𝙉𝙀𝙧𝙒𝙖𝙑 (𝙗𝙭𝙗)

By ShardedGlass

34K 2.1K 457

By the dictionary, normal is defined as usual, typical, or expected. However, most people want to be differen... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Five

1.9K 143 17
By ShardedGlass

Cody P.O.V

The death of the lady made the news. It turned out that she was the wife of a very prominent CEO. He was the guy she had been with during the event. When I saw it on the morning news after I ventured into the living room, I could only stare.

The news made her sound like a powerful, beneficial woman known for considerable donations towards various charities. She was made out to sound like an amazing woman, one that would be greatly missed. Why did my parents target her? A part of me wanted to know, and the other part wanted to know absolutely nothing about their murders and the reasons behind them. Would it make me feel better to know that she was a horrible person when the curtains were closed? I don't know, maybe. 

I had that lady on my mind the rest of the morning. I couldn't figure out why this particular murder was sticking with me. What was different about this murder compared to the others? Nothing, absolutely nothing. So why was it weighing on me this much? Nothing unusual took place during this murder compared to the others that I've witnessed. So what was it that was standing out? 

I spent the entire morning trying to figure that out with no luck. I probably would have spent the whole day with that on my mind if something new didn't come and battle it for the position. That new thing came in the form of a new student.

New students weren't very common, which makes sense considering the cost of annual enrollment. Most people would save money by going with a much more affordable alternative, like literally any other school. If it were up to me, I probably wouldn't have chosen this particular school. I don't see the need to pay such a high price for the same stupid education. It's perhaps an image thing for my parents; rich people send their kids to expensive schools to show off. Personally, sounds like a waste of time when the child they are trying to show off is me.

Like every other day, I ignored everything going on around me, which was probably why I didn't know we had a new student. The gossip spreading around the school was surrounding the topic, yet I only happened to find out because of Hannah. If Hannah didn't tell me, I probably wouldn't have known, or even remotely cared. To be honest, the news didn't really faze me.

Which annoyed Hannah.

"What do you mean you don't care?!" Hannah slammed her fork down, making the entire table shake slightly. I glanced up at her from where I had been resting my head. "We haven't had a new student in over a year, and you seriously don't care?" Hannah asked like she was shocked. I had to look at her like she was stupid. We've been friends for entirely too long for her to be astonished by this. Why would I, a guy with only one friend, care about a new student who would be flocked over by the other students before the day was over? The last thing I need is another Hannah.

"I just don't care," I shrugged my shoulders. "Simple as that."

"You are unbelievable," She sighed. She almost looked disappointed. "I'm pretty sure one of them is in your class though," She said as a passing thought, but it was the first time during this entire conversation that something she said struck me. One of them?

"Wait, there's more than one?" Now that was different. Sure new students come and go, but usually only one at a time.

"Oh, so that's what you care about?" Hannah said sarcastically, flicking her hair over her shoulder. She crossed her arms, a smirk forming. "I'll tell you what I mean . . . if you give me your cookie," I stared at her, entirely convinced that she was genuinely stupid. I handed the cookie over without protest; It wasn't like I was going to eat it anyway.

"Now, talk," I demanded, watching her shove the whole cookie into her mouth. I couldn't help but be both amazed and disgusted. Once she finished devouring the cookie, she turned her attention towards me.

"Yeah, their brothers, one in our grade and the other in the one above," Hannah paused for a second as if she had to think. "I've only seen the older one, but I've heard the younger one is going to be in your class either next period or the one after, I can't remember which one," Hannah rambled. I'm not entirely sure where she learns about this kind of stuff. Then again, Hannah pays attention more than I do to her surroundings.

If I paid more attention, how much more unuseful information would I have roaming around my mind? Probably too much. It's just easier to not care about those things.

"The older one is kinda hot," Hannah said out of the blue. I looked at her with squinted eyes. Not this again . . . "He has brown hair, but it's styled nice. He has pretty eyes too, like unique looking green eyes that I have ever seen," She said dreamingly, leaning her head on her hands. I smacked my hand against my head, wondering how I could knock some sense into her. She was doing it again. Hannah didn't like a lot of people, well, not in a crush-like way. But when she found someone she liked, I never hear the end of it. I don't want to hear about her crushes twenty-four-seven. Luckily for me, she also quickly loses interest. Until then . . . the rambling would begin.

Lunch ended after I tuned out ten minutes of her describing the older brother, whose name she failed to mention the whole time. She didn't mention either of the brother's names the entire time she talked about them. That was kind of to be expected when it comes to Hannah, though.

She was right when she said one of them was going to potentially be in my next period. I didn't notice him at first, his presence mixing with the other students. To me, he looked like everyone else. Nothing about him stood out enough to make me notice his presence.

It wasn't until after the class started that I even knew he was there. The teacher, a lady in her early thirties, made him get up and introduce himself to the class. I can tell just by the face the boy made that he was already done with the new kid bullsh*t.

He got up slowly as if he was hoping the teacher would change her mind and not make him do anything to draw attention towards himself. She wasn't going to, though. When he stood in the middle of the class, letting everyone get a good look at him, I suddenly understood why everyone had been making such a big deal.

He was handsome. Like Hannah described his brother, this guy had dark brown hair that had tiny curls in it. His eyes were beautiful, a cool green color that reminded me of forest leaves. I felt like I couldn't look away from him, a strange feeling forming in my chest. What was this feeling? Why was I feeling this way at the sight of a guy? A person I didn't know nonetheless.

I could feel heat flush to my cheeks, making the strange feeling in my chest appear physically. Luckily for me, no one was paying me any attention, as everyone was focused on the new guy who still didn't introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Zach," He said nonchalantly like this was a waste of his time. "I guess I'll be your classmate for a while," A mischievous smirk formed on his face, one that most could mistake for a happy smile. I saw past it, though. "I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun together,"

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