
By SofiaFigueraLairet

248 8 1

A Jsab AU. More

Intro :D

Prolouge +Chapter 1

134 6 1
By SofiaFigueraLairet

𝙲𝚢𝚊𝚗's 𝙿𝙾𝚅
I sighed, stuffing the rest of my clothes into a box and taped it shut. "That should do it!" I say feeling slightly accomplished. I hear my siblings rustling around the halls, gathering their own belongings. "I can't believe we actually got our own house ya know!" Pyris said with a grin on their face.
I rolled my eyes at them, carrying the huge box in my arms "I definitely can! We've been living here since we were pretty much babies! It's about time we did!" I replied with a smug grin on my face. "Toddlers Cyan. We've been living here since we were toddlers." My sister Terri quickly shot back. I huffed turning my head away from her, looking at my brother who was still packing. "Still don't wanna leave yet?" I asked. He nodded back with a mellow expression. "Aw! Lighten up a little Pents! We'll be fine it won't be that scary!" Pyris replied. Penta, giving them an unsure look. "We'll stay together! Just like we always do!" Pyris smiled at him as Penta nodded. I set down the box and placed it with the others. "That's the last of it! well except for the furniture-" I pursed my lips in frustration while Pyris snickered at my slight forgetfulness. I shot them a look signaling to 'shut up' which they didn't just to annoy me. Terri ruffled my hair "Once Cube and Cubii finish getting the truck we can get going.." Pyris Cheered at the notion. "New house! New life! being an adult is gonna be a breeze~!" Pyris sang swaying their hips and laying back on the couch. I chuckled singing along with Pyris, "We're gonna move out~! we're gonna move out~!" The four of us all laughed. Nothing could separate us, nothing could change us, it was just the four of us.

"Finally-" I said, flopping on my bed with a tired sigh. Moving in was a complete mess but after a few days, it was finally done. The house was just big enough for the four of us; and thank the tree it was actually affordable. I looked up at the ceiling feeling a tinge of boredom. The room was dead silent. The only thing I could hear was the music Pyris was playing through the thin walls. I turned on my phone to read a message from Cubii.

Cubii: hey did you finish moving in well?

Cyan: yeah, just fine why?

Cubii: well me and Cube thought it'd be nice to hang out together! You know in the Trio park?

I thought for a minute before responding.

Cyan: Sure not much to do anyway.

I sat up before putting my phone on my nightstand. "Hey guys!!" I yelled cupping the sides of my mouth, my voice echoing in the hollow halls. "What?!" Pyris yelled back from their room, sounding a little annoyed. I snickered "Cube and Cubii wanna go hang out at the park!" a smile pricked the side of my mouth while I waited for a response. "Why not!" Pyris yelled. Having the feeling my other two siblings heard our screaming, I hop out of bed and change into some better clothes: I wore a plain white shirt with a tar-black jacket, leggings, fingerless gloves, and boots. The few stripes of 'cyan' gave it a pop of color along with my headphones that glowed when activated. I looked in the mirror posing a bit before ruffling my hair. "Feeling confident, are we?" I jumped as my sister snickered. I laughed awkwardly scratching my square-shaped head. "I'm only joking! Come on" Terri chuckled, moving some hair out of my eyes. "alright alright" I swatted her hand away and walked with her down the stairs. "Finally! Took you long enough!!" Pyris complained. "I'm sure Cube and Cubii won't mind that much.." Penta mumbled. Pyris mimicked their brother a bit "Yada yada let's go-!"


"Hey you Four!" Cube waved at us from the park gates. Pyris ran their way up to our past caretakers, giving them a tight hug. "It's nice to see you too Pyris!" Cubii said with a laugh, pushing some hair out of their face. Penta giggles joining the hug. Cube blew some hair out her face "So how have you four been?" she asked in curiosity. "We've been fine." I say quickly in response.

