i'll do my best // muke

De blackveilmuke

46.6K 2.3K 1.2K

"I know I usually don't look the most attractive, or I'm not good enough for anyone, but I'll do my best for... Mais

I dont like graphs
Blood spilled by the tyrants
The co- what?
He gave us pizza guys
Please don't go with him
Im not okay
I dont have a prince charming.
Way past ten
I should hate you
The most awful day
Falling feels like Flying
You're perfect
Im too Dramatic
We Never Broke Up
Ill try my best

I Wanna Test Him

3.6K 169 145
De blackveilmuke

Luke's POV.

I walked into the cafeteria trailing behind Calum and Ashton.

"Luke!" I heard Kellin's voice. I turned to look at their table. I muttered a 'Bye' to Calum and walked over to the table. "Hi." I said quietly, and Michael patted the empty seat beside him. I sat down beside him, and he threw an arm around the back of my chair. I sat with my hands and my lap. I awkwardly sat there as the guys finished up talking about something.

Michael turned to me, and smiled. "You look cute today." He smiled. I looked down at my hands and blushed slightly. "No I'm not." I muttered. "Shut up. Yes you are." He laughed. I shook my head, and he playfully hit my arm. "You're adorable. I love your nerdy look. But you know what I think would be hot?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. "What?" I asked. "A lip ring." He said, and I shook my head quickly. "Wouldn't that hurt?!" I asked. "Not too bad." He said. I shrugged. "I don't know how my mum would like that." I said.

"Oh really?" He asked. "Yeah. She'd probably pull it out herself." I said. "Aww. Mommas boy." He cooed. I shook my head once again. "Me and my my aren't really close actually." I said quietly. "Oh." He said, and bit his lip.

"Oh yeah. Isn't she like gone for four days or something?" Jack asked. I nodded. "Yeah. My mum told me to check on you and all that stuff." He said. "You don't have too. I can take care of myself. She's just trying to act like she cares." I said, and shrugged my shoulders. "Well. Since your mum is gone, we could all hangout at your place." Michael leaned over and whispered in my ear. I leaned back and looked at him skeptically. "Or maybe just us." He whispered, trailing a finger down my chest. "I c-could probably have s-some people over." I said. "Great. It's an in-service day tomorrow, so how about then? We could all play video games, and stuff. Or maybe you could come over to jack's place if you don't wanna do that." He said. "You guys can come over if you want. I don't mind." I said, and Michael smiled.

"You're not as bad as I thought, Hemmings." Alex said, and I smiled. I played with my fingers, and mumbled a "Thank you."

"Why're you so nervous?" Michael asked, poking my side a little. "I dont know. I just don't really fit in with you guys I guess." I said quietly to him.

He turned my body so I would face him, and he removed the bow tie from around my neck. Then he untucked my shirt. He unbuttoned it, and took it off of me, leaving me in my 'Vote for Pedro' shirt. He removed my glasses, and ruffled my hair, making it slightly messier.

"Wait." He mumbled to himself. He put my glasses back on me. "There. Now you feel better?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess I do." I said, and he smiled. He folded up my shirt, and put it in my bag. "Thank you, Michael." I said, and he just simply smiled at me. "For what?" He asked as the other boys carried on in conversation.

"Being nice to me." I said. "Don't thank me. It's what I should've done this whole time. You're really really cool, Luke." He said, and I smiled. "You're really cool too." I said, and quietly laughed.

He chuckled at me, and threw his arm back around my shoulder. His smile was so perfect, and so was his laugh and all I could think of was 'kissmekissmekissme'

I felt my mood drop when the bell rung signaling my free period. "I guess you guys have to go?" I asked. "Uh. Just Kellin and Jack." He said, and I nodded. Half of the cafeteria cleared out, and I felt the warm air from the hallway enter the cafeteria, but it was quickly replaced by the frigid cafeteria air. I shivered at the sudden temperature change, and i guess Michael noticed. "Are you cold?" He asked. "Uh. Yeah. A little." I said. "I would give you my jacket, but I don't have one. C'mere." He said and opened his arms.

Is this actually happening?

I moved over, and sat on his lap. His arms wrapped around me, and I immediately felt warmer. He carried on with him and Alex's conversation, not making this awkward for me. I saw Calum wink at me, and give me two big thumbs up before leaving the cafeteria. I just smiled, and looked away. I looked back to my usual table, and saw Ashton alone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and sent him a text, telling him to come sit over here.

I smiled as he got up and walked over to the table, taking the seat I was in before.

