๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐——๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ง๐—ผ๐—ผ๐˜๏ฟฝ...

By randomisbraindead

22.2K 665 686

Luz Noceda, who's been away from the Boiling Isles for three years, finally gets to live there permanently on... More

After She Left
Secret place
Dragon Tooths Fight Club

I want to help you

1.3K 53 24
By randomisbraindead

Luz POV:

"Welcome to the Dragon Tooth's Fight Club!"

My mouth nearly fell onto the floor, my eyes widened as witches and creatures cheered out and whistled. It took me a moment to wrap my head around it. Witches and creatures bustling towards the ring, bringing me along with it.

"A-a fig-fight club..? A figh-fight club. A fight club. A fight club. A FIGHT CLUB!?" I looked around as I noticed I was getting closer to the ring, "Shit, Boscha said not to get close. I gotta get away from the front somehow." I told myself as I pushed past the crowd.

I went back to thinking, "A fight club? This is what Amity was keeping from me? Is this place illegal or what? Is that why she didn't tell me? This is clearly an important part of her life, why wouldn't she tell me? Does she not trust that I won't say a word?"

I grunted angrily, "Why am I so mad!?" I thought to myself, "It's not like she HAD to tel me but..." I sighed, "I still would've been nice to feel like she trusted me.."

I was a little ways from the ring but I still had a clear view, "I should be good here, I don't think she would see me unless she's purposely looking for me. Which I don't think she will being she didn't even tell me about this place."

The announcers voice boomed across the room, interrupting my thoughts, "Now that any newbies here are aware of the rules! Let's get this show started!" Cheers spread out through the room.

"Shit, I wasn't paying attention!" I gulped, "Well it should be like any other fight club? I mean, I've never been to a fight club before but it should be like boxing right? Clean fights and the person who taps out first loses. It's as simple as that." I tried convincing myself, knowing that's probably not the case.

"Oh who am I kidding? This is the Boiling Isles!"

The announcers voice echoed across the room once again, "For our first match, we'll have two of our longest, and strongest, members facing against each other!" The crowd cheered and some threw their fists in the air.

I went along with the crowd, wanting to blend in as much as possible. I saw two people enter the ring.

One of the people who entered the ring was a muscular, lean, amphibian looking creature with red slicked back hair. They had tattoos along their left arm and had a scar on their lip, their eyes were a piercing blue and were sharp and narrow, I could see their gills open and close as they breathed. Their skin is a snowy white, I shivered at the sight of them.

I looked at the other person, they were taller than the other person. They had short, dark brown hair and bushy eyebrows. Their nose had a scar across it and his eyes were nearly black, his pointed ears with little nicks in them. He was very bulky and looked like he'd been doing this for years, scars lined his arms and neck.

"These two look completely different, one looks untouched and the other looks like they've been through hell..maybe they use different strategies to win their fights? This is gonna be interesting." I felt myself starting to get intrigued.

The announcers voice spoke, "Don't forget to place your bets, now let's not keep you waiting anymore!" The two fighters looked at each other and one smirked while the other grunted. "Fighters. You may begin."

The scarred fighter quickly lunged towards the other slender fighter, taking the slender one, who I nicknamed Siren, by surprise.

However, Siren quickly moved out of the way, dodging the punch the bulky one, who I nicknamed Boulder, threw.

Siren was quick to make a move of their own and kicked swiftly at Boulders back, "I'm guessing Siren depends on the small but powerful moves they make to take down their opponent, while as Boulder depends on the big, powerful punches he throws to knock his opponent out."

I continued watching the two fight, wincing whenever one landed a hit on one another. I'd be lying if I said i wasn't interested, fights were always something to watch. Especially when fights would happen at the high school I went to, however it's not so fun being in the actual fight. That's a story for another time.

I could start to notice that Boulder was throwing weaker punches, "He's getting tired, those powerful attacks are taking a lot of energy out of him. He has to either change his strategy now or risk losing."

I was on the edge of my seat, if I had one, and I felt excitement bubbling up in my stomach. "I'm starting to understand why Amity comes here..watching these fights, not knowing who's gonna win, it's exciting!"

I cheered along with the crowd, my hood falling off as I bounced up and down excitedly.

Siren gave a quick kick to Boulders leg, which made him stumble onto his knees. He looked up at Siren but before he could stand up, Siren quickly kneed him in the face. He fell backwards, out cold. The crowd irrupted into cheers and whistles, along with a few groans from people who lost money.

I noticed that there was little splatters of blood on the ground and my eyes widened a little, "Blood. Wowzers..I didn't think they could draw blood..." I gulped, "That probably means they don't hold back." I thought to myself.

Once the crowd was done cheering for Siren, the announcers voice spoke up, "And it seems like our winner of this round is Bloody Sea!"

I shrugged, "I like Siren better." I thought, then Siren bowed and walked out of the ring, while Boulder had to be dragged out.

"Now for our second round, we'll be having our two strongest second years face one another!"

"Ooo newbies!" I thought excitedly, two more people entered the ring. My face falling when I saw who.

"Amity! She's.." I couldn't believe it, she was a fighter here! She was wearing what I saw her wearing earlier, the only thing missing was the leather jacket.

She was wearing a white shirt, which I'm guessing was under the leather jacket. I looked at the person who Amity was up against, they were a regular looking witch with fresh scar on his left eye. He looked familiar.

