American Royalty at Hogwarts

Od shark_fanatic

325K 7.3K 8.1K

a/n I was really inspired by @bluefood3 story 'A Royal Family At Hogwarts'. Part 1 of 'You should see me in... Více

Chapter 1: I become a fairytale princess
Chapter 2: We journey to the land of tea drinkers
Chapter 3: Staring at hot teens is unhealthy (and creepy)
Chapter 4: It's time to boil the kettle (cause the tea is getting hot)
Chapter 5: We try some roasted phoenix
Chaper 6: All aboard the Piggypimples Express!
Chapter 7: An invasion of thoughts
Chapter 8: The snakes shed their skin
Chapter 10: Chinese Whispers just got intense
Chapter 11: Don't let the bed bugs bite
Chapter 12: Charmtastic!
Chapter 13: Do you promise?
Chapter 14: It's time for a history lesson
Chapter 15: To be or not to be
Chapter 16: I am woman, hear me roar
Chapter 17: Down to Business
Chapter 18: It's all coming together now
Chapter 19: The Slytherin Angst Sesh
Chapter 20: What you gonna do? Repress it!
chapter 21: Don't be suspicious
Chapter 22: Scream till you're raw
Chapter 23: Forgive and forget? No thanks
Chapter 24: Winter's coming

Chapter 9: Beware of the spades (in the deck of cards silly)

13.8K 330 380
Od shark_fanatic

Third-Person PoV: The Divination Tower, two hours ago

Reyna eyed Percy and Rachel as sly looks crossed their faces, she gave subtle coughs to let the two know that she was watching them before turning to the Professor to listen as well as an ADHD teenager could. The classroom was cramped with small circular tables and plush armchairs and pouffes, scattered around the room were crystal balls, teacups, teapots, candles, and little boxes of teabags. A light smog seemed to have settled around the room which the Praetor heavily believed was incense although it smelt heavily of perfume.

The Professor was best described as what a typical hippie in Reyna's eyes, she was thin and draped herself in shawls and shawls she covered herself with bangles, strings of beads, and glittering sequins. The thick-rimmed glasses that she wore made her eyes seem way bigger than they should be, almost bug-eyed. Her voice was ethereal when she spoke.

"Welcome to the last year of Divination, I'm surprised that so many of you survived the summer." Reyna noticed that some of the students rolled their eyes or huffed at her words, maybe this was her usual behaviour, trying to act like she could see as well as an Oracle could into the future. Then again, Rachel was an Oracle, not a Seer, there appeared to be some difference between the two.

She heard Percy mumble an "I'm surprised I did too." under his breath as Trelawney moved towards her table at the front.

"My Eye tells me that we have three new students with us, I pray that they stay with us till the end of the year." She wailed as her large eyes settled on them. "Beware of the water, you may make either friend or foe." She whirled around just before Percy snorted and Rachel chuckled, a few of the other Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's that were with them eyed them up, Reyna gave both of them swift kicks underneath the table which shut them up quite quickly and got them to straighten themselves out.

"In the past years, we have looked at Astrology, Tessomancy, Crystal-gazing, Dream Interpretation, Palmistry, and Bird entrails. This year we shall start by covering Fire-Omens and Cartomancy." From the corner of her eye, she noticed Percy involuntarily shiver at the mention of Fire-Omens, maybe it had something to do with down there.

"I'm sure that you all purchased a set of cards, this lesson we shall start by learning the meanings behind each card and attempt reading each other's futures." She reached into the backpack that contained her book on the cards and the packet of Tarot cards. She emptied the packet into her hands and spread them out in front of her on the table. She peered down at them and picked them up, Reyna had never quite liked prophecies or anything that delved into the future. Having something set in stone that she couldn't control wasn't nice, yet at the same time it was somewhat reassuring, but the Fates were never kind, especially to demigods.

When she turned back into the lesson she just had enough time to listen to Trelawney say that they should all start reading each other's futures, she sighed, she supposed she'd have to catch up, later on, she shifted in her seat to just catch Percy and Rachel giving each other mischievous looks. Her eyes thinned as the two drew out their cards.

