By mahreen97

97.1K 4.9K 1.2K

"An eternal love like Romeo and Juliet" Fate's cruelest games had separated them from each other. Can Fate al... More

|Forgotten lyrics|
|Forgotten lyrics|
|Make me yours forever...|
|Bestfriends trio|
|When love comes...|
|When love comes....|
|Lost in your memory|
Cover Gallery
My Cast
|Vienna Ball|
|Vienna Ball|
|If I were Cinderella|
|If I were Cinderella|
SEQUEL- His Goddess
|The Greek Billionaire|
|The Greek Billionaire|
|The Greek billionaire|
|Summer Song|
|Summer Song|
|In love with you|
|Confusions and Confessions|
|Confusions and Confessions|
|Love me like a day dream|
|Love me like a day dream|
|Secrets within secrets|
|Secrets within secrets|
|Feather and Funeral|
|The Chrysanthemum Charm|
|Blue Mocking jay|

|Feather and Funeral|

66 20 3
By mahreen97

I am an epiphany, an oddessy, the wind ruffles me as it brews a deadly storm.
Who am I ? I am a rune as old as time.
Perhaps I am a battered soul forgotten and forbidden. But do you know me. Yes you do. I am a feather in the flock. A sheep among the devil's of the world. Do you want to hear my story? Then come closer dear reader...

- mahreen97

Hey guys! I wrote this short poetic prose. I tried something new. Hope you like it.


Melissa's pov-

My head hurts. Where am I ? I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't open. I tried a few more times and then I slowly opened them. As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I realized that I was in my room. Strange! I remember going to the library last night but no recollection of anything else afterwards. I heard a chair scrape from nearby and soft foot steps tread in my direction. Then an unknown voice spoke.

"It's about time you woke up. I was wondering if you will ever wake up sleeping beauty", he said in an Irish accent.

Oh sweet lord! I felt a blush stain my cheeks. There is nothing heavenly than an accent and when I finally looked at him. I got blown away. He was so handsome. A mop of wavy golden heaven sat on top of his head which was perfectly styled and gelled back. He wore a grey suit with white shirt and grey pants. Every time he smiled his dimples appeared and to top it all his eyes held a mischievous glint. I tried to think of something to say but no coherent thought came and my throat felt as dry as a desert. Maybe he sensed that I wanted to say something because the next minute he was by my side with a glass of water. I took the glass from him and drank all of it. He hesitated at first but then spoke again.

"I hope you are well enough to tell me about what happened last night."

It was hard for me to decide if I could trust him so I decided to check whether or not he could be trusted.

"Why do you want to know? I don't know you and I don't have anything to say", I said lifting my chin up and making eye contact with him.

He didn't flinch or throw a barb at me. Amusement showed in his warm brown eyes which is tinted with liquid gold. Then he started laughing. How rude! Didn't he see the steely determination in my eyes? Oh wait! Was he mocking me? I was about to launch into a hale storm when the door opened and a woman entered.

"Oh Thank God you are up! Every one is so worried about you. I guess the medicine worked it's magic", she said beaming with pride. She reminded me of sunshine and sea.

The man stopped laughing and smiled at the woman. So they know each other. I still didn't know the man's name which I wanted to know badly so I decided to break their friendly greeting.

"I still don't know your name and I don't like being kept in the dark."

Whew! I asked it.

"Dark? I guess I better introduce myself. I am private detective Heath Clyde and this lady is my friend's wife Dr Elizane Furrow. She has been tending to your wounds and has come to do some general check up on you. I better leave you two alone because I have some work that needs my immediate attention." He said in a huff like he wanted to getaway.

Dr Furrow who was watching us and following our conversation gave him a knowing smirk. He then excused himself and walked away.

The doctor asked me basic questions like does your head hurt? which part of your head hurts the most? then we chatted happily about random things and the doctor left. I learned a bit about the detective. Apparently he was unsettled by my presence so he left and has a sixteen year old daughter whom he adopted.

After the doctor left I stared at the ceiling for a long time until I drifted into sleep.

"There goes my heart racing with fear, hope and anticipation...."

The Greek Billionaire's Goddess

Ooh! A private detective. I guess the story is taking a turn...
You will never find out what's going to happen next unless you turn the pages..

I know I am wicked with a crooked "w" but guys I am being a good,old soul so you should forgive me.

Don't forget to press the orange star. Maybe you will get rewarded  with a bit of mystery and more.
I know the handsome detective has picked your curiosity so why not satisfy your curiosity in the comments. My,my don't keep it all to yourself show some kindness of heart and share away...

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