DBZ Oneshots x Reader

By AstroAlien37

2.1K 29 18

I'm really bored with literally nothing to occupy my time so might as well spend it creating some stuff to pa... More

The Caretaker (Tien)
How Can I Train? You're Distracting (Tien [MATURE])
Not The Only Distracted One (Vegeta)

Glazed (Goku x Reader[LEMON])

415 9 2
By AstroAlien37

Requested by SaiyanAsia! I hope you like it ahh!


His innocent laughter filled the air, something of which was all too familiar to the chemical element. As was it also music to your ears. That sweet, unabashedly playful laughter from that adorable, happy Saiyan man. Goku's personality was magnetic, and in fact is what hooked you and reeled you in. Not to mention how handsome he was, particularly glazed with sweat adorning a look of determination on his features whenever he was training.

"I want to see him covered in sweat in a different scenario. ...with me underneath him." You thought to yourself as you were watching Goku's current sparring routine with Vegeta, hearing his teasing laughter and banter towards the prince from afar.

"You're ogling at him again, (y/n)." The past bandit patted your shoulder before sitting beside you on the patio. Rolling your eyes with a smile on your face, you countered.

"Yeah, yeah Yamcha I'm well aware." Letting out a sigh, "...At this point it's almost like I can't help it." Your carefree attitude turned serious at this latter thought.

"Why torture yourself? Make a move! We all know how Goku is, he's oblivious to this kind of stuff. Even if he may feel romantic feelings towards someone, you damn well know he's not gonna understand it and just push it aside to train and eat." Chuckling along with Yamcha at his last statement, you couldn't help but nod your head in agreement and determination.

A certain blue-haired woman joined the conversation as she also walked out from the attached home. "I'll even let you in on a little secret, (y/n). Your existence to Goku isn't exactly foreign. He talks about you when you're not around. Vegeta has even complained to me that sometimes 'Kakarot doesn't shut up about that other damn earth woman'." A smirk formed itself on Bulma's porcelain face while you just stared at her in slight shock. I mean, you and Goku have shared good times over the years, from patching him up after particularly rough training sessions, to helping Bulma prepare ginormous meals for those huge Saiyan appetites. But he was also just very welcoming and friendly, and you thought he acted that way to everyone.

"See? My point proven. All of us can see it. Go for it. That sparring up there is looking pretty intense. Maybe you'll have to tend to him. That'll be a perfect opportunity." Yamcha was gleeful over Bulma aiding him in your personal dilemma over what to do about Goku. This has been going on for awhile now, and he knew he wasn't the only one that was overly anxious about something finally forming between you and the aforementioned man.

Glancing up at sudden different movement, you see Goku and Vegeta casually coming down from the sky towards the small group that had gathered. You caught yourself doing a double-take at Goku, his muscles gleaming with the sweat you were just recently daydreaming about, before locking eyes with the said man. Hurriedly with a heated up face, you averted your gaze. He was bloodied up a bit here and there, so you definitely would have to clean him up somewhat.

"Ugh, looks like you're right Yamcha. I'll have to tend to him." Looking over at both him and Bulma, you smile before thanking them for the much needed confidence boost.


"Goku! You have to quit fidgeting!" Playful irritated tones are laced in your voice as you attempt to hold your grounds with the cheerful Saiyan, who was currently sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Shirtless, might you add. It was proving difficult to keep your eyes from wandering. He was glazed with the very sweat droplets you kept fantasizing about.

"Awhhh, but (y/n)! It stings!" Goku pouts his lips, the two of you locking eyes once you looked up at him. This caused you both to crack smiles and start laughing. The moment was nice, it made your heart flutter. Unbeknownst to you, it did the same to the man before you.

"How else do you expect me to not only disinfect the scratches you got, but also clean the blood off of you? It's all dried and crusty now! I have to work a bit to get it all off!" Happily pushing at Goku's shoulder, though he didn't budge an inch.

