Our Endless Shadows of Darkne...

By ABC_Author

415 35 1

After deciding to leave her family behind and follow her instincts of living alone, things turn for the worst... More

Chapter 1 ~ Trapped
Chapter 2 ~ Danger
Chapter 3 ~ Courage
Chapter 4 ~ The Battle
Chapter 5 ~ Worst than Death
Chapter 6 ~ Relocation
Chapter 7 ~ The Flower
Chapter 8 ~ A Strange Feeling
Chapter 9 ~ A Dangerous Pervert
Chapter 11 ~ Shattered
Chapter 12 ~ AROUND the Mountain?!

Chapter 10 ~ There will be... Rain?

26 1 0
By ABC_Author

It's been a month since Viper's death. I was indifferent about it, but Tusk was mourning for the male. Who knew that they were siblings? Grim doesn't seem to give a shit, and frankly I'm not surprised. He is the one that killed him, after all. But in this month I haven't noticed anything different besides the fact that it's been 2 months since I was, let's say 'abducted', by Grim. And the fact that I've probably been constipated in the meanwhile. I keep feeling kicks in my stomach, I'm constantly in pain and my appetite is nearly as heavy as my weight. I wish I knew what was wrong with me. And the fact that it's nearly winter doesn't help.
"Keep up, Twilight." I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Grim's voice. Ever since he took me out hunting the day after Viper's death, he's brought me outside for some fresh air ever since. To be honest, I think he's softened up. I'm not too sure, why, or how, but the fact that he has makes him better to be around. I curtly nodded, keeping up to pace with him.

As we walked through the oak forest, I paused to scent the air. The air was crisp with frost and blew briskly. I flattened my ears against my head, picking up my pace. I saw Grim stop in his tracks, his snout high in the air until it hovered the ground.
"What's wrong?" I asked with narrowed eyes. He hushed me with his tail, letting out a low grunt.
"There's an intruder. I'll scout the territory. And keep close." Grim whispered. I slowly nodded, keeping low as he did. But he sped off before I could adjust to the pace, and I had lost him after running after him but losing his scent in a clearing when a new scent stepped over it. I followed the strange scent. Maybe if I chased off this intruder Grim would finally treat me other than a brainless pup.

I spotted something grey in the bushes and crept closer. But the shape leaped on me, and I bowled to the ground under its weight. I snarled, sinking my teeth into its shoulder. It was another wolf, a grey female. I let the other wolf flying when I shook her off. But I gasped when I looked once more at the wolf, realizing who this was.
"Rain." I breathed. I ran over to her, pressing my muzzle into her coat. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you."
"Bright?" Rain let out a sigh. She rose to her paws, pressing her muzzle against mine. "I-I've been looking for you everywhere!"
"But looks like we weren't hidden well enough." I heard Grim growl. I whipped around to see him, his yellow eyes piercing Rain. Rain then realized who this was and let out a growl.
"Stand back, Bright. I've already taken him on before, and I still can." She snarled. The two were about to launch at each when I stopped them.
"Grim! Don't you dare hurt my sister." I whipped around to face him.
"Are you scolding me? She's the intruder!" He retorted.
"Bright, h-how do you know him?" Rain whispered.
"Twilight, here, is my mate." Grim grinned.
"Oh shut it, will you?" I growled. Rain's eyes were so wide they nearly bulged out of her skull.
"But... how?" Rain's voice cracked.
"Grim, can I speak with my sister? Alone." I asked him.
"No. We're going back to the den." Grim shook his den.
"Please!" I begged him. "This is my sister! I haven't seen her in two months!"
"I don't want that, thing, talking to you!" He snapped.
"Don't you dare call me that!" Rain growled.
"I'll come back Grim, please. And if I don't, you can punish me. But please believe me when I say I'll come back." I whimpered. He looked at me with a harsh, long stared before he let out a sigh and turned away.
"Be back before sunset." Grim said.

