An Unlikely Connection (Jirou...

By pearlshipper332

34.1K 654 465

What happens when Jirou is up late one night, and ends up catching Midoriya sneaking out. how does the relati... More

Another Sleepless Night
A New Day
A Trip into Town
Going to Get some Advice
Starlit Night
Figuring it out as we go
Training Day

An Odd Night

8.9K 107 164
By pearlshipper332

Jirou's POV

I let out a small sigh while I stood in the dorm's kitchen. The light from the fridge illuminated me and the rest of the dark kitchen while I searched for something to eat. It was one in the morning already and I still hadn't fallen asleep yet. I'd been having nightmares since the attack on the training camp, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get them to go away.

Another sigh escaped my lips as I scanned the contents of the fridge, so far there was nothing in here that I really wanted to eat. I almost gave up when I saw a couple jello cups on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

I squatted down and reached into the fridge, grabbing a cup of jello and closing the fridge. I knew who the cups belonged to, and I knew what would happen if I was found with them. 'I just have to make sure that I leave no evidence behind.' I thought to myself.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the elevator ding from the hallway that was just around the corner. I panicked and almost dropped the jello cup and the spoon I had grabbed when I heard the ding. 

'Crap, if Tsuyu finds out I nabbed one of her jello cups, she'll kill me.' I thought to myself as I ducked down behind the kitchen counter, and made myself as small as possible, hoping that the shadows would hide my presence. Tsuyu was oddly protective of her jello cups, but I guess I would be too if it was my favorite food. 

I heard the elevator doors slide open from where I was hiding, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching the front living area. They were slow and cautious, while being a little bit heavier than Tsuyu's footsteps normally were.

'Who the hell else would be up this late?' I pondered to myself, as I watched the person appear from around the corner of the hallway.

Thankfully my eye's had adjusted to the darkness enough that I could make out who was creeping around in the night. I wasn't too surprised to see the classes resident green haired problem child, what and  he was carrying something on his back.

'Why's Midoriya up so late, and what's that on his back?' I quietly pondered, as I squinted my eye's to try and get a better look at him through the darkness. 'Is that a guitar case?' I silently wondered, as I watched the green haired boy continue towards the front door.

He paused for a moment, before opening the front doors and quietly slipping outside. The only noise that could be heard was the soft click of the door as it closed behind him.

When I thought the coast was finally clear, I stood up from behind the kitchen counter and walked over to the windows that were by the front door, completely forgetting about the jello that I had left on the counter.

'Where is he going, and why does he have a guitar case with him?' I pondered as I peered out the front windows and watched Midoriya walk away from the dorm. I made my way over to the front door and quietly opened it, before slipping outside and gently closing them behind me. I let my eye's drift around the area infront of the dorm for a moment to make sure that I wasn't seen at all. I quickly made my way over to the grass that was infront of the dorm, and kneeled down on it.

"Alright Midoriya, where are you off to this late in the night." I muttered to myself, as I stabbed my earjacks into the ground.

I only had to wait for a few moments before picking up the vibration from his footsteps and where he was heading. I quickly pulled my earjacks out of the ground and stood up and dusted myself off.

"Gotcha Midoriya." I muttered to myself, as I took off down the path in the direction of where he was going. I checked every so often to make sure that I was still heading in the right direction, though at one point he turned off the path and headed into the small forest that was inside the school's premise.

"Why's he heading in there?" I asked myself, as I quietly crept after him, making sure to stay a good distance from him so that he didn't catch me.

It didn't take long for him to stop moving and for me to pinpoint his position with my quirk. As I crept towards where he had stopped, I began hearing the faint sound of a guitar being strummed, and the sound of someone singing. 

I started making out the lyrics being sang as I got closer to where Midoriya had stopped. Though what I heard being sang, floored me.

"I just saw Haley's comet, shooting
She waved, said, "Why are you always running in place"
Even the man in the moon disappeared
Somewhere in the stratosphere"

"Shinedown? I didn't know he was into them." I muttered to myself as I moved close enough to finally see Midoriya through the brush.

He was sitting on a rock in the small clearing, an acoustic guitar in hand as he sang. The moonlight illuminated him as he sat in the clearing playing his guitar. 

"Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance"

"Holy crap, he has a voice." I muttered to myself, as I moved up to the tree line of the clearing, making sure to stay as quiet as I could. I didn't want to disturb him while he was singing, and I was honestly enjoying listening to him sing.

"Please don't cry one tear for me
I'm not afraid of what I have to say
This is my one and only voice
So listen close it's only for today"

He had an impressive range for being such a quiet kid in class, and even around the dorm for the most part. It was impressive to say the least, and he was playing the guitar pretty well too.

"I just saw Haley's comet, she waved
She waved, said, "Why are you always running in place"
Even the man in the moon disappeared
Somewhere in the stratosphere"

"Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance"

"Here is my chance
This is my chance"

"Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance"

"Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance"

I stepped out into the clearing as the song came to and end, and started slowly approaching Midoriya, trying to make sure that he could see me before I called out to him. "Hey there Midoriya, you having fun there?" I softly asked him, trying my best to make sure that I didn't spook him.

Midoriya turned back to me and smiled as he nodded. "Hey Jirou, yeah I'm having fun, enjoying...the....night..." Midoriya replied, as his smile slowly faded, and was replaced by one of horror and shock.