"Kami, at this rate it would be smarter to just put you in the shower and clean you." You even surprised yourself when saying this statement, but it came out on natural instinct, you were just speaking what came to your mind. The rosy blush was very prominent across your face now, though. Goku being Goku, didn't think anything of the annotations that remark held. As for what he responded with made you almost choke on the air you were breathing.

"Why not? It would loosen up all the dried up icky stuff, wouldn't it? That would make it a lot easier for you to get off! Plus the running water sounds soothing for my muscles right now." The built man's head titled to the side like a curious puppy, seemingly waiting for a response from you.

"Goku, I-I-I... come on now, that's really intimate and private!" At this point, you were a blubbering mess and your face as bright as a ripe tomato.

"How? It's just a body. We all have one. What's there to be intimate about?" Goku stood up at this point, intimidating you with his tall stature and forward topic of conversation. But he did have a point. Oh, that youthful innocence. He really wasn't catching on at all.

"Goku... there's plenty to be intimate about- you know what, you're right still. Just bodies." His warm hands found themselves on your shoulders, instantly radiating throughout your entire body. A just as warming smile on his face as he looked down at you. You couldn't help but return the smile, albeit shyly.

"Besides! I know I've got some cuts across my back from Vegeta sneak attacking me. I can't reach that myself." A reassuring squeeze on from Goku's hands sealed the deal. Well, that, and the fact that out of anybody, he's probably the best to even do this with, considering he's completely unaware of the sexual connotations of the situation. "Pleaaaaase!" The Saiyan dragged out, crouching down slightly to be at least somewhat more at your level.

Sighing, you nod your head in agreement, causing Goku to do a momentary leap of happiness. You move around him to get the shower running, once getting to a temperature that you approved of, you turned back around. Shocked, but honestly not surprised, Goku was already undressed and in all his shapely, toned glory. As if on instinct, you smack your hands over your face to hide your eyesight from the naked Saiyan.

Almost instantly, though, you felt those warm hands gently wrap around your wrists and pull your hands away from your face. Tilting his head to the side again, he softly speaks up.

"(Y/n), it's just my body. You're acting like you've seen a ghost or something!" Goku's charming giggle fills the already humid air in the small-ish bathroom. You couldn't help but feel your tense body lighten up at that contagious happy aura. Letting out a chuckle, you nod your head before resting it against the man's broad chest in front of you.

Regaining your nervous composure, you look back up to Goku. "... I've just... I'm basically never naked when around others. That's all." Nodding his head in understanding, he moves his calloused hands to hold your hands from where they previously were cradling your wrists. Deep in thought for a moment, Goku speaks up.

"How about this, I don't want you to be pressured into something you're uneasy in. I'm sure you don't want to get your clothes wet, but if you want to keep them or wait for me to wash myself, that's alright! I didn't realize this made you uncomfortable."

Smiling at his genuine concern for your comfort, you respond with, "It's alright Goku, really. It was just really sudden! Go ahead and jump in the shower and give me a second to brave up before joining you?" Your confirmation that you would be joining him sent a huge smile across his features, his dark eyes absolutely radiant with joy.

"That's perfect! Okay! Thank you!" Rushing out his thanks in excitement, he climbed into the shower.

Okay. This is happening. You're honest to Kami about to be naked with Goku. You're attractive. You have nothing to be shy about. It's just bodies. We all have them. It's just bodies.

Once finished with hyping yourself up, you quickly removed your articles of clothing and got into the steamy running water with the Saiyan. His back facing you, you couldn't help but gawk at him. You've never seen him wet. And the way his muscles shone under the sparkles of the water was a different story entirely. Your eyes kept wandering down to the arch of his back and his, Kami, beautifully sculpted rear. Those thighs as well!

Fuck. You thought to yourself as you felt a pooling in your gut paired with a pleasant tingling sensation between your legs.

Slowly stepping closer to the shining man, you gently placed your fingertips of one hand on his back as you reach past him for a washcloth. His hand stopped you though, holding onto your wrist before taking the cloth from you.