"Bored I'm assuming?" she says

"Painfully." I respond with some sarcasm. Cube chuckled "Understandable, now let's go enjoy the park before it gets too late!" She suggested. My siblings and I nodded in agreement. "Let's go then!" Cubii took a headstart with us all quickly following suit.

cuвє'ѕ pσv

I let out a sigh, realizing how much they've grown from being toddlers. I then have a strange sensation, but I shake it off since I have time to kill with the heroes and Cubii. We were having a great time, talking, eating sweets, playing around, and other things! But the fact that something was bothering me and annoying my head around made my stomach clench...

I snapped out of the trance once I heard Cubii call my name. "Cube? Cube?? You seemed very zoned out.." I wrapped my head enough for me to pay attention to the present. "Oh, um...sorry I just zoned out for a moment..." I looked away as I felt the feeling once more. It made my head twist and hurt a lot, and at that point, I passed out.


nσвσdч's pσv

Cubii was holding her in their arms, and the heroes were looking concerned, specifically Penta. "I-Is she okay-!?" Penta said out of fear. Cubii nodded. "This has happened before in the past...she would get really dizzy and pass out...don't know what the cause is." Terri thought for a moment. "What about that corruption you taught us when we were kids?" Cubii thought for a moment. Was it true? Was it really inside of her? The corruption did have another way into getting in an immune system...


cчαn's pσv

I crossed my arms looking away from Cubii who was still holding Cube. "Of course the one time we have a good day it goes into shambles." I grumbled under my breath. Penta was trying to help Cubii out, while Pyris and Terri paced around thinking to themselves. I tapped my foot with an impatient stance.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

15...30?! My eyes twitched the more I hated waiting. I paced the soft grass below my boots. "Could you have any less of an attitude?" Terri raised a brow at me. "no." I quickly jabbed back. She sighed, shaking her head, while I scoffed, looking away. "Look at me i'm Terri and I think I know everything!" I mocked her trying to make myself laugh. It didn't work. I looked out to the rest of the park, waiting for something to happen. I felt a shiver go up my spine as someone called my name. A small triangle glowed in front of him. It seemed to be luring me as it spoke. "Follow my lead.." I cocked my head to the side in confusion, walking closer to the triangle. The triangle kept luring me around, until leading me down a path where legends say that shapes never return. I felt a shiver down my spine. This triangle kept leading me until I felt a tug on my arm, It was Cube. She told me to not follow the triangle, but I'm an adult, I can do whatever I please, so I followed it anyway, Cube right behind me. I looked around, then saw a grey flower standing in my way. What was it? Why was it there? I walked over to the flower. "Um...hi"

Flower's pov

I jumped as I turned around to meet face-to-face with a cyan blockhead. He stared at me with a confused expression on his blank white eyes.
"Hello? are you gonna move or something..." He questioned. "Who are you?" I asked. "Why should i tell you!" He stuck his tongue out at me. "Because I live here so you're kinda invading my space, shorty." I said, flicking his nonexistent nose. The blockhead made an annoyed expression, "Oh you're one to talk!" he gritted his teeth. I smirked, waiting for him to respond. "So? are you not gonna give me an answer, or are you just gonna stand there like an idiot?" I crossed my arms, sitting on the cold floor. "I'm just looking for if you'll excuse me!" he looked impatient like he was rushing to get something. "And? What if I don't want to move? this is my place after all!" I scoffed.

Triangle's pov

This is it. This was my moment to make the infection spread. I will make everyone listen to us. Even if it means infecting them.

Flower's pov

The blockhead kept looking above me, keeping their focus on the ceiling. "What are you looking at Shorty?" I could notice his eye twitch. "Shush...and would you please not call me that." still focusing on the ceiling. "Sure thing shorty." I smirked, seeing his eyes twitch more. I was too busy annoying this cyan blockhead when out of nowhere I was pierced by a horrible pain. It was the triangle, stabbing through my head, breaking inside, and soon enough, making me bleed and eventually, pass out.

Cyan's pov

Static. I was frantic, trying to ask the flower if it was okay, even if they were mocking me. Still don't like that part. But I was worried, for real. "Hey dude uh...are you good?" That was a dumb question. The flower soon became a figure that looked like a circle, with horns on top, and a tail that looked like a dragon. I knew what the color was, it was corrupted.

To be continued...

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