Dark Nights

By Phantomheart8

250K 12.6K 7K

(Yandere male x female reader) Y/N is convicted of a terrible crime, one she never could have done. All evide... More

The beginning of chaos
Guarded or Hunted?
Guilty but Innocent
Welcome to Hell
Your new home
Newest group member
The Wolves
The courtyard
Elliots Garden
A/N: Elliot
Not so bad anymore?
Twin Wolves Riddles
Not the baby anymore
Here and Already Causing Trouble
Punished for sticking together
The Patient Profile
What Do You Want?
Olivia, Henry, AND Joshua?... but no Elliot
Baby Steps with Big Feet
Christmas Eve Christmas Tree making
The voice of an Angel
Not Safe Anywhere
To Mess with the Lamb
Together, Always
Home at Last
Breaking News
Long Talks on the grass
The Man that was Hiding His Face
Taken Away
A Total Stanger
A Starving Animal
Starting Conflict
Forging bonds
Willy's story Part 1
Willy's story Part 2
Elliot's story Part 1
Elliot's story Part 2
Elliot's story part 3
Joshua's Memories Part 1
Joshua's memories Part 2
Getting out of There
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
We Go Together
Nighttime Reassurances
Sparkling Eyes
End of the Road
Run Little Lamb, Run
One by One
Desperate Times, Desperate Deeds
Something's not right here
The Labyrinth of Torture
Faces Revealed
The Lion, The Wolf, and The Lamb
The Moons Bright Light
Epilogue: Finding Home

Clothes " Shopping"

3K 186 53
By Phantomheart8

" Willy We are getting a bit too close to these houses, we should go back a little bit so we don't get seen," I said, nervousness lacing my voice as I glanced around. Looking for anyone who might spot us.

I walked next to him with Elliot trailing silently behind us. Before sun break we left the old decaying house and was making our way to my hometown. Making our way to find detective Dolin.

I don't know what we would do when we got there, its not like Willy and Elliot could show themselves and expect to be let go because they helped me. I guess as Willy said, we would cross that bridge when we came to it.

Since we were traveling on foot, and we were hiding from the public it would take us a little under a week to get to my home. We needed to be careful, Our faces were probably very known, especially this close to the Asylum. Which brought me back to our current situation.

Willy brought us closer and closer to a neighborhood at the very edge of the town. I could not see anyone out about, but that did not mean that they were not there.

" I don't know if you have noticed Y/N, But Elliot is still in his hospital outfit, and he sticks out like a sour thumb in all that white. We need to find him some regular clothes to blend in better. Plus the ones you are in are dirty and ragged, you need a change." Willy said with a dissatisfied look down at me.

He did have a point. Elliot in his Asylum clothes was like snow out here. Also, I was very eager to be getting out of a dead woman's clothing. However...

" And where do we plan on getting them?" I asked in confusion. There was not a store for miles and even if we weren't wanted, we still had no money. He could not mean...

" I have been scouting out this entire town since Elliot and I took shelter here after the breakout. This neighborhood is always empty at this time of day. We should be able to get what we need and be long gone by the time the first occupants get back." He explained and I snapped my head over in his direction. A large look of disbelief on my face.

" We can't steal from these people! They're just going about their lives!" I cried out and a quick look of annoyance crossed Willy's fair features.

" Were not taking their entire family fortune Y/N, were just going to take a set of clothes and that's it." Willy retorted with a half-lidded expression. I sighed and looked back at the houses. Glancing behind me real quick at Elliot.

Willy was right. There was no way we would make it home like this. Elliot was so easy to spot in his clothing. Only one pair, that was it. I'm sure if the people knew all of what we had been through they would understand. Or at least I hope they would.

Before we left it occurred to me that I did not have any shoes on either. When I bolted out of the house and away from the twins I did not stop to pull on my shoes. They did feel rather soar from running over plantlife for a couple of days now, but I would have to endure.

After a careful examination just to be sure, Willy signaled us to follow him and we ended up in a backyard with clothes hanging out to dry. It was like going to a Deseret Industry store... except it was for free.

I grabbed Elliot's hand and led him around the drying lines. How were we going to find something for an over seven-foot-tall man in an average person's backyard? we would just have to try.

I looked around all the sheets and even the baskets saying around, There was hardly anything I as that we could even attempt to put on him. I hated this, I hated going around through these peoples things. But there was a maniac on the loose after me and I needed my friends to get back to detective Dolin.

After a little while of looking, we eventually found something we could piece together on Elliot. We found a long-sleeved plaid shirt that we could partially button up on him, and a pair of overalls that was able to fit on his bottom half and cover up the part of the shirt we were not able to button up.

