Baby Kick | J.JK [Editing]

By Miftahul_Eusha

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"If I say I'm not the same Gguk, will you still accept me?" What happens when chemist Jeon Jungguk becomes a... More

Ep-1 : Found our similarity
Ep-2 : Found Our Similarity 2
Ep-3 : Leaving the hell
Ep-4: Let's cherish each other!
Ep-5: Lost
Ep-6: What are you?
Ep-7: Come Back
Ep-8: Burden
Ep-9: Broken
Ep-10: Blue Pea
Ep-11: We are going well
Ep-12: Remedy
Ep-13: Happy Birthday!!
Ep-14: Lustful Him? (M)
Ep-15: Needy Gguk
Ep-16: Cancer?
Ep-17: Sweet Creature
Ep-18: The King
Ep-19: Powers He Got
Ep-20: The Dark Conspiracy
Ep-22: Murder!!
Ep-23: Please!
Final Episode : Baby Kick
Author's Note

Ep-21: Possession

203 42 73
By Miftahul_Eusha

Kia just left the room doing her morning duty as giving me the medicines, providing me the breakfast as well Gguk. He was just getting ready for office and suddenly I remembered it was the date of giving him the vaccine.

Me: Don't put on shirt right now. You've to take the vaccine, remember?

Jk: Aishh! I just forgot. Wait, lemme bring'em!

Third Person's Pov:

Kwang was so ready along with his black creature. It was his golden time to accomplish his goal. He started to make an illusion through both of them. Koushi saw Jungguk coming back with medicine box and sitting beside her. She gently took the injection and shoved that through his vein. But the whole thing was fake. The Jungguk, Koushi viwed was just an optical illusion created by Kwang so. Koushi got kissed by the fake Jungguk on her forehead as usual and he went out of the room as if he was real.

Whereas, The actual Jungguk entered to his room which was also an illusion and saw a fake Koushi waiting for him. He couldn't even suspect that the fake Koushi was actually Kwang so, who was gonna push a venomous creature inside him by the injection. And unfortunately he did. Jungguk got injected by Kwang so's hand. The venom was spreading through his vein instead of the vaccine. He didn't know how much awful consequence was waiting for him. How filthy and nasty creature was gonna occupy his body~ He smiled at the fake Koushi and wearing his shirt he left the room for office.

End of third person's pov:

He just left. Huh!

I sighed and thought. I didn't know but the days going on and making me more weak for his presence. Like, a little distance kept giving me sense of getting parted. I was so scared.....

But all of a sudden, I felt another Kick from my womb. Jeonson kicked again!

I touched my belly and crumpled my eyebrows.

Me: Jeonson! You're being so naughty! You're planning not to kick for papa right? He just left and you kicked.......Ugh! This boy is just like Gguk, being a great teaser!

Jungguk's pov:

I closed my laptop.

Nah! I'm really feeling sick!

I didn't know why I was feeling much weak and sick. Like, my body wasn't obeying my summons, veins were trembling inside, head started to ache. What the heck was going on? I was good in the morning~

I took some medicines to fight

the little pain blowing all over my body. But still it was bothering me! What just happened?

" May I come in?"

I looked up and saw Dr. Soha grabbing some test tubes.

Me: Please come in. Any problem miss?

Soha: Mr.Jeon, I'm trying my best to complete this reaction but It kept failing.

Me: Did you check out the reaction rules and number isotopes before doing it?

Soha: I did. Still...

Me: Lemme check.

Soha: Yeah. Please come to my lab.

We got up from the chair and was about to leave my chamber, but all of a sudden Dr. Soha cut herself on fingers with the half-broken door knob. Bloods came out from teared skin already.

Holy shit! I should've repaired this knob earlier.

Me: Oh my god. You're beedling!

Soha: No. That's nothing...

Me: What are you saying? You're losing lots of bloods-

Suddenly I felt that cursed feelings again. I couldn't believe that. Again I felt inner vibration in my fangs. My throat was drying up to see the dark red bloods dropping on the floor from her finger. My vision was getting blurry. My breathe went irregular, I gasped. My inner self was being desperate for only one thing. Bloods.

Soha: Mr. Jeon? Are you fine?

I looked at her and found tension on her face. She was kinda afraid. But I couldn't help controlling myself. Before anyone got to know 'bout anything, I pushed her out of the room and slammed it behind with a fast pace. She was surprised to see my sudden action. I didn't care!

