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By randomisbraindead

22.2K 665 686

Luz Noceda, who's been away from the Boiling Isles for three years, finally gets to live there permanently on... More

After She Left
Secret place
I want to help you

Dragon Tooths Fight Club

1.5K 48 24
By randomisbraindead

Luz POV:

The rest of the day went slow, to my annoyance. I was getting impatient but luckily 7:40 eventually came by and I hid behind a few boxes near the edge of the marketplace. I was grateful for the fact that hardly anyone was near the edge of the marketplace around this time.

"Huh, that's probably why Amity decided this was the best time to go to wherever she goes to." I thought to myself as I fiddled with the bottom of my shirt. I peered out from behind the boxes every now and then, hoping I didn't miss Amity.

"She is always on time, early even. Maybe she's already on her way...dammit! What do I do now? Do I go or wait a little longer?!" I grunted in thought, I peered around the box on more time and my eyes widened.

"She's there!" I exclaimed to myself as I saw Amity in a black leather jacket, with black cuffs and her fingerless leather black gloves. She was wearing grey ripped jeans with dark red combat boots, she was carrying a duffel bag with who knows what inside it.

She was just standing there, she looked around and huffed, clearly annoyed.

"Is she waiting for someone? Is she waiting for Boscha? Boscha did say she might be there to wait for me at the secret opening, maybe she'll send me a message saying where she's at." My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone called out, "Hey Amity! Sorry I'm late."

I looked around the box and saw Boscha heading towards Amity. She was wearing a white buttoned up shirt, with a stylish red blazer and black work pants, to tie it all together, she was wearing designer sneakers.


My confusion only spiked from here, Amity and Boscha were dressed completely different from each other. I shook my head and noticed that Amity and Boscha were starting to walk off in a different direction from the marketplace, the pink haired witch shooting someone a text before starting a conversation with the green haired witch.

At that moment I felt my scroll buzz and I looked down at it and read, 'We're on the move, hope you're still up for it'. I grunted in determination.

"I want to know more about where Amity's going, if she's in trouble I want to help. Though I doubt she's actually in trouble if Boscha is going with her dressed like THAT."

After the two was a little ways away, I started following them. I had grabbed a spare hoodie in Eda's back tent before I left and I put the hood over my shoulder, hoping this would make me unrecognizable.

I walked behind them for probably 15 or so minutes before I stepped on a twig that key out a loud


And in an instant I was behind a nearby tree, holding my breath in. I heard Amity and Boscha muttering to each other before continuing to walk in the direction they were heading in. When I knew they were far enough away, I let out my breath.

I froze up again when I heard a noise coming from my pocket but relaxed when I realized it was my scroll, I pulled it out and saw a message from Boscha. I opened it and read,

"Can you not be anymore louder? You're gonna get both of us killed!"

I nervously replied with a quick 'sorry' and continued to follow the two witches after they were far enough away to not hear any noise I make. I noticed that the sun was starting to go down now.

"Eda's gonna be wondering where I am, or not. To be honest, she's probably asleep by now, today was a busy day for her stand and I wasn't able to help as much cause of my accident. King was no help as well, he was just blabbering off about the different type of demons."

I sighed and started to think about what I had learned during the party, "I still can't believe Boscha and Willow have been together for two years now. I'm happy for them, I never would've seen it coming. The last time I saw them, they were pretty much at each other necks. Now they're at each other's necks in a different way heh...ehhh actually I don't wanna think about that. And Amity."

My heart fluttered a little but I ignored it, "There's no way she'd have any feelings towards me, Willow and Gus told me about the relationships she had so she's obviously not into someone like me. Not like I ever thought I had a chance to begin with, Amity could do so much better than me."

"Would anyone even approve of a witch and a human being together? I mean, it's obvious some witches don't like having a human in the Demon Realm. I can only imagine the stares a human and witch relationship would get." I sighed and shoved my hands in my pocket, "It's not like I have to worry about that, I have no chance with Amity."

I shook my head, "Geez that was sad. I gotta think about something else, hmmm oh! Mom! I have to text her when I get back to the Owl House, I have so much to tell her." I smiled a little, my mood being lifted.

I continued to walk after Amity and Boscha for another 15 minutes before a damaged mineshaft entrance came into view, a tall, bulky lizard like creature standing in front of it with his arms, all for of them, crossed. He had a tough, stern face and he looked at Amity and Boscha when they approached.

They exchanged a few words, the big lizard guy laughing loudly at something Boscha said while Amity looked embarrassed. I was confused for a moment but shook it off.

"I don't have time to worry about that, Boscha said there was a secret entrance somewhere. All I have to do is find it."

I saw Amity and Boscha head into the mineshaft and I grunted, "Problem is I have no idea where that entrance may be, I could try sneaking past him but I'd probably get caught." I shivered at the thought of being caught by someone as intimidating as him.

I decided to hide behind a tree while I weighed my options, "Boscha said there was an opening on the roof and I would need either a levitation spell or staff to get up there, and by the roof I think she meant the roof where she would be. Which means I probably need to get to the top of this cliff and find a little opening leading INTO the cliff and enter a room where presumably Boscha will be at. Hm but if I want to get to the top of the cliff I would need a staff since I don't know any levitation spells, then again Eda wouldn't have let me taken Owlbert just to get my 'scroll fixed'."

I grumbled in frustration, "Why can't I just walk in? Do I need to sign up for it or something? What even is this place, why are Amity and Boscha even here? And WHY IS BOSCHA DRESSED LIKE THAT!? UGH NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE!" I clenched my fists, "Why hasn't Amity told me about any of this? I mean, she doesn't have to but I would like to know about what she's been up to since I've been gone. I haven't seen her for nearly three years and she doesn't even tell me everything..." I frowned and breathed out.