"What are you both up to?" She said under her breath, Rachel grinned at the dark-haired girl and placed down her cards into a wheel formation in the middle of the table.

"Whatever do you mean RARA?" She batted her eyelashes at her in an innocent manner.

"We would never intentionally cause trouble." Percy gave her his signature crooked smile as he turned over 12 of the cards that Rachel had placed, he glanced over them and handed them over to Rachel who took away the remaining cards in the wheel and placed the twelve he had picked face down. He furrowed his eyebrows and carefully selected three cards, he allowed the Oracle to take away the other nine cards off the table and placed the three face-up and gave a dramatic gasp. Rachel grinned down at them and copied with an over the top:

"Oh no, Percy!" This attracted the attention of some of the class and the airy Professor, Trelawney padded over and held a hand to her mouth, a hand was placed on her forehead as she began to topple over, a student quickly flicked their wand to a nearby chair to catch the Professor before she hit the ground.

"What is it, Professor?"

"Is he in danger?"

"Oh yes, terrible, terrible danger!" The chatter in the room started to rise in volume at her words.

"What did he get?" a curious student asked.

"P-percy got the ten of spades, a seven of spades and a seven of diamonds." Rachel stuttered between her covered mouth, which Reyna very well knew wasn't from fright but rather laughter.

"Not good, not good!" Trelawney wailed from her position on the plush armchair. "Violence, ill omens, and heavy losses beware, beware!" She suddenly stopped in her warnings and stood up, staring at the ceiling. "My crystal ball calls me, class is dismissed, for the next lesson I advise you all to read up on the combinations of Cartomancy." She rushed to her table and began setting a large, extravagant crystal ball on the table, she sat and waited for the Badgers and Ravens to clamber down the ladder as she fixed her gaze on the ball. Just as Reyna closed the trap door behind her she connected her eyes with Trelawney who blinked owlishly at her.

Once she was down the daughter of Bellona witnessed her fellow students give their condolences and wish Percy luck, who easily played along with it, eventually they all cleared off. Reyna tapped her feet on the ground and gave the two a wolf glare.

"We didn't mean to make her react like that." Percy held up his hands in surrender, Rachel nodded, her ginger hair bounced with the movement of her head.

"It was a simple trick that some of the Hermes kids taught me to rig stuff like that. For once we didn't need to use our superb acting skills to wiggle out of a life or death situation." The atmosphere was tense as they stood in the hallways.

"Let's head down to the lake, I hate to admit it but I spaced out when she was talking about the cards."

"Yeah, with ADHD procrastination is your greatest superpower." Percy and Rachel laughed at his response and Reyna cracked a small smile as they set off toward their destination.

Present Time: The Black Lake, Break...

Lou Ellen released a witch-like cackle as she doubled over, "I just might need to one you both up when I have my Divination lesson."

"Just don't blow anything up." Katie sighed.

"Is that just for her or all of us, cause I can guarantee that something will blow up in Potions next period," Leo spoke.

"Hmmm, think of all the new pranks we could test out here to bring to Camp." Travis shrewdly smiled.

"The combinations of Charms, Potions, and Transfiguration would be entertaining, as long as we know the counter's for them all it will all be fine." Connor waved a hand in front of him.

"No. That applies to you all, I don't want to find anything in my bed, again." Annabeth growled at the Stolls, who in turn rolled their eyes and lifted their hands in mock surrender.

Jason pulled out a watch from his pocket and flickered his eyes over it. "It's nearly time for our next lesson, we should head back." He shoved the pocket watch back in and began to stand up and recover his things. They groaned before reluctantly gathering their belongings and rising from their seats along the shore of the lake, they then walked at a slow pace towards the Castle, asking each other what lessons they had and what the teachers that they had so far were like. Eventually, they reached the entrance of the castle and pushed open the doors and began to head their separate ways.

"You got Potions with us this time Frank?" Frank nodded at Piper's question, he was then grabbed by the arm by Thalia, who flung another arm around Piper's shoulder.

