Little Things ( A Niall Horan...

By funnybunny96

1.4M 32K 7.7K

Carrie Enders is a 16 year old girl. Who just happens to be Louis Tomlinson's distant cousin. So what happens... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 2

72.7K 1.5K 302
By funnybunny96

Little Things( Niall Horan Love Story)

Chapter 2

Carrie's POV

I turned the corner on the next street over, hoping desperatly that someone would be out and willing to help me. There was no one. I looked behind me, and to my absolute horror, the two men had just rounded the corner. They sped up when they saw me, and seeing as they were so much bigger, and had longer legs, they were a lot faster than I could ever hope to be. And they knew it. And they knew that I knew it.

I whirled around, and tried to make my way to the closest house, my intention being to bang on the door until they let me in. The guys behind me yelled as they guessed my intentions. Now they were running after me, covering the distance easily.

I started to slog my way across the street, going as fast as I could, considering how cold I was, and how much snow there was.

I didn't make it.

I felt one of them grab my right arm and yank me backwards viciously. I tried to scream then, but in the same instant, his hand was over my mouth, effectively muffling my screams.

He continued to drag me backwards. He spoke then, to his pal," Hey man, grab her feet, will ya'?! Let's get her into that alley over on the next street, " he paused and I tried to kick the other guy in the balls, but I missed and he grabbed my feet, clamping them together. I struggled, but it was no use. There was no way I could ever hope to overpower to grown men. Just no way.

When they got me into the alley, they hurled me down into the snow, and I cried out in pain. The guy that had grabbed me brought his foot down hard on my stomach, and I screamed as a sharp, agonizing pain shot through my stomach. It felt like he had cracked, maybe even broken, a couple of my ribs. I could barely even think straight.

And I guess that's what the guy wanted, because he then knelt over me, and started to unfasten his belt. I knew then what he was going to do. I started to stir faintly, trying to get out from under him, but he pulled a knife out of his back pocket, and pressed it against my throat.

" You move, you die. Got it?! " the man growled at me in a low voice. I stopped squirming. Then I saw it. My only chance at survival. I had to try.

I brought my knee up, fast and hard. Right into the asshole's crotch. He fell over, groaning in pain. I scooted backward, trying to get out of his reach. I was feircly trying to ignore the pain in my ribs, which were on fire.

I didn't get two feet away when the man straightened up and lunged himself at me. He crashed into me a split second later, and I almost literally saw stars, my head hit the ground so hard.

The look he gave me then told me all I needed to know.

As he raised his knife to retaliate I felt the tears run down my cheeks as I thought, I was small, and I was weak. And I was going to die because of it.

Louis's POV

I just couldn't help feeling like something was wrong. Like we were missing something crucial. But I just couldn't wait to meet Carrie for the first time. I had never even known that she'd existed until a few days ago when my mother had shown me a scrapbook that she had that had a picture of Carrie as a baby. So adorable, and so small. In the picture, Carrie was waving her little fists at the camera, a somehow defiant look in her eyes. There was something about her that just seemed so different. So strong.

So I had done some research. I found out where she lived, and even went so far as to hire a private investigator to tell me how she was doing. That was how I found out that her mother had passed away a few years ago.

And that was also how I found out about her father. How he was treating her. How he would find a reason almost every day to hit her. And sometimes just for fun. I had never been more angry at anyone in my life. Never more furious than I was when I found out about that bastard and what he was doing to my cousin. My flesh and blood.

So I talked it over with my parents, and they agreed with me from the very beginning that we had to get Carrie away from that monster. Take her someplace where she would be loved and cared for. And my mother agreed that I should be the one to do it.

So here we were. All we had to do was get the private investigator to confront Carrie's father with what he knew. After that, it was a peice of cake. I talked to him over the phone and told him that if he didn't let us take Carrie away, then we would go to the police with what we knew, and he would get put in jail.

Long story short, he agreed to do as he was told, so that we wouldn't throw his sorry ass in jail. Though, personally, I still wished we could have him thrown in jail for all the shit he pulled on my cousin. No one gets away with that. Ever.

Suddenly, I realized that someone was waving a hand in my face. Harry of course.

"Boobear? We're here. You comin'? " he looked concerned, and as I looked around me, I realized that I was the only one still in the car. Figures.

"Of course I'm coming, Haz! What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" I leaped out of the car and started up the drive.

I heard the leprecaun muttering behind me,"Mate, we were waiting for YOU!" I could just hear the laughter in his voice, but I resisted the urge to turn around and smack him. Plus, I would never hurt that adorable little leprecaun!

When we got to the door, I again resisted the urge to break it down right then and there, and instead, settled for knocking.

" This is it," I heard Zayn murmer behind me. And he was right. Now was when I was going to meet my cousin for the very first time. Part of me wondered whether or not she was a directioner or not, though I wouldn't mind either way, and I was sure the guys wouldn't, either.

Liam spoke up softly and quickly then, "Be cool guys. Let's try not to freak her out." I knew his words were directed towards all of us, though me in particular, cause we all knew just how crazy I could get. I chuckled.

We all froze when we heard the lock turn in the door, and the door was thrown wide open.

It wasn't Carrie. It was her lousy excuse for a father, Mr. Enders. He glared out at us. " Whada' ya' want?! " It sounded like he was drunk. Crap.

"We're here to get Carrie. Where is she?" I demanded, not bothering to try hiding the disgust that must have been evident on my face and in my tone.

Mr. Enders grinned then. An evil, disgusting type of grin that I was sure only he could pull off.

"You're too late, boy. I kicked her sorry ass out as soon as she got home," he said. Or slurred really. He really was drunk.

"You did what?!" I said, my voice deadly low. I felt myself starting to shake, as I saw red. I so wanted to kill this dick right here, and now.

Instead, I stepped forward, grabbed him by his throat and slammed him into the wall. " Where is she? Where did she go?! " I said, my voice like shards of ice.

He shrugged his shoulders, and said, his voice filled with hate, "I haven't the faintest idea where she went, and I don't care! I hope that bitch is lying dead in a ditch somewhere! " he paused, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath, making me want to gag. " Hey, look I ryhmed! Bitch dead in a ditch. Bitch dead in a ditch. I ryh-"

I cut him off then, when I brought my fist back, and slammed it into his nose. He collapsed, out cold.

"Is he dead?" Niall asked from behind me.

I snorted and replied, my voice still like ice,"I wish. Nah, I think I just broke his nose is all. Asshole'll be fine."

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Liam there, his eyes full of concern.

"You okay, Lou?" he asked, his voice low. I managed a crisp nod.

"Lets go! We have to find Carrie!" I said, marching out the door.

I just hoped we weren't too late.

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