Artemis Stones (The Chronicle...

Door JerryNokes

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First in the "Chronicles of Daven" series. Artemis and Daven search for the stolen "seeing" stones and find t... Meer


The Cost of a Rock

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Door JerryNokes

Firelight accompanies the warmth of a homey setting amongst lush couches and elegant tables. Located within one of the well-guarded secret hideouts of the Thieves’ Guild, this relaxing environment is one of many dens set aside as sanctuary for the thieves of the Uprising. A quiet place, designed for members to sit and relax after a long days work, and a haven free from the hassles of the world outside. Rested amongst the richly wares sat Artemi, quietly staring into the pages of a book over a glass of brandy. She had been coming here more often instead of the bustle of the other taverns lately, to pine away the time in a more peaceful manner. The hour was late however and before long the pages in front of her began to blur. Slowly at first until they meshed enough so that the warm glow surrounding her faded into the darkness of the ink, and began to change.

Soon the echo of her footsteps rang out in a fast paced thumping rhythm as it traveled through the unforgiving stonewalls of a secluded alleyway on the outskirts of Shadowblade. Like a canyon of unforgiving darkness the buildings on both sides of the alley jut upward from the cobblestone corridor, forcing any traveler passing through to head in only one of two directions. She recognized this place and wondered how long ago it had been since she had traveled here. Almost immediately after the racing footsteps and surfacing thoughts had entered the alley, so did the sound of voices. Loud and unforgiving they told her that they would not be friendly if she stopped running.

“She turned down that alley there! Cut her off.”

Heavy breaths and a heartbeat pulsing so loudly that it threatened to drown out all other sounds, she wondered how long she had been running from the guards. This was all so familiar somehow, as if a splinter in the back of her mind she could not quite place. A splash of heavyset feet into a small puddle at the entrance to the corridor let it be known that the guards were not far behind her, the clamber of their metal armor ringing out in a methodic march that suggested they were well-practiced runners and would not give up. What had she done?

Ahead the alley sloped downward, a result of the uneven cavern floor the city was built on and the angle almost tripped her up as it provided a little bit more speed to her step. Ahead and at the bottom of the hill was another street lit up by the familiar green light of the city, and the promise of another chance to lose the guards. She didn’t know why but she had to escape and a sly smile came across her face as she felt that possibility possible. That was until the hulking form of two more guards brought the exit to a choking closure. Without the ability to challenge the orcish militia in any sort of fight what so ever, she quickly searched for other options as she ran towards them. Why was this all so familiar?

Along the left side of the alley ran a length of clothesline that traveled a straight distance above the sloping alley to a point well in front of the waiting guards ahead. Without hesitation she leapt up, grabbed hold of the line, sending clothes everywhere as she began to slide down the cord. A flashing reflection of dagger steel quickly appeared from within the folds of her cloak, she did not intend to get caught and had realized a new escape plan. An increased sense of déjà vu came over her as she did so. Had she tried this somewhere before?

Waiting until just the right spot before doing so she sliced the line, causing a rush of scattered clothing to flail out while the cord made a whipping snap behind her. Instantly she was brought into a quickening swing that narrowly skirted the nearby wall, almost grazing her shoulder against the uncompromising stone. As the cord wrapped around the posting it was fastened to, she brought her feet up to hasten the swing, and bring more momentum into her attempted escape. With catlike precision she let go of the cord just as it began to bring her upwards, sending her in a flip towards the roof ledge above. It had been ages since she had even tried something like this and waited until just the right moment before opening up her spin. Where was it she had learned this?

The swinging escape was a good idea apart from one minor flaw, and due to a miscalculation about just how high up the sides of this urban canyon went, she almost missed her mark. With a gloved hand landing a desperate clasp on the roof ledge a slight yelp of anxiety escaped from within the shadows of her hood. She didn’t have enough time recover before the guards chasing her came to a screeching halt below, and the sound of a crossbow click could be heard. With a deathly serious whistle it sailed just inches from her face as she leaned away from the wall enough to barely dodge it. The action causing her short-lived grip to lose even more, and slide from the rooftop that might have saved her from falling. She cried out as the last finger gave way and she began a decent towards the cobblestone below, not wanting things to end in such a terrible way. This can’t be happening, why was she even doing this?

Then almost as quickly as hope had departed from her thoughts it regained its hold on the situation. Manifested in the form of a second gloved hand thrust down from the roof, a mysterious savior grabbed hold of her by the forearm in such a manner that sent a jolt throughout her entire body. Out of breath and at the dangling mercy of the gloved hand she had no response as she was pulled upward onto the ledge, while another arrow went whistling past her leg.

“Sloppy.” Was the only word spoken from within the shadows of her savior’s hood. 

