Distorted Reality (SS) [DISCO...

By SilverSalamander

46 3 5

After over a millennia of peace, a new era threatens the lives of countless humans and Pokémon alike. Weakene... More

Chapter One : Familiar

46 3 5
By SilverSalamander

Golden rays of the blinding essence of sunlight rained downward toward the planet Earth, the only planet inhabited by organic life. From the rivers to the valleys, life frolicked about, surviving in everlasting peace after the mass destruction hundreds, no, thousands of years prior. Everlasting. What a silly term. Nothing, everybody knows, could possibly last forever. Everlasting. What a simple wail of hope, establishing a false sense of peace in the minds of unknowing humans and Pokémon alike. Everlasting. What a joke. When the skies seem to be clear there will always be a devastating storm just around the corner. Preparing to zap the light from innocent villages in the blink of an eye. Everything changes. It's simple logic.

Everything always seems to be perfectly fine. Splendid. In tune with reality until something, nobody even knows what, comes barging in uninvited. In the stories, the fairytales and other media such as this, everything turns out okay! Okay in the fairytales, but this is reality. This is the truth. This is the world. The cruel, unforgiving world. Silence. Silence is peaceful is it not? Everything depends on context, correct? Silence in nature is beautiful, the creatures are all tucking in for the night and the gentle hum of the wind brings a sense of reassurance. Then, there's silence in the pitch black nothing. There is not a sign of anything anywhere and you feel as if you may just be going insane. But that's just where everything started. That's just where all good stories begin. With nothing.

The darkness consumed the area, nothing was visible, not a soul made a sound. From the darkness came a faint light. Just hardly recognizable and with the sudden shock of a deafening explosion the darkness was no more. A creature with feline-like limbs reached up to rub their groggy eyes, adjusting to the light when another similar sound echoed in their ears. It opened its brilliant aquamarine eyes with a jolt.

It was tired, no that wasn't quite right. Nothing could describe how physically and somewhat mentally exhausted this creature was. They could not move an inch, couldn't do so much as to lift a single finger. All the creature could do was sit there helplessly in the protection of the forest.

The forest? The creature looked around. That's odd. The forest was unfamiliar to the feline, it remembered going to rest within the comfort of a cozy cave atop a mountain in the clouds. How had it suddenly found itself all the way on the forest floor, protected from the weather beneath a canopy of lush greenery. The blue-eyed creature was not complaining though, the soft grass was a preferred place to nap opposed to the rocky surface of a frozen cave. Despite the sense of reassurance from the comforting surroundings, it wouldn't help but wonder how on Earth it had gotten all the way to the valley?

Looking around, the pink Pokémon was finally able to recognize the area. It had been here before. Years ago that is. There was smoke, fire, trees, not a single other living being was in sight. This destruction, this chaos, the creature knew it all too well. But from what exactly? It didn't know, hadn't a clue.

There was yet another loud boom, this one closer than the last. The creature looked up towards where the sound was coming from only to be met with the scene of a falling tree preparing to crush the life out of the tiny pink feline. With a rush of adrenaline, the creature pushed itself out of the way in the nick of time, finding itself being propelled into the air. The creature looked down, it was floating. That wasn't new as it was one of the small Pokémon's many abilities, but it felt wonderful to be back in the air after six thousand years of a tranquil slumber.

Taking advantage of the ability to move once more, the creature started floating about. Within seconds of being able to move, the creature suddenly made contact with an invisible wall and collapsed to the rocky surface. The feline opened its eyes to find the place it was meant to be, a cave, exactly where it had fallen asleep. Well, not exactly as the creature had gotten up and moved around. It must have been a dream, but how could a dream have been that realistic. Something deep inside the pink-furred Pokémon's heart was screaming at them to be worried, to figure out what was going on. It didn't want to believe that anything was out of the ordinary, it had just awoken from a six thousand year long nap. It wanted to see how much the world had changed in that time, not immediately get tossed into another battle it didn't ask to be a part of.

Rather than settling down again for another long rest, the creature decided to examine the area. What had changed? Starting with itself, it inspected its messy, soft, pink fur. It spun in circles trying to get a good look at itself, trying to familiarize itself with who it was exactly. The mythical Pokémon finally caught sight of a reflective crystal, floating over to it the Mew finally got a good look at itself. Putting it simply, they were a mess. Their fur was messed up. It had dirt all across the left side of its head along with its arms and legs. The bags under its eyes were all too noticeable. First thing to do, take a long bath and clean themself up.

Mew, more formally known as Meki, floated out of the cave in which it had spent so many years undisturbed. Only mere moments after endorsing itself in the warm rays of the nearest star, the sun, a sharp chill ran up Meki's spine. Darkness. Not just from a simple cloud passing over the sun, no it was suddenly dark as night. Meki looked up at the sky, a large black figure was floating just where the sun was meant to be. They couldn't get a good look at it before smoke started arising from below. Familiar. The scene was familiar! More so than the last. Meki looked back towards the sky only to come face to face with blood-red eyes. Meki squealed in fear, losing its balance in the air and plummeting towards the ground. The fire, the chaos, the figure, had all disappeared now.

