BL Short Stories

By AralinaCamelo

56.4K 998 153

Language: English Started: October 12, 2018 Finished: ( Previously titled BL Drama Stories ) ( Thai BL Short... More

⚠ Updates to the Book!
second chance | maxtul
co-actor | kristsingto
kidnapped | meanplan
sick | offgun
attention | KimCopter
Baby | TaeTee
MingKit 1/2 (KimCopter)
MingKit 2/2 (KimCopter)
Dared to Reveal | PhaYo (GodtBas)
I Don't Hate You | TayNew
I Love You | KongArthit
I'm Stolen by BLACKPINK!
I'm Sorry | MarkGun
Late At Night | JoongNine
Help From Friends | MarkGun
Realization | MarkPerth
Jealousy | PlanPerth
Truth or Dare | PlanPerth
A Confession | PavelDome

with a little help | aepete

2.1K 26 1
By AralinaCamelo

Pete sighed, holding his bag in a tight grasp to his side. He sighed as he neared where his car was parked.

Pete moved his bag and started digging through the leather bag for his car keys.

"Where the heck are my car keys?" he mumbled to himself as he continued walking while digging through his bag.

The cold material of the keys finally touched the tips of his fingers. "Ah-ha!" He smiled happily.

Pete looked up, his eyes meeting another pair of chocolate brown eyes. The boy smiled at Pete, but Pete quickly looked away, his heart fluttering. He breathed out heavily.

'Not again.' Pete thought to himself as he hurried off away from the boy's gaze.

The boy that had smiled at Pete on the other side of the street frowned deeply. 'Am I ugly or something?' He shrugged to himself, dismissing his thoughts. He sighed, walking towards his bike only feet away from him.

"Crap. I forgot my book in the room." Ae threw a few profanities in his head before walking in the direction of his room. As he started downwards at his feet, knowing it wasn't the best of ideas as many people crowded the campus, he bumped into someone. He quickly looked up to apologize for knocking the person backward only to see Can with a distracted and bothered look upon his face.

"Oh..." Ae said, his eyebrows furrowed at Can. The other barely acted in this type of manner. He was always bouncing around and bothering people for food. "Hey, Can." Ae greeted and offered the other a smile. Can sighed out in frustration, not looking up from the ground. His look turned to a glare as he stared intensely at the ground. Ae only looked at him with confusion and worry. "What's bothering you?"

"A man named Tin..." Can muttered seemingly more to himself than Ae. "Do you know a person named Pete from the IC building?"

Ae thought for a moment of the very few people he knew in the IC building, which was zero people but he knew some of their names, before shaking his head. "No. I don't know anyone from the IC building. Why do you ask?"

Can sighed and looked towards the road where a black Audi parked. His eyes widened. "Ow! Shi- loo- hide- It's Tin!" He turned to Ae with a panicked look. "Hide me!" Ae stood still with a look of confusion as Can hid behind him, tightly grasping the back of his shirt. Ae let Can's jumbled words register.

"Who's Tin?" Ae asked. The man that had gotten out of the black Audi stopped right in front of Ae with the coldest look Ae had ever seen that wasn't his own. Frankly, it was a bit frightening. "You are?"

"You're the one that said my name." Tin said, annoyance showing through his voice. "Why do you ask?"

Ae furrowed his eyebrows. He felt the tug of his shirt and glanced over his shoulder. Ae sighed. "No reason. What time is it?"

"Shit!" Can shouted in horror and moved from behind Ae, almost forgetting Tin who stood with raised eyebrows staring between the two. "Classes start in the next 10 minutes!"

Ae quickly checked his phone and groaned. He looked up at Tin, seeing the person from earlier now standing beside him. "Sorry to cut this short but this dude gotta go!!"

Ae ran at the speed of light towards his dorm room, leaving Can behind with Tin and the other person. He speed ran, throwing the dorm room open and grabbing his book, not caring at those who gave him weird looks as he did so. He just needed to get to class.

Ae rushed back out of the building and towards Can who still stood in front of the two. Ae wasted no time in grabbing Can's hand and yanking his arm firmly. "We gotta go!" Ae continued running.