He was dressed in a similar way as her, clad the dark robes of the Thieves' Guild, and the only difference was that instead of a purple trim he wore dark green. His voice sounded eerily familiar.

“What?” She responded confusedly through heavy breaths.

“Come on, they’ll be upon us soon. We have to keep moving.” Was his response as he helped her to her feet.

Replaced by the echo of the alley the footsteps now sounded out over shingle, making a slight pattering noise as the two raced across the rooftops. The occasional leap across disconnected buildings provided the only break in the constant pounding of feet, and before long there no longer came the sound of chasing guards. Who was this man she was now following?

They had apparently lost them, but it would not be safe to stop fleeing until they had reached the safety of the Lotus Blossom District, where the guards didn’t meddle. Even though it seemed foreign of her to be doing such a thing at this moment she at least knew the environment. Dropping into another dark alley the two splashed down into another puddle of dirt water as they darted to a nearby corner. As if protecting her from being spotted he reached behind and nudged her against the wall, then peered around the wall. When there was no sign of guards he turned his hooded gaze back.

“Do you still have it?” his deeper set voice questioned.

“Have what?” she whispered in response, for some reason feeling as if she knew the answer already but couldn’t recall it.

“Don’t play games Artemi, this is important.” He answered back patting her down in search of whatever it was he was asking for.

“Ok fine I have it, back off.” She protested pushing him away.

“Good, then we have to get you to the Twisted Caverns immediately, we’ll be safe there until things simmer down a bit.” He decided, “Let’s go.”

With another quick dart he disappeared around the corner. Hesitantly she too peered around the corner before following him towards the familiar sounding tavern, several more blocks down the street. Who was he and what was it she was supposed to be carrying?

The flicker of firelight continued to play upon the book and the brandy, coupled by a sleeping thief nestled snugly within the grasp of the couch. Her deep breaths and pounding heart muffled by the crackle of the fire.


A knock on the door

Thump, Thump, Thump. Daven’s hand knocked upon the door.

He sighed. Hoping that someone was home. 

Thump, Thump, Thump. Again.

The cool air was giving him goose bumps and this was not the best time.

If he just hadn’t stopped at the tavern for that drink. What was it anyway? And then he let those young lady thieves close to him. Good thing he had prepared by wearing his worst mail and clothes. 

But in his hand was the stone that he had come all the way down here for. The deal had been made, the drink bought and imbibed, the clothes nicked. 

So he stood outside the door of one of Artemi’s known places, dressed only in the war boots that they couldn’t steal from him because of his weight while standing in them, with the stone securely in his right hand.

He hated coming down here, this always happened. Some group always recognized him and nicked all his belongings. He had even bought a new cloak in the tavy, but it too had been stolen.

His right hand rose to again knock at the door in hopes of borrowing a cloak of Art’s. One that would be recognized and not be stolen.

His head felt murky from the drink, and his mind scolded him for his lust of the young ladies that allowed them so close.

Fred, he hated to come down here….

Thump, Thump, Thump


The door opened up to reveal a smoky tavern environment filled with a smoggy blue glow. A menacing collection of cutthroats littered the various tables and booths strewn about the main room, all of which offered a probing gaze their direction as they entered. Had they been any other than members of the Guild it was easily assumed there would have been confrontation, but instead the tavern returned to its usual activities.

Still hooded for the sake of guise the two traveled around a table set aside for gamblers and made a slinking retreat into a shadowy booth towards the back. Nothing was said during the moments following as they both sat watching the door, expecting at any minute to see the guards burst through the door behind them.

Why was this all so familiar? Something about the situation seemed like it had happened before, it could have been the fact that just a while ago she was doing something totally different, but now she couldn’t even remember what that was. Was the smoke of the tavern causing her to forget things? What was she doing before this…reading perhaps….

“I think we’re in the clear” her companion interrupted as he slid out from the booth, “I’ll be right back.”

Raising her hand in protest she wanted to stop him and ask what was going on but he was gone before she could follow through with the effort. Stuck in the seat alone she leaned back into the booth with a heavy sigh, recovering from the tiring events the chase had sucked out of her.

Then came the pounding, a loud intrusive banging that rattled the tavern door. It had to have been the guards because everyone began to stand up, preparing for the ensuing battle. Who had locked the door? They had just come through it and she hadn’t done it. The sudden break in linear thought brought the entire smoky scenario into a hazy swirl of blue and red. At least until she realized that she had fallen asleep reading in front of the fire again.

The knocking at the door came a second time as she slowly slunk out of the chair and dropped to the floor.

“Oh … I really need to stop staying up so late.” She muttered through disheveled hair.

