CINDE, The Kings Mate (boyxbo...

נכתב על ידי BigNeptune

4.7M 188K 40.3K

Cinde, that's his name. A slave to his family and to anyone he might know. When the eclipse comes to town the... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Follow Up

Chapter Ten

208K 7.4K 3.2K
נכתב על ידי BigNeptune

         I woke up in the arms of my mate, still sleeping soundly with his arms curled over my side. I took the moment of silence to admire every perfect feature he possessed. A serene calm of such that I had never felt before. Even in his sleep he seemed to own an aura of dominion.

           If ever there where a better way to wake, then enlighten me.

        My eyes traced from his face to his arms to his chest. I hoped he was asleep because the daring part in me had awoken. I nervously brought a hand up close to his chest, gently feeling it rise and fall under my fingers. I nearly jumped out of my skin when Veldore moved and gripped tight on my hand, pushing it hard against his muscular torso, his eyes still closed. When I attempted to pull away his grip on me tightened. I blushed. 

        There was a small knock on the door along with a small ringing of bells as a maid entered rolling a breakfast platter on a desk with wheels into the room.

        She seemed not to notice me as she moved to my side. I however noticed her and without hope of freeing myself from Veldore's grip pulled the covers up high enough to cover it. She set the breakfast on a tray and left it standing on the desk beside me then did the same on the desk beside Veldore before removing herself from the room almost motionlessly.

        I felt Veldore stir in his sleep before awaking, allowing me to pull my hand away. He sat up against the back of the bed letting the covers fall just about above his privates. I felt fire rush through my face as I peeked.

         He poured himself some tea before laying some of the sliced Manchet bread on his plate and dressing it with smooth butter. I felt to out of place to do the same, I felt like my place was one of the serving girl and not in his bed.

        He gave me a sharp look before grunting. "Lay your eyes to rest or eat."

        I was not going to sleep I already felt like I should have woken up at least two hours prior, it was already six. "I am not hungry."

        "You are underfed Cinde you will eat your breakfast." He growled.

        A little taken aback by his tone I quietened down and repeated. "I am not hungry."

        Veldore glared at me, which if you were in my position, would frighten years out of you. He finished his food before buttering more bread and placing the bed tray on my side. "Eat." He commanded.

        "Your majesty-" I began.

        "You either address me as Veldore or not at all!" He snapped.

        I nodded and sighed, seeing that this conversation was not going to go far. I took a small nervous bite from the bread as he watched me from the corner of his eye, some sort of proud success twinkling.

        The bread was good, very good, I had never had the likes of such food before. All it was was bread and yet it made my mouth water. It took all of my effort not to scoff it up in a mouthful being under the watchful eye of the king, well, my mate. 

         Veldore apparently was not satisfied at that and reached over to pour me tea. I halted him softly as I dared.

          "Veldore please there is no need, if you wish me to pour some I shall do so."

         "Leave me. If I wish to dote on my mate while I am in this good mood you will let me."

          I just nodded, trying to hold back the small smile playing on my lips.

        The tea was spicy, very spicy yet also sweet. Whatever it was it was nice, in an odd way. It woke me up somewhat and warmed me. When we where done with breakfast Veldore stood up. I gasped as he rose from the bed fully naked letting the sheets fall to his feet and strutted into the bathroom. It took all of me to turn away and keep my eyes from roaming him from head to toe.

        I reached over the side of the bed to retrieve the remnants of my clothes. A white night dress with only two buttons left and shorts which I could not find anywhere. I couldn't bring myself to wear it, yes because it was absolutely ruined and embarrassing to wear but also because along with it came memories of last night, of the marking. I would be sure to gather a blood clot in my cheeks if I where to walk around wearing this.

        I was relieved when another maid entered the room with the usual small knocking and ringing of the bell as she laid neatly pressed clothes to the side of my bed. They where somehow largely sized with straps and buckles in odd places.

        "Are those for me?" I asked shyly just as she turned her back.

        She jumped and turned around, for whatever reason shocked I had spoken to her.

        "Yes Sir!"

        "How... How do I we-wear them?" I asked, looking at the ground in embarrassment.

        She chuckled and gave me a bright smile before giving me clear instructions on how to use them. While it was embarrassing to change in front of her, the careless feel she gave off made me feel more comfortable with it.

        She turned to the side of the room and reached out, pulling out a tall body mirror rolling on wheels so I could see how I looked. And I had to admit, I looked good. Though shirt was about six sizes too big which was odd and made me seem almost pencil thin. The trousers where snug, smart even. I could tell the buckles and straps where in case of casual transformation yet they somehow made it look all the more dapper.

        I thanked the maid before she left and giggled a goodbye in return as she went. 

        "You could have asked for my help."

        I started at the sound of Veldore's voice. He was standing in the doorway between the room and the bathroom with a towel around his waste. I had been to busy fiddling with the clothes to hear the him return.

        "I'm sorry I thought you where busy."

