The Soulmate Curse

By geek342

10.1K 1.4K 293

Set in 2063, Finn and Zhen are two young engineers who hate each other, but are assigned as roommates and hav... More

CARNATIONS (for friendship)
CARNATIONS (for friendship) - Part 2
CARNATIONS (for friendship) - Part 3
Sojourner - Part 2
Sojourner - Part 3
CINNAMON (for luck)
CINNAMON (for luck) - Part 2
CINNAMON (for luck) - Part 3
Opportunity - Part 2
Opportunity - Part 3
ORANGE (for fun)
ORANGE (for fun) - Part 2
ORANGE (for fun) - Part 3
Promise - Part 2
Promise - Part 3
MYRRH (for healing sorrow)
MYRRH (for healing sorrow) - Part 2
MYRRH (for healing sorrow) - Part 3
Clarity - Part 3
LAVENDER (for love)
LAVENDER (for love) - Part 2
LAVENDER (for love) - Part 3
Tenacity - Part 2
Tenacity - Part 3
CLOVE (for memory)
CLOVE (for memory) - Part 2
CLOVE (for memory) - Part 3
Curiosity - Part 2
Curiosity - Part 3
FENNEL (for change)
FENNEL (for change) - Part 2
FENNEL (for change) - Part 3
Vision - Part 2
Vision - Part 3
BERGAMOT (for control)
BERGAMOT (for control) - Part 2
BERGAMOT (for control) - Part 3
Ingenuity - Part 2
Ingenuity - Part 3
GARDENIA (for emotional strength)
GARDENIA (for emotional strength) - Part 2
GARDENIA (for emotional strength) - Part 3
Fortitude - Part 2
Fortitude - Part 3
CEDAR (for protection)
CEDAR (for protection) - Part 2
CEDAR (for protection) - Part 3
Perseverance - Part 2
Perseverance - Part 3
SANDALWOOD (for divination)
SANDALWOOD (for divination) - Part 2
SANDALWOOD (for divination) - Part 3
Courage - Part 2
Courage - Part 3
PINE (for healing)
PINE (for healing) - Part 2
PINE (for healing) - Part 3
Endurance - Part 2
Endurance - Part 3
PATCHOULI (for grounding)
PATCHOULI (for grounding) - Part 2
PATCHOULI (for grounding) - Part 3

Clarity - Part 2

114 16 0
By geek342

"I want to say I won't ever drink again," mumbled Zhen as she shuffled into the kitchen the next morning, her eyes half closed. "But I see the appeal. It was good in the moment."

Finn handed her a full plate of food and a glass of water.

Zhen looked up at her. "What's this?"

"Greasy food. Chargrilled sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, and sourdough toast. I ordered the lot a few minutes ago," said Finn. "Best cure for a hangover."

"I haven't had mushrooms in ages," said Zhen. She turned to the table, where the cutlery was, next to a glass of orange juice. With ice. She turned back to Finn and smiled. "Thank you."

Finn joined her with her own stacked plate of greasy food. "We should get ready for this weekend."

"I hate award ceremonies," said Zhen.

"This one will be different," said Finn. She smiled.

The weekend came up fast. Zhen had been announced as winner in all the relevant media circles and, to celebrate, Jack gave everyone the coming week off and relegated all must-be-done stuff to work-from-home status. Zhen had the weekend off from the GSI base too. They were more than happy to accommodate her, considering how much attention her win had brought to GSI. Most of the other space travel institutes had sponsored contestants for the award. None had presented anything close to what Zhen did. It was a surreal feeling. Especially because the trip to the ISS 2 that she'd been preparing for in the last few months would now mean seeing her idea come to life in real time.

More than she'd ever imagined, everything was coming together perfectly for Zhen. This is what she'd always wanted. To make a mark in the history of humankind's foray into the stars. So, this is how it felt to win it all. To hold the world in the palm of your hand. Is this how Finn felt? Why she could never admit to stealing from Zhen? Because, if it was, Zhen was starting to understand why. And maybe even considering forgiving Finn for the heart-breaking treachery. Maybe.

Finn and Zhen decided they would arrive a day early to the event venue to settle in and enjoy the sights. Most of those attending the ceremony would. It was rare to attend a destination event because it was currently way cheaper to make these virtual events. However, there was a new wave of destination events happening these days. People looking to meet others in real life. To see new places. To travel. She wasn't one for fads and new trends, but Zhen didn't mind having the opportunity to visit a place so far out of her usual haunts.

"Who's your plus one?" Zhen asked Finn as their autonomous cab drove them over to the train station.

"My mum," said Finn with a smile.

"Ah, the cryptographer," said Zhen, laughing at all the ways Finn's mum had unknowingly made her life difficult. She was still eating penis shaped pancakes, burgers and pizzas.

"Yeah," said Finn, with her. "She's been wanting to get in a room with the Global Space initiative crowd for years."

"I'm surprised they haven't poached her yet."

"Oh, they tried. But all the solutions she offers insist on making the GSI an Open Source entity that's focussed on the good of mankind," said Finn. "They've blocked all her digital avenues of contact."

"The one percent can't have her changing the world for the better," said Zhen.

"Who's yours? Your plus one?"

"My dad," Zhen said.

"That's great," Finn replied, cheerily. "Tell me about him."

Zhen looked out the window. They were silent for a long while after that. The whole car trip, actually. They got to the station and boarded their train. Finn pulled out her tablet and VR visor once they were settled in. No doubt she was going to start obsessing over that stupid trial. The news said it was almost over. Just a few more days for the jury to start deliberating. Zhen wondered, for the umpteenth time, what about that trial was so interesting to her. They were a few minutes from their station when Zhen tapped Finn's shoulder.

"Are we there already? Ares didn't give me a shout out," said Finn, pulling off her VR visor.

"No, not yet. I just... I wanted to talk to you," said Zhen. She counted a few beats in her head to calm herself before she continued. "It's about my dad."

"Zhen, you don't have to..."

"I do," Zhen cut her off. "My dad... he drinks. A lot. He saw my name online. Insisted on coming. He'll... um, he'll probably mess things up."


"I just need you to cover for me," Zhen said, looking down at her hands. "In case I need to disappear and get him to leave, or whatever."

"Yeah, Zhen," said Finn. "Whatever you need."

"Thank you."

Finn reached out and hugged Zhen. This was new. Finn didn't do touching. She barely shook hands with anyone. Being in her embrace was, well, new. And good. So good. And freeing. Fleeting. Zhen allowed herself a single moment of solace and then pulled away. She started packing up her stuff, making sure not to make eye contact with Finn as she gathered herself.

"I think we're here," said Zhen as the maglev bullet train began to slow down.

She picked up her stuff and made her way past Finn, onto the aisle and towards the door before they'd even stopped. She slid on her sunglasses and didn't allow herself to turn back to see if Finn was following behind.

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