"Oiii!" Can stumbled behind him before gaining his balance and running with Ae while tightly grasping the other's hand.

Pete smiled slightly, watching as the two ran towards their class. Tin glanced at Pete before sighing and grabbing his wrist.

"Let's go." Tin mumbled, walking towards the direction of their class. He didn't want them to be late to their class either yet the small boy was, as bad as Tin hated to admit it, running through his head.

Pete was never afraid to say that he is gay. He was afraid of some people's reactions, however. Especially the people who are absolutely disgusted with the idea of the same gender being together.


"Are you ready for practice?" Ae asked Can as the both of them sat on a bench next to the football field. (soccer for us Americans) Can nodded and smiled a little as he sat up from tying his shoes.

"Sure." Can said, deep in thought. Ae sighed as he noticed Can's change in attitude the past few days. He patted Can's shoulder firmly before standing up and getting a football. He started practicing while Can sat there still deep in thought.

"Your name is Can, right?" someone questioned from behind Can. Can instantly glanced up at the person and nodded.

"Yes." Can answer, annoyed by being brought out of his thoughts by Tin's friend. "What do you want?"

Pete seemed taken back by Can's attitude. He knew Can didn't exactly like Tin. But, why was he being rude to Pete when he hadn't done anything?

"Uh... Nevermind. I can just talk to someone else." Pete smiled slightly, deciding to leave him to himself.

Can sighed and moved over slightly for Pete to sit beside him. "It's fine. You don't seem like your friend, Tin."

Pete smiled at him and let his eyes wander around the field, his eyes subconsciously looking for a certain male. "He can go too far a lot of times. His attitude can be too much to certain people. I'm used to it. You just have to get used to it and learn how to deal with his attitude." Pete explained. "Anyway, I was wondering if you guys have a study group. My class is supposed to help them study and tutor them."

Can stared at Pete for a moment before answering.

"I mean, yeah. I am in one for studying while Ae helps to tutor the people in the group. Ae's got the big brain." Can explained. "Why would your class tutor us when the seniors in our college could?"

"I don't really know."

Can leaned down and grabbed a random football that rolled towards his feet. "I'm going to start practicing now. If you need help with anything else, just ask me. Bye, Pete!" He smiled brightly as he waved at Pete. He ran off onto the field towards his team and started practicing.

Pete sat there longer and watched them all run around the field like ants that had just had their hill destroyed.

"Why are you just sitting here?" Tin asked from behind Pete. Pete sighed and stood up, turning towards Tin.

"I asked Can about the tutor and studying group things since you did not want to. To answer, Can and Ae are both in a group so they do have one or more." Pete quickly explained. Tin nodded slightly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going home. Bye." Pete realized how rude he'd sounded though he hadn't meant for it to be.

Tin nodded to himself as Pete had already started walking away. He sat on the bench right where Pete previously had been. Tin wasn't one to stick around for things such as this. But, he wants to see for himself what it is in Ae that Pete finds so very interesting. Pete could deny it a thousand times, but Tin already noticed how Pete would stare at Ae with a look of adoration. Tin didn't stick around much longer. He didn't see much in Ae, but he knew Pete could see more than he could.

'I've seen enough.' Tin stood up, walking away from the field. He sighed, walking towards his car. 'I'll stay out of Pete's business. But if Ae even thinks about hurting Pete in any way, there will be one last person on this planet.'


'Time to get up and go...' Ae thought as he sat up on his bed.

It's been a few days since the encounter with Tin, Can, and Tin's friend Pete. Everything seems to have gone back to how it was before. Keyword, "seems".


"Ae!!" someone shouted. Ae stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and turned to see Can jogging towards him with Pete walking behind him.

"Yes?" Ae answered.

Can glanced at Pete and then back at Ae. "Pete wanted to meet you for something." Can explained before running off towards the food court. Ae followed Can's figure until he was out of sight before shaking his head at the other.

Ae looked at Pete and noticed how the other seemed very shy as he kept glancing around, avoiding eye contact with him. "I'm going to guess that it's about the study group. Can told me about it."

