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By randomisbraindead

22.3K 665 687

Luz Noceda, who's been away from the Boiling Isles for three years, finally gets to live there permanently on... More

After She Left
Secret place
Dragon Tooths Fight Club
I want to help you


829 34 30
By randomisbraindead

Luz POV:

"So Boscha finally decided to pop the question then huh?" I asked looking at Amity, who shrugged with a smile, "I guess so, her and Willow have been together for, about two years. They started dated a year after you left."

I nodded, "I'm happy for them, they look really cute together. If someone had told me three years ago that they were gonna get married, I'd probably laugh and call them crazy."

Amity nodded, "Yea, everything changed after you left, some things for the better and some things...well some things are better left untold." Amity chuckled nervously. I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Amity shook her head, "Its nothing to worry about, c'mon. Let's go congratulate the two love birds." Amity's stood up from the table. I decided not to question it and just stood up and followed after Amity.

"I'll just ask about it later I guess." I thought to myself, we paid for our food and picked up our bags. "Where do you think they could be right now?" I asked the witch in front of me, who shrugged and said "Dunno, Boscha and Willow are probably together right now."

I nodded, "Yea. We shouldn't go interrupting them on their little love parade." Amity slowed down to walk next to Luz, "To Willow it's just a regular party, but then again she is smart enough to know what Boscha may be planning. I mean, a party? Outta nowhere? Don't you think that's a bit fishy?"

Amity thought about it for a while then nodded, "We'll see how it turns out, right now we need to find something more comfortable to wear. These training clothes are starting to get uncomfortable to wear."

I smiled at hopped in front of Amity, surprising the green haired witch. "Hey! We can go to the Owl House! You can borrow some of my clothes, I gotta tell Eda and King about the news!"

I saw Amity's face turn a faint pink and raised a brow, "Everything alright Amity? You don't have to wear my clothes if you don't wa-." I was cutoff by Amity saying, "No! I mean..no. It's a-all good. I-I don't mind borrowing y-your clothes." She nervously laughed.

"Are you sure? I could take you back to your house if you want?" I tilted my head a bit, the witch in front of me shook her hands. "Really, it's fine Luz. I don't have a problem with it."

"Ok, if you're sure then let's get going! I'll race ya!" I laughed, turning on my heel and racing towards the direction of the Owl House. I heard Amity yell after me, "Hey! No fair, you got a head start!" I looked back to see the witch smiling while catching up.

"Well you've had extra training! It's only fair I get a head start! The last one to the Owl House has to ask their crush out to the party~!" I smirked, at that moment I saw a spark of panic in Amity's eyes.

Suddenly, she seemed to have gotten faster and sped past me. "What the what!? Did you just get faster?!" I yelled after Amity, who looked back at me and yelled, "I guess I'm too scared to ask them out! It'd make things really awkward!"

I processed what she said, "Asking out my crush?? My crush..WAIT! IF I LOSE...I HAVE TO...ASK OUT.." I understood the severity of this seemingly harmless challenge and felt my heart begin to beat a thousand miles per hour.

I ran faster, nearly catching up to Amity until the Owl House came into view. I started to grow nervous, "I just have to get ahead of Amity, then I'll be fine! Oh god...why'd I have to make this into a stupid challenge!?"

Hooty saw us running towards the Owl House and started extending his tube body towards us, "Hey guys! Why are you runn-?" Amity stepped onto his extended body, I quickly followed, doing the same.

"Ow! OW! Hoot hoot!" Hooty screeched in pain as his body got stepped on like a rug. I looked back and shouted, "Sorry Hooty! It's urgent!"

I looked back ahead and saw that Amity was nearing the door, "Oh no.." I shakily said, out of breath. "I can't afford to lose this bet..cause if I do....then I'd have to ask out-" my thoughts were cutoff when I saw Amity swing open the door to the Owl House.

Which crushed part of Hooty's body, earning us a faint hoot of pain from behind us. Amity and I quickly ran into the Owl House, practically trying to tackle each other to prevent the other from entering first. However, Amity tripped and fell backwards, which in return caused me to fall along with her.

Amity groaned as her back hit the hard wooden floor, and I shook my head to realize that I was on top of Amity. I smiled sheepishly and nervous laughed, "Haha....I guess it's a tie.?" Amity's ears went down and the faint redness that was on her face earlier came back.

"Ahem." We heard a voice from ahead of us, we looked up to see Eda holding a cup of what I presumed to be apple blood. "Mind explaining what's going on here?" She asked with a raised brow while taking a sip of her apple blood.

"Uhh.." I trailed on, trying to come up with a way to explain what was going on to the Owl Lady in front of me. "Ummm...sports?" I awkwardly grinned.

"Uh huh. Sports. Just get off the floor and clean yourself up, you look like you went jogging the entire morning." Eda turned on her heel and walked into the kitchen. I smiled nervously at Amity and got up off the floor, holding my hand out for her to pick herself up with.

She shakily took my hand, lifting herself up and dusting herself off. "Sorry about that Amity...we can just say it was a tie..heh." Amity nodded, not saying a word. I gulped, "Oh no, did I make her upset again? Way to go Luz!"