"Hey A-" "Who are you?" Michael asked, bitterness evident in his voice. "This is Ashton. My friend." I said to Michael. He looked at Ashton, and then nodded, turning back to Alex. I turned to Ashton, but kept Michael's arms around me. "What did you and Cal talk about?" I asked. He shrugged. "Nothing really. He was talking about prom and how you two were probably gonna end up going alone, but hang out anyway, and about halfway through, leave and go watch The Brady Bunch." He said. I nodded. "That sounds about right." I said, and nodded.

"Are you gonna go to prom?" I asked Ashton. he shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I'll just hang out with you and Calum." He said, and I nodded. "I've never been asked to a dance or anything, you know." I said, and he shrugged. "I've asked some girls before, but I wouldn't mind helping you out. Luke Hemmings, Will you go to prom with me and Calum?" He asked, and grabbed my hand. I laughed at him, and nodded. "Thanks ash." At that moment, I felt the grip on my waist tighten. I looked back to Michael but he was just talking to Alex like he was before.

There's no way he could be jealous. I wanna test him though.

I pulled Ashton closer to me, and whispered in his ear. "Play along."

I grabbed his hand again, and said "Yeah and than maybe when Calum goes home we could cuddle." I said, pouting my lip, and I heard Michael and Alex stop talking. "Aw. That'd be nice." He said, and winked. "Yeah. I feel like I never see you anymore. My mum isn't home this week. You could come over and maybe we could have some fun." I said, my voice going into a whisper.

I felt Michael stand up, and my feet hit the floor. There was a firm grip on my hand, and I smirked as Michael dragged me from the cafeteria.

"What was that? Luke you know I like you." He asked, lightly pushing me to the wall.

"I know that now, but I was just testing you.." I said, and bit my lip. He rolled his eyes and smiled, leaning on the wall on his elbow. "I'm the jealous type." He said, and I quietly laughed.

"You really like me?" I asked, and he nodded. I blushed, and smiled down at my hands. "Yeah. I think you're cute, and you're unbelievably smart." he continued. I looked up at him, and smiled. "Thank you, Michael." I said, and he grabbed one of my hands.

"I've actually liked you for a while. I never really got to tell you though because, i dont know, I thought you hated me." He said. "I didn't hate you. I just didn't really fancy you very much because you pushed me into chocolate milk, but it's okay now." I said quietly, and laughed. He laughed a long with me. "Yeah. I'm glad you actually forgave me."

The school bell rang, signaling the end of our free period, and the end of the school day.

Michael glanced back at the clock, and back at me. "Hey. I've got to go. What time should we come over?" He asked. "I mean, whenever. I don't really have anything going on." I said, and shrugged my shoulders. He nodded, and kissed my cheek. "See you in a few hours." He said, before smiling, and walking down the hall.

I traced my fingers over the spot where his lips lingered, and I felt my heart explode.

I walked confidently down the hall, knowing Michael likes me. I made it over to Ashton and Calum, and smiled. "Michael likes me." I said quietly, and Calum cheered, jumping on my back. I gasped, and leaned over "My spine! Calum my spine is being crushed!" I groaned, and he jumped off.

"You look hot Luke. Who did this?" He asked, eyeing me up and down. "Michael did." I gushed. "You are a nerd legend. Luke you're going to be the light at the end of the tunnel for me. Now that you're hanging out with the cool kids, I'll hop on the bandwagon eventually. You see, Ashton already looks like a juvenile, so he's there already. Well eventually be the coolest kids around, and girls will be lining up to get a piece of Calum Hood." He said, holding onto my shoulder as we walked out of the school.

"Don't worry. We'll get there one day. They're even coming over later. I can say some good things about you guys, since Ashton, Michael pretty much hates you." I said, making Ashton laugh. "Wait. Why?" Calum asked.

"After you left, I told Ashton to come sit with us, and we started pretend flirting, and Michael got jealous, so that's how I got him to say that he likes me." I said, proud of myself.

"Score one, Dr. Fluke."


I had already ordered a pizza so the guys wouldn't have to go see the refrigerator that was locked up. Yes my mum locked the big refrigerator just to make sure I didn't eat anything unhealthy. I have my mini fridge full of carrots and other stuff I didn't want.

I guess she didn't really think about me ordering a pizza. I couldn't wait for the guys to get here, because honestly I am starving. I haven't had pizza in forever.

I sighed a breath of relief when the doorbell rang. I ran over to it, and opened it to see Michael smiling at me. "The guys will be here in about half an hour. Alex and Jack went to go pick up Kellin." He said, and I nodded, letting him step inside.

"Nice place, Hemmings. He said, and looked around. "Thanks." I said, and he sat his backpack full of clothes or whatever at the door. "You wanna go up to my room, or the bonus room, or something?" I asked, and he nodded. "Whenever's fine." He said, and I nodded, leading him up the stairs. We entered my room, and he looked quite surprised. "It's really clean in here." He said, and I laughed.

