Foreigners of Humanity (Troll...


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As the Trolls try to escape the Bergens, a mysterious entity pushes them into a hole in the forest. They find... Mais

「❶」Crash Landing
「❷」"What are you exactly?" "What are YOU?!"
「❸」"___ doesn't take well to compliments."
「❹」"You're not that bad, I guess..."
「❺」"Decisions, Decisions."
「❼」'Welcome to the World of Humans, Branch'
「❽」 'Fuzzy Feelings'
「❾」'Bitch, Where?'
「❶⓪」"Shave Me Bald and Call Me An Egg"
「❶❶」(Y/n) Has A Heart?!
「❶❷」"I'm A Little Tea-Pot, Bitch!"
「❶❹」"Ah yes. Casually Murdering Someone-"
Sequel is out!


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While you're getting lost as fuck for plot purposes, let's go check on the Trolls.

King Peppy was leading everyone through the tunnels, just like 20 years ago, while a newly colored Branch *cough* skittle *cough* was in the back making sure everyone made it into the hole, while Poppy stood next to him, staring off into the distance at the castle.

She was worried. You still haven't made a reappearance, and while she had faith in you, the way you had been dragged off by all those guards didn't really help her attempts at trying to be optimistic... and Bridget... she sacrificed herself so they could escape...

Her train of thought stopped when Branch turned to her.

It's still weird looking at him, with all his new colors.

... oH! She couldn't wait to see the look on your face when you see him! She wondered what kind of weird words you'll say!

Probably something about 'balls' or 'snorting sweet cocaine'... whatever that is.


She turned at the sound of her name, seeing Branch looking at her with a look that she could only identify as determination.

"I'm going back... You can go with the others, but I'm going to go make sure (Y/n)'s safe. We don't know what happened to her when she was caught, so I'm going to go see if she got out and make sure she gets back to the village." He nods his head to the pink troll, turning to face the castle and running towards the edge of the tree.

"Wait!" Poppy shouted, hands outstretched like she could stop him with some magical force... but it worked, the newly colored troll stumbled slightly as he halted, nearly taking a tumble off the tree, and looked back at her. "I'm coming with you! Bridget just ruined her life to save ours! It's not right!" She exclaimed as she came to stand next to Branch. "She deserves to be happy as much as we do!" She puffed her chest and nodded like she just made the most important decision in her life. "They all do!"

... There was silence...

"Okayyyy, but we should probably get going now." Branch shook his head and went to take a leap off the tree again.


... only to be stopped... again.

"Ugh! What! What could be so important that you have to keep delaying us from getting to the castle!" The teal troll exclaimed in frustration, his hands waving like he was an Italian.

"... we need backup." Was all she said as she ran back into the hole in the center of the tree, and the scowling troll could hear her calling out names of her friends.

... this is gonna take awhile....

... he hoped you're ok...

Heh, who's he kidding, you're probably having the time of your life right now attacking anything in sight.


... No one questioned how Poppy suddenly got her hands on the rollerblade shoe that they had used when they were 'rescuing' Creek, but now they were all on a roll towards the castle.


Now back to you.

Now that you were done getting conveniently lost for the plot, you had a sudden urge to turn left... and if you could, you would have turned right because you were still feeling salty about the author censoring your dick joke in chapter 10... but because of plot purposes, your legs were disobeying you.


You suddenly tripped on the carpet, nearly slamming your already broken nose into the double doors in front of you, if you hadn't caught yourself with your hands.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" You angrily shouted, straightening yourself out again as you looked up at the sky, like you could see the bitch who abandoned this story for 3 whole years-

You fell through the doors and into the dinning room full of ugly raisin-commercial-rejects, causing all attention to fall on you as you jumped up and released the weirdest, angriest, noises you've ever done. It was a weird cross between a dying whale and a moose, but it happened.

You pointed up at the sky... well, more like ceiling. "SUCK MY DICK, YOU CRUSTY NUT! THIS JOKE ISN'T EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE!"

... You got no response.

"... Ah..."

You turned to see that saggy tittied bitch who broke your nose... and all the raisins you punched in the face... and they were all looking at you with fear- oh wait, there's a green booger in a crop-top you haven't punched yet, he was sitting in the middle of the center table, creepily stroking a rollerblade...

... The awkward silence persisted as you took a deep inhale through your nose, trying to clear the blocked air ways, but that was kinda stupid seeing that your nose is broken, but it's much more interesting to focus on that then everyone staring at you.

Damn this is awkward.

You were suddenly grabbed by the chef's crusty ass hands, which caused your brain to crash and Windows 10 music to play on repeat.

"I'm so glad you could make it! The main course will be here soon! Come! Come! Sit!" The chef grinned crazily up at you, practically dragging you with those crusty nails next to the booger, and slammed you down into the chair, muttering about how she lived for people's reactions the first time they eat a Troll, and how she was so glad that you were here, and how it was 'King Gristle's' first time as well.

'I think she might have a fetish for watching people eat Trolls or something...' You couldn't help but think as you were slowly coming back from buffering like a library computer that hasn't been touched in years.

'I mean... you're not wron-'

You were knocked out of your thoughts by a little prune maid in a ratty ass pink uniform pushing a cart through the doors, and everyone began chanting.


... oh yeah, you almost forgot why you were here. You're supposed to be saving the Trolls... oops-

Oh well, you already have a plan! When they lift the lid, you'll create a distraction by punching the crop-top wearing booger, then once everyone's eyes are on him, you'll jump over the table and break Saggy Tittie's nose, then grab the pot and run like you stole actual pot and angry stoners are after you!