"We'll be seeing you losers later!" She marched off dragging her two fellow Gryffindor's with her.

"Anyone else got a free with us?" Percy had an arm wrapped around Annabeth's waist and glanced around at the rest of them.

"And watch you guys snog? Nah, I'm good, Reyna shall we delve on a quest to discover the kitchens?" Travis spoke in an over the top British voice. The dark hair shrugged, rolling her eyes at his antics and chose the pathway to the left.

"Some of the wizards in my house told me that the kitchens are behind a painting on the same corridor as our dorms. I think a cup of coffee will help with going over the Divination work." Travis blew Katie a kiss which she caught, blowing one back and the son of Hermes caught it in his hand and brought it to his lips with a wink. He then gave the rest of them a salute before heading off after Reyna.

"I was actually thinking of going to try and find where the Thestrals are." Hazel piped up.

"I'll come, in the Forbidden Forest right?" Hazel nodded at Lou Ellen.

"There must be a lot of magical creatures in there..."

"Well, we have Care of Magical Creatures so we can go the same way." Will gestured to himself, Katie, Pollux, Clovis (who had dozed off standing up), Connor and Jason.

"Then we better get a move on then, I can see most of the class there already." Pollux indicated with his head, they could see most of the class crowded around Professor Grubbly-Plank at the edge of the forest. They dashed off while dragging Clovis who woke with a start and started running himself.

"And then there were seven."

"Sorry Leo, we've got Charms, see you guys at Lunch." Rachel shook her head and went off with Butch and Clarisse.

"And then there were four."

"It'll be two soon Valdez, we've got Transfiguration and I'm pretty sure that McGonagall isn't getting any older." Nico stormed off, Leo waved a quick bye to Percy and Annabeth before he bounded after the short boy, who was surprisingly quick.

"Wanna check out the lake again?" Percy cocked an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"You looked pretty friendly with it earlier." She smirked as they walked back towards the entrance of the castle.

He snorted and shook his head. "Not like Reyna would let me get in her."

"Ahh, well we're sorry for interrupting your moment with her" Annabeth laughed next to him, she stopped and then added, "The Slytherin dorm rooms are right under the lake you know." Percy raised his eyebrows and grinned.

"Really? Dam now I really wish that I was sorted into Slytherin."

"Only you seaweed brain, but it does give me ideas for some designs..." She trailed off deep in thought as they tracked back towards the edge of the lake and sat down on the dock. They took off their cloaks, shoes and socks, Percy rolled up his trousers and they dipped their feet into the water. It was quiet, but the silence was comfortable between them, Annabeth rested her head on his shoulder, and he in turn tested his head on top of hers, they both wrapped an arm around each other's waist as they settled in on one another.

"Do you like it here?" Annabeth voiced, Percy hummed and kicked his feet in the water harder. He lifted his head from hers and turned his gaze towards the castle, he took it in and allowed himself to think for a moment.

"I guess, I mean it would be better if we didn't have to do homework or that exam at the end of the year." He mimed being sick at the thought of sitting a test. "But I guess that I would've been doing one regardless. As long as we don't get pulled into any drama with these wizards then I'm fine."

"I feel the same too, I'm a bit worried about what we should do if a monster comes, there's so many of us here it's only a matter of time." She bit her lip and furrowed her eyes, her fingers tapped on the wood next to her as her leg bounced slightly, she caught Percy's eye for a second before looking away just as quickly.

"What is it Annabeth?" She nervously looked at him again, the tapping on the wood increased before stopping, she rested a hand on Percy's knee and turned slightly towards him.

"I'm a bit concerned about how Voldemort survived." She confessed, she twirled a strand of her blonde curls and gnawed her lips, "I assume that the little Phoenix club has no idea on how he survived either, I'm just worried that whatever method he's used could have been from our world. I'm hoping that it's something from the Wizarding World but who even knows at this point. We can't allow other wizards to find out how he did it, it might affect the gods and if it affects them then it affects us too."

