Stay Away From Juliet (Austin...

By PrincessMahone

807K 19.9K 3K

Juliet Saunders wants one thing and only one thing. Revenge. Throughout the beginning of her high school care... More

- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 14 - (Finale)
Author's Note

- Chapter 13 -

38.1K 1.1K 130
By PrincessMahone

● Juliet Saunders 

The weeks went by at a moderate pace. I hadn't talked to Austin since that day at the beach house and I didn't plan on talking to him ever again. I wasn't going to try to get back at him or be his friend or anything more than that because let's face it, after high school, none of it would matter. Getting revenge wasn't going to be on my diploma or future job applications. I had to focus on school and get my shit together before I ran out of time. Plus, it was so immature. I had to realize that high school drama wasn't going to matter ten years in the future. So he wasn't going to be my friend, but not my enemy either. He was just going to be there.

Prom was a week away and though a few guys had asked me, I said no to all of them. I was still going to go, but I was planning on going with Whitney and Kyle. Kyle was bringing Tyler from the beach which I thought was nice, while Whitney was bringing one of her brother's friends from college. Go figure.

As for Robert and Alex, I wasn't sure who they were bringing. Alex had an eye on a girl in his English class, so he was planning on bringing her. Robert, on the other hand, said he didn't want to go. After much begging, pleading, and convincing, I got him too. We said that we would go together if no one came up, but as friends only.

Austin? I had no idea. I didn't know if he was even going. He probably would, and if he did, he was most likely going to bring the sluttiest girl in school. He was so predictable.

Austin sat at our lunch table considering he was still friends with everyone else like I was, but we sat on opposite ends. I wanted to stay as far away as possible from him because I just couldn't stand being around him. To even think that I said I loved him made me sick, though it was obvious that I still did because like I said, things like that don't just go away when you want them to. It takes time.

"Do you like this one or this one?" Whitney asked, posing in front of the mirror with the current dress she had on which was A-line, turquoise, and sequined. She pointed to the other dress that hung on the wall that was the same as the dress she had on but purple. Kyle and I had been sitting in the dressing room with her for what seemed like hours. She had been debating between the identical dresses for so long and I hadn't even found my dress yet. Kyle found hers, which was an orange strapless gown with pink detailing and sequins. She looked amazing in it.

Kyle groaned and hit her head on the wall behind her, pulling a laugh from me. "I already told you, I like the blue one!"

She posed again, examining every single piece of her body thoroughly. Her hand was on her hip and she directed her eyes back towards me. "What do you think Juliet?"

I said the blue one at least five times, I thought to myself.

"Blue," I declared bluntly, biting the inside of my cheek and crossing my arms over my stomach. Whitney knew how bored we were, but she didn't care. It was all about her in that moment.

Time continuously dragged on until she finally decided on the turquoise dress that Kyle liked best. Truthfully, it looked a bit skank-y, but we just wanted to get out of that store. I didn't want to look at another dress ever again, but I still had to find mine. When I did, it was a snap. I wasn't all that picky when it came to things like that. Of course, I cared, but it wasn't a major ordeal like it was to Whitney. Hopefully it wasn't like that for anyone.

Anyways, my dress was lavender. It had sequined embellishments all over the top and once it hit the waist, it went out. According to the lady at the store who was helping me, it was "princess" style. I liked it a lot and I couldn't wait to wear it. Instead of feeling like I had to be a slut or a whore at school, I could actually wear something I thought was pretty. Not extremely revealing, but just the way I wanted it to be.

* * *

On the night of prom, I finished curling my hair and applying my makeup by six. That left enough time for pictures with all of my friends before I went. Robert decided that he would be taking a girl named Olivia from his Psychology class, which I didn't mind at all. He said he was planning on asking her all along, but she was supposed to go with someone else. That someone else canceled on her and he asked her instead. I was happy for him.