Pete glanced around and sat down on the bench right beside them, Ae following suit. "No, actually. I had no idea what was happening. Still don't, really..."

Ae looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean by you don't know what is happening?"

"Tin said that I needed more information for the group but I already have all the information I need so us higher-level students can help." Pete explained. "He spoke to Can and me separately. He told Can to bring me to you. He said you... Needed help?"

Ae chuckled. "I see. Tin set the both of you up."

"Set the both of us up?" Pete asked in confusion.

"Tin tricked Can and you both by saying something a little different to the both of you so Can would bring you to me and so you have a reason to speak to me."

Pete nodded slowly while staring off in the distance. "Oh."

"I don't need any help," Ae explained and stood up. "Anyway, I'm going to eat before class. Would you like to join me?"

Pete looked up at Ae, his brain slowly registering what Ae had offered. A smile slowly made its way on Pete's face as his heart fluttered. His crush had just invited him to eat with him! "Sure. I would like to, Ae."

"Great!" Ae exclaimed, a huge smile on his face. "Oh, and I've been meaning to ask for your number. Would it be alright if I did get your number?"

"Of course!" Pete exclaimed, happy that Ae had asked him for his number. "I don't mind at all." Pete grabbed his phone and held it out for Ae to grab.

Ae grabbed the small device from Pete's grasp and quickly typed in his name and number for Pete before handing it back. "You can call me anytime. I will more than likely answer the phone. I answer more often than not."

Pete gave a slight nod, a small soft smile upon his face. Ae smiled back, his heart fluttering in his chest as he stared at Pete's smile.

He shook his head slightly, moving his gaze from Pete's lips to his warm brown eyes. "Let's go ahead and get some food before my class starts. Anything specific you would like?"

Ae started walking towards the general direction of most of the food places he knows and usually eats at.

"Not really, Ae." Pete said softly, giving a small smile as he'd noticed Ae's gaze, but had decided not to say anything about it. "Anything will be fine, really."

"Okay!" Ae exclaimed. "I know of a good cafe not too far from here. I usually go there quite often with my roommate. Does that sound good?"

"Absolutely, Ae!" Pete said with a huge smile as he followed Ae who walked further ahead, trying to hide the faint flush on his cheeks.


As the days went on, it became a habit for the two of them to eat breakfast together. Ae's friends join quite often for free food as the meals would be paid by Ae, or seldomly Pete.


Tin raised his eyebrow as Pete sat beside him, cheering on Ae who was playing football on the field. Tin had no idea quite how he'd ended up here, but it didn't completely matter either. He'd realize something in the few times he'd seen Pete around Ae, and the times Pete talked non-stop about Ae when Tin talked poorly of him.

Pete was in love with Ae.

Tin sighed and looked out over the field. All he needed for a slight peace of mind was to know if Pete's feelings were mutual between them. He had only one idea in mind. Maybe it would work. He had no idea but he was gonna give it a shot.

"I'll be back." Tin said, tapping on Pete's shoulder to excuse himself.

Pete nodded absent-minded, too busy watching Ae's every move on the field.

Tin scoffed, shaking his head at his best friend. He grabbed the bag he'd brought with him and turned, walking away.


Tin smirked, seeing Pete walking towards him without Ae following. Tin leaned against the wall, sorting his plan out in his head and in place, hoping that it works and that he doesn't get punched.

"Tin," Pete started, a curious and worried expression written on his face. "Are you okay? You were gone for a while. The first part of the game has ended already."

Tin smiled slightly as Pete stopped beside him. He stood up straight from leaning against the wall, turning his body to face his clueless best friend. "I'm fine. I'm not interested in the game."

"Oh..." Pete spoke softly. He hummed softly, feeling bad that he'd dragged Tin with him in a moment of excitement. "You can leave, Tin. You don't have to stay."

Tin caught sight of Ae and Can walking towards where they stood and smirked. It was time to put his plan into place.

Tin moved his gaze from the two walking towards their spot, pretending as if he hadn't seen them. He carefully stepped closer to Pete, the other's back touching the wall behind him.

He looked at Tin as if he was crazy. "What are you doing, Tin?"

