(Complete For Now) Unknown X...


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Introduction: Strange Beasts, Vast riches, hidden treasures, evil haunts, uncharted frontiers, the mysterious... More

Volume 1 Chapter 1 Hunter Exam Part 1 Endurance Of The Mind & Body
Volume 1 Chapter 2 Airship Shenanigans!
Volume 1 Chapter 3 Tower Of Death...Or Is It?
Volume 1 Chapter 4 Peculiar Fight & Deadly Intentions...?
Volume 1 Chapter 5 Zoldyck Family Here We Come!
Volume 1 Chapter 6 My Childhood Was Dreadful Until He Came...
Volume 1 Chapter 7 Reunion Of The Spiders...
Volume 1 Chapter 8 A Bloody Massacre Like The Old Days!
Volume 1 Chapter 9 Captured & Betrayal?!
Volume 1 Chapter 10 Friend Or Foe Or Family?
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Changed Timeline!?
Volume 2 Chapter 2: A small taste of a demon's power....

Volume 2 Chapter 3: Bonds Thicker Than Blood....

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Previously: The phone went silent and Nobunaga burrowed his eyebrows and growled in anger while looking at his phone.

Chrollo Lucifer~ "What did she say?"

Nobunaga~ "Zoldyck..." He said clenching his fist almost breaking his phone.

Uvogin~"Those bastards took her!?"

Boss/Chrollo~ "Our fortunes say that we will lose a leg if a spider if we leave now but if we stay we might lose 6 members. If we stay."

Shalnark~"She's more than just a member... she's family."

Mochi~ "If she dies then who will will be our guardian angel?"

Feitan~"She's a friend." He said slowly.

Pakunoda~ "She is dear to me."

Phinks~ "She's so reckless but she's our reckless idiot."

Franklin~"If she was me, she would do anything to save me. Or do anything to save any of us."

Nobunaga~"We have to go save her..."

Uvo~"Boss what do you say!?"

Boss~ He closed his eyes and remembered all the heartfelt moments he had with her and then he felt his heart rate spike. "Let's go and get our friend back!"

Everyone went to excited to completely serious. With darkness and bloodlust seeping out of their aura. And a plan was made to rescue their dearest friend....

Back to the Zoldyck family's basement~

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Aurora screamed out in agony as she was electrocuted with several hundred thousand volts. She went limp and almost died but then her Nen Ability healed her back up to being completely fine. She was chained up to the wall with special shackles that gets tighter the more she struggles. Her bones get stretched out as well. In between being electrocuted she's getting whipped and beat up by Silva, Killua and Zeno.

They left the room to left the room leaving Zeno to watch over her. She regained her strength and created a portal for her friends at the base and to the front gate. She could barely managed to teleport a few of them and then Zeno punched her at full force in the chest. "I know what you just did, and I assure you that they can't help you now. I'm going to kill you for good. Before they can even get to you." She spit out a huge thing of blood from her mouth. And smirked slightly at her now ex-old friend. "Maybe you'll kill me. But if you do, they will stop at nothing until my death is avenged." He punched her once more in the chest causing her to puke a fountain of blood onto the ground. "Once I kill you..." She knew where he was going and her eyes went to golden to blood red and glowing. "Don't you dare lay a hand on my..." He punched her several more times.  She started to slowly die of blood loss but barely managed to hold onto life somehow. "My... Family..." She finished her sentence and started to drift off to permanent sleep. But then just before she let go and stopped breathing she heard her name being called from a distance.

Back to the front of the Zoldyck's front gate~

Uvo, Nobunaga, Mochi, Feitan, and Phinks walked through the void portal that Aurora barely managed to make for them.

Uvo~ "I'll take care of gate." He said walking towards the huge metal gate.

Feitan~ Nobunaga, Phinks and Mochi. You're working together just like the boss said. I'll go get Aurora, since I'm faster." He said, slowly.

Nobunaga~"You better hurry!"

Mochi~"I'll set traps."

Phinks~"Don't take too long."

Uvo opened the gate and they all sprinted towards the main house.

Mochi set wire traps throughout the forest.

Nobunaga grabs his sword hilt and uses En to get ready for a soon attack.

Phinks cracks his knuckles and waits for the moment to break someone's neck.

And Feitan zooms past everyone and even the Zoldyck family. He got inside the house and decapitated all the butlers who got in his way. He sensed her bloodlust just barely but it was weakening. For once in his life he felt a sharp a pain in his chest. He shouted out her name as he inched closer towards her.

