Scars|| r. lupin

By anne-amelia

19.1K 734 1.2K

She was tired, she was so bloody tired of it all. From the constant nagging and picking and pulling to the wa... More

Year one; Chapter one
Year one; Chapter two
Year one; Chapter three
Year one; Chapter four
Year four; Chapter one
Year four; Chapter two
Year four; Chapter three
Year four; Chapter four
Year four; Chapter five
Year four; Chapter six
Year four; Chapter eight
Year four; Chapter nine
Year four; Chapter ten
Year four; Chapter eleven
Year four; Chapter twelve
Year four; Chapter thirteen
Year four; Chapter fourteen
Year four; Chapter fifteen
Year five; Chapter one
Year five; Chapter two
Year five; Chapter three
Year five; Chapter four
Year five; Chapter five
Year five; Chapter six
Year five; Chapter seven
Year five; Chapter eight
Year five; Chapter nine
Year five; Chapter ten
Year five; Chapter eleven
Authors Note
Year Five; Chapter twelve
Sixth year; Chapter one
Sixth Year; Chapter two
Sixth Year; Chapter three
Year Six, Chapter Four
Year Six; Chapter Five
Year Six; Chapter Six

Year four; Chapter seven

677 26 75
By anne-amelia

Chapter seven part 1

Use this picture as reference for later on in the chapter.

"Hey Remus!"

The taller brow haired boy turned his head to look at the person running towards him. He immediately stopped and went to help her pick up the small suitcase in her hands, which she could carry herself with ease. " You know I can carry that right Re?" He turned and nodded once more before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Remus thought something was missing on her face and he just couldn't piece together what it was.

" My parents are gonna love you."


The two of them stood and waited for the other three boys to catch up before they boarded the thestral driven carriages headed for Hogsmeade station. They entered their compartment in the train soon after leaving the carriages.

Remus sat next to Y/n by the window in an attempt to calm her nerves. " How do you know they'll like me Rem? What if they hate me and make us stop talking?" She had been the pulling on the ends of her hair and biting her lip slightly in anticipation and it was just killing Remus to watch her do that.

Soon Remus couldn't handle her nerves and ranting. He pushed his hands down on her shoulders and forced her to meet his eye. " Y/n love, stop worrying. There're going to love you. My siblings'll love you and they'll love you too. Just trust me okay." She let go of her hair and nodded.

He sighed and let go of her shoulders before slumping back against the seat and waiting for the train to come to an end.

The full moon was next week and he wondered if Y/n remembered to bring the ingredients for Wolfsbane with her.

Oh Godric he hoped she did.

Eventually the train came to a stop and the group of teens had to get off. Peter immediately spotted his parents and left to go with them, James and Sirius spotted the Potters and the two adults gave all four of them hugs before departing with James and Sirius.

Y/n turned to Remus and looked around. " Do you see them Remus?" He shook his head as a no before turning back to the crowd and stretching up to see even further back.

After around three minutes the two of them heard someone call his name.
" Remus! You're back! Mum and Dad and Kiya and Mare are waiting for you and your girlfriend at the car. C'mon I was sent to find you two." A little brown boy around the age of seven started tugging on Remus's hand before he squatted down and scooped him up in his arms.

The little boy squealed and buried his face In Remus's collarbone before releasing and looking behind him at Y/n. The kid cracked a grin that showed all high shiny white teeth before waving his hand quickly. " Hi, I'm Y/n. I'm assuming that you are Jamal?" She asked the child politely with a smile while they walked.

He jumped down from Remus' arms and ran into hers where she happily picked him up and held him at her hip. Remus looked back and smiled as he saw them bonding together. His hand soon found its way to her small suitcase and he held both of their small collection of things while he walked in front of the chatting pair.

Soon enough they reached a car with a family of four waiting besides it. Almost immediately after Remus set their two bags down he was tackled to his knees on  the ground from hugs. A taller girl who looked about 18-20 with faded reddish brown hair in a pixie cut with overalls was now holding him in a headlock while a younger girl who looks to be seven with pigtails tied in a braid at the back of her head was squeezing the air out of his lungs. Eventually the two let him go and helped him up before two adults stepped up to him.

Remus's mother, Hope, looked to be about an inch or two taller than Y/n and his father, Lyall, looked to be a head or two taller than Remus; which was quite a difference considering Y/n's head came up to Remus' neck. His mother immediately engulfed him in a loving hug after he had knelt down and after letting go she took his face in her hands, examining for new wounds most likely. After her embrace Lyall shook hands with his son, ghost of a smile on his face.

Y/n stood to the side and watched the loving embraces with a sad smile. Yes, she was happy he could experience this with his family but having to watch its still brought a pang to her heart all the same.

The last time she had felt safe and welcomed in her family was when her parents were still together and the divorce papers were yet to be thought of.

