๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐——๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ง๐—ผ๐—ผ๐˜๏ฟฝ...

By randomisbraindead

22.3K 665 687

Luz Noceda, who's been away from the Boiling Isles for three years, finally gets to live there permanently on... More

After She Left
Secret place
Dragon Tooths Fight Club
I want to help you


2.2K 56 106
By randomisbraindead

♡︎Boscha POV:

I woke up groggily when I felt Willow shift and turn beside me, I opened my eyes and shielded them from the sunlight shining through Willow's curtains. I had decided to stay the night at Willows place for the night, since by the time we got here I was exhausted.

I let my eyes slowly adjust to the light and I looked at Willow, her back was facing me. I grunted, annoyed that I couldn't see her pretty, soft face. Instead I just wrapped my arms around her waist, snuggling my face into the back of her neck. I heard her stir but she didn't wake up.

I laid there for who knows how long, before I decided to check was time it was. I summoned my scroll and looked at the time, flicking my ears. "12:09." I whispered.

I sighed, knowing I'd have to get up soon. I told Amity I would hang out with her, I chuckled and shook my head a little. I knew the real reason why Amity wanted to hang out, she wanted me to help her try and be more confident.

Even though I act the way she does with Luz, with Willow. I was no better in the situation but I figured I'd try and help anyways. I slowly unwrapped my arms from Willows waist and sat up, stretching and groaning.

I got off the bed, making sure not to wake up Willow. I decided I would head back to my place to change out of what I was wearing, I looked back at Willow and smiled. I leaned over and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

I looked for a pen and paper, finding some on Willow's desk. I grabbed the pen and started to write on the note, "I lovvee yoouu, I went back to my place, I left you a little something." Adding a winky face, with three eyes, at the end.

I took off my varsity jacket and folded it, placing it on the side of the bed where I slept with the note on top of it. I nodded my head, being satisfied with the little gift I left Willow. I quietly left her room, slowly closing the door and grunting when it creaked loudly.

I quickly and quietly made my way downstairs, heading towards the front door. I opened it and closed it, walking down the pathway away from Willows house. While I walked I summoned my scroll.

I mindlessly scrolled through Penstagram, liking and sharing a few posts. I got a text from Amity asking if 1:20 PM was a good time to meet up at the market, I looked at the time. 12:16 PM, I nodded my head and sent her a text back, saying yea in response.

After a few more moments of me walking and scrolling through Penstagram, I saw my house come into view. I walked faster, making my scroll disappear, giving the time one last glance. "12:26, I still have enough time to get ready and relax a bit." I muttered to myself.

I entered my house when I reached the front door, quickly making my way upstairs and towards my room. I put on a different pair of pants, which were light blue jeans. I put on a different shirt, which was a yellow crop top. I grabbed a dark red, leather jacket and put it on. To tie it all together, I put on checkered skater shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror and smirked, "Damn, who knew I was this good looking." I winked at myself.

Knowing only a minute or two went by, I made my way downstairs, this time slower. I stretched and laid down on my couch, summoning my Penstagram and scrolling with whatever time I have left to relax.

After scrolling I saw a post that made me freeze, the post was uploaded from Luz.


My mouth opened in awe, I looked at the caption which said,

Thanks to everyone that went to my Homecoming/Birthday Party! 🎉Eda gave me this scroll as a present, best day ever!

"It was her BIRTHDAY!?" I exclaimed, sitting up. Amity had to have seen this, right? Did Amity know yesterday was Luz's birthday? Oh Titans, when Amity finds out...she'll be crying and hyperventilating from guilt. That is, if Amity hasn't already started doing that.

I quickly pushed myself off the couch when I saw the time, 1:23. I'd ask Amity if she knew or not, I shuddered at the thought of how Amity would act when she found out yesterday was Luz's birthday and she didn't even get her anything.