"Here, let me." Now reaching for soap, he made sure the cloth is sudsed up before turning slightly towards you, returning the cloth to your waiting hands. You would be lying if you said your face wasn't flush. But that's just the thing, so was Goku's. Your gazes were locked on each other. This moment was making your heart pound harder than it ever has. A small smile forms on his lips, his eyes closing, as if he was becoming more aware of the kind of situation he put himself in, being naked in the shower with an attractive person and everything. Turning back around, Goku speaks up again.

"Is there enough soap on that for you?" Smiling at his care, you let out a shaky breath before responding with a quiet yes. Stepping closer to the man to the point of almost closing the gap between your wet bodies, you touch the washcloth to his back, your free hand placing itself close to his waistline.

Goku was feeling things he'd never experienced before. It was all foreign to him, but he liked it. It felt good. The Saiyan's heartbeat picked up, his already warm body even more on fire where your hands were on his worn body. What was even more of a surprise to him was how this gentle interaction with you was causing a sensation between his legs. He could feel, and see, his manhood twitching slightly. He didn't know why, but he wanted to pin you against the shower wall.

"Okay, can you turn around please?" Asking him quietly, considering you knew his face still had some dirt (and so forth) that he definitely wouldn't clean off himself. "Sure!" He responds in his classic happy Goku fashion. Your gazes once again lock onto one another. Not before his eyes wander up your form, the pleasant feeling he was experiencing heightening as he looked at you. But, albeit being shy under his obvious gaze, you felt comfortable. You knew Goku, you knew he wouldn't harm you, and you knew he would never make you feel uncomfortable, even in this vulnerable moment.

"You're pretty." The words just come out of Goku's mouth like word vomit. He felt the need to say them in that moment. The comment takes you aback, your eyes fluttering in surprise while your face heats up. Fumbling with the washcloth in your hands for a second, you bite your lip before smiling and uttering a "thank you, Goku."  The sight of you biting your lip sent a shiver up Goku's spine, his face briefly scrunching up in confusion as he didn't understand why that caused his body to react in such a way.

"Let me clean your face. There's dirt all over." Tilting his head to the side in reaction, you couldn't help but laugh. He was adorable. You must have been getting lost in your thoughts, though, because Goku took your wrist in his hand and brought it up to his face, so you could clean it like you said you would. The action caused you to step closer to him on instinct. You two were almost flush with one another now as you started to work at cleaning his handsome face. Your wet breasts were grazing along his front. That little touch alone was causing your nipples to harden, and Goku noticed. He loved how it felt. Both you and Goku's private areas were tingling even more now, needing one another. His slight grasp never left your wrist, the two of you looking into each other's eyes now. Goku's hand now trailed down your arm, leaving it on fire.

"I don't know why I'm feeling weird, but I am. It's not a bad weird, though. I... like it?" Goku admits. It makes you smile, now having confirmation from him that he's feeling the same way you are. Taking this as a sign, you make a move, placing your free hand on his cheek.

"Well Goku, this is what I meant about intimacy earlier. ....I like it too." His body was now acting on instinct. The hand that had trailed down your arm now found its way to the arch of your back, pulling you flush against him. You could feel how hard he surprisingly was, and it made you gasp. Your pupils dilated in desire.

"Oh." The sudden exclamation of shock just flowed out of your lips upon feeling Goku's hardness firm against you between your wet bodies. Clearly the buff man enjoyed the sensation as well, because he let out a quiet groan before completely sliding his shapely arms around your waist. All of this caused your folds to ache with immense want. Digging your nails slightly into his chest, the two of you stare at one another while panting heavily with arousal.

"I'll admit, I don't know what to do. But I just... I want to be close to you." One corner of his mouth quirked upwards in an adorable fashion. Trailing your hands up his broad chest to his shoulders and neck, you respond.

"Let me show you." Closing the gap between your faces, you stand up on your tiptoes and crash your lips onto his. Surprised with how easily he reciprocated the action, you two were fervent with need. Your lips slipping smoothly together from the shower's stream. Goku's strong hold around your waist lessened as a rough hand moved down and firmly grasped your butt. You couldn't help the moan you let out, which led the Saiyan to proceed further with his advantage, now lacing his tongue into your mouth before pushing you back to the opposite wall of the shower.