Jamal poked her cheek and grabbed her face in his hands, turning it side to side.
" What's wrong N/n? Why do you look sad? Are you not hugged at home? Do your parents not give you love and affection? If you're not hugged at home then I'll make sure to give you huggles every day and show you love and affection too!" She smiled at the child. " You're sweet Jamal..."

Remus turned and noticed Y/n was slightly downcast so he thought of a way to light her face up.

He turned his head and bent down to present Y/n in a comedic way. He turned and moved his arms in a showy way to present her to his family before waggling his eyebrows making her face flush with embarrassment. The eldest girl came up to her first and shook her hand with a smile before the youngest girl came up and attached herself to Y/n's legs making them buckle slightly.

The kid buried her face in Y/n's calf before she looked up at her with an innocent smile, " Hi pretty lady, I'm Kiya. What's your name?" Y/n's face flushed for the second time in the past minute and Remus had to cover up his laugh with a hacking cough.

Jamal leapt out of her arms before standing next to Kiya and telling her something under his breath so no one would hear. " Pretty lady's name is Y/n and I promised I would give her lots of hugs because she doesn't get hugs at home!" He then proceeded to make a Superman pose and salute the taller girl and his adoptive brother. Hope walked up to Y/n and took her hands in her own.

" I'm Remus' mother but you can call me Hope. You must be Y/n, Remus never shut up about you last summer. You're just like he described you as,

" Beautiful H/c hair, sparkling E/c eyes, soft S/c skin, and you just happened to wear the shirt he anyways describes you in too! It's a pleasure to meet you at last Y/n." She stopped rubbing circles on the backs of Y/n's hands and engulfed her in a motherly embrace.

She stood shocked at first before melting into the hug and relishing in Hopes arms.

Just one thing confused Remus. Was Y/n not loved at home?
And Remus made sure to take not of how shocked she was at first and how relaxed she was after.

Those reactions were unusual for Y/n, but they were the same ones Sirius had after first meeting the Potters, and the same one Jamal had after first meeting the Lupins.

Soon Hope pulled back and Y/n had a small giddy smile on her face, Remus thought it lit her face up and made her shine. Yet, she did well to remember how, 'Remus never stopped talking about her'.

The girl slid into the cars backseat next to Remus and nudged his rib age with her elbow, " So, couldn't shut up about me huh?" 

Remus' face flushed and he lightly shoved her shoulder, " Shut up."


Once they reached the Lupin household the children and adults exited their vehicle and Remus grabbed the two small bags that belonged to both him and Y/n. When they walked in he waited in anticipation to see what Y/n thought of his small home, her mouth stood slightly agape as she turned around in their home slowly.

He stopped in the living room and rubbed the back of his neck expectantly. " So, how'd you like it. I mean, I know that it's small and not really much but- but it's home."

To his surprise she turned to him, " It's wonderful Rem. Absolutely, wonderful. And it feels so homey." The backs of his ears turned pink and he nodded.

Y/n picked up her small bag before following Remus up the stairs and to his room. After kicking the door open he threw his suitcase on the bed before taking hers and doing the same thing except delicately; in case the potions ingredients were in it.

Y/n took a moment to observe his living space before turning her attention back to him.

His walls were lined with bookshelves and even with that in mind he still had piles of books splayed haphazardly across the room in random places. He also had a desk in the top right corner of the room and his walls were a dark blue color. He had a full bed placed diagonally in the top left corner so there was a triangle behind it where the bed singled off into it and the sheets were galaxy print, he also had a tall, not his height tall, brown dresser in the bottom left corner of the room and a small bathroom in the middle of the beds wall.

" Well, I hope you don't mind but Kiya and Jamal share a room and Mare refuses to share a room so you're stuck in here with me. And I know it's dorky and really cheesy but don't be mean about it okay?"

She cracked a cheeky grin and looked up at him, " I think it suits you."
He nodded and cocked his head to the side to get a better view of her face.

Something ticked in the back of his brain and he knew there was something off with her face. He just couldn't put his finger on what. Remus reached out and cupped her face in his hands causing her to flush again, while he attempted to figure out what was missing. He looked at the pink color carefully dusting her cheeks before it clicked.

The scar on her nose, it's gone, which is odd because she had it yesterday.

Remus squinted his eyes and when he looked closer to her face that there was a dusty power coating the part of her face, just distinguishable if you looked close enough. And he soon realized that she had covered the scar in some of Kayla's make up.

Remus pulled away and walked away to grab a rag. Once he got back his large hands once again cupped her face as he gently brushed away the powder covering her face and scar. It didn't take long before he could see the mixture of light purple and dark red of the jagged cut across her face start to appear.