I shook my head, "That's why I'm here. If Amity won't tell me herself then it's up to me to find out for myself." I felt myself growing determined and I looked up at the top of cliff. It wasn't high but it could put someone in the hospital if they fell from it, I looked to see if there was any nearby trees that I could climb. Luckily there was one and I quickly and silently made my way towards it.

I looked up towards the tree, "If I can get to the top, maybe I could jump onto the clifftop. There I'll have to see if there's something there, I don't know what yet." I gave myself a little shake before climbing up the tree, panting heavily by the time I neared the top.

I stood on a sturdy branch and decided to rest to catch my breath, I held onto the tree with one hand and placed the other on my knee. I looked up and saw the edge of the cliff, "Just a little higher."

I climbed the few branches nearing the top of the tree, breathing heavily, "I gotta exercise more.." I nervously laughed at myself, "Just don't look down, and you'll be fine." I told myself.

Then to go against my own word I looked down, the ground seeming to be farther away then I initially thought. My eyes widened and I hugged the tree and looked back up, "Dumbass dumbass dumbass! You can't listen to anyone huh!?" I yelled at myself in my head.

I tried composing myself but I couldn't stop thinking about how high up I was, "Maybe this was a bad idea, well I can't go back now." I felt myself shaking as I climbed a little higher, I could feel myself start to sweat from how nervous I was.

"You're not gonna fall, you're not gonna fall, you're not gonna fall..." I reassured myself repeatedly in my head, soon there weren't any more branches for me to climb and I looked towards the cliff, and I shakily breathed out.

"C'mon Luz, you can do this. All you have to do is jump and you'll be home free." I gulped, "It's just a jump, can't be that hard."

I got ready to jump, pepping myself up. I started making my way forward and was about to jump when the branch I was standing on snapped, "OH CRAMITY! THIS IS HOW I DIE!" I closed my eyes and I felt myself starting to fall but suddenly the sensation stopped. I stayed there shaking until I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, there was an aura of yellow light around me and I looked at who cast the levitation spell.

"Boscha! Oh you're a lifesaver!" I shakily let out, Boscha was standing away from the edge of the cliff and had a small yellow circle drawn in front of her. "You should be glad I was here, I thought I said you needed a levitation spell or staff to get up here!" She grunted, levitating me towards her and dropping me on the ground.

I sighed in relief and hugged the ground, pressing my face up against it, "Oh ground! I missed you so much!" Boscha rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, waiting for an answer. After a little bit I stood up and dusted myself off, I looked at Boscha and explained, "Sorry Boscha, I told Eda I was going to go get my scroll fixed since it broke after the incident in the marketplace and I knew she wouldn't give me Owlbert for that, and I don't know any levitation spells so I had to use my super cool human tree climbing skills." I pointed finger guns at her.

To which she only raised a brow, "You nearly fell out of the tree." She bluntly stated, "The branch broke!" I quickly defended. Boscha only shook her head and turned around, "C'mon, you're gonna miss Amity." She said, starting to walk off.

I quickly followed after her, "Miss her? Aren't I supposed to not be seen by her?" I asked, watching Boscha open a sinkhole in the ground. She looked back at me before jumping down into it, "You'll see, just hurry up and come on."

I followed her orders and jumped down, hitting my head on a piece of wood. "Ow! What the-!?" I shouted but was cut off by Boscha giving me a stare, I rubbed my forehead and pouted. "Be quiet, you'll draw attention to yourself. Oh and be careful, I forgot to mention there's support beams in the roof. Someone as tall as you can hit their head so watch out."

I muttered to myself, "Stupid, dumb high school growth spurt.." I kept my head low as I followed Boscha, who was also keeping her head low. The farther we walked down the narrow tunnel, the more noise I could hear coming from a different room.

The pink haired witch looked back at me and said, "We're almost there, put your head over your head so you don't get seen." I nodded and did as I was told, lifting the hood over my head.

Boscha lead me into a giant room, where a skull of a dragon laid out. "WOAH!" I exclaimed, "That thing is huuuugggeee." The mouth of the dragon skull was open and I could see that inside of it stood a fighting ring, I tilted my head curiously as Boscha lead me to a built in bar. Once there she told me to take a seat and I did, I looked around the room and saw lights hanging from the dirt ceiling.

"So this is inside a cave huh, that's so cool." I thought to myself, Boscha snapped me out of my trance by waving a hand in front of my face. I looked over at her and asked, "What?" She groaned and placed a hand on her face, "Did you not hear a word I said? I said stay here until the announcement goes off, then go to where the ring is at, but don't get too close or else you'll be seen by Amity. Got it?" I nodded.

She gave me a quick nod before disappearing into the crowd, the bartender asked me what I wanted to order and I just said water. While waiting for my drink I started to think, "So I still have no clue what this place is or why Amity even goes here but I suppose all will be answered eventually."

The bartender handed me my drink and nodded my head in a thank you, as I was taking a sip he said, "That'll be seven snails." I nearly spat out the water but I swallowed it, coughing when it went down the wrong pipe. I looked at him nervously and my eyes darted around, "Uhh..look! Someone's stealing booze!" I pointed to no one but he turned to look.

Using this opportunity, I took one quick sip of the water and quickly bolted into the safety of the crowd. "Why didn't I bring any money?! Ugh, probably because I didn't think I was gonna need to buy anything." I grumbled to myself.

Suddenly an announcers voice echoed across the room, silencing the chatter. "Welcome to those here today! We hope you had a wonderful for it's about to get better!" Cheers echoed across the room and I cheered along awkwardly. "And for any newbies here today..."

"Welcome to the underground Dragon Tooth's Fight Club!"


A/N: My brain hurts 🤙🏼 anyways, might start featuring my art at the end of chapters

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