By pixelgreys

8.6K 370 484

This book has been moved to a second and better version of it here: More

Characters (+Descriptions)
Chapter One: Before (Pt. 1)
Chapter Two: Before (Pt. 2/Finally)
(Filler Chapter) SCP File - SCP-1895-1
Chapter Four: Dr. "Dream"
Chapter Five: Scared
Chapter Six: Dr. Eret
(Filler Chapter) SCP File- SCP-7654
Chapter Seven: Fight
Chapter Eight: Remembering

Chapter Three: Testing

746 39 80
By pixelgreys

-Tubbo's Point of View- 

I hadn't seen Tommy in forever. It felt so lonely never seeing him. There was a woman named Dr. Cortez who tried to get me to talk on my first day. I tried to use "ASL" with her but she didn't understand. She kept trying to get me to talk. I think she eventually got annoyed and left. I don't like being alone in the white room. I now spent most of my time curled up in a corner. I had stopped trying to communicate with the doctors here after my third interrogation. None of them understood like Tommy. I don't know how long it's been since Tommy and I talked. I spent everyday hoping to wake up in the field. Waiting for Tommy to visit me. 

A beeping noise suddenly came from the door as it clicked open. I shrunk further into the corner, knowing that they were just going to try to get me to talk. I looked to see who had come in today. It was a man with fluffy brown hair, a red beanie, glasses, and a yellow shirt under his lab coat. "Hey SCP-1895-1!" He said in his British accent excitedly. This was also new to me. The doctors that visited me only called me SCP-1895-1. I missed having a normal name.

"T-T-Tubbo." I managed to say to him. He looked at me, genuinely shocked. He quickly scribbled something down on a clipboard before he sat on the floor in front of me.

"Okay, Tubbo," he said with a smile, "me an the other doctors want to run tests, is that ok?" I decided that this doctor might understand ASL. He seemed smart. I put my hand to my forehead and brought it back down. This was "Why?" I did it slowly so maybe he'd understand. He looked at me, confused. I sighed. He was just like all the other doctors. "Wh-why?" I managed to choke out. I wanted to cry right now.

"Well, um, we just want to know more about you." He said sheepishly. I looked up at him. He looked at me and we started at each other for a minute. I considered the situation. 'What would I do if I were Tommy?' I thought. Maybe this could help me plan. 'Tommy would probably kill this man without hesitation.' I didn't want to do that.

"C-can I se-e Tomm-y if I say y-yes?" I stuttered out, looking him directly in the eyes. He flinched like he had been punched. 

"I'll see what I can do SCP-" He stopped himself. "I'll see what I can do Tubbo." I smiled at him. I hadn't smiled in a long time. He stood and offered me his hand. I grabbed onto it and held his wrist as we walked down the hallways. He walked me into a sterile room with another man in the room. This man also had brown hair, but it was more curly. He also wore sunglasses even though it's not sunny inside.

"Dr. Eret." Growled the other man. He didn't sound very happy. Why was he mad? The man in the sunglasses, Dr. Eret, looked to him.

"Dr. Wilbur Soot!" The man said excitedly in a smooth British accent, "What brings you here today?" Dr. Eret smiled widely. 

"I'm going to be running tests on SCP-1895-1. Stay out of my way." Dr. Soot snapped back. Dr. Eret just frowned then looked to me. He smiled and waved. I smiled and waved back, he seems really nice. I heard Dr. Soot scoff as he grabbed my wrist. 'Did I do something wrong?' I thought. 'Why is he so angry?'

"Stay there Tubbo." Dr. Soot told me as he guided me to a cushioned chair. I sat down. "I'll be back." He grumbled. He gave Dr. Eret one last look before leaving. 

"You're Tubbo, right?" The doctor asked once Dr. Soot had left. I nodded. "Not much of a talker are you?" Dr. Eret said with a smile. I smiled back before signing, 'I use sign language.' Dr. Eret smiled.

'I know small bit.' Dr. Eret signed back. It was a bit grammatically incorrect, but someone finally understands! I grinned and signed, 'Why do we do testing?' Dr. Eret stared at me for a minute.

'To learn.' He signed back after a little. It made me feel good that someone finally understood me a bit. I thought for a minute.

'Hurt?'  I suddenly signed. Dr. Eret looked at me without emotion.

'Little. Sometimes a lot.' He signed. My face dropped a bit. I didn't want to have testing done anymore. I looked down at my feet, trying to distract myself. "Hey," Dr. Eret suddenly said, "It'll be okay." He smiled. I smiled back. Dr. Eret was so nice, why didn't Dr. Soot like him?

-Wilbur's Point of View-

'I can't believe that Eret is in there.' I thought as I marched through the halls. I hated that man with a burning passion. When I had to explain it to people, all I could come up with is that he's suspicious. Everyone seemed to disagree. 


Today, I wanted to run test on both SCP-1895-1 and SCP-1895-2. Neither of them talked that much. When SCP-1895-2 did talk, it was more cussing and threats than answers. And when SCP-1895-1 did talk, he was hard to understand. 

I swiftly turned the corner to go into SCP-1895-2's cell. This was "Tommy" according to SCP-1895-1. There were two guards always stationed outside his door. He was violent and unpredictable. I was starting to think that it was because he was away from SCP-1895-1. I looked at the two armed guards. "I'm taking SCP-1895-2 for testing today." I said sternly. It was the only way I could get anything done in here.

"Dr. Soot, I don't think-" One of the guards began to argue. I put my hand up to silence him. 

"Did I ask?" I snapped coldly. The guard sighed. 