My mind was going crazy. I kept failing to calm my nerves down. Both a wonder and a tension was ruining me inside. I had to keep myself away from the blood. I ran to the wash room and washed my face. Gazing at the mirror I saw my eyeballs were already red!

What's happening god! Why this filthy thing is coming back! Why??'s stronger!

Vampire world:

Some soldiers were gathering in front of Minho's library since morning. Minho was busy with some stuffs, so he had to keep them await. Eventually when he got out from there, everyone started to blabber in a high tone. As they were complaining.

Minho: What's the matter? Why all of you are talking mess. Speak up particularly.

?: Mr. Advisor! Today, in the morning something weird happened in King Jeon's house.

?: We felt a strange presence for few seconds but couldn't find that out then.

Minho: What do you mean? You all are in charge of protecting the royal family, aren't you?

?: But, Mr. Advisor, this time we got shocked at our own. We really couldn't understand what happened in house for few moments. It was like someone was indirectly obstructing our nerves to sense its presence and take step against something isn't normal.

Minho: You've no idea what are you saying! Shit! What if-

Suddenly a servant came running to Minho screaming his lung out,

?: Mr. Advisor!!!!

Minho: Why are you screaming now?

?: Local people found your wife's ring at the edge of the forest.

Minho: What?

?: Some are saying they saw blood stains on the muddy road~

Where's Luna? Where's my Baby? Did Kwang so do something wrong to them? - A sense of danger blew over his mind.

Minho: I need to go to home! Right now!

He left the place immediately. When Minho and the soldiers reached his home, he wasn't in a state to breath. The view was enough tormenting to ruin his heart. He saw his baby's parted dead body lying on he floor. Black bloods were stuck here and there. He kneeled down being astonished and almost forget to inhale. A slow mutter could be heard,

Minho: No~ This can't be happened......can't be...

He burst in tears, squalling over like an insane. It was appalling, heart breaking to see a father grabbing his baby's parted body against his chest and crying mess. All of the soldiers were bowing down there.

Few minutes later Minho looked up searching of Luna but found nowhere. He gulped, wiped his eyes and spoke out,

Minho: Take my baby to the castle...he will be buried in a graceful way! I need to fine Luna.

The narrow path was trembling with horse steps through the forest. A broken man and lots of soldiers were heading towards the place where locals found blood stains. Minho was out of his mind to think something and suddenly horses stopped. Minho looked up to see the matter and...

immediately he got another shock. He saw a female half naked figure was lying on the grass. His eyes got widen and heartbeat was about to stop. Getting down from the horse seat, he slowly approached to the body with his trembled legs. He was too close...It was her. Luna, his wife.

He literally ran to her, grabbed her vapid body with unstoppable tears.

Minho: No! No please! I....Luna please~

He kissed her forehead and kept her in his chest. Slowly grieves were rushing out from his heart. A revengeful perception was pouring his heart! He knew Kwang so was behind these all. All he wanted was ripping out his heart from his chest.

" So sad!" Someone's voice reached to Minho's ear. As if he was scoffing. Looking back he found the person he wanted to kill. Kwang So.

Minho almost burst in anger but said in a cold voice,

Minho: You did wrong. Extremely wrong. Now pay!

Without wasting time, he rush towards him with his sword. Unfortunately Kwang so placed himself so quickly that the sword slipped away from chopping his shoulder. Minho didn't stop. The soldiers hedged Kwang So in a small round.

Kwang: You're thinking I can't defeat his stupid barrier?

Minho: Stop assuming your enemy weak! If you have black magic, then we have the blessing of god. The only regret is, we are freaking late to recognize that. Remember Kwang So, we've been protecting the holy departed souls from years, therefore, we're getting blessing from almighty. And no other magic is stable in front of them, nor black magics. Understand?

Kwang so looked a bit messed to hear that. Minho wasn't wrong.

Kwang So: You're planning to kill me, Minho?

Minho: If I can, I wouldn't delay a single second. Though you're destined to get killed by our prince, still I wouldn't miss the chance, I would kill you already. I WILL!!

Saying that he again rushed towards him. He tried to slash him but Kwang So resist his sword with his one. Both of them were fighting immensely. Minho got injured on his clothed arm but the race of revenge never let him give up. He screamed out and showed up his most dangerous fighter self ever. His aggressive slash cut down Kwang's right arm and he fell on the grass. Minho stepped oh his chest and spitted on his face.