Using the chair as leverage she stood up and pushed her hair back and rubbed her eyes, looking around to make sure things weren’t in total disarray. The Guild wouldn’t let her use the place again if she didn’t take care of it. The knocking continued and she glanced over at the door.

“Okay okay I am coming.” She called out stumbling to the door, smoothing out her robes and gathering herself together.

Not entirely sure who would be coming around the den at this hour she cautiously opened the door. Much to her surprise there was a less than dressed Daven standing out in the street, looking around to see if anyone was looking at him. 

If this was another part of the dream it was a very weird part and she let out a surprised shriek and averted her eyes…

“Oh my goodness Daven what in the…” she sputtered out not even sure how to react.

He started to give a response before she interrupted.

“No, no, no, wait!” she said through squinted eyes and waving hands, “Get in here before the guards pick you up for being indecent.”

The click of the door behind them sent her striding back towards the fireplace, rubbing her temples.

“Please tell me you were robbed, because if this is another one of your wild nights again… I already told you once before, I can’t erase debts at the casino. I have my own running tab there.”

Daven stared straight ahead for a moment, wondering if he should use this moment to declare true love to her, or tell her that he sensed her need for male companionship this eve. He decided against the humor, though he loved it most, his head was just too foggy to pull off a laugh and he had other needs. Besides, it wasn't as if he hadn't done plenty in the past to leave a humorous mark, the last of which was the lingerie that he sent to Art with a note "Please visit and model for me".

As she pontificated and rubbed her temples, he interjected.

"Art, I just came by to borrow a cloak. Something with your mark on it so they won't steal it. You know, it's your people. I swear, every single time I come down here, this happens."

Daven's voice raised in his excitement.

"They all know who I am. It's as if I'm a walking souvenir shop with a sign that says, "Lord Daven Souvenirs, FREE!" strapped to my head. Last year, the last time I was down here, it was almost as bad, you know the boys from the advanced thieves school, the rugby team, they left me in my underpants. At least that. This time, those girls from the same guild, the graduating seniors, well I went to the bar to have an ale and one of them sauntered up to me, next thing I know I'm getting chilled, they had all gone, and I’m staring at the wood of the bar closely. If I hadn't been standing in my boots, I would have lost them too. This is ridiculous. And my head hurts from whatever she dropped in my ale."

Daven looked down at his boots and noticed a bit of flab at the midsection. He grunted and sucked in his gut. Time to cut back on the ale's at the tavy.

“Oh ok that is at least understandable. I told you not to hang out there without me around before, you never listen.” She responded standing near the fireplace, still rubbing her temples.

“I know, I know, but it’s hard to get you every time I need to go in there and besides anyone with me would have spooked the seller. In any case, I bought a cloak at the tavy, and they nicked that too. I was watching my back out there because there was a group of some sort calling themselves "The News Team" that had charcoal and paper and were drawing me in the buff." He continued.

Noticing she still seemed lost in thought, he attempted to get her attention with something other than his tragic story. He assumed it must be a bad night for her.

"Art, it's not like the first time you've ever seen me nude, for Fred's sake. Besides, I got what I came for...This"

Daven held out his right hand and released his grasp, showing her the clear stone. It must have taken a few moments for the memory to hit her but when it did she hesitantly turned around and glanced at the stone.

"Remember a few years back when you and another brought these back from a foreign land? You were being hunted. Remember?” he probed.

“Yes I remember, Rupert and I had stolen them during my earlier training days.” She answered back, a look upon her face like she had just experienced something very coincidental.

“Right, and do you remember how no one seemed to know the importance of the stones. I know what they are for now, and I need to collect as many as I can. I had to really deal tonight to get this one, they have scattered everywhere now."

Her gaze met his, and all the questions flowed from her to him before he walked over and took a seat at the couch. He motioned for her to join him. "I can tell you are curious, come over here and sit a second. I’m beat from running around all night."

Hesitantly, and probably out of the curiosity and serious coincidences, she made her way to the far end of the couch, giving plenty of room between them. He motioned for her to watch the stone. He had thoughts about covering himself, but this was too important and all his energy was already focused on the stone.

Daven put the stone on the short table in front of the couch and closed his eyes. He held his open hands out towards the stone as one does to a fire. After a moment small blue tendrils arched from his hands and intercepted at the stone. As soon as they touched the stone a scene of the tavern appeared above it. The foggy area began to clear and soon faces and tables were readily identifiable. Daven squinted his eyes and the area began to grow, first to about a foot in diameter then to about 3 feet, then 6.

"It's the Tavern, Art, it's what is happening now. If I concentrate I can make it show me what will happen, or what has already happened."

Daven turned and looked at Artemi's stunned silence. She had not expected something like that to happen.