I exited the house and closed the door, quickly making my way towards the market. Once I got there I noticed a familiar witch with green hair. Amity was wearing a white shirt with orange and yellow writing that says, "I wanna be, disobedient." Along with that, she wore black pants with tears at the bottom and dark purple skater shoes, Amity was also wearing her signature black spiked cuff, as well as her fingerless, leather gloves.

I waved over and she noticed, waving back. "Hey Amity, you're early as usual." Even though the years went by, Amity was still pretty much herself. Always on time and quick to get mad or annoyed.

She nodded, "You know me, always have to be safe then sorry." I shrugged, "If you say so. Hey, did you see that post on Penstagram?" I asked, wondering if she had seen it or not and debated whether it was a good time to bring it up.

She gave me a confused look and shook her head, "No? What post are you talking about?" She crossed her arms. Preparing myself for the reaction Amity was going to have, I pulled up the post and showed her.

I saw Amity's face go blank, processing what she was looking at. It took her a while and then her eyes widened, her mouth dropping. There was a few seconds of silence until....


I winced at how loud her voice was, I noticed it made people look in our direction and I quickly hushed her. Making my scroll disappear I nodded, "Yea it was her birthday, Eda never said anything about it being her birthday so I'm either guessing she knew and kept it from us or found out at the last minute."

Amity shook her head, "Why would the owl lady keep something as important as Luz's BIRTHDAY from us??" I shrugged, "I don't know. I hardly ever know what she's doing. Maybe if we come across her today we can ask."

I could see the annoyance form on her face but she nodded, I nudged her and walked towards a few stands. "Hey cheer up, maybe we can search for a late birthday present." I suggested, instantly making Amity perk up and nod.

"Great idea Boscha! I could find something nice to give Luz for and make up for not knowing it was her birthday and not getting her anything and..." She continued to ramble on, I rolled my eyes.

"Oh Titans she's helpless."

I mentally thought to myself and shook my head, but an amused smile crept on my face. I could tell Willow about this the next time I see her, then we can tease Amity together. I imagined how Amity's face would look like when me and Willow tease her about today.

We walked to a few different stands, one was selling different kinds of books and the other was selling small furniture. Amity has yet to find a stand worth buying anything from, while I had gotten a book and a cup holder for Willow. Willow told me the other day she had no place to put her pencils and what not so I figured I buy her a little something to help with that.

We went to a stand that was selling jewelry, I pointed out a few of them. "Maybe Luz will like these?" I inquired, looking at Amity who only shook her head.

"Nah, Luz isn't the type of person to want flashy things, especially jewelry." She looked away from the stand, "She'd probably want a stuffed animal or something." I thought about it and nodded.

She gave my shoulder a nudge after I was done buying a ring from the stand, I looked at her, "What?" I asked. She nodded her head towards a stand that was selling sandwiches and salads, "Let's get something to eat, we've been walking for a good hour or so."

I nodded in agreement, feeling how sore my feet were from walking for so long and my hands were from holding the bags. I heard my stomach start to quietly rumble, I realized just how hungry I am and was looking forward to eating something since I didn't eat anything before I left.

Amity and I were sat at a table outside with an umbrella to shield us from the scorching sun. We ordered simple things like a sandwich and salad, I had gotten the sandwich and Amity ordered herself the salad.

"Why'd you get just a salad? Aren't you hungry?" I asked with a tilt of my head, "No," she answered, "I had breakfast before heading down here. I let out a 'oh' in response and nodded my head. We didn't have to wait long to receive our food.

Once the waiter came by and dropped our food off for us, we thanked her each with a smile and started to eat. I decided to spark up a conversation and ask Amity, "So what do you plan on getting Luz for her late birthday gift."

Amity shrugged, "It depends on what we can find, I just hope they have good enough stuffed animals here." I smirked, "Oh does Amity wanna give her crush the best gift ever~" I teased, amused when I saw the pink rise up in my best friends cheeks.

I saw Amity grow defensive, "Yea well-why'd you buy that ring huh? You gonna propose to Willow or something?" My face immediately grew red and I went quiet, Amity stared at me for a bit before her mouth dropped. "WAIT REALLY!?" She squealed excitedly.