So, that just left me by myself. Like I said, I didn't mind. Prom wasn't all about being with a guy, it was about having fun with your classmates for the last time. And besides, I wasn't going to go with someone I didn't want to go with. That would be stupid and pointless.

I had to be at Whitney's house by quarter after six for pictures, meaning I needed to leave my house immediately to make it in time. My parents wondered why I was even bothering in the first place because I didn't have a date, but I didn't care. That stuff didn't bother me.

Driving to Whitney's, I felt my heart beating in my chest at a fast pace. Because as much as I wanted to deny it, seeing Austin with someone else did bother me.

Once I arrived, I got out of the car and spotted Kyle, smiling happily when she waved at me. No matter how much I said she irritated me with her air-headed nature, I really did love her. She was one of my best friends. I gave her credit for putting up with Whitney for all that time because I knew I wouldn't have been able to.

"Hey, you look amazing!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

She hugged back, giggling softly. "Thanks, you do too!"

When I pulled back, I saw Tyler right by her. The last time I saw him was at the beach house when I snapped at Colton. It didn't feel too awkward because he really didn't know me, so I just went with it and said hi to him when Kyle re-introduced us. Looking around, I saw Alex with his date, Sarah. She had strawberry blonde hair and a dark green dress on. She was a very nice and smart girl-- someone I always pictured Alex to be with. He deserved someone great because he was such a great person overall. Moving my eyes more to the right, I saw Robert and Olivia. Her shoulder length brown hair was straight and her coral dress went very well with her tanned skin. She was nice too, but I didn't know her very well. Maybe after prom, I would.

Catching eyes with Robert, I smiled and waved and he did the same. Olivia was fixing his tie and noticed him wave, so she looked up at me and shot me a warm smile which I politely returned. My eyes shifted to the right a little more and I saw Whitney with a guy who was definitely older than her. I knew few things about him and when I found out about them, I knew that that I didn't want to associate myself with him because he was no good. He was into alcohol and drugs-- something I didn't care to be around ever.

And once I turned my head a little more, my eyes fell on someone I previously hoped I never came into contact with again. But when I saw him in that moment, I didn't feel like that. I had the feelings that I had weeks ago. My stomach hurt. My heart pounded. My hands sweated. My thoughts raced. I didn't expect to have those emotions at his appearance, but I also didn't expect him do be without a date like he was.

His hands were buried deep in the pockets of his black pants and his hair was perfectly messed. He wore a white button up shirt with a black tie, making me want him more than I ever had before. It was like he was a different person to me. He looked mature, which was something he was far from before. Turning his head, our eyes met. For some reason, I couldn't look away. It was like as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't. As much as it hurt my stomach, made my heart pound, made my hands sweat and my thoughts race, I couldn't stop looking at him. It was difficult to see his expression clearly from the distance I was at, but before I could get a chance to see, Whitney was yelling.

"Picture time, everyone! Let's go!" she shouted. I swallowed hard and bowed my head down, walking away from the intense gaze shared between Austin and I. How that feeling hit me so quick, I don't know, but it scared the shit out of me.

Making my way over to the group, I smiled and waved less enthusiastically than before, but enough to make it look like everything was fine. Deep down, it wasn't. I felt like I was going to be sick. I was sure he was going to bring someone, so why didn't he? It's not like he would have a hard time getting someone to go with him. All of the girls practically drooled over him, so he could have a date in a heartbeat.

It didn't make sense.

During pictures, I tried my hardest to look happy when I really wasn't at all. Looking at him nearly ruined my entire night even though I didn't plan on it. I didn't expect to feel that way when I saw him because I'd seen him everyday at school.

You never looked at him, though, a voice in my head noted. You looked at him finally and look how you feel. You feel like this because you love him. You love him and no matter how badly you want to deny it, you do.