"Alright everybody! Who's ready to eat Trolls?!" The crazy chef exclaimed, only grinning bigger when all the other crusty raisin's cheered louder.

She turned towards you and the booger-raisin-prune-thing next to you, looking like a crackhead who just found a broken-down van that was trying to smuggle crack over the border, and was told that if she helps them move it all over the border, they'll give her a bag- oh wait, that's just ol' aunt Glinda.

Oh wait, the Barney-reject is still talking.

"-I will be the one to show you true happiness!"

Oh! It's coming! Those crusty hands were moving towards the lid.

You slowly lifted your fist.

"Bon appetite!"

You reeled your fist back, about to sling it into the weird man-child's face-

"They're gone!"

... you slowly lowered your fist.

Damn, you were really looking forward to tha- OOP- I mean, yay! Good for them! They got away!


Oop, it's getting interesting!

You weren't too concerned at the moment, mostly because you remember the conversation you had with the Trolls when they first began squatting at your house, and if what they said about eating Trolls was anything to go by, this 'Idget' raisin should look like she's having the best acid trip she's ever had right now if she ate the Trolls... so you're just gonna lean back in the chair and try to pop your nose back into place before it swells too much... and maybe wait for another opportunity to punch the booger-king-dude.

Grabbing a nearby napkin, you paid no attention to the fact that these savage raisins were about to maul the maid that looked like someone snatched her weave.

... and jerked your nose before you could talk yourself out of it. You dug your nails into the wooden table as you muffled the ungodly noise that tried to escape.

Most likely some words that would send you to hell.

Just as you were blowing the blood from your nose, the shattering of glass caught your attention, and thinking someone was about to shank someone with glass or that they threw the maid out of a window, you looked up...

... only to see Trolls flying through the air, then land on the Idget-girl's head and-

Oh hey, she got herself a new weave. Good for her.

You blew more blood into the napkin.

The man-child booger smoothly slithered under the table and stood in front of the maid. "Lady Glittersparkles?"

"Lady who-what-now?" You muttered as you looked at the two... eh, this is turning into a Spanish soap-opera, you're gonna tune out and get back to cleaning up your nose.

And that's what you did...

Until you were grabbed by Mrs. Crusty Hands and being held down.

Holy shit! You zoned out for like- two seconds!

"I'll feed you all Trolls every day of the year! A never ending feast of happiness!" She was suddenly holding a Troll you've never seen before in front of your face. A teal one with dark blue hair, or was is purple? It kinda looks purp-


Oh fuck no!

"Hell nah! That's some vore shit!" You tried to turn your head away, but the chefs crusty dusty claws had a tight clamp on your jaw. "I'm not into that! Safe-word! Safe-word! Uncle! Pinapple! Washi- Washishi- oh god damnit! Whorshishire! Fuck, the safe word is Whorshishire isn't it! I don't know how to pronouns it!" You continued to struggle, holding onto the Chef's wrist that was holding the Troll with one hand and trying deck her in the schnoz with the other.

The poor skittle was shaking his head rapidly as he tried to fight against the prune's hand, his ears drooped in fear and eyes wide. "No! No! No!" He cried in fear.

It wasn't until she shoved one of her claws up your freshly-popped-back-into-place nose and pulled up, did you open your mouth. "oW YOU FUCKING BITC-"

The Troll was shoved into your mouth and the chef's hand was clamped her hand over your mouth to prevent you from spitting him back out. You could feel the poor dude grabbing onto your tongue to make sure you couldn't accidentally swallow him.

Oh god. You're gonna be sick.

He tasted like fucking minty blueberry candy.

It was like someone dumped a whole container of sugar in your mouth! Jesus Christ, you're gonna throw up!

There was chaos going on all around you. People were screaming and running around, and some where running over to where you were.

You clawed at the crusty hand on your mouth, trying to keep your mind off the fact that the Troll in your mouth was squirming and yelling for you not to swallow him.

Heh, that's a first-

You reared your hand back...

And punched the bitch in the boob. Cheap shot, but anything's fair in war.

Once she let go with a shout of pain, you shot out of your seat and punched her as hard as you could in the nose, taking sick joy in the sound and feeling of the bone breaking under your fist.

Revenge is the sweetest dish to server, and nobody can tell you otherwise!

You didn't get to see her hit the floor because you had turned towards the table and spit the, now traumatized, saliva covered, Troll into your hand. He was gasping for air and shaking, wide eyes unfocused and looking like he just seen some old people tryin' to get frisky in a nursing-home cafeteria while trying to visit his senile grandpa.

... Yeahhhhh, he's gonna be scarred for life.

You quickly put him down on the table and turned around, sticking your tongue out and began furiously wiping it with a new napkin you nabbed, making spitting noises as you did so, hoping to get the overly sweet taste out of your mouth.

What the fuck are Trolls made out of?! Sugar?! Jesus fucking Christ!

You dropped into a crouch as you thought about what just happened, reevaluating your life choices...

You fucking hate super sweet things.


(Y/n) was trying to pronounce Worcestershire if anyone was wondering.

Also, not gonna lie, I had to rewatch the Troll Movie to try and remember the plot, and I also ended up finding the new Troll Movie: Troll's World Tour and watching it, and I was thinking about once this book ends, (which will coming soon in the next few chapters or so, depends on if I have any ideas that I want to add into this book) do you guys want me to bring (Y/n) back and do a second book around Troll's World Tour? Cause I wouldn't mind.

So, some questions for you guys that will decide the future:

1.) Do you guys want Branch to be a romantic interest? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Or nah?


2.) Do you guys want me to bring back our crackhead (Y/n) for a second book around 'Troll's World Tour'?

Or nah?

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