Threw Thick And Thin - August...

By MakiyaLewis

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August Alsina has a best friend named passion , They have deep feeling for each other in sidee , but never ha... More

Prolouge There Is No
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Bumpey Road
Chapter 3 A New Start Or Nah ?
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Birth / An Secrets
Chapter 6 Bink Bink , TRY ME
Chapter 7 Wifey Material
9. The Devil
Okay So
10. Wtf Wrong With you
11 - Hit List
12 - Catch up ,
13- Until Its Gone
Chapter 14 - Prayer
Really ?
Like really ?!
Chapter 15

8. He Porposed

188 6 0
By MakiyaLewis

Today was Me and august Interview

I woke up and august was still sleep .
I shook him , he still dint budge he just rolled over


He jumped up and went into the closet

I went And got into the shower

When i got out august came in with a towel around him not to mention he did come and try to get in with me but i locked the door so he used the bathroom down stairs . I Put On Some White Skinny legs True Religion A Kaki TankTop White VeraWade Cardigan And My Kaki Wedges . Nothing To Much And nothing Too Less I added My Gold Stud Earrings Then August Earrings He Had On All White . And Went Went Out And Got In His Pretty Mutherfucker lol 👌 . On our way there We Made small talk and he seemed so happy But I Like It We Were Finally there Back Stage I Went And Added Some more Lip Gloss Thats The Only Type Of Makeup I had On We Walked To The Curtains And They Put On Our MicPiece And All The other material .

Wendy - Welcoming To The Stage We Have The One And Only Mr. I Luv It August Alsina (( August Walks Out )) And The Next One And Only Okay Let Me Fill Yall In She Had 2 First Names So Noo Im Not Calling Her Whole Name Welcoming The Mother Of 4 Aka The Quads Passion Renee Lewis
(( I Walk Out ))

Wendy - How Yalll Zoinn

Me - Wendy We Zoinn Finee How You Zoinn

Wendy - Lol okay soo Mr.I Luv We wanna start of with a Song

August - Okay And After The Song I Have Something Really Big I Wanna say

Me - I wonder what that is

August - Okay Soo I Wrote This Song For A very Special Lady (( Look At Moonie ) (( Crowd Aww'S ))

Walks back & Fowards towards moonie then the crowd

Where did you come ?
Am i the only one you make feel this way ?
Where Did You Learn From ? Nothing You doing can be taught these Days .
You shine with your picture perfect beauty.
Show It off .

August - Well That was A Little Sneak Peek of my song Ah Yeah . But To The Big part ( Walks Over To Moonie And Get on one Knee )
Close Yo Eyes Bhebby ( I Reach In My Pocket And Pull Out My Ring )
Moonie Open The

I open my eyes to see a huge ass Rock I Automatically Started Crying

August - Moonie I knew From When I First Laid Eyes On You In 4th Grade I just knew you were gonna be mine . I thought i had alot of game and tried to spit it and you became my bestfriend when yo parents died my mama took you in then i was like dang ine be able to keep my dick in my pants cause i wanted you then we moved out and into our own house together i was like yass alone But them when Aj Broke yo heart that night i couldnt keep it from you nomore and thats how we ended up with 3 fighting ass girls and 1 boy that fight just as much lol but baby i love you soo much and i cant see myself in the future without you Will You Take My Hand In Marriage ?

Yass baby yass i will . He put the ring on my finger and i just knew i would live a happy life ever after

Because He Porposed

But Every FairyTale Doesn't Have A Happy Ending

Awee He Proposed !

Short chapter ik ik ik

Happy ever after or nahh ?

Just a lil some to fill yall up .!

I feel like this is slowly ending Ima Speed It Up here And There Thoe .!!

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