By arios2004

6.8K 214 48

In which Thomas Fitzroy ruled England alongside his brother, Henry VI, defending foes seen and unseen just to... More

THE UNTOLD (rewritten)


546 26 2
By arios2004

— 2. Bastards


  Seven years had passed since King Henry's death. Thomas was now nineteen years old. Though unmarried, it was clear that he was quite the eligible match at court and many women were vying for his attention. Some succeeded, but it almost always lasted just a single night, two at most.

Even at his young age, he was also becoming quite the respectable young man, despite his womanizing ways. He had fought in France already, keeping the peace and England's hold on their sister land. He was already growing a reputation on the battlefield and he was becoming known for his cleverness and wit.

A priest of London by the name of Father Gregory was making his way toward the door to the Duke of Bedford's chambers. Just as he was about to open the door, the door was already opened by an unknown woman.

She froze in place when the priest appeared in front of her and was quick to adjust her dress, which wasn't properly placed on. She bowed her head to him, just before scurrying off.

The priest sighed and shook his head in disapproving before entering the young man's room. "My lord?" He called out, finding the Fitzroy man to be nowhere in sight, "My Lord Bedford, it is I, Father Gregory. I've come to take your morning confession as I always do or would you like for me to come later?"

"Forgive me, Father. For I am a sinner. You mustn't look at me," Thomas spoke up, revealing himself to be standing behind a folding screen that divided the large chambers.

"We are all sinners, my lord," Father Gregory replied, clasping his hands together, "It is nothing to feel shame about. You are a young man with thirsts for pleasure that need quenching."

"I am the son of King Henry V. I am nineteen years old. I should be married by now. I should be furthering my line with heirs, sons and daughters alike. I should not be spending my days whoring about this castle," Thomas explained in a disappointed tone.

"You simply have not found your true destiny yet. That is all. In due time, God shall give a sign and you will know what is it He has planned for you," Father Gregory assured the young man in a calm tone, "If your brother were to die, it would be to you the people would turn, for he has no heirs."

"Well, then, I pray to God he does not die," Thomas suddenly spoke up, emerging from standing behind the room divider, "For no sane man would ever wish to become king if they knew the burdens that came with it. My father taught me that. And as I see my brother grow and be burdened with being the King of England, I fear that he was right," He explained, an uneasy smile forming on his lips, "In any case, what kind of King would I be? Not a good one, I'd say."

"You were given tremendous power at such a young age, yet it did not corrupt you as it has done with so many who came before you, my lord Bedford. You would be God's King and you would resist the corruptions of power that come with being king. You'd be a King for the people, not just the nobles, and all of England would love you for it," Father Gregory explained in a calm tone, "You met the Holy Father just last year on your pilgrimage to Rome."

"What good that did me," Thomas commented, letting out a large scoff, "I was blessed with such a gift, I was. But I feel no different."

Thomas sighed in defeat, shaking his head slightly at Father Gregory before he walked out of the room alone.


   At Westminster Abbey, Thomas stood in the front row with his uncle Humphrey, the Duke of Gloucester, while countless others were standing in different rows. He turned, watching as young Henry, who was only seven, was led through while wearing the king's robes. He walked down the aisle, looking frightened and nervous.

"Go with him," Humphrey told Thomas in a low tone and the boy nodded, immediately walking forward to accompany his brother to his throne.

Thomas walked up to Henry, who stared up at him nervously. "I am afraid, brother," Henry shuddered and tightly gripped onto his brother's hand as they walked toward the throne together, "Uncle told me to be brave. How am I to be brave if I am afraid?"

"That is the only time someone can be brave, little brother," Thomas told him softly, a smile forming on his lips, "You needn't be afraid, though. As I have always told you, I shall be at your side no matter what. I promise."

As they reached the steps to the throne, Henry glanced at Thomas, who nodded in encouragement. The young boy sighed in defeat, hesitantly letting go of his brother's hand before he fell into a kneel on the ground.

Thomas took a step back, watching with a smile on his face as the Bishop blessed his younger brother.

Once he was finished, Henry stood up. He turned and glanced at Henry, just before walking up the steps. He took a deep breath and with that, he sat on the throne with Thomas standing to his left.

The Bishop walked forward, placing the ring on Henry's finger before handing him the ball and scepter. He raised the crown above Henry's head, gradually placing it upon his head.

Thomas smiled, being the first to bow to his king. "God save the King!" He shouted out and the people of England immediately repeated after him.