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, "W-well I-I-I'm not go-gonna do i-it any-t-time so-on, " I mentally kicked myself for stuttering so much, I knew I should've bought the ring by myself. "I wanna wait for the right time, I want it to go perfect! Willow deserves it."

Amity and I talked about the ring and how I'm exactly I want it to go, once we were done eating we gave the waiter a tip before leaving the table. We walked around for a good 17 minutes before Amity stopped in her tracks, looking at something in the distance, stars practically in her eyes.

I raised a brow and looked at what she was looking at, immediately knowing what she was looking at. There was a stand selling stuffed animals, a particular purple otter looking one standing out. Amity started to shake me, "I. Need. To. Get. That."

"Aaammiiittyyy, I seeee ssttaarrrsss." I said and she stopped shaking me, I grabbed my head to try and stop the world from spinning. It eventually away and noticed Amity was at the stand arguing with a couple, I sighed.

"Please Amity don't get into another fight..I can't deal with this today..."

I thought to myself as I walked over to Amity and the couple, their conversation coming into earshot. "Listen here bud, I saw it first! I'm buying that otter!" Amity argued, clenching her fists. The male witch barked back, "You wish! I saw it first and I'm buying it for my girlfriend!"

"Yea well I'm buying it for a girl I've been practically in love with for three years as a late birthday present!" Amity slapped down 20 snails on the counter, making the shopkeeper flinch. The witch growled and slammed down 50.

Amity glared at the guy before slamming down 70, my eyes widened and whisper yelled to Amity. "Amity!? What are you thinking!?" Amity's continued to stare down the other witch, "I got this under control, Boscha!" She whisper yelled back, her face getting red from anger.

The other witch growled, he dug in his pocket and pulled out 30 extra snails, slamming down on the table. Meaning he had 80 snails on the counter. The shopkeeper gulped and looked at Amity, who hesitated but reached into her wallet and pulled out 40 extra snails, which meant she had 110 on the counter.

My mouth dropped.

"Is Amity really willing to give away 110 snails for this otter plushie, she must really care about Luz..."
I couldn't help but think, "What else is Amity willing to do for Luz?"

The other witchs girlfriend was trying to convince him to just let Amity have it, but he didn't listen, "There's no way in hell I'm letting this bitch take something you deserve to have." He whipped his head around to yell at Amity, "I'll fight you for that stuffed animal!"

"Wait..are they seriously gonna fight for a s t u f f e d a n i m a l...?"

I thought to myself in disbelief, then stared in awe as Amity agreed.

"They're really gonna fight for a stuffed animal." I stared at them with a look on my face. They both stepped away from the stand and got in position, the guys girlfriend looked just as shocked.

Amity got into a fighting stance, almost like it was second nature. She put her fists up and glared at the other witch, he did the same thing but not as fluidly. I knew why she was able to get into the stance so smoothly, this was normal for me though.

This guy better hope she doesn't land a punch on him, however he was the first one to throw a punch. He threw a big right hook which looked like it had enough force to knock anyone out and send them flying, Amitys eyes widened for a bit before jumping out of the way, dodging his attack by a millisecond.

Instead of slamming the hit on Amity, he slammed it down on someone behind Amity. Sending them flying and landing face first into the ground, making dust go everywhere. Once they landed they didn't move, most likely out cold.

"Jeez all that force just because of a toy."

The dust cleared and I could finally get a clear look of who the guy hit, Amity was still wafting dust away from her face and she started coughing a little. The guys eyes widened and he stepped back.

"Well that was over quickly, I wonder who he hit...."

My thoughts trailed off and my eyes widened, finally seeing who was laying face first into the dirt. I looked over at Amity who's eyes were just as wide as mine. At first she took small steps, then started sprinting towards their side. I followed after, hearing Amity cry out,



A/N: Me to the guy that punched Luz: Pack it up Bakugo 💀🤚🏼

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