"I always thought that when I invoked magic it was through my sword. It is enchanted, so I naturally thought that any magic I had was because of it. You know I have spent my whole life as a ranger, then as a paladin. I never once thought it was me. I had called on it from time to time, but never without Dragon's Bane. Well, the other night in the market place, I healed a girl. I took a curse off of her. It felt so good Art, I felt like it was meant to be."

Daven babbled for a bit more.

"You know I went home a while back, I was gone for a long time. While I was there, I found remnants of the main library. So I took what was left. I began reading, and it appears that my bloodline had a lot more going for it than just swordplay."

Letting him continue she slowly got up and moved over to a nearby cabinet and searched around inside one of the drawers. Soaking in his words as she wondered about what just transpired.

"Think of it Art. Everyone knows I am an excellent warrior, but how many know I posses this? No one. And if I can do this after a month......"

She smiled slyly as she pulled out a sheet and brought it back to the couch, an obvious change back to her usual personality apparent. Unfolding the square cloth she giggled as she tossed it over him.

“You with magic, that’s kind of scary. It’s already hard enough to withstand your sex appeal. Now we have to worry about you manipulating magic too?” she offered, wrapping the sheet over his lower half, “Pyro is going to get jealous.”

Daven chuckled, the sex appeal comment threw him. "Speaking of which, do you think Pyro would take me on as an apprentice?"

She shook her head and he looked back at Art as she covered him up.

"Art, can I borrow your facilities first? I fell in the mud out there when I was running from the "News" people. I'd like to bathe and put on a cloak.”

“Sure thing this is just a temporary fix, bathrooms that away” she responded, pointing to a nearby door, “I’ll see if I can find you a cloak by the time you get out.”

“Thanks, you wanna, you know.” He said with a sly smile of his own, motioning his head towards the offered door.

“Tempting,” she laughed in return, “It’s been a long night though, I don’t think I would be much good to you.”


“Get going you scoundrel.” she cried out pushing him off of the couch.

“What an odd occurrence…” Artemi thought as she ruffled through a cabinet in search of clothing for Daven to wear. It was proving more difficult than she thought since almost everything in this hideout that was for wearing leaned towards the feminine kind. Not that beggars can be choosers when you show up in the middle of the night at a den for lady patrons, but she at least wanted him to look half way decent.

Poor fellow, she never could keep a straight face at times like this, even though this must have been the hundredth time she had been called upon to help him. Maybe that’s why she never minded much when he showed up with needs, it always spiced things up a bit and she couldn’t remember there ever being a dull moment when it happened.

“And hey I got a free show again this time.” She laughed out holding up a plain white tunic embroidered with the guild logo.

Wrapping the shirt up in a pair of nearby pants she closed the closet and committed that if they weren’t big enough then Daven was just out of luck, and the sheet would be the only option. Walking them over to the bathroom she leaned into the door to listen in on what he was doing. A couple flutters of water signaled her to give a customary knock on the door before entered.

“Housekeeping.” she announced opening the door.

Walking the clothes over to the wash bin she carefully laid them down on the edge, folding each one up so that they wouldn’t wrinkle with the growing bathroom steam.

“Thanks, I appreciate this.” He replied.

“Don’t mention it, courtesy of the guild I guess. As compensation for your contribution in teaching the upstarts valuable thieving lessons.” She smiled, a hand on her hip as she glanced over at him.

“Yeah, well, like I said, it’s like I’m wearing a sign or something.” He replied, splashing around a bit more.

“Well actually you aren’t wearing anything, that’s why you are here.” She snuck in with a bit of a condescending and sarcastic tone.

“You know you like it when I am naked and at your mercy.” Grinning he crossed his arms over the edge of the tub.

Shaking her head she walked over and sat near him on the edge of the tub, keeping her feet on the ground as she leaned over to test the water.

“Oh baby don’t you know it. You have no idea how many times I dream of getting woken up in the middle of the night by a naked prince charming, wanting to wear my clothes and muddy up my bath water.” She laughed, ruffling his hair.

Daven couldn't help but laugh, “Oh well excuse me, you want I should compensate you instead of the guild then?” he chuckled heartily, thinking about pulling her in for being snide.

“Nah, I guess I am getting worthy dues,” she answered, prepared just in case he decided to be foolish enough to pull her in, “Although…”

She slowly pulled the stone out of her pocket and turned it in her palm, thinking about its history and reminiscing about the past times she had been around it. Sometimes she missed Rupert for the excitement he had brought into her life, not too entirely different from Daven, and the eerie fact it had resurfaced all so suddenly sent her mind in motion. If the stones were no longer the property of the Guild and back in circulation, then she could by ruling add them to her personal collection of artifacts. Having them would be a very sentimental part of her growing Uprising artifact collection. Plus since Daven was looking into finding them for his search for inner powers, she thought it would be easy enough to go with him on the quest, and then ‘acquire’ them from him later.