Percy leisurely nodded his head as he allowed himself to digest what she had just said. "For now, let's just take it one step at a time before we jump ahead of ourselves, wise girl. We can ask Nico to look into any other methods of necromancy that he knows and we can all go to the library from time to time to look at ways wizards can avoid death. Nico could maybe even ask the ghosts if they have any idea."

"And what do we do when we find out how he survived?" She worried her lip further.

"Let's leave that for future Percy and future Annabeth to worry about, right now present Percy is gonna kiss the heck out of your lips if you don't stop biting them." The last part was growled as he pulled them both into the lake, Annabeth squealed as they fell in, her vision was overtaken by the ominous waters of the Black Lake. A bubble of air was formed around them as Percy's lips found he's, she sighed against him and melted into his embrace as she was held tight to him. Her hands travelled from his back to his hair, her fingers combing through his tangled locks and massaging his scalp, he hummed against her lips in contentment.

Annabeth felt his lips open on hers and his tongue gently brushed on her already bruised lips, using the muscle he traced her lower lip back and forth, the blonde groaned, her mouth opened as she greeted his tongue with hers. Percy lifted a hand to cup her cheek and tilted her head to the left and his to the right.

They moved even closer, if that was possible, as their tongues tangled and their hands began to leave lingering touches. The teenagers briefly parted for air before they dived back into a ravenous kiss, just as Annabeth's hand moved underneath Percy's shirt the ravenette pulled back and glanced up at the surface with a frown.

"Time sure does fly when you're having fun." He dryly mumbled under his breath.


"Someone's throwing stones, I guess our free period is already over." he pouted which caused Annabeth to laugh at him and pat his head.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time tonight." She winked at him, the son of Poseidon blushed and shot them up to the surface so that he didn't have to give a response, as they both broke the surface he was met with a rock in the face.

"το σκατά!" ("The fuck!") He rubbed at where Travis had accidentally thrown a rock at him, another was in his hand about to be dashed down in the water, he let out a sheepish laugh as the two demigods climbed up on the deck and threw the other behind him.

"I thought I was gonna have to dive in and find you two doing the hanky panky." He let out a fake sigh and wiped at the imaginary sweat on his brow.

"Travis! We weren't doing that, just kissing." Annabeth insisted as she fixed her hair and pulled back on her socks and shoes. Percy scoffed at her statement.

"Sure didn't seem like it when you put your hand up my shirt." Percy raised an eyebrow at her in amusement as she reddened again and glared at him.

"Percy!" She shrieked at him, Percy just shrugged his shoulders at her while Travis let out a wolf whistle.

"As exciting as it is to watch the two of you flirt, we have a lesson to get to."

Time-Skip: Lunch...

Percy face planted as soon as he took a seat at the Hufflepuff table. "Somebody kill me now." He grumbled into the wood, Annabeth slapped his shoulder and pinched his side.

"Sit up seaweed brain, everyone's staring." She hissed at him, pinching the small of his pack causing him to bolt upright.

"I think they're staring at you more than me." He muttered to her as he began to start serving food onto his plate.

"I think it's cause we're Slytherin's." Travis shrugged as he came back from the brazier having already sacrificed a portion of his food to the gods. Percy sighed as he forced himself up and scraped some off, praying to his father and whatever deity would aid to stop him from yeeting himself off the Astronomy Tower by the end of the week.

Katie plopped herself next to Travis, planting a kiss on his cheek, "Harry had a fight with Umbridge in Dark arts last period."

"No way." Travis gasped, lowering his fork that was halfway to his mouth.

"Yes way!" Connor sat opposite him.

"It is clear that the Ministry is insistent on not believing what Dumbledore and Harry have to say." Will sat down next to Katie.

"I get where they're coming from." Jason took a seat next to Percy and put away his glasses into his pocket, "They just had the word of a 14-year-old that turned up with a dead body that their most fearsome villain that was claimed to be dead over a decade ago is alive. There really isn't much evidence to support what he's saying, so who wouldn't think that he's at least delusional, but we know that he's still alive, they all do, it's just easier to believe in a lie at times than face the truth."

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