"Yeah. My mum makes me keep it clean." I said, and shrugged. "Your walls are so plain though." He said, looking at my cobalt blue walls. "My mum doesn't like any of the music I listen to so she won't let me have posters on my wall. I keep them in my closet though." I said, leading him to my walk-in closet.

"Not bad." He mumbled looking at my various band posters.

We walked back into my room, and i sat on the bed. He sat down in front of me, and we both sat criss cross, so the tops of his knees were rubbing against mine. "Damn..." He mumbled. "What?" I asked. Was there something on my face?

"You just look really good." He said, and i blushed, looking down at our knees touching.

"Don't do that." He said, lifting my head with his fingers. "I like seeing you blush. It's cute." He whispered, causing my face to flush a deeper red. "See! Like that!" He cooed, poking my cheek. I giggled once he pulled me onto his lap quickly. "Luke. I know it's just been a few days, but I really like you." He said quietly, looking at me.

I shook my head, and laid it down on his shoulder. "You probably won't like me in a few days." I said quietly, and I felt his arms wrap around my waist. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"People seem to want to be friends, or maybe more than friends with me, but after a few days they see what a freak I am, and usually leave me." I said, and he rubbed my back.

"Luke. I've liked you for more than a few days. We've just been talking for a little while now, and I realize I do really like you. I mean. I get it if you don't like me. It's probably too soon but-" "No Michael. I've liked you for a while too." I said, and pulled my head off of his shoulder.

He cocked an eyebrow at me. "Really?" He asked, and I nodded. He pulled me onto his lap, and looked like he was leaning in. I closed my eyes, but just before our lips touched, the doorbell rang. I opened my eyes, and heard Michael sigh. I quickly moved off of him, and he followed me downstairs. "We'll finish later." He whispered, making me blush.

I opened the door and saw Alex, Jack, and Kellin. "What do you want?!" Michael yelled. I turned and laughed at him, but Alex just placed a hand over his heart, faking a hurt expression. "Hi guys." I said, and smiled, letting them in. "So. I got a pizza and stuff." I said, and showed Jack to the living room so he could set up his xbox. The other guys were already in the kitchen devouring the pizzas I ordered.

I walked in and took a piece myself, and sat on the bar stool. All the other guys were just standing up though. Jack walked in, and joined us.

"Uh Luke? Why is your refrigerator locked?" Alex asked, pointing to the chain on the refrigerator. 'Because my mum is crazy' I wanted to say.

"Uh. That's her refrigerator. I'm not allowed in it." I said, and the guys looked at me like I had three heads. "Not allowed? Does she like starve you?!" Michael asked, sounding actually genuinely worried. I shook my head quickly. "No. I have my own." I said, pointing to the mini fridge below the sink. They all nodded, and we continued eating.

"You guys going to prom?" Alex asked, and I shrugged along with all the other guys. "I'm probably gonna go with Ashton and Calum and leave halfway through." I said. "Really?" Jack said, raising an eyebrow, and smirking towards Michael.

I glanced over to see Michael flipping Jack off. "Uh. I guess so?" I said, disregarding the boys actions. They all nodded, and when we were done, we migrated to the living room. Me and Michael sat on the smaller couch, Alex and Kellin sat on the big couch, and Jack sat in the recliner. The three of them grabbed controllers, but I sat back, just wanting to watch. Michael pulled his controller from his bag.

I reached over to the coffee table, and got my DoubleMint gum. "Want some?" I asked Michael, and he glanced over at me, and nodded. I took a piece out for him and tossed it on his lap. I sat criss cross on my side of the couch, and popped my gum in my mouth. I watched the game, and one out of the four screens got splattered with blood, and their game was over. I looked over to Michael who sighed, putting his controller down. "Dangit." He whined.

I scooted closer to him. "You know Michael. Since you lost, if you want. You c-can kiss me now. You don't have to but I mean, if you still wanna-" he silenced me by pulling me over to him quickly. I blushed and noticed he was now hovered above me.

Before his lips could land on mine, I turned my head. "What's wrong?" He asked, turning my head back to his. "I've never kissed anyone." I whispered, and felt my face heat up. He smiled, and laughed quietly. "That's adorable. It's an honor to be your first kiss, Luke Hemmings." He said, and pressed his lips to mine. He was giving me a new feeling, something I've never experienced before, but I really like it. Kissing back seemed to come naturally.

He laid down on top of me, and I laid my head on the armrest. I moved my hands to his arms, and rubbed them softly. He pulled back slowly, and smiled down at me. "You sure you've never kissed anyone?" He asked, and I blushed. "I haven't." I whispered, and he flipped us over so I was laying down on his chest.

He reached over and grabbed his controller, wrapping his arms around my waist so I was cuddled on his chest, and he could still play the game.

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