Then she noticed him eagerly waiting for her to continue and laughed realizing how her last sentence might have been left a bit suggestive.

“I think you might be able to offer me something.” She continued handing over the stone, “I am very interested in finding out how you acquired this, and where the other two might be.”

His eyebrow raised. “And…” he encouraged, leaving the stone in her hand.

“And…if you allow me to help with you on this little adventure, we’ll call it even. The two of us just might be able to find them for you.” She smiled back.

“Hah, that doesn’t sound like a very even trade. A bath and a set of clothes in return for having to put up with you for who knows how long, no deal. I already got robbed twice tonight, I’m not going for the house record.” He yawned out, leaning back in the water and folding his arms behind his head.

“Ah…” she gasped out, “What is that supposed to mean?”

“No offense Art, but being around you for too long can be hazardous to one’s health. You play out way too many devious ploys for me to give into that kind of demand,” He laughed out, “Besides something has to be up if you are all the sudden interested in helping me.”

“What can I say, maybe I’m just bored and you seem like the perfect entertainment.” She responded crossing her arms, “You shouldn’t have showed me your discoveries, if you didn’t want me to get involved.”

“No, not quite. What if all I came over here for was to remedy a very embarrassing turn of events? And since I found this stone while you were nearby, decided to maybe turn this evening into twice as prolific.” He explained with an impish wink.

With a raised brow she looked him over instantly realized what it was going to take to convince him. He was always swimming around in his romantic world, and if it meant getting her hands on the stones, well then she could play along. Pushing off her perch she stood up then and slowly leaned over the tub with an alluring smile.

“Let’s put it this way then. If you take me with you to find the stones…then maybe I will make it worth the trouble.” She whispered, lightly tracing a circle on the surface of the water with her finger.

“Hmm..” he pondered rubbing his chin, “Maybe eh, well I guess that’s a little more in the right direction. I suppose I could let you tag along if there are maybes involved.”

Trailing her finger along the rim of the tub she quietly leaned back, a few drops of water flicked to the side as she drifted over to the door.

“Wait so when is this maybe going to take place? I need to have that part of the…” he called out.

A wave and a click of the door was the final part of the conversation.

Daven then leaned back, once again folding his arms behind him. Deciding that if she wanted to come along, there must be something important enough about the stones he should probably keep from her. But then again it was Art and he would have let her come along just by the asking. He grinned at toying with her though, since there was no sense in letting it go by easily. Plus something in her eyes when she looked at that stone made him curious enough to explore where this was going. He closed his eyes and grinned, there was always something fun about Art, and Daven was hedonistic enough to enjoy that something, no matter the risk.

Daven burst through the washroom door with a grin “Art, you didn’t answer me.”

His hair was still wet and a few beads of moisture clung to the bottom of his short beard. The shirt she had provided was tight against his muscular frame, but the converse was true of the pants. Though they were a good four inches short, he figured he could hide the difference in his boots. Even though he was sure he looked laughable, he didn’t care, she was kind enough to provide it for him and he was thankful for it and wanted her to know it. He spread his arms wide in the wrap around shirt, that, well, didn’t quite make it all the way around except at his waist and left a good bit of his arms exposed. 

He smiled his love of life smile “What do you think? These are great clothes, light, summery, and convenient. Just the way I like them!” 

He had a sudden thought of how fashionable it would be with lots of jewelry and laughed out loud. Startled, Art sat up fully on the couch. She had been dozing off again and fighting to stay awake with her book in hand. As her eyes adjusted, she just couldn’t help but let a giggle escape at the sight of the “great warrior” in a fashionable wrap blouse and dress pant set. A little lipstick, shave off the chest hair and there would be places he would fit in just nicely. 

“Lovely Daven, absolutely lovely. I need to introduce you to some guys I know, I think they would go for you in a heartbeat.” She laughed out loud, losing it as she closed her book and set it on the table in front of her.

Daven sighed with a chuckle. “Thanks Art. But I think I’ll remain in present company. Besides, if you pawn me off as a poof, you won’t have any leads to the stones.” 

Daven gave a “I know something you don’t” smile and made it apparent that he was willing to deal. She stopped giggling and shook her head, standing up she gave one last ditch effort to clean the place up.

“Ok fancy pants, we need to get going I don’t have permission to stay here overnight. We can discuss the stones while we walk to my apartment.” She replied, knowing that phrasing it in such a way was a mistake right after it crossed her lips.

Before she could repair the error, he responded.

