Simping For The Captain.

By marieleone

1.1K 56 14

This is a Black Clover Fan-fiction. Centres around Nozel Silva. I made some OC characters, but the main one... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.

Chapter Five.

132 11 1
By marieleone

Three days, it took us three days to finally complete that mission.

I still had that guilt from getting Sumo injured. He might be okay now and chatting with Zen but it's my fault he got hurt in the first place.

I needed to vent, at someone, or something. I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time. Helpless.

I know I shouldn't feel so bad. After all, no one died and the goons were apprehended. I'd prefer it if I didn't have to deal with an injured subordinate.

I was heading to Sumo's room where he was recuperating. The wound, damaged him more than we thought. I paused when I noticed another presence in the room.

"I know this is coming a little late, but I'm sorry for getting you injured." Was that Yuno? Why was he apologizing? I didn't expect that.

"It's okay." Sumo said "I'm fine, I can move perfectly, but I have worry-warts all around me."

"One particular worry-wart. You mean." Zen said.

"I don't think you should be saying such things, she could be near." Yuno warned. How did he know it was me?

"Akira-senpai knows what she is." Zen said. "You know I think you should apologize to her Yuno, then we can probably train together. I'll forgive you when she forgives you."

"The way you say it, one would think you have something with Akira-senpai, Zen-kun." Sumo said, so he's back to teasing his best-friend. Thank goodness, he's getting better.

"Don't say such stupid things, it's not like I want her to like me or something."

"You sound like you do." Yuno said.

"I obviously don't sound like it, I -i would never want that, it's just- just sometimes she-"

"Stop making Zen uncomfortable." I said from the door sill. I was tired of this conversation in general. Zen liking me? Like that's possible.

"Akira-senpai." Zen said with relief all over his face. I know he looks up to me, what could be better than that?

"You know Sumo, it's rude to talk about someone when they're not there." I told him, and he looked like he pouted.

"Being cute does not fit you" Zen said to Sumo with a snicker.

"Of course it doesn't, that's a you thing" He laughed and looked at me for approval and I gave it to him

"That's right. You're a lot cuter than Sumo, Zen-kun" I said to him. I enjoyed talking with these fifteen year olds, they gave me the feeling of having younger ones. And I really enjoyed it.

"Solid-sama" I heard Sumo say as a smile rose to his lips. Did Solid eventually take out of his time to see Sumo? He said he would, but he was really busy and I felt like he wouldn't.

"How are you doing now kiddo?" Solid asked him as he stepped in. He placed his hand on my shoulder which caused me to jump in shock. I wasn't expecting that, and my face went red as the rest of them laughed at my reaction.

"Good, I feel like I can leave but the nurses don't want me to"

"If you say you're okay, then it means you are. I'll talk to those nurses, see if I could get you released."

"Solid" I said sternly and he looked at me "The injury was serious, it's not wise to just walk it over like its nothing simply because he says he's okay."

"He says he's fine, he looks fine to me. Doesn't that count for something?"

"Even if he isn't all that well, he'll lie to you, cause you're you." I all but yelled at him

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked me and without waiting for a response from me he asked Sumo "Would you lie to me?"

Sumo was tongue tied at this point and Solid took a deep breath when he realized that I was right.

"Why would you do that?" Solid asked him, but all Sumo did was hide his face underneath the blankets. I could see Solid's facials go soft so I told him.

"He looks up to you and he doesn't want you to see him as a weak kid"

"He's not a weak kid, I've never thought that." Solid said to me and left my side till he was face to face with Sumo. He gently lifted up the blankets and looked him in the eye and told him "Kiddo, you're not weak, no one here thinks that. Besides you're like the little sibling I always wanted." I've never seen Solid get all mushy like this except when it comes to buttering Nebra up. Solid ruffled his hair and told him "I've got to go"

I knew he was busy but he still made time for him. That's really sweet. I just hope that what Solid just said would increase his self-confidence. It better.

Sumo looked up at Solid's retreating frame and I could tell he was happy with what had just occurred. He finally had Solid's approval. Despite Solid's bad attitude, he had soft spots and apparently, Sumo has taken one.

"Sumo, you should rest. We are leaving now." I said, making sure to focus my gaze on Zen. Who spent the night here despite my warnings.

"Can I stay back?" Zen asked and I shook my head. "I won't even talk to him, what if something happens?"

"Like what?" I asked, and he seemed to get into a lot of thinking, but couldn't provide me with a good answer so he left it at that.

"Bye buddy, see you soon." Zen said and left. Yuno began following in tow. I was done with this place, besides I hated the smell of infirmaries. I bid Sumo a goodbye and left.

I didn't know what I was going to spend the rest of my day doing, but I did know that despite every thing, I wasn't going back to the Vaude mansion. Lord Vaude -Langris' father- was pissing me off and I wasn't in the mood to listen to another lecture. I hated the fact that, they were forcing my beloved Langris-nii to get married to someone he had no feelings whatsoever for. Langris might not be complaining but I know what he is feeling.