Meki calmed themself down despite the fact that they were falling at breakneck speeds. finally managing to pull themself together, Meki squeezed their eyes shut and once again found themself peacefully floating mere centimeters away from falling straight into a tree. The small mythical let out a breath that they didn't even know they had been holding, deciding to rest on the tree and get their head on straight before something like this had happened again. Two may not be a lot, but with experiences like those it only makes sense for someone to need time to collect themself.

The small, pink feline floated down towards a nearby branch. Perching themself comfortably atop of it, and just relaxing for a moment. Meki closed their eyes and listened to the sound of the wind. The noise suddenly sounded frantic, the gentle hum of the beedrill stopped abruptly. The blissful flapping of wings grew sharp and quick as if trying to escape from an unknown threat. Meki opened their eyes to see what had happened to the peace.

The sky was suddenly a harsh red, with ash gray clouds swirled overhead and blocked the sun from reaching the forest floor. Plunging the quiet wood into midday darkness. Meki jumped up as they heard a loud explosion from behind them, moving just out of the way of a falling tree. The sight looked familiar. Too familiar for Meki's liking.

The mythical Pokémon turned with a jolt only to be met with the bone chilling look of a blood red eye. Meki backed away in shock, hitting their head against a tree branch behind them. The shock of the whole experience was overwhelming. Meki's head was spinning, especially after being hit against a tree. Their eyesight was suddenly blurring, ears ringing, body limp and weak. Then there was nothing. Painful silence and darkness. Pitch, black darkness.


Meki hadn't any idea how long they had been out, but when they woke they came to see the forest just as peaceful as it had been originally. The sky was a pinkish hue with bits of golden sun, hinting at the fact that many hours had passed since Meki had originally blacked out. When the mythical's vision had cleared entirely, they could see a small crowd of Pokémon huddled around. Whispering amongst themselves.

When one of them noticed Meki waking up, they hushed the rest of the crowd and watched cluelessly as Meki picked themself up. Meki was obviously confused to see the small group around them, wondering how long they had been sitting around while Meki was unconscious.

"A-Are you alright?" One of them, a Cinccino, stuttered. Reaching out one of her paws to help Meki off the ground. She quickly turned around and grabbed a Pecha berry from an Emolga standing just behind her and held it out for Meki to take.

Meki didn't react the way the crowd hoped they would. The Mew just jumped off the ground themself, not even looking at the Cinccino offering her paw to help. Meki looked around, ears perked and alert. Trying to locate something that wasn't even there. Meki finally looked down at the Cinccino after staring at literally everything else in the proximity and making sure it was okay.

"I'm fine-" Meki began, only to cut themself off when they finally began to pay attention to the small Pokémon. "I-" Meki tried, but was still unable to form complete sentences. The Cinccino's aura was overwhelmingly strong. It wasn't just the aura of a Pokémon with a slight stat boost, no, this aura was unlike anything Meki had ever seen before.

Without any further hesitation, the Cinccino was suddenly encased in a glowing pink bubble. Stunned, the small Pokémon started banging on the inside in hopes of popping the bubble and escaping. It was no use, the field around the helpless Cinccino was too powerless. A single word flashed across Meki's mind as they were looking at the Cinccino, finally announcing "I need you to stay with me, Hiroko."

Hiroko just stared up at the mythical in fear as the pink feline tapped the top of the bubble, sending it flying through the air towards a place only known by Meki themself.

Meki had no idea what was going to happen. Bad things, that was all Meki knew. Very bad things. These visions, they meant something and they meant something important. He was coming back and Meki didn't know how much longer the barrier could hold him.

In an instant Meki used their aura tracing ability, searching for Pokémon similar to that of the Cinccino, Hiroko. There were seven, seven more just like Hiroko. Seven wasn't at all ideal but Meki took whatever they could get if they had any chance of preventing the mass destruction that would soon swallow the forest and throw the world into painful turmoil.

Meki rose off of the ground with a blinding blue aura surrounding them, their eyes glowed the same glistening blue. Meki clapped their hands together, the power emitted at that moment was enough to blow every creature within a 50 ft range backwards. The trees puch back, some roots ripped out the soil. The auras spotted were encased in a pink glow only visible to Meki, and soon they were all coming from the same place.

The cave in which Meki had awoken in mere hours earlier. Meki closed their eyes, teleporting into the cave, back facing the eight bubbles lined up behind them. "Welcome." Meki chimed in a bone chilling voice, dropping the bubbles and letting the group collapse onto the cold crystals of the cave floor.

Raptor : Hello to mine and Silvers' collaboration book!

Silver : Welcome one and all to Distorted Reality! This book is a collaboration between my good friend @ImaReadingRaptor, and me! @SilverSalamander :D I hope you all enjoy the first chapter of this story. It's going to be a wild ride, I can already tell. This chapter was written by yours truly :> The two of us have a little system going, so Raptor is going to be writing Chapter Two! Quick thingo before I let you guys go: Meki is non-binary so yeah they/them pronouns for our mythical friend. Anyway, have a good day / night, and as always...

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Comment here if you wanna make a face like this :3

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