“Why Art, taking me home so soon? No kiss, no buying me a drink before carting me off to have your way with me? Not like the old days, huh? Just skip right to the use’m and lose’m.” His smile spoke for itself.

Standing she approached him and ran a finger lightly under his chin as she leaned close to whispered “What my big strong warrior, are you afraid that little old me is going to take advantage of you?”

Daven laughed knowing the double entendre hanging in the air. 

“Yes, and without even a kiss or a second thought. But you are right, we should get 

going. We’ll need to hit the trail early in the morning, before it dries up.” He responded moving over to the fireplace to extinguish the flames.

Finishing the last of her cleaning duties to retain her usage of the den, Art tossed the cloak with the requested monogram at him. He mumbled a “thank you”, lost in thought, as he moved away from the fireplace to wait by the door while she tossed her book into her satchel, and blew out the last of the candlelight.

“Come on let’s go.” He called out, his dark arm holding the door open for her as she approached, cloak over his shoulder. “After you, Ladies first, or should it be age before beauty?”

“Hah very funny” she smarted back, tugging on his shirt a bit as if to say look who’s talking.

Subtly he muttered “I guess its beauty before age.”

Locking the door behind them the two stepped out onto the streets and Daven gave the surrounding area a searching look over out of habit. Feeling a bit charitable she helped him put the cloak on before they started down the street. 

They took a small detour so that she could check on her shop, having not been sure if she remembered to lock it or not. As they did so a few people they recognized walked by and exchanged short conversation with them before moving on. 

After a bit of quiet, Daven began explaining how the stones had been “removed” from the guild. How he had gone there to find them and spent the last two weeks on this wild chase to find them. He explained that he had to dispatch the last owner of the stone she carried in her pocket. Teasing her that it had somehow found its way to “her” pocket.

In a moment of ponder he exchanged a serious look with her and she nodded at his thoughts about that idea. 

Waiting at every corner to make sure the area was clear, he recounted how the stones were currently being moved to Titan, with a more insidious final destination.

Art stopped in the middle of the street, jaw open. Daven grabbed her hand and muttered to her “I know, you’re drawing flies, don’t stop walking. There are people looking for me now.”

No interruptions followed as they traveled along the streets to the Dawn’s Retreat Inn and stepped into the lobby.

“You know Art with how much money I know you have stashed away, I never could figure out why you still live in a place like this” Daven observed as they started up the stairs.

“Well it may not look like much, but it’s quite pleasant and one of the few places in town that actually stays relatively quiet. The other places usually have parties going on at least every other weekend…that or the guards raid the place regularly.” She explained.

“Makes sense I guess, but you know you’re a party girl too.” He added in poking her as they reached the third floor.

“Oh right, you caught me,” she giggled shying away from the poke to walk down the hallway, “I think you should see those parties before you go saying that. You know a lot of them are the very sailors that work for you here at the shipyards. So I know you know how they are.”

“Oh yeah, I see your point.” He laughed leaning on her doorframe as she retrieved her keys to unlock it. “But that doesn’t mean you HAVE to participate.” He paused at that, wrinkling his brows, and added. “Well, there went my credibility.” The jester in him returned, “But really, I have to be at those type of parties to oversee the men.”

When the door opened she walked in and tossed her satchel on the table, yawning as she made a direct beeline for the bed to flop down on it. Daven, without even hesitating, locked the door and joined her in flopping down on the bed. She responded by curling up and putting the pillow on his arm to get comfortable.

“Well I guess we better get started eh? I want to get at least some sleep before tomorrow.” He announced with an elbow nudge.

“You’re iniquitous you know that…” she quietly laughed out.

“Yeah…” he answered back.

The two lay on the bed quietly, not moving as they stared up at the ceiling. The background noise of a few people in the streets below entered through the open window. 

Time passed.

Daven groaned and rolled over a bit to kiss her on the forehead, just below her honey colored hair. “Thank you darling, it was wonderful as usual.” He waited a moment, letting all the possibilities of his words be consumed.

“I’ll be on the couch.” He announced tiredly pulling himself up, rounding the end of the bed, and throwing her favorite purple blanket over her.

“Uh huh…see ya in the morning.” Art replied softly.



“Well then we’ll just have to catch a ride there then.” Art stated jabbing a fork into her waffles.

“Alright, but we can’t take one of my ships. We’re not exactly the most inconspicuous navy around you know. There’s no way we can port without trouble.” Daven answered before drinking from his glass.

“Ok then we find a merchant one to take us. I’m sure you have someone we can conscript.” She responded.

“I can probably find something, but what about us?” he questioned, “We’re not exactly the most discreet duo around, they’re not going to just willingly hand over the stones if we show up asking for them. Nor can we wander around the place with the affiliations we have.”