Things like that circled my mind the entire time pictures were being taken. It was nearly impossible to look happy, but I tried my best. After all, I had to realize that as much as I did love him, I could never have him. It wasn't because of what happened in middle school, it was because of our recent history, I couldn't. All of those things I said to him ruined any and every opportunity I ever had to be with him. It was over.

I needed to get over him.

● Austin Mahone 

Seeing Juliet look the way she did after weeks without any type of contact nearly made me crazy. It was like she didn't care to show off her body, she just wanted to be herself. Her old self. Not only that, but she looked amazing-- beautiful, actually. I had only looked at her like that within the last week of our conversing. Of course, I still thought she was in my head but I wouldn't have known because I couldn't look at her without wanting her. It was so wrong to still feel that way, but I just couldn't help it.

And when we made that eye contact in Whitney's driveway, everyone else seemed to disappear. It was just me and her. No cameras flashing, people talking, cars passing by-- just us. I wished for it to be that way in reality so bad. I hated that I had to say those things to her but if I wanted her to move on, I had to. I couldn't let her be around someone like me. She deserved someone who didn't ruin her life.

I decided not to bring a girl to the prom for one reason and one reason only: none of them compared to Juliet. I couldn't get her out of my head and it drove me insane. So many girls had asked me, but I turned them all down with stupid excuses that they probably knew were lies, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to go with someone I didn't want to go with. So if I couldn't go with Juliet, I wasn't going with anyone.

To see that she didn't bring anyone shocked me. I was sure that guys asked her constantly, but she obviously said no to all of them or else she wouldn't be alone. Why she said no, I had no clue. But I knew for sure it had nothing to do with me. She probably never wanted to see my face again after what I did.

Twice. You broke her twice, my thoughts spat angrily. Good job.

When we finally reached the venue, everyone paired up with their dates other than me and Juliet, of course. She stood by Alex and Sarah while I stayed near Robert and Olivia. Though she stood far away from me, I could feel the tension between us. It could've been cut with a knife. I ignored it to the best of my ability and proceeded inside with everyone else. While they were all in awe from the place it was being held at, I was in awe too, only it was over Juliet. I couldn't get over how much I wanted her. I couldn't explain it. She was beautiful.

The dancing began soon after all of my classmates arrived. Seeing everyone, they seemed to be having a great time like they should've been. After all, it was pretty much our last school function together other than graduation, but I wouldn't necessarily consider our principal listing out hundreds of names as fun.

Instead of being with my friends like I normally would have, I sat at our table with a solemn expression. I didn't want to be a downer to anyone else, so I just stayed out of their way. It was better off if I just gave up on trying. I would just get hurt in the end anyways. It wasn't worth it.

Tracing my fingertips over the tablecloth, I blew air out of my mouth and looked to the side. My eyes wandered to Juliet several times, observing just how amazing she looked. It was better than the day she moved back here because by the smile on her face and the glow it held, I could tell that she was truly happy. After all she's been through, she deserved nothing more.

As for all of my other friends, I wondered how they could even be around her without any guilt at all. Whenever I even looked at her, I just felt awful. Sure, I had it out worse for her than the rest of them, but they all acted as if nothing happened. I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. I just felt so bad for every single thing I did because it was so juvenile and stupid. It should've never been done.

Why am I even here? I wondered. I don't belong at a place like this because no one cares whether I'm here or not. It's not that I want any pity, but maybe a little recognition would be nice. Anything would be better than just sitting here. I've got to get out of here.

Those thoughts fresh in my mind, I stood up from my chair and ran my fingers through my hair, heading for the exit. My heart was racing in my chest due to anger and regret-- a horrible combination for me to have. I had no idea what I was going to do but I didn't want to be around anyone while it was going on. My head was clouded and my stomach tied in knots. I couldn't get to the door fast enough and it was making me impatient. And before I could even try to get any further, a familiar face stepped in front of me that I definitely wasn't expecting. Her short frame was practically pressed into me and her long blonde hair fell to the middle of her back. The light blue dress she was wearing was too revealing and her pink lips were twisted into an all too cocky smirk.