At this point, your tongues were both fighting for dominance, your hands grasping desperately at his hair. You didn't notice when, but he had pushed you up the wall he had you pinned against so your faces were now level. As a means to make sure you wouldn't fall back down, you wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling his throbbing cock press up between your soaked folds.

"Fuck, Goku. Please. I need you inside me. Fuck me." Your foreheads were pressed together, breathing heavily as you two just now broke apart from kissing. "I know you can feel it down there, Goku. Slide it in. Fuck me hard." The sultry tone to your voice sent the Saiyan into a different mindset entirely, animalistic even. You could've sworn you saw his eyes go red for a split second. In one swift motion, he moved both his hands to grab hold of either side of your hips with such strength, you knew he'd leave bruises. All while slamming his dick into your aching vagina, sliding in and out at a robustly rapid pace.

"Fuck! Kami! O-oh Goku!" You practically screamed out, the slapping of skin reverberating throughout the bathroom. His pace was so rough and fast, that you weren't able to keep your legs crossed around the man. But that wasn't an issue considering his superhuman strength. Scrunching your face up and clawing at Goku's skin, the sensations your body is enduring become even more heightened with how your glistening breasts are bobbing up and down from his set pace. Not only that, but Goku's mouth found its way to your neck, sucking and nibbling at it with just as much intensity as he was fucking you senseless. One of his big hands moved upwards towards your breast, gripping it tightly and flicking the hardened nipple. Letting out a growl, he moves his mouth from your neck to your breast, biting at it before wrapping his lips around your nipple, flicking it with his tongue at a pace to match his thrusting into your soaking cunt. All of this was too overwhelming, your head was getting light from how good you felt.

"Harder! Faster!" You were feeling the pooling in your gut grow more intense and knew your time was running out. You weren't going to last much longer.

Growling once more, he quickly pulls out of you before turning you around, backside facing him, and pushing you flush against the glass door of the shower. Pulling your hips back towards him and grabbing a hold of your (hair/length) hair, he slams back into you and goes even beyond faster and harder than before. He felt bigger, even. Glancing behind you in bliss, you see the golden aura and teal eyes staring intensely back at you. The slapping of skin, believe it or not, becoming even louder. Moving the hand that had your hair down to your front, he begins to fondle your nipple once more. The hard pounding and quick bobbing up and down of your breasts sent you over, becoming a moaning mess under the Super Saiyan's hold.

"O-oh! Oh, Goku!" Your soaked body goes limp from how tired it is, Goku's hold slipping around you from the moisture of the shower. All before pulling you flush to him as you feel his thrusts become more sporadic. A weak smile formed on your face as you knew what was approaching. Moving your head back so it rested on his shoulder, you wrapped an arm around his opposite side's neck.

"Cum for me, Goku." You whisper, hearing a deep moan in response as his grip on you becomes tighter, the slapping into you remaining rough, but sloppy, as he releases his load inside you. Upon his release, he couldn't help but bite down hard on your exposed neck. Despite it stinging a good deal, you didn't care. You were still high from the insanely intense fuck you just had with Goku.

Goku being the considerate being he is, saw your presently lacking ability to hold yourself up. He grew worried if you were okay, but the feeling quickly subsided when he saw the smile that wouldn't leave your flushed face. Brushing your messy hair out of your face, he turned the shower off then picked you up bridal style, carrying you into his adjacent bedroom and placing you gently in his bed, tucking you into the covers before climbing in himself and snuggling up to you, already dozing off against his warmth.

The Saiyan was feeling pretty hungry, but he was going to wait it out. Wanting to make sure you would get the rest you needed. Planting a soft kiss on your forehead, he let himself succumb to sleep with you.

The both of you had rather... wet dreams of each other, just leading to another intense round of glistening intimacy upon waking up in one another's arms.


SO I really enjoyed writing this! I hope it was everything you imagined it could be SaiyanAsia! Thank you for being my first official requester!

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