Elliot's eyes were wide as he looked down at himself. His arms were out in the air as he surveyed his new look. It hit me now that this is the first time in almost ten years that he was wearing something other than white Asylum clothing.

I finished adjusting the strap over his left shoulder. Tugging it into place so I could click the button together. I had to stand on a little stool just to be able to do this.

" There we go," I said to him as I finished. I took a step back to admire him. " You know, you actually look quite dashing in overalls," I said with a giggle. He blinked his brown eyes at me in confusion. An idea suddenly popped into my mind and I gasped, making the giant jump. " Hold it right there mister! I have an idea!" I mused in excitement.

I ran off, looking for a piece of ribbon that I knew I saw earlier. I snatched it as soon as I found it and when I returned to Elliot I made him kneel down. I could not reach his hair properly even on the stepping stool.

I gently combed my fingers through his black curls, being as careful as I could as to not pull his hair as it was not the best kept. I pulled it all back behind his head and used the ribbon to tie it back into a ponytail.

When I was done he stood back up to his full height and turned around at my urging so I could see how the completed look was. My jaw dropped.

He was nothing less than an absolute stud. His hair now confined to his back furled out wildly into dark curls after where the ribbon was, and it contrasted beautifully against the red and blue plaid shirt and overalls.

" Wow... You can sweep any girl off of her feet now." I chuckled at him, once again he only blinked his brown eyes at me in confusion. I laughed at his reaction, throwing my head back an letting out a few good cackles.

He helped me find a new change of clothes as well. Something I was much happier to be in compared to a dead woman's clothes. I offered one last apology to her and to these people as I changed into a regular F/C T-shirt and black leggings.

When we were done we found Willy and we quietly made our way off of the property. Quietly slipping out of the neighborhood altogether, hopefully without being seen.

I felt a lot better out of those clothes, not entirely better since they were not mine, but I felt as if I could breathe a little better. I felt like I could stretch and move around more.

I did as we walked into the forest. I stretched my arms above my head and let my back let out a couple of pops. It was getting to be about noonish now. As we walked under the trees, beams of light shown down on the forest floor from in between the branches, creating an almost fantasy-like look to the area.

Our footsteps, the sound of some birds, and the buzzing of grasshopper wings were what filled the area. Well and Elliot's bull-like breathing, but you were used to that by now.

About thirty minutes in, the silence was getting to be a little uncomfortable. Willy was walking a little bit ahead, and Elliot was slightly behind me. I slowed my pace so that I was walking next to him.

" Hey, Elliot," I said up to him and the giant lowered his head to look down at me, running his tongue over his scarred lips. " What's your favorite color?" I asked up to him. He blinked down at me as if I just asked him what the meaning of life was. I chuckled. " Mine is F/C," I added, deciding to share mine first, hoping that it would make him feel better about sharing his if he had one.

" Yellow." He grumbled out after a minute and I clicked my tongue.

" That explains why you like sunflowers so much huh?" I replied with a smile and he nodded after a moment of hesitation. A sudden growling sounded filled the area and I jumped, thinking at first that it was some kind of predator, until I noticed Elliot's embarrassed blush.

" Are you hungry Elliot?" I asked him. He did not shake his head nor nod, but the way he looked in the other direction told me that he was.

" We will find something when we reach the next town alright? Can you last that long?" I asked him, and he nodded his head in response. I smiled fondly at him and we walked a little faster so we could catch up to Willy. I told him about the situation at hand when I caught up with him. He sighed in response, and I tilted my head in confusion.

" I was worried that the amount of sustenance I have been providing has not been enough. It was good enough for a small man, but he is not a small man now is he?" He chuckled.

" Don't worry Willy, You have me to help now too," I said to him and he smiled at me.

" That's all you have ever been Y/N," He said a bit quietly, and I furrowed my brows, not entirely sure if I heard him correctly. I made a small humming noise in question. " You have always been helpful to us Y/N, Even now you worry about our wellbeing. He finished.

" I can't help it... You guys are practically my only friends now. One of my other friends falsely accused me, though she was threatened into it." I said and Willy's icy blue eyes turned from happy to upset really fast.

" Yes, and from what you have told us that person is still apparently after you. Not only that but the twins will be after you too if they did not kill each other." I shivered as he finished, thinking about the two wolves.

" I don't know what Joshua is going to do to me if he finds me," I muttered, but I guess I said it louder than I thought I did.

" Elliot and I will not let either of them get even remotely close to you," Willy replied. " Elliot would fight the entire world before he let it anything harm you. That's how important you are to him."

" I don't want him to fight the entire world. He will get hurt too much." I replied. Willy only gave me a serene smile.

" Elliot does not care... Because you are his world."

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