"God save the King!"


     At the Coronation feast, Thomas was standing near his Uncle Humphrey, greeting people as they walked in. Thomas smiled as his cousin, Richard of York, entered with his new wife, Cecily Neville. "Cousin," Thomas greeted the young man calmly and Richard bowed his head before walking past him.  He sighed in frustration, looking annoyed as he rolled his eyes at Richard's rudeness.

They used to be friends as children yet now, as adults, it was as though they were strangers.

Once everyone was seated, the horns blared and everyone rose from their seats. They turned, finding Henry standing there while wearing his crown. "Lords and ladies of the court," Humphrey announced in a loud tone, "I present unto you, King Henry VI of England!"

As Henry walked past him, Thomas bowed to his brother and smiled. Henry smiled back at him, just before he was led over to his throne. Once he was seated, the celebrations continued and Thomas found himself sitting beside his uncle.

Across the room, Richard of York sat with his wife, Cecily Neville, and their niece, Edith Neville, who oddly enough, was only a couple years younger than the fifteen-year-old Duchess. They sat with Cecily's older brother and Edith's father, Richard Neville, and his wife, Alice Montagu.

"Look at him," Richard spoke up, letting out a large scoff as he gestured to where Thomas was now standing, flirting with two ladies of the court, "He flirts with any woman he lays eyes upon and has no shame in doing so. He should be married already."

"He is the bastard son of a king, husband. He has no need to marry," Cecily replied quietly and Edith scoffed loudly, causing the young couple to turn to her.

"Who cares if he is a bastard? He's nineteen and has more power than any other noble around him. He has the Dukedom of Bedford and owns countless lands in both Wales and Southern England," Edith responded in a calm tone, "Richard is right. He should be married."

"He is a boy without reputation," Cecily argued back as she glared at her niece coldly, "Nothing more."

"He is young, just as I am. But people say he is cunning and knows how to lead. Some say that he is the true power behind the throne," Edith explained with a large smile on her face, "And I believe them. You should as well."

Alice's eyes widened at Edith's words and turned to her husband in disbelief, shocked that he was allowing her to speak so freely in the conversation. "You are not to speak unless spoken to," Alice suddenly snapped at Edith in a cold tone, glaring at her, "You're a bastard, nothing more. You shouldn't even be allowed to be seated at this table."

"My daughter may speak whenever she wishes to and she sits here because I allowed her to," Richard suddenly argued back, causing Alice to fall silent while Cecily and Richard of York looked uneasy, "Or do you dare to speak against me?"

Alice remained silent and shook her head, causing Richard to smile while Edith looked uneasy. "May I..." Edith trailed off, awkwardly clearing her throat, "May I be excused, Father?"

"You may," Richard replied in a calm tone, untying the sheath hanging from his belt before he handed her the sheath with his sword in it, "Why don't you take this outside to the courtyard and practice? In a few years, I shall have you practicing with your little brother Richard."

Edith nodded and walked off with the sword. After she left, Richard smiled and turned to Alice, who was staring at him in disbelief and rage while Richard of York and Cecily awkwardly exchanged a look with each other.


  Outside, it was nighttime and Edith stood alone, practicing certain steps as she swung her sword around. Hearing a voice, Edith stopped what she was doing and lowered her sword. She immediately turned, sighing in annoyance when she saw it was Thomas Fitzroy, who she recognized almost immediately. Everyone knew who he was, after all. He was nineteen years of age, yet carried himself as though he was older. Though despite his mature mannerism, he was known to be impulsive when it came to women.

"For what reason have you come out here, my Lord Bedford?" She asked with an attitude and Thomas chuckled in amusement, "There is feast occurring inside for our King, your brother, is there not?"

She was being rude and direct and he wasn't used to such things, especially from a girl. Usually, they were kissing his ass and being nothing but kind to him, hoping for some favor, especially the women.

"Indeed, which is why I am out here," Thomas replied, lifting his hand to reveal himself to be holding a flask, "I do not much enjoy feasts. They're too loud and I don't see the point in having a coronation feast for a boy who is only seven-years-old. He doesn't even understand the concept and won't even have the opportunity to truly rule in the slightest for another ten years."

  Thomas stopped for a moment, frowning when he looked down to see the sword she held. He narrowed his eyes at her, immediately walking toward her. "Who are you?"

"I shall not say," Edith quickly replied, turning to avoid eye contact with him as she hid the sword she carried behind her back.