Pete held his hands in front of him, blocking Tin's advances to get any closer.

"Hey!" a voice shouted angrily before he was roughly pushed away from Pete. Ae stood in front of Pete while Can stood beside Ae in a guarding stance as to protect Pete.

Tin stumbled back before catching his balance. He looked up at the three and chuckled.

"I will say, though you two call me "rich and mean", that doesn't bother me too much. There's a side to me no one's seen in years and for just for a few seconds, I'm going to let it show." Tin spoke as he studied the anger and confusion on their faces. His eyes drifted to Ae's, staring the smaller in the eyes. "I've noticed how you both are around one another, the way you look at each other. You both like one another. That's all I have to say. I'll keep a certain distance." Tin put his hands up slightly before completely backing away from them.

"Wow. I can't believe I just heard that from Tin's mouth. Or maybe I didn't and I'm dreaming or something." Can stared at Tin in shock. Can cleared his throat as he looked away from Tin. "Anyway, we should probably get back to the game. The second half is about to start!"

The three ran off towards the field, leaving Tin behind.

Tin sighed softly, the loneliness seeping in again. But not long later, Can ran back as if he was looking for something. Tin stood and watched silently in confusion as Can caught his breath.

Can stood up, his eyes meeting Tin's.

"Good. You haven't left." Can grabbed Tin's wrist. "You're coming too!" Can dragged Tin behind him as the older freely let Can drag him in the bleachers where Pete sat.

"Here you go!" Can exclaimed and smiled happily. "I gotta go to the field now. See you guys after the game!"

"Fighting!" Pete yelled, thrusting his fist in the air.

As Can dodged the people to get down the bleachers, he threw his fist in the air to copy Pete's motion.

This time, Pete and Tin sat through the whole second half together and made small talk about the game together.

While Pete's eyes followed Ae most of the game, Tin's mostly followed Can.


"Congratulations on winning, Ae!" Pete exclaimed, a shy smile upon his face as he looked anywhere but Ae's eyes.

Ae smiled softly at Pete's adorable gestures.

"Thank you, Pete." Ae ruffled Pete's hair. He sat down on the bleachers as the last people left the stadium, leaving only Pete and Ae to be seen.

"About what Tin said earlier..." Ae started, stopping to see how Pete's smile faltered and an uneasy look making its way on his face.

"What about it, Ae?" Pete questioned softly. His heart clenched painfully as he completely avoided looking at Ae. His eyes ran over the empty field that started to darken as the sun was setting, just waiting for hurtful words to fill his ears.

Ae gingerly placed his left hand on Pete's cheek turning his face towards him, making him look into his eyes.

"Tin's right. There's something between us. A feeling I haven't quite felt before with a male. But, I'm more than willing to give this a try if you are." Ae explained softly as he started at Pete with softened eyes. "Would you be my boyfriend, Pete?"

Pete's eyes widened as he stared at Ae in complete shock. His heart was beating erratically as his breath hitched in his throat. Ae liked him too?

Slowly, a smile made its way on Pete's face until it was the brightest Ae had seen. "I would love to, Ae!" Pete's words echoed through the whole stadium, making them laugh in amusement.

Ae placed a kiss on Pete's lips, catching Pete off guard. Pete was stunned before he smiled cheekily and kissed Ae again. He stood and ran down the bleachers.

Ae chuckled before jumping up and running after Pete down the bleachers carefully. "Stop running, Pete! You're gonna hurt yourself!!"

Pete giggled as he stopped running and speed-walked down what little bleachers were left.

Ae ran after Pete who now ran around the field, trying to get away from Ae in a playful manner. It didn't take long for Ae to catch up to the other.


After an hour of the two playing around the field, they both laid down in the grass, trying to catch their breaths.

"I love you, Ae." Pete whispered softly, afraid the three words may be too much too soon. But, Ae only smiled softly.

"I love you too, Pete." Ae leaned over and kissed Pete softly on the forehead. "Let's go. I'll drop you off at your car."

"Will you go with me, Ae?"

"Sure, Pete." Ae said and smiled softly before pinching Pete's cheeks.

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