drive my own flesh and blood to the point that they hate me? That is something I know I truly can't deal with.

"Maybe the scars just ran too deep." The two of us stare at each other for a long moment. There was nothing I could say to that as my scars ran just as deep and I let it destroy everything good that around me.

"Goodnight, Marcellus." I turned to walk away as tonight had been one of those night's that nothing I will do will change anything that had been done.

"You didn't fail me." Marcel called out and I stopped in my tracks "You raised me. You taught me everything that I know. You taught me that I can't afford to be weak. Not when my enemies are stronger. So, whatever it is you've got coming with the wolves, just know that I'm gonna fight for my guys. I'm gonna fight for my city. And, I will FIGHT until I am DEAD!" He shouts and I turned around to look at the man who I help become into the person that stood before me right now.

"I would expect nothing less." I walked away from him making my way back home. As much as I didn't want to go there because knowing when I did Star would be gone. As I walked into the entrance I saw Damon car and Star sitting in the passenger side. She looked lost and alone and deep in thought she was really going and every part of me wanted to grab her out of that car. Then what? Compel her like she told me to because that was the only way she would stay. No I have never done that to her and I intend never to do it either. I walked away and made my way upstairs into the living room where I came face to face with Elijah and Damon.

"Brother please talk some sense into Star she can't leave—" Elijah obviously had heard the news and I don't know why he thought that I would be able to change her mind. I was the reason why she was leaving so I high doubt that words spoken by me would change her mind.

"Elijah If Star chooses to leave who I'm to stop her?" I spoke as I poured myself a very large scotch. In this moment I just wanted the world to swallow me up as I didn't want to face the reality of all this.

"You know what I always thought you were a dick. You have brought it all to a new level." Damon spoke with anger in his voice and I turned to him to see rage flaring across his face. Of course he was behaving like this because of the hurt I had given Star.

"Mind your tone Damon." Elijah warned him as I knew my brother wouldn't allow Damon to speak to me in such a way. I wouldn't normally allow it but on this occasion it was deserved as I did break Star and I have to live with that.

"No, I'm not minding nothing." Damon snapped at Elijah who was trying ever so hard to keep his composure. "You have screwed her up in so many ways. You had a good woman. A woman who worshipped the ground you walk on—" Damon was right Star truly did love me unconditionally and I took it all for granted. I drained my drink to try and numb out these feelings. "—Then you treat her like a piece of trash. She was meant to be the love of your life!" He yelled as he tried to go for me but Elijah held him back.

"Damon...." Elijah warned him as he continued to restrain him.

"Don't Damon me as you think exactly the same. So stop trying to be noble." Elijah was thinking the same but the only other person who knew me so well as Star did was him. He knew that I was filled with deep regret and that I didn't want to lose her. "You Klaus are going to end up with nothing. Star finally see you for who you truly are, and as much as it's killing her to see the real face of Klaus Mikaelson she will survive it. I just pity your children having a father like you." I didn't know what to say to all that because Damon wasn't speaking lies as I had been thinking the same. I knew I should go over there and rip out his heart but I knew this anger and rage was him protecting his dear friend. The woman whom I had hurt more than I ever knew and I had lost her forever.

"It's time for you to leave." Elijah spoke as he grabbed Damon forcefully as he kept glaring at me wait for me to say something but I couldn't deny anything he had said. Damon spoke the utter truth.

"I know where the door is." He spoke as he got out of Elijah grip. "You truly do deserve an eternity of misery." Damon spoke bitterly as he left the room. Words that I deserved and I would be living just that because everything that I had all slipped away in this one night.

Davina P.O.V

I have no idea what happened or who that man was that touched my shoulder but Silas just kept telling to stop worrying. He asked me if I wanted to do it again but I told him that he was crazy. As much as I wanted to see Tim I couldn't risk upsetting the elders. Silas kept telling me to stop worrying that the elders should fear me more than I fear them. He kept talking about that I doubt myself too much that my bloodline of my mother and father was something truly powerful. I wanted to elaborate on it all but then I was too frighten to ask. Silas actually stuck around and helped me to clean up which I didn't expect I guess I really did get him all wrong. I began to organize herbs in the greenhouse when the wind starts blowing through the broken windows. When I looked down at her bandaged hand. I saw that her palm has begun bleeding again in the same wound that Silas gave me to use in the séance spell earlier. I looked up and Silas stood there looking around the room as we both started to hear Tim's song in the wind chimes. Suddenly all the candles and lights in the room flicker.

"Tim? Is that you?" I called out but I see that Silas was looking at something behind me so I turns around to see the man from earlier flickering in front of me. "Who are you?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady to not show my fear.

"Your friend Timothy has moved on, Davina. I'm truly sorry for what Klaus did to him." I was taken back this was Klaus father. What was here doing here? How did even get him if we were trying to get Tim?

"You're Klaus' father?" I couldn't believe that this was their father. He was probably like the rest of them that were so manipulative.

"And he's the only one who can rid you of him forever." I heard Silas say and I turned to him as he stood there with a serious expression upon his face.

"What? Silas what are you talking about?" I didn't understand what he was trying to say. What did he mean that Klaus father could rid of Klaus forever?

"Davina my intension were always to contact Mikael as I cannot allow Klaus to get away with what he has done to my Ophelia.... And to you" I stood there completely shocked by what I was hearing right now. Was this what Silas spoke of that he will help me? That he meant by getting rid of Klaus?

"Star father wanting revenge on the bastard child. This has turn into something intriguing." I turned to him with confusion did he call Klaus a bastard child? "But first, my little witch, I need you to do as what intended." I was confused more and more with the way the both of them were talking what was it they actually expected me to do?

"What is it you're expecting for me to do?" I asked looking between the both of them. Klaus father looked at Silas who had a smirk upon his face.

"I'm going to show you how to bring him back. It time for Niklaus Mikaelson to finally be put down." Silas spoke with vengeance in his voice. While I just stood there utterly speechless by what I had just heard.


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