"Where are you going?" she asked, batting her long eyelashes at me.

I scrunched my eyebrows, wondering why she, of all people, would care a single bit where I was going. She had been mean to me ever since we broke up and I didn't know why. She broke up with me for no reason at all. I remember her just coming over to my house one summer and saying that it wasn't working out. It didn't click. I wasn't completely devastated when she did break up with me because she was very clingy and obsessive one second then distant and weird the next. It was better off that we called it quits anyways.

"Why do you care?" I spat, shaking my head slowly.

Taking me by surprise, she placed her hands on my abdomen and slid them up to my chest slowly until they were at the sides of my neck where she dragged her fingers back and fourth slowly. I was so confused as to why she was doing that. It was obvious that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with her anymore because she wasn't any different from any other girl at school. She also wasn't Juliet.

She then shrugged, running her tongue across her lips. "I was thinking that since you're leaving, maybe I could come with you."

Tilting my head to the side in bewilderment, I waited for her to elaborate because I was extremely lost when it came to what she was trying to get at. It was obvious that she was trying to get at something though.

Leaning up to my ear, her lips brushed over it and gave me the familiarity that I hadn't experienced in years. It wasn't as effective as it used to be, that was for sure.

"Maybe we could go back to my place and do what we used to do," her voice was a soft, sultry whisper. I knew exactly what she was talking about. She wanted me to have sex with her because whenever she wasn't into something, that's what she would do. She would bribe me into doing that with her somehow, though it really didn't take that much convincing and begging. Whenever we engaged in that type of behavior, she never disappointed me because she was so experienced. At such a young age, it was weird for her to know that much about intimacy but of course, that wasn't crossing my mind as it was going on. "I kind of miss it, you know. You kissing me, and touching me, and--"

"No!" I tested, pulling her hands off of me and glaring down at her. "I don't want you anymore and I don't want anything to do with you. Ever."

As the words rolled off my tongue in much aggravation, I swerved around her and made my escape, hoping to never come in contact with her again. I couldn't believe she would even think to ask that. I hadn't shown any type of attraction to her in years. What gave her the idea that I wanted to sleep with her would puzzle me forever because I never gave her a sign.

Walking into the nearly empty lobby, I buried my hands deep in my pockets and bit my lower lip. Again, just as I was about to make it to the exit, I was stopped. But not by Whitney, by Alex.

"Hey, where are you going? There's like, an hour left!" He called after me.

I stopped and allowed him to catch up to me, looking down at the floor. I shook my head and looked back up at him. "I don't want to be here anymore. It's boring."

He tipped his head and cocked his eyebrow, well aware of the fact that that was not what was wrong. "Really? Austin, we all know it's Juliet. Why can't you just talk to her?"

"You don't think I've tried?" I breathed. "I did and I ended up messing it all up. She wants nothing to do with me anymore."

"That's not true," Alex stated all to confidently. I narrowed my eyes at him and waited for him to continue but by the look on his face, he regretted his words.

"Alex--" my voice trailed off, letting him know he better tell me what he was about to say or else there would be a problem.

He sighed, his eyes locking on the ceiling. "She'd kill me if I told you."

"Tell me." I pleaded one final time.

Silence was left between us, making me uneasy and impatient. I bit the inside of my cheek nervously, waiting for him to finish. I needed to know. If I didn't, I would go insane. It might not have made a huge difference, but it was something.

"She said she loves you."


For those of you who are being extremely impatient, you need to calm down. Just saying. When you pressure me like that, it makes things worse. I don't like that at all. At first I didn't say anything about it but now it's really irritating. I have many more things to do rather than write a fan fiction. You've got to understand that school comes first and I'm not always going to update right away. Please take that into consideration. Thanks.

A/N: So, now you all know that Whitney has lied about the break up.. What do you think about it? DON'T FORGET TO VOTE.

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