"We're going to have to restrain him, Dr. Soot, he's very dangerous." I nodded as the two guards slipped into the room. I watched from the one-way glass. The cushions of the padded cell had been ripped apart from several of SCP-1895-2's tantrums. The blonde struggled against the guards, kicking and biting before he was finally restrained. He was walked out of the room and growled at me as the guards guided him to the lab. I stood behind the two guards as they held onto SCP-1895-2. As soon as we entered the room, there was Dr. Eret, who appeared to be talking with SCP-1895-1. I pushed past the guards and stepped in front of Dr. Eret. "I told you to stay out of my way." I hissed at him.

"Well if I hadn't talked to SCP-1895-1, we would have never known that this whole time he's been trying to communicate with us with sign language." I just stared at him, not changing my expression. I was a little shocked, but I didn't want to give him the gratification of any kind. I suddenly heard the guards yelling as SCP-1895-2 tried to run to SCP-1895-1. SCP-1895-1 just sat in the chair in shock, unsure of what to do. "Bring SCP-1895-2 over here!" I barked at the two guards, facing away from Eret. They walked the SCP to the testing chair that SCP-1895-1 sat in. SCP-1895-1 jumped out of the chair, everyone tensed up, expecting him to attack. But the small boy just hugged SCP-1895-2. I noted that SCP-1895-2 seemed to calm down exponentially. "Let him out of the restraints." I said with a curios look on my face.

"Dr. Soot-" One of the guards started.

"What the hell, did I fucking ask?" I hissed once again. SCP-1895-2 was released and everyone backed up. The usually violent SCP was now calmer than ever, just hugging SCP-1895-1. 

"Wow." Eret said, wistfully. It was very interesting to see two SCPs act like this to each other. SCP-1895-2 broke the hug and started checking SCP-1895-1 for... injuries? The other SCP waved him away and started making signs with his hands. SCP-1895-2 started signing to him too. I was going to regret my next actions.

"What are they saying?" I asked Eret. He looked stunned that I was asking him for help. He regained his posture.

"I'm not very fluent in ASL and they're signing fast," he paused and studied their movements, "I think they're asking each other if they've been hurt." I noted that in my head.

"Anything else?" I questioned. Eret studied their movements again.

"SCP-1895-2 is telling SCP-1895-1 that he's been trying to find him... Maybe that's why he's constantly trying to break containment..." Eret said, mumbling the last part. I cleared my throat. 

"Well," I said, "I think we should start our exams." I looked to the two SCPs who were now smiling at each other. "Guards," I said, getting their attention, "can you go wait outside the doors, I think you make the SCPs nervous, that won't be good for testing." This time, neither of them argued, they simply walked out the door.

"Uh," I started, "we want to start testing now, SCP-1895-1 and SCP-1895-2." I looked at them. SCP-1895-1 quickly signed to SCP-1895-2. SCP-1895-2 sighed and just slumped down in the closest testing chair. Maybe we should have the two together all the time. I started examining SCP-1895-2 first. The boy has patches of greenery all over his body. The first time I saw him, the plants looked green and healthy, but now it looked like that were wilting and dying. I grabbed my clipboard and noted that down. "Uh, SCP-1895-2, can you hold out your arm so I can draw blood?"

"Sure, bitchboy." The SCP muttered. Eret chuckled behind me as I tried to remain as professional as possible. He extended his arm. I poked the needle in him and his drew a sharp breath. Once I was done collecting the blood, he signed to SCP-1895-1. The other boy smiled weakly. 

"Why do you two use sign language?" I asked SCP-1895-2. The blonde glared at me for a second.

"Tubbo doesn't like talking. So I never made him talk. We learned ASL instead." I nodded. 

"Well lets continue with our testing, boys." I sighed. 


"I think that concludes testing for today!" I said, clapping my hands together. We had taken several samples of blood and skin from the two SCPs. SCP-1895-2 even gave me a shriveled flower from his arm. But it seemed like SCP-1895-1 had to convince him to do so. And it looked like it hurt. SCP-1895-1 signed something frantically to SCP-1895-2.

"Tubbo wants to stay with me." SCP-1895-2 growled. SCP-1895-1 nodded with the look of fear in his eyes. I ran a hand through my hair. I looked to Eret for help.

"I say we give it a try. SCP-1895-2 has seemed to clam down a lot. Maybe he'll stop trying to break containment." Eret said with a shrug. I actually agreed with him for once. 

"Guards!" I yelled calmly. The two guards shuffled into the room. "I want you to take both SCPs to SCP-1895-1's containment room." They just nodded as they grabbed the two SCPs up and dragged them off. I went and grabbed all my papers, almost exited to write up my report on the two. Today had been very successful. I was finally able to talk with SCP-1895-2 without being attacked. I would call that a win. But I still wondered why SCP-1895-2's plants were wilting. 

It would just be a test for a later date. For now, we just needed to see how the two SCPs would act now that they were together again. "Wilbur." Eret suddenly said.

"What." I said as I continued to gather my papers.

"I have a theory about SCP-1895-1 and SCP-1895-2." He said, looking at the samples we collected.

"Well, spit it out." I said, looking to him as I held my research. 

"I think that they need bees and fauna. Also each other." I look at him quizzically.

"What? Why? That's just dumb." I said, shaking my head.

"Well, think about it!" He said, waving his hands for effect, "Tommy is basically half plant. What do plants need? Pollination, especially flowers, like Tommy has growing. Without bees, he can't get that pollen from the bees," he took a breath and continued his rant, "also, did you see how much Tommy calmed down?" I nodded, what Eret was saying was starting to make sense. 

"I'll keep note of that," I hesitated, "thank you Eret." I said on my way out the door.

Thank you for sticking around! I think the next chapter will be a filler chapter because I'm burnt out of writing full chapters :/  Anyways, hope to see y'all again! Remember to eat and stay hydrated!

Story will now be updated every two days! Hopefully. 

I don't sleep. It is currently 12:10AM. What have I become??

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