I'll Come For You (Reid x Rea...

By Septic-Fan-101

749 3 11

You are a new agent to fill up another slot in the BAU. You've been studying it ever since you got out of hig... More

A Night Out
It's Personal (Pt. 1)
It's Personal (Pt. 2)
Get Your Head In The Game, Kid!!
Reminisce And Re-evaluate
Taking Chances
Never Again
Familiar Feelings
Memories Made
Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Break My Mind

34 0 1
By Septic-Fan-101

(Your POV)

You had just woken up from the restless sleep you attempted to get, only getting an hour or two tops. Unfortunately, Joshua wasn't a very pleasant wake up call. You groaned as he grabbed your chin roughly, making you look up at him.

"What the hell do you want from me," you sobbed angrily, pain surging through your body. "I haven't done anything to you!"
"It's not you I'm after," he growled. "And you will not yell at me, or I'll cut out your fucking tongue. You hear me?!"

You whimpered in pain as he pinched harder around your face, nodding quickly. He let go of your chin and grumbled as he hit you in the stomach, making you give a tired and raspy cry of agony.

"That stupid fucking doctor you call Reid killed my father," he snarled, looking you in the eyes with pure hatred and bloodlust. "And I took you to get his full attention... When your little boyfriend gets here, he's in for a big surprise. And oh, will it be a beautiful revenge..."
"DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM, YOU FUCKING SADISTIC BASTARD!" You screeched at him, not wanting him to lay a hand on Reid.

He slapped you hard, making you shell shocked. You even had to regain yourself before he forced you to look up at him.

"I told you not to tell at me, you little bitch!" He roared, grabbing a gag. "This should shut you up... Plus I don't want you giving anything away to those vermin..."

He whipped the gag around your mouth and the cloth shoved itself into your mouth. You screamed, only for it to come out muffled. This man was gonna hurt Reid and the team! You had to do something!

...But what?

(Reid's POV)

"Garcia," I asked. "What's our ETA to that old cemetery?"
"25 minutes," Garcia typed as she responded. "But there's a back road that can get you there in ten! Your next left!"
"Got it, baby girl," Derek thanked her as he swerved onto the shortcut path.

We began to book it down the dusty road and when we got there... There was nothing except Tobias' old set up of computers.

"Garcia," Derek got back on the phone. "Nothing's here except those old computers. What's going on?"
"Wait a second," I began as I started to check the computers. No dust, webs, dirt, nothing. "Didn't we take the old monitors and computers?"
"Yeah, we did," Hotch realized, inspecting them as well.
"These are new. There's barely any fingerprints except for the power buttons, screens, and volume."
"Congratulations, doctor," a voice came from the monitors, all in unison. It was him... "I had a feeling you'd notice the odd thing out. I can't say that your little girlfriend will though... This time, you get no help. You have five hours. Tick tock..."

A big clock set on the monitors. Five hours... All we had was that small amount of time...
I ran back to the SUV, Hotch and Morgan following me. I couldn't handle it if she got killed because of me.

"Reid," Morgan began as he looked at me. "I need you to focus... Is there anything you gave (y/n) that was trackable? An earring? Maybe a ring?"

I searched frantically through my memories, trying to remember... Wait!

"A ring," I began. "I gave her a semicolon ring because I told her our story wasn't over and had just begun. I put a small tracker under it in the dot in case this happened!"
"Garcia, we got a tracker on (y/n)," Derek called her back, giving her details.
"I need an IP address," she replied.

I searched for it and got it out of my pocket and read it back to her, number and letter matching perfectly.

"I got it," Garcia replied. "Thank God. Alright gents, the ring is at this address."

I wrote it down as she told us, and Hotch floored it. We sped down the road, and the entire way, I was hoping that (y/n) was okay.
But if she wasn't? Oh, this Joshua Hankel would have supreme hell to pay. No one touches my girl and gets away with it.
To calm myself down a bit, as the ride would at least be thirty minutes, I began to think back on past memories we've made together in the last few months. Hopefully it would help calm me down...

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