Artemi smiled in response as the conversation paused while she took another bite and chewed. Stainless had given them her usual seat out in the veranda and she turned to watch the ships in the lagoon. The view here was always one of the best to wake up to and she didn’t know if it was because of that, or something in the food that kept her compelled to always eat here. Breakfast at Bill’s was the best in town though and as long as he kept being so nice to her when she came in, she would continue to advertise his ‘quality’ dining.

“Incognito it is then, we could disguise ourselves well enough don’t you think?” she offered.

“Yeah I guess, It’s not the first time I’ve worn clothes other than my own…what did you have in mind?” he muttered continuing with his steak and eggs.

“Well if we are going to arrive on a merchant ship, why not dress as merchants?” she laughed out sarcastically.

“No…ya think?” he retorted threatening to use his fork as a catapult. 

“Ask a silly question, get a silly answer. But I think it would be fun to play a merchant. I could dress up in fancy clothes and walk around pretending to want everything in sight. You could be the studious accountant that explains what is and isn’t part of the budget.” She giggled.

“Me an accountant and you a spoiled rich lady?” he returned, an eyebrow raised, “Oh I don’t think so, sounds like a chance for you to get on my nerves without my being able to smart back. I’m on to that little game Art, I am not being your tally boy.”

Leaning back in her chair with her own glass she slowly swirled the liquid around in the cup, a bit disappointed she couldn’t act spoiled on the trip. Then with an underhanded smile she peered over the glass.

“Oh so you would rather I play the humble merchant’s wife who is only along for the ride to make business transactions more striking. Complete with a lot of sweet smiles, ‘yes huns’, and ‘that is a lovely thought dears’ to reassure your mercantile prowess in front of the seller?” she gushed out.

“Best idea you’ve had all morning.” He chuckled heartily enjoying the sarcasm flying around the table.

Waving her finger she gave him a look that suggested he tread a bit lighter. The details could be worked out easily enough and they continued through breakfast talking about non-quest related material.

Meals finished and relaxing time over with she got up from the table and went inside to thank Stainless and chat a bit with him about township issues. Of all other the other business people in town he was her favorite to gossip with since, due mostly to his clientele, he gathered in some of the best information.

“See ya later Bill, take care of yourself.” She called out with a wave as she exited again to rejoin Daven in the streets.

The two walked in the direction of the Shipyard District and the docks that would hold their carrier for the upcoming venture.

“I don’t care what you say, we are going to get a luxury ship, and you are paying for it with that extra money Electra pays you. I’m only going to agree to play a yes girl if I get to do it in style.” She demanded.

“Oh so you are saying we’re actually going to pretend we’re married?” Daven responded a little surprised, again raising an eyebrow and pondering.

“Eh. sure why not, I think I could pull off a pretty good wife act. Plus the people holding my stones would not expect a married lot to have miscreant intentions. Married people behave themselves.” She replied shrugging, with the obvious bias about married people present.

“Oh so they are your stones now eh?” he laughed, skipping over her assumptions to focus on her slip of the tongue.

“Well you know my stones, your stones, our stones. It’s all the same, I just think we would have an easier time acquiring them if we went at it from a wholesome goodness angle. I mean come on, who in the Uprising do you know is married? Or even loyal to someone for that matter.” She giggled in recovery.

“True, you do have a point there.” He chuckled “But you as a wife? Are you sure you are up to that?”

“You make it sound as if I wouldn’t make a good one,” she responded with a soft smile, “I might not have all of the stay at home qualities required, but you know I have no problems making a man sleep on the couch.”

They both exchanged a laugh as they turned a corner and came to an intersection. In preparation for the trip it seemed the best course of action would be that they split up. She would get clothes and general supplies while he would arrange travel, security and dining.

“Alright, don’t go get me any of those flashy clothes either, I want something at least a little conservative. I don’t want to be like those merchants in the east. They are just plain scary folk.” Daven ordered as he started to step away.

“Alright, alright I got it. Give me some credit would ya. When it comes to shopping for my clothes I don’t play around. I’ll make sure you get something that matches.” She affirmed.

“Uh huh, I end up in pink and you’re traveling with Sam the sea bass fisherman and Daisy, his tugboat of love. Instead of your pleasure cruise.” Daven warned.

With a wink as her response she started off towards the tailor and Daven simply shook his head as he made his way towards the docks.


It wasn't long after they parted that Daven had success in securing passage on a luxury liner under the guise of a merchant. His current clothes did not lend to his identity, but the purse of marks more than made up for the lack. He couldn't help but feel naked in his current attire, without sword 

or even dagger.