'Shit, if he yells, then we're both screwed.' I thought to myself as I rushed over to him, and put my hand over his mouth.

"Don't. Scream. You're gonna get us both caught if you do." I told him, as I looked into his green eye's.

Midoriya slowly nodded in response as he wrapped his hand around my wrist, and gently pulled my hand away from his mouth. "How...How much of that did you hear?" He whispered to me, as his face slowly started turning red.

I looked at him for a few moments before stepping back and smiling, a small blush present on my face as I spoke. "Honestly, I heard a good part of it, and I have to say Midoriya, you sounded really good. I didn't even know that you liked Shinedown, you don't seem like that kind of guy." I replied in mild excitment. 

I normally didn't have anyone to talk about these kind of bands with in the dorm. Kaminari was into synth rock, and Tokoyami was into some hardcore emo rock, neither of which really fit my tastes too well.

Midoriya's blush got even heavier as he looked away from me. "W-Well, No ones ever really a-asked, and I usually j-just keep this kind of stuff to myself." He replied in a shy and hesitant manner.

I let out a small laugh, as my eye's drifted from Midoriya, to the guitar he was holding in his hands. It was a Martin Rosewood, and had an All Might decal on it at the bottom right corner of it.

"That's a really nice guitar Midoriya, where'd you learn to play anyways?" I questioned.

"O-Oh, I got it for my birthday a long time ago, and I took lessons for it not long after I got it, I've been playing it for a long time actually." He responded. "Wait, Jirou, why are you up so late anyways?" He continued, a hint of curiosity present in his voice as he spoke.

I pulled my gaze away from the guitar he was holding, and looked back up at him. The memory of my nightmares flashed through my mind as I shivered a little. "W-Well, why are you up so late Midoriya?" I asked him, hoping that would change the topic before I had to talk about my reasons for being up.

"Oh um well.." Midoriya paused and rubbed the back of his head, before letting out a small sigh. "Honestly, nightmares, everytime I close my eye's it's always the same nightmare." He responded, an exhausted and worn out tone underlying his voice as he spoke.

That response caught me off guard as I paused for a moment, before finally responding. "Oh, so you're being kept up by nightmares too?" I asked him while I looked at the rock he was sitting on, and gestured to it. "Do you mind if I sit down?" I asked.

Midoriya glanced down at where he was sitting,  before scooting over to make room for me to sit down. "Go ahead Jirou." He responded.

I walked over to the spot he had cleared for me and sat down on it, as I looked up at the night sky. "So what sort of nightmares have you been having lately Midoriya?" I questioned him.

Midoriya let out a small sigh, as he leaned back, and propped himself up with his arms. "I've been having nightmares about the night of the training camp attack...about when Kacchan got taken, and how I couldn't reach him. I've been thinking about how everyone could of gotten hurt that night, and about how everyone could of been saved if I was just a little bit faster, just a little bit stronger." He responded in a soft yet solemn tone as he spoke.

"How about you Jirou, what's been keeping you up nightmare wise?" He asked me.

Normally I didn't bother others with the problems of my mind, but for some reason, I felt comfortable telling Midoriya about it.

I looked up at him and then back down at the ground as I gently pulled my legs up to my chest and took a deep breath. "I've...been having nightmares about the training camp attack too..I was taken out of the fight so easily and so early on, and that hurts a lot. But, the feeling of that poison gas slowly taking away my ability to breath, the feeling of slowly choking and suffocating like that. It was terrifying, even with the therapy sessions that I've been having with the school, it still haunts me." I responded, as a shiver went up the back of my spine while I spoke.

I glanced over at Midoriya, and saw him nodding as he looked at me. "Well Jirou, I don't know if this will help at all, but if you ever have nightmares like that in the middle of the night again, then you can always come and talk to me. Odds are that I'll still be awake in the middle of the night." He told me as he chuckled.

I stared at him for a few moments as a smile slowly made its way onto my face. "I appreciate that, but I can't impose on you like that." I replied to him. 

"You wouldn't be imposing on me at all, I'd be happy to help you with the nightmares, besides, it would be nice to have someone to talk to during these long sleepless nights." He replied with a sheepish chuckle.

I was taken aback by his response, a normal person wouldn't sacrifice their sleep to help someone at all, but then again, Midoriya wasn't exactly a normal person either.

My smile grew a bit more as I looked up at him and watched as he was illuminated by the moonlight. "Well, if you're okay with it, then I might impose on you a little bit every now and then." I replied quietly.

"No, I mean whenever you're up late like this, you can come to my room and talk to me." He said as he looked down at me smiled.

I was even more surprised that he meant whenever I needed to. "Th-thanks Midoriya, we sh-should probably head back before Hound Dog catches our scents." I told him, as I turned away from him, to hide the small blush on my face.

"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea honestly." He responded, as he got off the rock and stretched a bit, before putting his guitar back in the case.

'It was an odd night, but I think this is the start of something good.' I thought to myself as I got up and stretched.

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first installment of my Jirou x Midoriya story. I've been thinking of how to write about this pair, and I finally got some insperation, and was able to run with it. I think it turned out pretty well too.

If you have any comments or questions about the story, then don't hesitate to post them, I'll try and answer them when I can.

And as always, I'll see you all in the next chapter.


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