The dreamโœจ

By noir_frostx

1K 142 11

"I'm sorry jack, but it was too late" ~~๐Ÿ’ฎ~~ Elsa Collins, always dream to become one of the most famous mode... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Thank you!

Part 17

24 4 1
By noir_frostx


We done our pillow fight. It cost a lot of our energy. We all said night and back to our room

I'm laying right now facing a white silver hair man sleeping soundly. He's so adorable. I can't help but smiling while staring at him

I'm trying to deny my feelings toward him. I never knew I would say this, but I have a strong feelings toward him

Not a chance. I don't even think I could hangout with adrien agreste or jack frost

I drift to sleep smiling and realize that...

I fell in love with him


"Please stop" I begged

He put on evil smirk and threw me to the floor hard. He walked to me and said "here"

He threw the money to my body like I was his sl*t

"Next time do it better elsa" he left

I jolted up sitting on the bed and breathing heavy. That nightmare stopped for a long time but came back again

Sweat all over my neck and face

It was me being raped at school for those money. I don't have any choice

I looked at jack, luckily I don't wake him up. I slowly walked down from the bed and go to the wardrobe

I saw jack's blue hoodie

"He won't be mad if I borrow right?" I whispered

I put his hoodie on my nightgown and walked outside and head to the kitchen

I make a hot chocolate for myself then I walked outside sitting on my bench

I hold the cup using bottle of my hands. I clear my mind, enjoying the cold wind brushed my face

I started to hummed a song then a voice startled me "can't sleep?"

I looked at the person and there jack standing "did I wake you up?"

"No, what about you?"

"Nightmare" I sipped my hot chocolate

"I borrowed your hoodie, it's warm" I said

He chuckled and sit next to me "don't worry" he paused "you can have it if you want"

"No, I will return it to you" I said

"But for now you wear"

"Sure whatever" I giggled and took a sip of my chocolate

I rested my head on his shoulder and hummed a song again


I was playing my phone and took a peek at elsa, she's asleep

I took her hot chocolate from her and placed beside me. I picked her up bridal style and walked to our room

I placed her on the bed and walked back outside, took the cup and washed it

Once I was done, I walked to our room and drift to sleep


We're done packing our things, now elsa is sitting on the make up table combing her hair

I walked to her, grabbed the comb and comb her silky soft hair

She looked at me through the mirror while I was looking at her hair

"I wanna ask" she broke the silence

I hummed in response

"I like someone" she said

I froze for a while and nodded

"I'm not sure yet, if he likes me back, but he told me before that he likes me, now I'm not sure if his feelings are the same" she explained

"Just tell the lucky guy" my voice cracked a little

She likes someone yet I am the one who's here with her, not him...

She looked at my reflection with a little pain in her eyes while my eyes turn into a cold stone

I'm sorry elsa, but I won't interfere you with that guy. I'll be away from you



It's been a week since jack and I talked. When he walked passed me he just nodded like I am a stranger

I thought I would finally have a person who will stay by my side, but I was wrong

Jack walked passed me and give me a nod, a cold nod then looked at other direction

He looked like want to avoid me forever. I can't help but my heart hurt, hurt so much

I miss him

"You guys have a fight?" punzie snapped me from my thoughts

"No" I answered

"Then why does he look like trying to avoid you?" she asked curious

"I don't know" I sighed


"You know what's wrong?" I asked

"No, this is sooo bad" alya said

"You guys have a serious man talk" I said to flynn

"Tonight, we'll meet, just boys, including agreste" he replied

"Good, ask him why is he acting like that" I said

"Sure ma'am" he replied jokingly



I was walking to my apartment tiredly, thinking about my happy moment with jack

Then a strong grip grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the room. A room which hans use to....

Rape me

There's a shadow standing "h-hans?" I stuttered

He threw the bottle beside me and it broke startled me and the shadow walked closer meanwhile I backed away

I saw his face clearly now, it's not hans, it's...


"Tadashi?" I asked

"Shut up!" he yelled angrily

I could smell a heavy alcohol from him, he might be drunk

He grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the bed

"Ta-tadashi th-this is not y-you" I stuttered and tears started to form

"Shut up!" he yelled

He began to rape me

It's been a while since I experienced this. I begged him to stop, my tears flow again uncontrollably

He even make me drink an alcohol. I try not to pass out


He finally stop and went out leave me there. My head is dizzy. I try to gain my vision for a while and shook away my dizziness

I could tell my body once again fill with bruises. I slowly put my clothes and walked to my apartment

When I almost arrive someone called me "elsa are you ok?"

It's mari, she stood right in front of me worriedly, I just ignored her

I walked to my apartment and went to my bedroom. Anna hasn't gone home yet, might be sleepovers with her friends

I walked to the bathroom and yelled frustrated. I can't find my razor anywhere

Then one thing caught my eyes. A cup, a glass cup

I threw the cup to the wall hard. It break into pieces, same as my heart and my body

I grabbed one sharp piece and sat down and started to cut


What's wrong with her?
There's definitely something wrong

Then only one name popped up in my mind


I quickly called taxi and got in and began to called adrien

M : adrien adrien!

A : yes what's wrong

M : where are you?

A : usual spot

M : jack with you?

A : yes

M : hold him there, I'll be there soon. I promised I'll explain to you

A : sure

Then I hanged up and I told the driver to drive there. Luckily it's not that far

Meanwhile (before the call)


"Dude seriously? What's wrong with you?" Nino asked

"Nothing, ok? Nothing" I said emphesizing the second 'nothing'

"You're not, you're not ok" adrien said

"Why would you say so?" I raised an eyebrow

"You never drunk" he said

"You never go to the club" continued by hiccup

"You don't even eat properly" continued by flynn

"And you always ignore elsa" nino said


"Nothing" I sighed "nothing"

After the call

"Who's that?" nino asked

"Mari" adrien said

"What she want?" flynn asked

"Dunno, she said she'll be here" adrien answered

Meanwhile (when mari called adrien)


I cut again and again. My brain yelled me to stop, but my heart keep asking me to go on, my hand seem to be followed my heart

I was so furious, I don't care how much blood I lost. I was so furious, too furious with my life

Why can't it getting any better? The more I cut the deeper it be


He is the one who told me he love me. He lied. All of this time he's just playing!

My tears flow down like waterfall, it can't stop no matter how hard I try

Meanwhile (when elsa cutting)


The taxi stopped outside and I quickly rushed inside. I found their table and run there

My hands landed on their table trying to catch my breath

"Elsa" I said breathless

It was the only thing popped in my mind


Mari came and said "elsa" between her breath. She was in trouble

I quickly stood up and rushed outside. I started to run outside as I peeked my watch

It's 8 pm, she must be in her apartment. I run as fast as I could to her apartment

Once I got there I open the door, it's unlocked. I went to her bedroom and slammed open the bathroom door

I tried to catch my breath and there elsa sitting cutting her arms


𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥❤
𝐂𝐲𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭

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