"You may say. I do not care that you wield a sword. I simply wonder who you are and what house you belong to," He informed her and Edith sighed, slowly turning to face him once more.

"Neville. My name is Edith Neville. My father is Richard Neville. The Earl of Salisbury," She explained and Thomas couldn't help but laugh, "I dare say that wasn't funny, my lord."

"Salisbury's oldest daughter is no older than six years old and her name is Joan, not Edith. I don't even think Salisbury and his wife even have a daughter named Edith," Thomas complained and Edith remained silent, looking down at the ground in shame.

Thomas froze as he noticed the girl's reaction. His eyes widened, realizing why she reacted in such a way. "You're Salisbury's bastard daughter," He responded and Edith sighed, nodding her head in response, "It explains why you carry a sword with no shame. They do not care. Though I'd be careful doing such a thing around here."

"Why is that, my lord?" Edith asked as she walked closer to him.

"I'm sure you've heard of Joan of Arc. The Maid of Orleans," Thomas reminded her and Edith nodded in response, "In due time, my uncle will send me and some other men to France to eliminate her once and for all. It is one thing for a man to be leading an army against us, but another for a woman to do such a thing. When a woman does something in Christendom that is considered something only a man should do, they're considered mad or a witch."

"And what do you think?" Edith asked, a curious look on her face as she stared up at the boy.

"I think that as we grow older, fathers should give their daughters and sons the same education and train them both to fight and the ways of war," Thomas explained and Edith smiled in admiration, "My grandfather only did so with my mother because he longed for a son and it never happened. I shall be different. I shall raise my daughters just like I would my sons and I won't care what people think about it."

"My father only teaches me to spite his wife," Edith confessed in a soft tone, "She was caught in bed with a stablekeeper. He fears that their son Richard is not his son at all. So to anger her, he teaches me swordplay and the ways of war instead of him. He gives me more than attention than any of his other children as well because he knows she hates me. She begged him to be rid of me long ago when they first married, but he refused. He had me when he was only seventeen. He loved my mother, despite his own father forbidding him from being with her. She died birthing me and her dying wish was that he raised me like he would his natural-born daughter.  And he has. But in the process, he taught me skills only a son should learn."

"I didn't think Salisbury had it in him," Thomas commented, a smile forming on his face while Edith rolled her eyes.

"Though by the rest of the world, I am still treated like a bastard," Edith confessed, staring down at the ground in shame.

"Don't be ashamed. Usually, when a man raises his bastard in the same household as his natural-born children, it means he favors them," Thomas assured her in a calm tone, "And who cares what the rest of the world thinks? Let me give you some advice, Lady Edith. Never forget that you're a bastard. The rest of the world will surely not. But who cares what they say? Wear that title like badge of honor and it will never hurt you or cause you shame."

"What would you know about being a bastard?" She asked with an attitude, "You're the son of a king. You might have been born a bastard, but you've been treated like a prince your entire life. Your mother was a lady of House York. My mother was a servant, nothing more."

"Exactly. My mother was a noble lady. Because my sister and I were born, she was branded a whore. She was erased from history because of it and her family disowned her," He explained, causing Edith to sigh in defeat, "Now, people know her not as Johanna of York, the Warrior maid, but the daughter of the first Duke of York who shamed by herself by sleeping with Henry V and falling pregnant with me. But that's not the whole story."

"Then why not tell people that?" Edith asked, a puzzled look on her face.

"What's the point?" Thomas asked, letting out a large scoff, "There is none."

"My lord!" A voice suddenly called out, causing the duo to turn to see a page boy walking toward, "My Lord Bedford, the Lord Protector wishes to see you."

Thomas sighed and turned to Edith, who watched him curiously. "I doubt I'll ever see to you again, Edith Neville. For you are a Neville of Northern England and I a Fitzroy of London and Bedford."

"I hope that isn't true," Edith replied, smiling as she curtsied to him.

"As do I," Thomas admitted before walking off.


As I said before, this book is being rewritten. While before Edith was to be a love interest, she will only be a friend. She has a crush on him of course but Thomas will be with Katherine and only Katherine. Thomas will have a liking to Edith in the beginning but once Katherine comes into the picture, Thomas sees no one else but her in his eyes.

Also, it wasn't fully said in text but Edith's father is the Earl of Salisbury, who happens to be LORD WARWICK's father.

If you've read love and war you def know Lord Warwick the kingmaker 😂

And Edith just happens to be his older half sister.

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