Back to Zeno just about to kill Aurora~

*Aurora's POV~ "My body feels heavy. My feeling of pain is slowly becoming numb. I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Is this what's it's like to die? Zeno is just about to say something about hurting my family. I try to fight back against death and my bloodlust starts to seep out just a bit. My eyes are blood red,"Don't you dare lay a hand on my..." He punched me several more times. I can't keep this up for much longer. I can only use my Nen abilities for so long before I run out of energy or my ability to move my body.  "My... Family..." I finished my sentence finally and then my soul starts to leave my body slowly.  But then just before I let go and stopped breathing, I heard someone scream my name from a short distance away.

Zeno went to impale her through the heart but just a second before puncturing her chest. Her limp almost dead body was in Feitan's arms. He zoomed past Zeno and when Zeno blinked he was gone with Aurora with him. "How fast is he?" Zeno said, scratching his head puzzled..

Feitan looked down at his best friend slowly start to bleed to death in his arms. He held her close to his chest and ran even faster down the mountain. "Feitan?" She barely managed to speak his name. He looked at her with such intensity and sorrow. "Aurora...save your breath." He said slowly. Then suddenly he heard a deep growl from behind him. He saw Phinks up ahead and shouted slowly,"Catch!" He turned around and blocked the attack with his umbrella sword. Phinks slid and caught his almost lifeless friend's body. He started to walk towards the exit with her in his strong arms. "Let's go, Mochi." Is all Phinks said as he walked down the path that led to the gate. She nodded her head and waited for Feitan to cross the threshold for her to be able to set her deadly trap. Feitan dashed past her and she pulled onto her Nen strings. Blocking off the path and forest nearby long for them to escape.

Nobunaga joined them with walking towards the gate. As they got closer their rage for their hurt friend got bigger. Their bloodlust was so great together that the flowers started to droop and die. The wildlife cowered in fear of their Aura.

As they reached the gate Uvo saw her limp body bleeding heavily and he let his friends through and then as he let go to the gate he was about to scream but then,"Do you want to kill her hearing too!?" Nobunaga said barely holding back to running towards the house and killing them all. "Oh right...sorry." Uvo clenched his teeth and they all started to walk away from the house.

A few hours later~

Kurapika captured the boss and the others and wanted a trade of sorts. Pakunoda and Shalnark were injured by Kurapika himself. Aurora was resting after being stitched up by Mochi and healed by her specialist power void chains.

She made a portal to their base and they ran towards the location that was sent by the bosses phone. They arrived at the place and Uvogin set Aurora down, since he was carrying her. They took a blimp to the final location with Uvogin, Mochi, Feitan, Nobunaga and Phinks standing on Aurora's side.

Kurapika stood on the other side with the boss wrapped up in chains. With pakunoda, Shalnark, Franklin, Shizuku, Kortopi and Bonolenov all under the control of Kurapika.

Kurapika~ "Equal exchange, Aurora's life for the rest of the spiders and the boss. The boss has lost the ability to use Nen and never be in contact with anyone of spider troupe."

Everyone that was on Aurora's side went into shock over his power to take their bosses ability to use Nen. And the one thing of the exchange of the deal they knew nothing of was Aurora dying for them to live.

Nobunaga~"You can't! Aurora this is reckless!"

Feitan~"Your not allowed to leave." He said slowly and getting ready to fight.

Uvogin~ "I refuse for you to die to this kid!"

Phinks~"Don't die...I'll kill him for you."

Voices of desperation filled her head. She felt the sadness in their voices but she knew that this had to happen. She stepped past her family and friends and walked towards the middle without any hesitation. They all took a step forward but her Nen wires stopped them from getting any closer.

Aurora~"Your right... I deserve to die for all the sins I've committed."

Kurapika~"You killed our family!"

Aurora~"I know and maybe if I wasn't born cursed... maybe we could have been friends."

Kurapika~"Your lying! Your evil! You and the spiders!"

Aurora~"I was born into the clan and treated like a monster. If being born makes me evil then so be it. But then I met them all that day. The founders of the spider saved me from dispair. I wasn't alone anymore, I had a true family that cared for me."

Kurapika~"They kill people! You steal and slaughter!"

Aurora~"I know but...as long as I'm near them I don't care about anything else. I know it's selfish to think that way but without them I have nothing."

Kurapika~"I just don't understand...why do you stay with toxic people.."