In the midst of my absentmindedness, I bumped into someone. When I looked up at the person, the sorry I was about to say got stuck in my throat. My mouth was basically wide open as I gaped at the individual.

"Child of Vaude" Said he and I nodded.

"Mahote?!" It came out as more of a question. I was wondering what he was doing in this place?

"What is this?" He asked in reference to that orb, I purchased a few days ago. I didn't realize that it slipped. He picked it up and I watched as nothing happened to Him in contrast to the shock that I received when I first touched it. "I see your magic is inside, its so beautiful. How do you use it?"

"Wizard king" I sweat dropped, I'm hundred percent sure I'm not the first spatial mage he has come across so why ask me? "This isn't the first time you're seeing spatial magic is it?"

"No, but yours looks just like your mum's. I remember her back when we were both in the Aqua deer's"

"What?!" I asked, I wasn't sure if what he just said was true. I have never seen my mother's magic, she's never around. I was raised by Lord and Lady Vaude, who I consider my parents. Not the woman who supposedly gave birth to me.

"She was a very talented spatial mage. It was even contestable between herself and her twin brother, whose magic was stronger." I couldn't believe my ears.

A woman who couldn't stick around long enough to watch her child grow up, was that strong. Lord Vaude at his age was still very agile and skilled, and my mother was as strong as that.

More proof that she really doesn't care about me.

"Mahote, you were in my mother's knight squad?" I asked the wizard king and he nodded. "Do you know where she is?"

"I have no idea, she just disappeared"

Everyone says the same thing. How dare she run away from her responsibilities? It wasn't my fault that she was a promiscuous young lady who had no idea which one of the many men she had slept with was my father.

It doesn't matter, I was raised by people more worthy of being my parents than she could ever be.

"Akira, don't be like the rest of your family. Don't be consumed by the hatred and regret. The curse on the House of Vaude is still strong" The Wizard king said.

"What curse?" I found myself asking him.

"Don't let the hatred you have for your mother be your reason for living" He paused "Don't make the same mistake that she made"

"Mahote, what are you talking about?"

"That's all I can say, if you wish to know more ask your family" With that, he disappeared. Much like he wasn't there at all.

What curse? That doesn't make any sense, our family isn't cursed. There has never been any reports of a curse coming from the House of Vaude. The only noble family whose dirty laundry is out in the open like that is the House of Rosellie, after the episode with Lady Charlotte. The whole kingdom knows.

I can't believe my family has one too. I just need to find out what it is.

I had made my way to the royal library, just to do my own research before asking Lord Vaude himself or even Langris-nii.

I was engaged in a little reading on the Clover kingdom's history. That was when a ringing in my pocket disrupted me. I took out the communication device, only for the captain's voice to ring through requesting me at the headquarters.

I didn't wait for him to dismiss me, I had teleported myself to the headquarters.

"Come to my office" was the order I received before was cut off from the communication.

I walked to his office, even though I was told to come in, I would be never just teleported into it. I still had to knock. I owe him that much.

"Come in" I heard say after my knock on the door. I opened the door and walked in, closing it after myself. "Your last mission" He said, and my breath was caught in my throat. I didn't want to hear it from him, I could feel the disappointment welling in from his tone.

"I didn't even ask you to sit. Have a seat, Akira." He said. He's being nice, after I messed up, he's being nice. "It went well from the reports Zen gave me this morning. Although, you fainted at the end of it and Sumo ended up in the hospital."

"Is that okay to you?" I asked him.

"The goal was achieved, that's all that really matters. The casualties are just extra"

"Captain, why'd you call me to your office?" It clearly couldn't be just to tell me this. Even though I didn't know more than who he was and his naked body, I always liked to think that I knew Nozel Silva.

"You sound like you're interrogating me, I don't like it." He said. "I do have another reason I called you here"

I knew it, I really did know Nozel to an extent.

"You seem to be distracted everytime. Is anything the matter?" He asked coming closer to where I was. He sat on his desk, and I was in between his legs in that position.

I didn't like that I was trapped, but yet I liked that I was this close to him.

"Akira, you haven't answered my question" He stated reaching out for my chin. I evaded it and said.

"Captain, I have a question." He nodded in my direction, which meant I could ask him what I wanted to. "Who am I to you?"

I wanted to know if I was just like any other member of this squad to him, or if he valued me as something more.

"Let's see" He said, stroking his beardless chin "to the kingdom, you are a trusted subordinate. I would say you are on par with Solid." My fists clenched, I was just an ordinary knight. "But, as a woman. You intrigue me, Akira. I want to know more about you, will you let me?"

"What does that mean?" I asked meekly.

"I want to explore you, all parts of you" He said, closing the gap between us with a kiss. I felt his cold hands on my skin, and my breath hitched in my throat.

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