Minho: In this moment, I really don't care about what is fated. I can't leave a curse like you to be demolished by Prince's hand. I'll take out your soul. Right now! Your black spells can't save you-

Kwang smiled even being in pain.

Kwang: I did what I want buddy.

Minho: What you meant?

Kwang: Even if I can't gain the throne in this birth, I possessed your precious King. It's too late dear friend. Now you'll see how he becomes a monster...

Minho: Stop lying you bustard!

Kwang: I ain't. Though I'm dying now, I didn't let your King and people be in peace...I didn't...I win.....I'll come-

Before he utter his wish again, Minho cut down his mouth and kept stabbing mess on his chest. Kwang's heart could be seen through the chopped fleshes. Still Minho didn't stop. He cut down his another hand, with which he touched his wife, killed his baby. He tore down Kwang's neck and made them parted. Same as he did with his little son....Kwang so was dead already! His awful body was on the mud.

Minho threw his sword and covered his face with his bloody palms.

What just happened, god? Why this happened? King Jeon is possessed? Now what? A vampire community can't survive without a King.....We are late! Too late.......


My eyebrows went curled after hearing everything in phone. One of the co-worker of Gguk called me with a sudden. Hearing her voice I could feel she was hyper or scared of something.

Me: What are you saying?

Soha: It's true. The whole office is in front of his chamber. He isn't coming out and screaming mess. We called the cops though....

Me: No way. He was good before leaving.

Soha: Yes, he was. He was talking good but suddenly he became aggressive when he saw bloods coming out from my fingers.

My eyes got widen to hear that. What did she mean?

Me: What? Bloods? After seeing bloods you said?

Soha: Yes...

I couldn't reply her just felt a shiver on my spine. She kept calling me but I was frozen.

No! It can't be possible! Is his bloodlust coming back?

I grabbed my abdomen feeling a sense of danger. Gguks was also avoiding my calls. The whole time I was so tensed to do something. Though I had informed Annie about everything, still I felt too orphaned until I got the call of a police officer.

Officer: Is it Jeon Koushi? I'm from local Police department.

Me: YES! I am... how is he? where is he now? Can I talk to him?

Officer: Calm down. Mr. Jeon is physically fine. We found him senseless in his chamber that's why he couldn't open the door for a long!

Me: What? Senseless?

I almost screamed!

Officer: Mrs. Jeon, don't worry. Doctor has checked him up. Even we've sent him to his mansion. You'll be meeting him soon.

Me: Thanks a lot! Many thanks...

Officer: It's our responsibility ma'am.

I cut the call and after few seconds, the door bell rang out. Kia went to open the door and gradually Soha entered the room holding Gguk. I saw his eyes were reddish, hairs were messed. He looked so stressed. I came near to hold him but Soha resisted me,

Soha: No, no, Mrs. Jeon. Don't have to move in this state. I'm bringing him. 

She made him sit on the bed and after describing the whole situation, she left. I sat beside him covering him with blanket and touched his cheeks.

Me: What happened Gguk? Why did you feel like that with a sudden?

He sighed and said,

Jk: I don't know...I bloodlust was coming back...

Me: How? I mean, why at this stage? Moreover, you're vaccine routine didn't even change!

Jk: I also couldn't understand. Maybe I'm just over working and taking much stresses...that's why...

Me: Strange! Whatever, I'm glad that you're fine. Please don't take much pressures. Your health comes first. It made you fainted.

Jk: Koushi...when I saw the blood, I felt the same feelings. I tried to resist myself from doing the heinous work again, tried to calm my nerves down. But it reached to extreme state that I fainted out......But..Now, I feel good.

Me: That's great. I was freaking tensed Gguk. Since I've locked with Jeonson, you're not taking care of yourself. What if I scold you hard now? Huh?

Suddenly he smiled. 

Gosh! He knows very well how to melt me. Stop showing those bunny teeth!

Hearing my mind, he showed up his teeth even more and came closer.

Me: Gguk! 

His smile turned to a giggle. See, how beautiful and dreamy he was looking even carrying reddish eyes and tired face! I brushed my palm over his cheeks. He left a deep breath and direct looked in my eyes. 