Aurora~"There's only one reason..." She turned her head to look back. "Because I love them."

Melody~"Kurapika!" He was just about to warn him about her power activating but it was too late.

A dark void swallowed up all the light nearby and all of those who were standing on the huge rock with her were transported to her void world.

Those were teleported to her world of void started to images of her childhood. A story started to play in their heads as if they were spectating her life story.

The spiders all started to feel all her feelings and hear her thoughts of everything that has happened so far.

Nobunaga~"She felt this way about us...the whole time?"

Feitan~"She loves us?"

Chrollo~"She's not just our guardian angel... she's are shining star."

Phinks~"She thinks of us...as more than family?"

Kurapika~"She went through so much pain, and she still found peace in such a violent place... She's so confusing but I get it...I care for people now too."

Pokunoda~"She's been so kind to everyone and this the true reason why she stayed with us all these years..."

Leorio~"She killed her parents...but she still has a heart..."

Melody~"Her heart rate isn't wavering. She's calm and collected. Her rage is calm and controlled, like a tamed beast."

Everyone starts to appear from the darkness and they see Kurapika and Aurora standing a few meters away from each other. Their faces were projected around the dark room on big screens like a TV show.

Aurora~ "Now you know why I can't let you destroy what I hold dear. I'm not ready to die just yet. What kind of friend would I be if I died now. When they need me the most. So I. Order to keep me and everything I hold dear safe. I have to use your own power against you."

Kurapika~ "That's absurd, you can't possibly..." Suddenly his own chains started to wrap around him and let go of the hostages. "How...are..you.."

Aurora~"My rage...our rage... fuels us to break the rules of the universe. You crossed the line once more little brother." She said frowning with a monsterous like aura coming off of her. She took a step back and then let her power free. "You see the secret of my exponential strength is my control over my rage. I'm always angry deep down. Continuously being enraged is my secret. The only thing that's keeping me from destroying everything is my spider family. Everything I do is to help the spider become untouchable and to keep those I care about safe in the process. If I have to kill, steal and/or slaughter a entire village to do so...then so be it!" Her scarlet red eyes started glowing bright in the darkness. Her aura grew in size even more when she activated her special eyes. "I'm cursed....I was born to destroy the world....but if i do that then they will die too. If they died I rather not live to see the world thrive anymore. It doesn't deserve to thrive as I suffer alive again."

She used her Nen wires on his brain and forced him to make a contract with himself to never go after the spiders again and if he does then he will die. If he kills one then he will die too. He tries to undo this contract he will die. If he even tells anyone about this day he will die.

She took a step away and then just before she returned them back to the world of the living. She closed her eyes and everyone she cared about that was hurt started to glow bright red. Their wounds started to heal up and their tiredness was cured as well. Lack of sleep, nervousness, bleeding, nausea, ect. Was all cured just by her power of those she killed over the years and with plenty of power to spare.

She brought them back to the normal world and she fell to her knees in the middle of the two groups. Kurapika was standing there in shock and fear that his plan failed ten fold.

She was crying blood from her scarlet red eyes. She saw into Kurapika's mind and saw all of his memories of the village and all the innocent people she slaughtered that day. She felt his emotions when his family dead bodies were found. She fell backwards and started to feel her heart beat out fo her chest. She grabbed her chest and squeezed tightly as she laid there looking up at the stary night sky.

Her spider family ran past Kurapika and shouted out her name. Her friends behind her did the same thing. She saw their faces and came back to reality and why she did all those things. She smiled as blood came from her eyes. She was helped up by all of them.

They all looked at her in their own way. The boss was standing at a distance and they all looked at him. She remembered something. She ran towards him and just before she touched him she took him to the void world. She cured him of the curse that was set on him by Kurapika with her remaining power she stored up over the years.

She brought then back to the world and she was hugging him tightly with a smile on her face. She looked over at Kurapika and his friends with a death glare. And then created a portal to their old home meteor city.

Aurora~ "Bye Gon....bye Killua....and Leorio...oh and Hisoka...." She let her friends go in first and then when it became her then she smiled genuinely for the time in a while. "Goodbye...and farewell everyone..." She walked into the portal and she saw everyone look her way with smiles across their faces for the most part.

Aurora~"I will never let anyone hurt my family...Until the day I die."

To be continued...

(I hoped you enjoyed the season 2 of my small series. I'm not sure but their may be a 3rd and final season for this story, in the future.)

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