I tilted my head and then I remembered, "He's the guy who accidentally punched me!"  I smiled as I remembered, "Oh boy, I wonder how this is gonna play out."

"Fighters! You may begin!"

I could see the witch say something with a sneer to Amity, something that made her furious. I shrinked back and felt a little bit of fear in my chest, "I've never seen Amity that mad.."

I saw the two of them starting to circle one another and she said something back with clenched teeth and fists, which made his sneer disappear and be replaced with a face full of anger.

He was the first one to lunge and I felt my breath stop, I slightly copied Amity's dodge and I breathed out in relief.

I started copying Amity's dodges and swings, toning them down a bit as to not hit anyone around me. "So this is what Amity's been doing, but why?" I asked myself.

The other witch finally managed to land a hit on Amity's side, which caused her to stumble backwards a bit but she quickly move out of the way when he tried to go in for another hit. He obviously seemed annoyed and went in for another swing, but Amity just dodged.

There was at least a two second opening between swings and I noticed this, I was silently hoping Amity noticed as well. "C'mon Amity..you have to see it too..."

As if she heard my silent pleadings, she did notice and quickly used it to her advantage. He took another swing and pulled back his fist, then Amity did a quick jab at his exposed stomach. He grabbed his stomach up and Amity quickly uppercutted him.

I could see him cough out blood as he wiped it from his mouth with his hand, he glared at Amity, who didn't hesitate with making her next move. She threw a punch at his cheek which made him stumble back but he dodged her roundhouse kick.

He tripped her and she fell onto her side, he threw a powerful punch towards her but she quickly rolled out of the way.

"They're both breathing heavily, it's only a matter of time before one of them knocks the other person out..c'mon Amity...you got this!"

It was almost like my thoughts of encouragement helped Amity, because almost immediately she seemed to grow more determined. She quickly darted to the side of the other witch after he tried slamming his fist into her side, and with a swift, powerful blow, she was able to knock him out cold.

I nearly yelled at the top of lungs but toned it down to a simple cheer like the rest of the crowd, "Yea! I knew you could do it!"

As if Amity heard my voice, she looked into the crowd and in my direction. I yelped and ducked my head, pulling the hood over my head.

I stared at the ground for a few moments before finally deciding to look up, sighing in relief when I realized she was walking off the stage.

I immediately started looking for Amity, not seeing her anywhere. I grumbled disappointedly but then remembered I was supposed to be keeping a low profile.

I started to notice everyone around me, feeling my heart sink into my stomach. Everyone around me was dressed in suits and dresses, something like what Boscha was wearing.

I looked down at what I was wearing, I was wearing a black hoodie with a orange shirt under and dark grey jeans cuffed at the bottom with black and white skater shoes.

"She definitely saw me. She DEFINITELY saw me!"

I gulped and quickly moved my way through the crowd, hoping to get to the exit Boscha told me about. I looked around to make sure she wasn't following me and I entered the hallway Boscha and I had entered through.

I gave one more look around the hallway before climbing into the smaller hallway leading up to the surface, I made sure not to hit my head this time.

I climbed out of the hole and looked down at it, the hole quickly disappearing. "Huh neat." I said out loud to myself and jumped when I heard someone clear their throat.

I turned on my heels and held my fists up defensively, my eyes widened when I saw Amity standing there. Her arms were crossed and she clearly looked displeased. I gulped nervously and chuckled nervously, "Hey Amity.."

She stormed to me, her fists clenched, "Luz! What in Titans name were you doing in there!? Did Boscha tell you? Ugh I am going to kill her, you weren't supposed to be there!"

I felt my irritation start to overshadow my nervousness and clenched my own fists, "Why not?" I snapped back, catching Amity off guard.

"What's so bad about this place that you had to keep it a secret from me? Do you not trust me enough or what? Are you in some sort of trouble you don't want me knowing about? What is it Amity?" I questioned.

Amity was clearly surprised at first before her face started to flush with guilt, she looked at the ground and grabbed her arms, "Luz I-..I wish I can tell you but..if I tell you, you would only get yourself in danger.."

My irritation faded away and confusion replaced it, then it clicked.

"Amity. You're being forced to do this, aren't you..?" My voice laced with worry, her eyes widened and then sadness overcame her eyes. She clenched her eyes shut and nodded slowly, "Luz I'm..I'm so sorry...I should have told you.." she croaked out.

I felt my heart break at the sight of Amity crying, I'd never seen her like that and quite frankly I hated seeing it. I quickly moved Amity into a hug and that's when she broke, she hugged me back tightly and buried her face into my shoulder.

We stayed like that for a moment before she hesitantly pulled away, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I cut her off by placing a hand in her shoulder.

"Hey, hey. It's ok, Amity. Anyone in your situation would've done the same thing." I smiled reassuringly and she gave me a little smile in return.

However her smile was short lived as I could see the guilt creep back up into her face, "I should have told you, you just came back and I'm already starting to push you away..."

I gave her shoulder a light squeeze, making her look up at me with sad eyes. I quickly shook my head, "Pssh as if you can get rid of me, it's gonna take more than that to get rid of this human."

My joke made her laugh a little and my heart fluttered, I felt a warm blush rise up in my cheeks. She shook her head as she laughed and looked back up at me, the sadness in her eyes gone.

I noticed how bruised and bloody her knuckles and hands look and I furrowed my brows at the sight, then something clicked in my mind. I looked at Amity with determination and said,

"Amity. I want to help you."

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