        "You will not allow any other man or woman to touch you, or see you uncovered, even partially." He growled.

         Instead of obeying or disobeying him I brought up the first thing that cane to mind. "But you made those bath girls wash me earlier..."

        He growled angrily. "Don't remind me."

        He moved towards me with an angry look on his face. Even the slightest look of anger from him was extremely intimidating and I inadvertently took a step back, which only angered him more. He pushed me into the wall beside the door and pressed a hand on either side leaning his knee in between my legs so I had no chance of escape.

        "I mean it Cinde. You let anyone else touch you and..." He stood there silent for a second in thought. "I'll murder them."

        I shivered, he couldn't mean that, was he seriously speaking of the average casual touch? That shouldn't earn you a death sentence. I thought of Eddergan, would he be mad if I told him? Would he kill him? I hated him yes but I didn't want him dead, and I would eventually have to tell Veldore about what happened.

        "What if they where close to you?"

        His eyes narrowed and I realized straight away that was the wrong thing to say.

        "I mean what if-if I, what about people that- if-if-" I stuttered, not quite sure how to put it.

        "What Cinde, spit it out."

        "Are we going to talk about your brother?"

        He stood there a little shocked for a minute then peered into my eyes, searching for some sort of reaction in mine.


        "I'm sorry I was just thinking-"

        "Why did you start talking about Eddergan when I told you I forbade anyone from touching you?" I remained silent and he eyed me dangerously. "You let him touch you?!" He growled, gripping my wrist suddenly.

        "No! No I'm sorry!" I rushed out. "I did not, well... I-I-I d-didn't really have a ch-"

        "You. Let. Him. Touch. You?" He growled, his voice dangerously low and both hands gripping my wrists like I was life itself and holding them high above my head.

        "No! I mean yes but not because I wanted him t-"

        I was cut off when Veldore smashed his mouth hard against mine and pulled me into a rough kiss, his hands holding mine against  my back on the back of my waist as he pressed himself on me. I felt my face flush furiously as I attempted to wriggle out of his hold.

        He slipped his tongue in and entwined it with mine as his hands began to loosen they're hold and started roaming under my shirt. I gasped for air when he finally broke the kiss. I had completely forgotten what we had been previously discussing. He held my arms to the side when he bit the soft spot on my neck he had already scarred the night before.

        I moaned melting in his arms and needing his knee's support to hold me up as my legs felt weak and wobbly which only ignited our flame brighter.

        He pulled away from my neck and looked deep in my eyes before ordering in a husky yet dominate voice. "You will never let anyone touch you. Ever, ever again!" 

        Too fuzzy in the mind and weak kneed to object I nodded and slid to the floor as he walked away.

          Once my breathing was finally somewhat regulated I asked him. "Are you angry at me?"

        To my relief he shook his head. "No." He said before gathering his royal clothes together and changing silently. "However..."

        He began and I knew it was bad right from the start.

        "For the mean time I will keep you chained, just one leg, for security."

        I shook my head vigorously. "No no don't put me in chains I'm not going anywhere Veldore, you know this! You have marked me, you are an Alpha you would know if I where to leave! You don't need to put me in chains!" I begged.

        He shook his head stubbornly. "Till I am secure you will remain in this room and will leave no where." He clipped a tool to his stiff jacket and walk towards the door, leaning on the frame. "Much less if you have had any relations with my brother who is sure to be roaming the halls." He growled. "I will send my men in to chain you later." He decided and just before opening the door spoke. "And try not to resist, resistance never amounts to anything but a waste of time."

        I hissed irritated but nodded submissively, knowing I could never win against him if I started.

        He smiled before hanging a his libe on the wall beside the door and left. I heard the jingle of keys and the lock clicking as he locked the door from the outside and sighed. I just wanted him to trust me. 

        I glared at the large expensive almost magically cut windows as I turned over my possibilities. Was Veldore even going to believe me when I say his brother had almost molested me at his ball and I was running away from him not Veldore? What if he asked why I didn't return? To be very honest I didn't even have an answer for that. I had believed myself not worthy enough, I couldn't tell him that, it didn't sound like an acceptable excuse even to me.

        After what seemed like hours passed by I heard the door click and open as four guards poured in, a look of disdain permanent on they're gruff faces. If I had had enough time I might have even considered hiding in the bathroom, but like he had said. Resistance never amounts to anything but a waste of time. At least in this case.

        I walked over submissively and they peered at me, shocked at how compliant I was being. Curious as to whether I was up to something, but the smell of the previous nights marking was still thick in the air, they knew even if I did try I would never make it far.

        They clipped cuff to my ankle and attached a ball and chain to the end of that, so I mobile but not enough to make it four feat with out passing out at the exercise.

        I saw the mans back and the keys attached to the utility belt he wore. In the moment I slipped them off him, for no real reason other than to feel like I did at least try. He didn't notice, none of them did, one gave me an odd look but said nothing.

        Question was, would I use it?

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