Locked in Permafrost

By widgetwonker

24.4K 1.4K 97

Lost Omega x Hermit Alpha Meeting by chance in the Alaskan wilderness just north of the Arctic Circle, they'... More



2K 138 31
By widgetwonker

The truck came by the rental house to collect all their winter supplies for the cabin while Eric was still in the hospital, so he wasn't able to organize them as he'd like. When it arrived at the cabin, two days after Paul, Eric, baby Joyce, and a box of six baby chicks returned in the ski plane, it was a lot of work to get things sorted and put away.

The dogs jumping all over them in excitement didn't help either but baby Joyce's big eyes stared at them in wonder so Paul settled them down and introduced her. She loved reclining in her swing in the barn watching the dogs while daddy packed away their supplies or readied his trap line or other equipment necessary for resuming a mostly subsistence lifestyle.

He made a little space for the chicks near the wood stove but they would grow fast so building the lean-to greenhouse was next on his list. The ground level would be their domain and the grow lights, powered by the new wind turbine, would help keep them warm along with the veggies. That was a lot of building he had to do in short order but it was all from prefab kits so it went together quickly.

Cutting a door in from the cabin, for both extra heat if it became necessary and access, was the hardest part. Eric watched from his swinging chair where he liked to nurse the baby and chuckled every time Paul stopped himself from swearing in front of the baby.

Eric hadn't had much recovery time before their return so he was restricted to putting things away in the cabin between mandatory naps and nursing sessions. That they'd made it home, and found their home well cared for in their absence, was such a relief he wondered how he could ever want to leave again. He knew he would someday, but couldn't imagine it in his present state of blissful quietude with loving company.

The legal situation was far from resolved, but they left it in good hands and were safely out of reach of anyone with evil intent. Their bodyguards were back in college for the fall semester and in addition to paying them well Paul discreetly boosted their scholarships.

Everything they needed was at hand and as the daylight waned and the snow began to pile up they nestled down in their cozy home in the wilderness to raise their young and pass a happy life together. At least, that was the gist of Paul's thoughts as he chopped wood and mused on his good fortune spotting that errant helicopter almost a year ago.

Inside the cabin, Eric double checked his calendar and his heart to determine his readiness to resume a more intimate relationship with his handsome husband. Those muscles rippling across his back as he chopped wood with so much vigor that he had to abandon his shirt in spite of the snow on the ground were making his omega feel things again. Things that pregnancy made him forget.

A nice venison stew was slow cooking over a low fire in the wood stove. Corn bread cooled on the counter. The chicks were cozy in the greenhouse. The dogs were sleeping off their earlier run down the trap line. Eric bathed the baby so she would be down for a good long sleep. Then, bathed himself so he'd be clean and tasty when his alpha returned. The question was, how to communicate his readiness.

They'd need to go slow the first time since it had been so long, but he was a little afraid that after about two months of waiting Paul wouldn't be able to. An overt announcement might invite pouncing. Still, he didn't want his signal to be so quiet it got missed because of Paul's overprotective nature.

After piling up the chopped wood under the overhang of the cabin and putting his ax away, Paul grabbed his shirt off the ground and returned to the warmth and wonderful aroma of his cabin. The stew and cornbread smelled good, but the scent of his omega made his mouth absolutely water. It had been growing over the last few days; the longer he was stuck in the cabin the more concentrated it became in there. He should take him out for a ride in the sled soon. They could bundle Joyce up on his lap. She'd probably love that.

He could see that Joyce was sleeping in her hanging cradle, but he didn't see Eric. "Back here," came his mate's voice from behind the bathroom curtain. Was he bathing? The sound of water swishing followed. That was all it took to bring little Paul to attention these days. He missed making love to his precious mate.

Behind the curtain, Eric was not bathing. He stood up from his stool to take Paul's shirt from his hand and started unbuckling his belt and jeans. "What's this?" Paul choked out after being stunned speechless at the site of his mate in a little apron.

"Bath service," Eric calmly answered, tugging at uncooperative denim. Paul shucked his jeans, underwear, and socks in one go. He did not fail to notice the way Eric licked his lips at the site of his erect penis, but his mate deserved a clean partner and he was anything but. He climbed into the tub without prompting and let Eric scrub and fondle him to his heart's content.

With his alpha clean and practically purring, Eric pulled him out of the tub, tossed the dirty clothes in, and then coaxed him around to their bed while dodging kisses that would have ended their progress entirely and left them making love on the wood floor.

In bed, together, naked, for the first time since before Joyce was born, Paul's brain stuttered over his thoughts and desires. He gently caressed Eric's new body. The leftover curves from pregnancy and the slight swelling of his breasts from nursing. As he touched and fondled, Eric moaned and milk began dripping from his darkened and swollen nipples. Curious, Paul lapped it up. It was light and tasted a bit like cucumber, not heavy or creamy like cows milk.

This action brought more moaning. "You like that?" Paul asked.

"It's not like with the baby," Eric answered. "That makes my heart burn and tears well up. It's emotional." He couldn't seem to continue but Paul wanted to know how it was different.

"And this?" He stopped long enough to give Eric breath to answer.

"It goes straight to my ass. It aches to be filled by you."

"You're really ready?"

"Yes, just...go easy on me."

That was all Paul needed to hear. He kept Eric breathless the rest of the night, sucking on his nipples and his pretty cock, slowly stretching his opening, and then filling him with such reverence it felt like he was saying his vows all over again. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, Eric, for as long as we both shall live. When he made Eric cum between them, he felt baptized. When he filled Eric's ass with his own cum, he felt like he was making an offering to Aphrodite. He knew he was making a mess of religious metaphors, but he couldn't help it. Every movement seemed to deepen their spiritual connection until their hearts shared the same beat.

For Eric's part, he lost track of the world outside of Paul's embrace. He felt nothing, like he was suspended in space, except for the touch of his alpha. Heat coursed through his body in strange ways and he was aware of rivulets of milk dripping down his sides whenever he felt a surge of affection for his mate. Paul's desire was a palpable thing to him and he stoked it with happy mewls and gentle strokes of his fingers across those taught muscles he'd been watching earlier.

"I'm gonna take you with me to heaven," Paul promised.

"You already have," Eric moaned.


Thank you for reading my latest, relatively short, Omegaverse story. Please let me know what you think in the comments. I'm gonna be diverting my attention to a sci-fi series I've been planning for a long time. Are y'all cool with a writer posting different genres under the same Wattpad account or should I put it elsewhere? It will still be primarily a romance, as all my stories have been.

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