He then walked away, leaving us alone. Rain grabbed my scruff and started dragging me.
"Come on! Let's get out of here!" She muffled around my fur. I escaped her grasped, shaking my head.
"No, R-Rain, I can't." I told her. She looked at me, her eyes forming into slits.
"Has he hurt you?"
"Yes, and no."
"Does he treat you well?"
"I guess..."
"Does he feed you enough?"
"Way more than enough." I said. Rain's eyes became normal and she sat down beside me.
"But why?" She whispered.
"It all just happened, Rain. I didn't even see it coming." I sighed. There was a long silence and I really wanted to break it.
"H-he's the rogue that killed Arrow." Rain stammered. "And he's that pup, Gorse, I used to be mate's with."
"I-I know. Grim told me." I blinked. She seemed surprised, but didn't respond.
"His name's Grim now, huh?" She let out a soft, yet awkward chuckle. "I always thought he was bitter."
Why was it suddenly so hard for my sister and I to have a proper, not awkward conversation?
"You've certainly grown in size since the last time I saw you." Rain noted. I let out a huff, my fur boiling besides the fact that it was cold outside.
"Why does everyone keep commenting on my weight?" I huffed.
"It just looks weird." Rain narrowed her eyes.
"Thanks." I said gruffly, then let out a sigh. "I've been feelings pain in my stomach for over a month, and I've been eating so much you'd think I'd get sick." Rain looked at me, something like regret in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it.
"How about you come back to the den?" I proposed. I could care less if Grim prefered that I didn't bring her back. She was my sister, and it was too cold to lag outside for so long.
"But what about...?" Rain didn't want to say his name.
"It's my den too. So I also get a word in it." I rose to my paws, waving my tail for her to follow.

I led her back to the den, dipping my head to Tusk when we arrived there. I padded inside, curling up in my corner. Rain sat down beside me.
"Wow! You have a really big den! But why the guard?" She hesitantly looked at Tusk, almost intimidated.
"Grim doesn't want me escaping." I said. "Trust me, there didn't use to be a guard. It used to be a big thorn barrier. Then we moved to here... and Tusk and Viper just came."
"Viper?" Rain looked around, looking for the male.
"Oh uh... he doesn't work as a guard he anymore." I lied. I couldn't tell her what really happened; that'd be stupid.
"Oh, that's too bad." Rain said.
"Yes, it's too bad Twilight brought you here." Grim growled. I jerked my head up, his disapproving eyes staring at us.
"This is Bright's den too." Rain stood up, facing his with a growl.
"Get out." Grim ordered, shoving her towards the door.
"Hey! Don't touch my sister!" I shot to my paws, facing Grim as well.
"I told you not to bring her back!" Grim exclaimed, his voice almost cracking.
"Why?" I asked curiously.
"I didn't want her to find the den at all." He admitted, and Rain seemed particularly amused.
"Scared of me?" She snorted. I shot her a stare, but she didn't budge. "No, no. I know when I'm not wanted."
"Don't leave!" I exclaimed, running after Rain.
"Let her go, Twilight." Grim blocked me with his side.
"No!" I growled, barging past him.

I tried to catch up with the fleeing Rain, Grim on my tail. He often snapped at it, and it scared me. My energy was slowly seeping away, and I panted heavily as I caught up to Rain. She had stopped to suck in a breath of air, and I did the same.
"Rain... Please don't go." I begged her, letting out a wheeze.
"I have to... I can't bear to be near that monster anymore." Rain sighed, getting to her paws.
"He's not a monster!" I growled.
"Why are you defending him? Are you on his side now?!" Rain spat, outraged.
"N-no, I just-"
"Leave now and never return. Or I'll kill you." Grim snarled.
"Grim!" I gasped, whipping around to face him. "How dare you? She's my sister!"
"Exactly. Why are you even living with him, Bright? There's so much more in living than this lonely creature." Rain demanded.
"Say that to my face, bitch." Grim spat, his fur bristling and his hackles raised.
"Any day, asshole." She snorted.
"Stop fighting!" I ordered, watching as they leaped at each other with bared teeth. I blocked them, both falling on their side.
"Why, Bright? He's clearly hurt you a lot!" Rain protested.
"Her name is Twilight, idiot!" Grim snapped.
"It's Bright, stupid!" Rain growled.
"Will the both of you stop fighting?" I demanded, and they turned to face me with narrowed eyes.
"Bright, you need to come back. In your current condition, if he keeps hurting you then they'll be deformed." Rain urged.
"My current condition? They? Deformed? Rain, what on earth are you talking about?" I sighed. Rain gave me a puzzled look.
"I thought you already knew..." Rain said.
"Knew what? Spit it out already!" Grim demanded.
"Bright, you're expecting Grim's pups."

OH MY GOD! This story has more than 200 reads and 20 votes... Thank you so much, all of you! I thank everyone who took their time to read and vote for my story. I'd appreciate comments suggesting anything I could possibly change, or mistakes that I failed to go over. Chapter 11 should be out in the next month, hopefully maybe less than that. I'd really appreciate hearing your input on my story.

Once again thank you for the millionth time,


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