I cleared my throat, "Uh, you can change clothes first, I can get you a pair of clothes to wear." I walked past her, in the direction of the stairs. Her footsteps behind me indicating she was following me.

We walked up the stairs in a awkward silence, when we stood in front of my room, I looked at her, "I'll go get a pair of clothes for you, just wait here for a bit." Amity nodded.

I walked in my room, closing the door behind me and going through the clothes I had. I picked out white shirt, blue jeans, and my purple and white hoodie. "Hope she doesn't mind wearing this."

I blushed silently at the thought of Amity wearing one of my hoodies but I shook the thought out of my head. "Quit being weird, Luz."

I grabbed a pair of different clothes for myself, which was a white, long sleeved sweater, and a yellow, white, and black collared shirt with black jean shorts. I stood up with both the pairs of clothes in my arms, walking over to the door and opening the door.

Amity looked at me and then the clothes, "Which one is for me?" She asked, I handed her the pair of clothes I picked out for her. "These ones! I hope you don't mind the hoodie, if it's too much you can just put it back in the drawer."

The green haired witch shook her head, "It's..quite alright. I don't mind." She quietly spoke, a flush of pink on her face. I nodded and moved aside so she could go in and change, she closed the door behind her and I stood there patiently waiting.

A few minutes went by before Amity opened the door and stepped out, I blushed profusely at the site of Amity with my hoodie on. I stood there like a fool, but I soon shook my head and smiled at Amity.

"You look great, Amity!" I complimented, which made Amity smile and rub the back of her neck. "Thanks Luz! The hoodie is a bit big on me but I don't mind."

"Yea..that's probably because your small." I joked, making Amity slightly push me. "Maybe you're just the height of a lamp post!" She joked back, making me laugh. "You can head downstairs if you'd like, I'll be down there in a bit."

Amity nodded, walking past me and the sound of her footsteps going downstairs was my queue to enter my room. I entered my room and closed it behind me. Quickly, I changed into the new pair of clothes I picked out for myself and exited my room.

Making my way downstairs I heard King going on about how 'the king of demons orders those below him for belly scratches' I laughed and shook my head. When I arrived downstairs, I saw Amity sitting on a chair by kitchen island with King laying on top of the island demanding belly scratches.

I walked over to them and sat in a chair beside Amity, "King, get off the counter please. No one wants your fur where they eat." Eda looked over at him, as she was leaning against the counter taking a last sip of her apple blood.

King stood up on all fours and grunted, he jumped onto my lap and laid on his stomach. I smiled down at him and began scratching his belly, "The king of demons shall spare you for now." King mumbled as he began drifting to sleep.

I playfully rolled my eyes and looked up at Amity, "So did Boscha give details about the party?" Amity nodded, "Yea, it'll be taking place sometime in the evening. 8pm to 11pm I think she said."

I tilted my head, "Three hours? That's a bit long don't ya think?" The green haired witch shrugged, "That's what I thought but she told me she'd explain it to me in detail later."

"Ahem, mind explaining what you two are talking about?" Eda interrupted, I looked at the Owl Lady. "Oh! Boscha invited me and Amity to a party! We think it's a party where she's gonna propose to Willow." I smiled.

Amity nodded, "Yea, Boscha's been thinking about it for a while now and a party with all your friends is the perfect place to ask!" Eda smiled, "That's so cute, I might just puke!" I rolled my eyes, but then an idea sparked into my head.

"Hey Eda! Maybe you can help me find something to wear!" I excitedly suggested, which took Eda by surprise. "Woah woah, hey! When even is this party?" She held up her hands, looking at Amity.

Amity looked down at her scroll and scrolled down, before looking back at Eda and saying, "In a day or two, Boscha said she'll send a text to everyone the day of the party. She sent the text about the party so everyone can find outfits and what not."

"Gotta look dapper for a important moment in our friends lives!" I smirked, pretending to fix the imaginary bowtie I had. Amity laughed, "I guess I should get going then, I gotta look 'dapper'." She stood up from the chair and stretched.

She then made her way to the front door, before leaving she looked back at me, "H-hey Luz?" I looked at her and smiled, "Yea Amity?"

"W-would you l-like to be m-my d-date to t-the da-dance?" She nervously asked, which caught me by surprise. "A-Amity wants me to be her date?" I blinked before answering, "S-sure Amity!" I smiled brightly.

A warm, almost relieved, smiled plastered across her face. "C-cool! See you then!" She waved goodbye then left the Owl House.

I felt myself being stared at and looked over at Eda, who had a smug expression on her face. "So the Blight girl is your date then huh, Luz?" I felt my flush begin to heat up and hid my face with my hands. "It's not like that! We're going as friends!"

Eda shook her head, "If you say so kid, c'mon. I'll help you find something to wear to this party or dance or whatever." Eda walked off, which woke up King. "Weh? A party? For me?" King jumped off my lap and began following Eda.

I was left alone in the kitchen, I sighed. "Just as friends.." I told myself, even though I wished it was the opposite. I got stood up from chair and followed after the Owl Lady.

It was time to prepare for the party.


A/N: Yes! Finally! Another chapter! It's been a while since I've worked on this but since I'm finally finding the motivation, I'm gonna continue making chapters for this! As well as for Cyber Witches!
Also sorry for such a short chapter 😔

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