After he finished that task he disposed of the rag and traced a finger over the cut on her face. " Why would you want to cover it up Y/n? My family wouldn't judge you because of it. If anything they would probably just ask you where you got it and if you needed help. Besides, when you keep it covered up I find it harder to find you in a crowd because you're so short."

Remus tried to lighten her mood up a bit with the last joke, which indeed did have an effect on the girl.

She reacted by elbowing him while he laughed and help up his arms in surrender. She huffed in malice. " I'm only three inches shorter than you dipshit!" Remus laughed at the girl and she smacked his arm lightly only fueling his laughter.

After he calmed down Y/n started to talk, arms crossed over her chest, leaning against a wall. " I don't really know why I covered it up other than just not wanting them to see it. I mean, I know that they'd probably try to give me something to help it heal but other things come along with it too."

Remus quirked an eyebrow at her after she showed no signs of continuing the sentence. She sighed and looked down at the ground. " If they see they're going to get suspicions Remus, and suspicions are the last thing I want right now."

This statement only added to his list of questions and made him even more quizzical. " Why would you be worried about suspicions, I mean there's nothing to worry about unless you have a reason to keep the suspicions hidden Y/n."

Y/n stayed quiet after that and Remus's head started to churn with questions and newly uprooted suspicions. " Wait is that why you're wearing lon-"

Luckily for Y/n, Hope had called for them to come down for dinner, sparring her from Remus' questions. Before they could walk out the door she grabbed his elbow to stop them.

" What am I going to tell them, if they ask questions?" He glanced back at the girl before continuing to walk, " Just tell the truth Y/n..." He reached back and grabbed her hand before pulling her along after him while rubbing small circles on the back of her hand.

Remus led her over to the table and they sat down in the last two places. The Lupin family tried to hide their lingering gazes and additional glances at the girl but it was hard to do so. Eventually Y/n started to get annoyed so she decided to voice her thoughts, " I know you have questions. If you want to ask, just go ahead and do so. The stares are becoming slightly agitating." 

Everyone slowly quieted down and Kiya meekly asked, " are you like remus?"
Y/n's mouth opened slightly and she shook her head slowly, brows furrowed.

Mare spoke up next, " Do you want something to help it heal faster Y/n? Remus should have something that can help."  Remus shook his head a second after the question and said, " I ask her that question everyday and she always declines."

Mare nodded slowly, Lyall and Hope exchanged a look before returning to their food and Jamal stayed oddly quite through the entire exchange.

After everyone was done Hope had asked Y/n if she wanted to help her with the dishes and she told her yes. While her and Hope washed the dishes Remus and Mare played cards at the table nearby and the little ones were playing with their toys in the living room.

The main reason for why Remus was playing cards with his sister was so he could think through all the suspicions he had about Y/n. He was just about to beat Mare at garbage when he heard a tinkle of glass breaking. His and Mares heads both snapped over to the sink where Y/n had just dropped a glass and was now standing frozen to the spot, eyes wide with fear. Or horror? Remus couldn't piece it together.

After a moment of silence Y/n snapped out of the phase and crouched to the ground, scooping up the sharp shards of glass in her hand, in turn collecting blood. " Y/n stop. Drop the glass you're going to make yourself bleed!" Hope sank down next to her and grabbed the glass shards from her hands in a napkin before handing them to Remus. " It's only a bit of blood though..."

Y/n kept her head down as she stared at the floor, as if expecting Hope to yell at her for something. " No, Y/n dear I'd rather lose a glass then see you collect blood from picking it up. If you can see blood somethings wrong. Come over to the table and I'll fix your hand up."

Before she left Y/n meekly said, " but mum says if you see blood you're doing something right..."

Remus went over and helped Y/n up from the floor before taking her hand in his and examining it. In Remus' opinion that was not a little bit of blood. Practically her whole hand was bleeding.

Remus guided her back to the table and sat her down before Hope came. Mare had left soon after the interaction occurred, leaving the three of them alone.

Once Hope had sat down and started to clean her hand up Y/n feebly asked,
" You're not mad at me? You're at least going to yell right?"

Both of their heads shot up after that and they didn't see a trace of joke on the girls face. Hope soon finished bandaging her hand up before leaning on her elbows and looking at her. " Why would I yell at you for breaking a glass? It was an accident and we can very much just buy a new one. Did you expect me to get mad at you and yell?"

Hope paused and looked into her face.

Y/n opened her mouth and quickly said,
" You can yell if you want to. I mean, I won't smart-mouth back or blame you for anything."

Remus looked at his friend and started piecing things together.

Hope pulled the girls hands into her own and looked into her eyes.

" You didn't expect me to backhand you did you?"

Y/n's composition changed entirely after that question and her voice came out feebly and weak, " you mean you're not going to?"


Kiya is pronounced like Kiya from Avater the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra's Kiya: (Kya would be better but I liked to spell it this way)
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