On his way back to meet Art, he stopped by a smithy and purchased a small dagger befitting someone of his "stature".

Meanwhile, Artemi was happily shopping along. A trait that excelled in her gender and she seemed content to play the stereotype without pause. Happily milling about the stores in search for the perfect bargain. In short order Daven met up with her in one such bargain place, a trunk in one hand and 

tickets in the other.

"Found me some clothes, did you? I thought you might prefer to keep me au natural."

Her head turned as she immediately recognized the voice. "What for? I can have that anytime I want." Her lips pursed into a smile as she moved in his direction.

Daven grinned in return, none too sure where he stood on this subject. "And who told you that?"

Her smile said it all as she closed the distance brandishing the newly purchased clothing. "Why my dear Daven, you did of course. I must have seen you 'au natural' at least a dozen times now." She retorted holding out the clothes for his acknowledgement of her skills.

His eyes easily gazed at the garments, and his attention was drawn to them, but he was in a crowd and as always a bit uneasy. He chided himself for his paranoia, and just as he did so he saw the glint of drawn steel angling towards them from the opposite side of the open market area. Any other time 

he would have chalked it off to silly suspicion, but this was different and warranted his immediate attention. Without pretext, he grasped for her hand and drew her around the shelter of a vendor, dropping the trunk nearby.

Her reaction, though startled, was an immediate remark. "Daven damn you, I don't want it right now! You are always so insistent."

Without thought for the way he acted, he babbled back at her "Why not?" His eyes were flickering back and forth now and she had caught their movements. She realized then that someone was watching them and her own eyes started to drift in the direction he was watching, but by then he had noticed another group entering from the opposite direction and put another plan in motion. His mind screamed at him for only buying a small dagger when he could have purchased a sword today. He had to get a better look at them and so he turned the two of them around until his back was against the wall, drawing her in closer with the movement.

Without any warning, he wrapped his arms around Artemi and mumbled "Kiss me like your life depends on it, and make it last."

He proceeded to firmly plant his lips on hers and peer from around the side of her head to where the two groups were meeting. He had no cloak to hide behind and he hoped that his distraction kissing Art would be sufficient to cover their identifiable outline. To enhance that, he stooped down as he 

hid behind her, knowing that her dress and posture as a master thief would help to obscure any definite signs. He hoped that with her in front of him, 

blending into a crowd was good enough for the both of them.

After a moment, the two groups decided that there was nothing of interest in the market area, at least not of interest to them and departed from the far edge of the crowd. It was apparent they were part of the gathering he had 'purchased' the stones from and now that he had the upper hand, he knew they 

were after him. Daven released his death grasp, and interminably bad kiss from Artemi, to focus on the area again.

She knew from the little she had seen that something was afoot, and she felt the stiffness in his posture. A good thief could always read body language and if it had not been for the apparent peril of being spotted she would have laid into him. So instead she let him proceed without ado, simply 

wiping her lips with a finger before straightening out her clothes to regain a semblance of reserve, all the while trying to hide the flush cheeks and faster breaths. She did however expect a really good explanation now that the two lips were loose, the danger cleared, and she could again do the 


"I suppose you have a very good explanation for that?" Her eyes burning with the characteristic fire, and a tinge of curiosity for why a kiss was chosen as the distraction instead of something less. Presumptuous.

"The kiss or the quality of it? We can discuss that later; we need to get out of here fast before they come back. Obviously they are looking for me, I made the deal. But no deal with a dead body goes unnoticed." He drew on her hand again, grabbed the trunk, and made for the nearest alley leading to the docks.

"Dead body what do you mean? And who is this 'they' you are hiding from?" she clamored out before his hand met her mouth to silence her.

She followed in silence after that as they made their way towards the docks. Then once the coast was clear, and in a desperate attempt for answers, she played along with his question saying, "Yes, explain the kiss, and the quality of it. It isn't not proper to get a girl all worked up over nothing, if you feel inclined to explain, why in the heck there are people after you! Don't tell me the Guild is still in ownership of those stones or I swear..."

Daven couldn't help but laugh and considerable discussion took place on the way to the ship as he explained how he hadn't really 'purchased' the stone per say. Stopping at the top of the gangplank of the luxury liner, he bowed to her with a wily grin letting her soak in the information, "M' lady" and 

kissed her again, this time with an obvious effort to make up for the first. Releasing her to go speak with the ship captain he chuckled and took the luggage from her. Standing blank faced with one hand up in a posture that suggested a question needed to be asked, she was instead caught up in her stunned position. Mouth frozen open for a few seconds she said nothing before she recovered enough to at least walk onto the boat, and continue on with the journey that was sure to bring about surprise, after odd surprise. One right after the other.

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