I didn't know what just happened, but those eyes...Again! It felt like the past days. The same sharp gaze, pitch-black eyes, expressing everything through it. Again! Only his eyes were making me shivered and weak. My heart kept skipping beat to face the past Gguk. Other hand, I was really enjoying that....

His cold hands gently dragged me against his chest, replaced the hairs from my cheeks. I couldn't catch how long he was just looking at me, caressing me. 

Me: You know it hurts when you love me like this. 

Jk: I can't help. I want more....

He leaned over my face closing his eyes. We were too close. It wasn't the first time we were facing that situation, but it felt way sensual, intoxicating. 

The tip of his nose went down to my neck. A deep inhale! He was smelling me showing up his dangerous habit. Of course, it made my eyes closed. I could feel his hot breath was coming up beside my earlobe. A little peck felt at a side of my cheeks. I giggled with a sense of tickle.

I could feel his lips being widen on my skin. He smiled to hear me giggling.

Jk: Cute!

He raised his face and whispered. But soon the soft moment went away and his needy gaze again started to occupy me. He cupped my cheeks and slowly lowered his lips above my one. My forever softest, sweetest gift. He adjusted his lips with mine very well. Gradually his soft rubs went rough. He was devouring them with erotic moves. 

What formed him that day? Why he was being so eager? 

It's not true that I wasn't attending his actions spontaneously but it made me startled as well. I grabbed his nape and slowly sliding my fingers through his hairs. I didn't why, even being in his lovable embrace, even after getting  warm touches of his lips, I felt so wrenched! I didn't know why it felt like I wouldn't be able to get his touch again.... or anymore.... Why I was being teary? broken? It wasn't something grievous, right?

Whereas, he really took a long time to gain his satisfaction. Finally we parted our lips. He joined his nose with my one resting his face on mine. I held his head and grabbed it against my chest. I tried my best not to cry like a mad! My heart was suffering from the beneath of a heavy, caustic weight. Why I was feeling like to lose him? 

My obstructed sobs went calm as soon I felt his hands patting my back.

Jk: Koushi?

Me: Hmm...

Jk: I love you. 

Why god used to create same situation when he said that? Every second I died to reply, "I love you too" But something inside me grabbed my voice from coming out. I knew he was waiting for my response, but Every time I felt like, if I went to reply, I would cry like a crazy without any reason! Damn! A simple "I love you too" became that hard and painful to express!

Whatever, I sighed and said,

Me: Someone is jealous of your kisses on me!

Jk: Is he still? 

I nodded.

Jk: Then, will eomma convince him, that Papa's gonna break his jealousy? 

Me: But, I'm kinda mad on him. 

Jk: Wae? What he did? 

Me: He kicked today after you left.

Jk: What? I missed again?

Me: Yes. This naughty boy is teasing his Papa! So why shouldn't eomma get mad on him?

Jk: Matter of thinking! But, since Papa loves him like no end, forgiveness is granted!

I chuckled to see his dramatic behaviour.

Me: Good father. 

Jk: Yes. 

He slowly went close to my abdomen and joined his ear closing his eyes.

Jk: Jeonson? My baby!! Want Papa's adore? 

Me: He said yes!

He smiled and Kissed on my naval and poking his nose there.

Jk: This was my sorry for being late to send love. Now your turn! You must kick for me, understand? Now let's join cheeks, come on!....Did you? Huh?.....Should I tickle little Jeon?...

I wish I would have words to express how did I feel then. Nothing was peaceful than seeing him playing with his Jeonson. Our baby! The sign of our love!

Jk: See, Koushi? He's a good boy. He listens to me!

Me: Now come here. Sleep. You're enough tired. 

Jk: Little more~

Me: Lie down already. 

He pouted and Lied beside me and cuddled so sweetly. 

Alas! If I wouldn't tell him to sleep then, he might get a little bit more time to spend with his precious, desirable child. For the last time...

Jk: Koushi?

I hummed in a sleepy voice.

Me: Umm?

Jk: I love him. So bad!  

He whispered. But I couldn't hear anything clearly.

Me: Huh?

Jk: Nothing.

He sighed, grabbed me closest to his chest and kissed all over my face! That little habit of him, hurt a lot.

Nobody knew, it was the last time I was kissed my him! Ahhh....

A/N: Unedited! Lame! Immature! Boring! Cringy! Guys, I'm losing my confidence to write something beautiful!  This is going really shit that I'm even hesitating to tell ya'll for voting! Damn!

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