The Vampire Hunter

By zynestehildar

139 7 0

Jane was 23, living down the street from the Winchester's when the fire happened. She was good friends with t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

17 1 0
By zynestehildar

When they arrived back at the cabins, Jane started walking back to hers. She knew the Winchester would figure out another plan but right now she needed to get away from Dean.

"Jane, is everything alright?" John asked her as he was putting his things back into the case.

"I'll be fine. They know what they did," she said, loud enough for Dean to hear. "I'll be back in an hour or so." She continued walking to her cabin and sighed when she heard footsteps behind her. She continued as if she didn't hear a thing, hoping her would just leave her alone. She stopped to unlock the door but Dean grabbed her hand, preventing her from doing so.

"Jane, I'm sorry," He said as she turned around to look at him. "I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me."

"Yet you still did," She said coldly as she pulled her arm from him and went to unlock the door once again. "Just leave me alone." She was about to go inside when once again she felt his hand, this time on her shoulder.

He pulled her back from the door and put his free hand on her other shoulder. "Would you just stop for a moment and talk to me?" He tries as she just glares at him, not saying anything back to him. "Jane, please. Can we just get past that? I want to talk to you about something else." Once again, she just remained silent, trying to keep her anger under control. "Jane, how did you pull me away from that vampire. There is no way you are stronger than them."

She shook her head as she sighed. "I just wanted to get everyone out of there. Just the heat of the moment I guess," she muttered.

Dean signed from her reluctance and moved his hand under her chin and lifted her face to get her to look at him again. He didn't say anything at first, just looked into her eyes. The next thing she knew, he had leaned forward and was kissing her. She gasped slightly before she pushed him away, a bit harder than she intended to. Dean went flying off the porch before hitting a tree and dropping to the ground unconscious. Jane stared at the spot that Dean's limp body laid in disbelief of what she had just done before she ran out to make sure that he was going to be alright. After making sure that no one could see her, she lifted dean in her arms and carried him into her cabin and laid him on the bed. She could tell that there were no broken bones, but a concussion was very likely. She sighed as she went to get a rag and wet it with cold water before folding it and laying it on his head. There wasn't much that she could do, just wait for him to wake up. She sat down on the bed so she could watch for him to wake up.


The sun had started to set, and she had heard John's truck leave a couple hours ago, but Sam was still in the cabin meaning that they weren't being missed. Dean had started to move in his sleep more, telling her that he was soon to wake up. She moved over to the bed and moved the rag that she had kept cool over the past few hours to the nightstand. She lightly laid her hand on his forehead and Dean jerked awake, grabbing her hand.

"What the hell happened?" he said as he tried to set up, but she put her hand on his chest to stop him.

"You kissed me. I pushed you away. You tripped and hit your head off the banister," She lied easily as she got him to lay back down.

"Oh," he muttered as he looked up at Jane. "Your lips are really soft."

She looked at the male beside her in disbelief. "I should have just left you out there," she said as she stood from the bed and took the rag back into the bathroom.

"Hey, that was supposed to be a complement," he yelled after her.

"There was still no reason for me to kiss you," she said as she returned to the main room of the cabin and sat down on the couch.

"Yes, there is," Dean told her as he watched her closely.

Jane shook her head and sighed. She knew what he was hinting at, but she didn't want to get into a relationship, especial with another hunter who had no clue what she was. "I'm too old for you. You need to find someone closer to your age that would make you happy."

"You don't think that you couldn't make me happy?" Dean questioned her, confused.

"Dean, you hardly know me. There are things about me that you don't know that would probably cause a problem in a relationship," she tells him as she gets up and started gathering her things and putting them into her duffle bag. The job would be finished tonight, and she planned on leaving after.

"How bad could it possibly be? Clearly, you're not a demon because you drank holy water. Let me guess," his tone turned joking, trying to lighten the mood. "You're a vampire who hunts vampires."

Jane froze. She didn't understand how he could pull that out of thin air. She knew that he was joking but her immediate reaction could have just told him that it was true. She quickly started grabbing the weapons around the room so Dean wouldn't try to attack her with them if he had caught on. Not once did she look at him.

"Holy shit," Dean muttered as he saw how nervous she had gotten after he said that. "You're a disgrace to hunters."

Jane spun around, facing him when he said that. "Don't you dare say that," she said lowly. Her eyes became dark and her control on her anger had started to slip. "You don't know what the hell I have been through and I have not once killed a human. If I were anything like them, I could have done killed you multiple times." She turned back around and continued to pack her things.

"Why are you here? Is anything that you've told us true?" He asked her. The anger was still in his voice but not as strong as before. There was slight fear.

"It has all been true," She tells him. "I just haven't told you the whole story on some of the things."

"Then why don't you try telling me the full story then," it almost sounded as if he was trying to challenge her now.

She looked at him confused but then turned to face him. "I was attacked by vampires in Colorado, and they turned me. I didn't want to hurt anyone, so I ran away from the group and started to starve myself. Daniel found me and instead of killing me, he showed me that I could live off animal blood." She decided she would start with the beginning. She didn't care if he knew at this point. "I am a vampire who hunts other vampires because I do not like the way they live. There are others out there who live like me, I don't bother them. But I have been hunting down the vampire who turned me and I have finally found him. Now I intend to kill him so no one else has to go through the pain that I did."

Dean looked at the girl in front of him surprised. He never realized that a vampire could be like her. He now knew why he felt so intimidated by her, she could so easily kill him, but she doesn't. She has taken this opportunity to use her demise for something better. "I will help you kill him."

"What?" Jane said surprised. She figured that at this point that he would be wanting to try to kill her.

"I'm not going to tell my dad or brother, clearly we can trust you if you haven't tried to kill us yet."

"Thank you, Dean," she told him as she smiled softly, but it soon turned. "You'll never have to see me once this is over."

"What? No. That's not what I want to happen," Dean told her. "I... I don't think that it would get in the way of a relationship."

Jane shook her head. "I don't want to risk hurting you. I could slip at any moment and hurt you."

"That's risk we take when we take this job," he reminds her. He moved closer to her, laying his hand on her cheek. "I'd be willing to take that risk with you." He leaned down to her and kissed her once again.

This time instead of pushing him away, Jane kissed him back. She was shaking from being so nervous. She could smell his blood rushing through his veins and the beat of his pulse pounded in her head. She put her hand on his chest when she felt her fangs trying to extend. "I... I..." she could barely think as she tried to focus and get her mind off the thought of his blood. "I don't want to hurt you," she whispers before she disappeared from the cabin, the front door standing open as Dean stood in the middle of the room alone. 

Hello everyone! This will be my first authors note of this book and I just wanted to say think you all for the support! How have you all like the story so far? What are some things that you would like to see in the future?

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