Thousand Cherry Blossoms

By ApoKun

317K 5.4K 3K

Izuku Yagi, a boy loved by his family and friends. His cheerful smile brought joy to people around him. That... More



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By ApoKun


~Shoto Todorki~

"Damn it, Sen is a slave driver- Ow!" Izuku yelped when he was karate chopped by Sen who materialised behind him. A visible bump was seen on Izuku's head

"Who is a slave driver?" Senbonzakura asked. "No one!" Izuku yelled gaining the attention of those passing by

"I have told you already that you can communicate with me telepathically when we are outside. We do not need the extra attention on you right now"
He said

"I know, I know. It's hard to get used to talking with someone telepathically right of the bat, ya know" Sen shook his head

"Anyway Sen..." "Yes?" Izuku looked nervous "have you felt as if someone has been watching us? I keep getting this feeling..." Sen stilled for a moment before walking besides Izuku

"No, it must be your imagination or else I would have known if someone was watching us" he said "Ah! That's good! I was getting worried!" Sen nodded and continued walking, shooting a slight glance at the roof of the building to the right. At the top a figure was seen standing with a humanoid silhouette levitating next to him

"Anyway, it is back to school time so how are you fairing?" Sen asked "I- don't know, All I know is that I hate Izumi and Katsuki more now" "What about that boy, Shouto Todoroki was his name if I remember correctly" "I don't know what to feel about him. He never really participated in the beating nor in the Deku hunt also he warned me about Izumi and Katsuki going to destroy the Cherry blossom tree or You to be exact" he said "Hm.. I'll keep my eye on that boy"

School had just ended for the day and Izuku was getting ready to leave. Today had been a pretty... Eventful day

For one, no one really bullied him and two, he found a letter in his locker. All it said was to meet at the park a block away from school after school ended

"What do you think Sen? Should I go or not?" He asked. "You should go. What you find may be of importance to you, and if things go south I will protect you" "Alright Thanks Sen"

Izuku arrived at the park. He remembered this park clearly. He used to play here everyday with Izumi, katsuki and Shouto

This park had been abandoned for a while. The slides and swings were rusty. There were dead bushes growing in some places. All the play sets were collecting dust

Izuku waited for a minute, remembering the past where everything went to hell. 5 years ago was when It all begun. Now Izuku at the age of 10, could not help but thing what would happen if things had been different

He was cut of from his musing by a voice he recognised all to well

"Hello Izuku" turning around, his forest green eyes met ice cold and grey ones

"Hello... Shoto" he said, his voice deprived of any emotion

"I know this may come of as weird to you but..." He suddenly bowed his head making Izuku raise his eyebrow and take a step back

"I am sorry!" He yelled catching Izuku of guard this was not what I expected to find, he thought

"You... Are sorry?" He asked in confusion. Never would he have thought that one of his childhood bullies would say sorry to him

This must be a joke

"Oh! I see where this is going" Shouto raised his eyebrows and said "You know?" Izuku eyes searched the playground "Oh I know so... You can come out now Katsuki, Izumi!" He screamed trying to get his attention

"What?" Shoto asked. Guilt and regret in his voice knowing that he knew why Izuku was doing this

'he doesn't trust someone to apologize to him for something without an ulterior motive. He thinks that no one will ever regret ever bullying him'

"You know what I mean, where is Katsuki and Izumi?" He asked with a tilt of his head "I came here alone to apologize to you for everything I have done" Shoto said staring intently at the ground beneath him

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked trembling "What the fuck do you mean?!" He yelled making Shouto flinch. Even if he bullies him the whole school knows Izuku never curses

"What In your goddamn mind made you think I'll ever forgive you?! You along with that Pomeranian and that green haired bitch of a sister I have, made my life a living hell for 5 fucking years!" He yelled getting closer and closer to Shoto

"Do you know how it feels having to be beaten up by someone you considered your friend!" He yelled pushing Shoto with his hand making him stumble back

"Do you know how it feels getting bullied by your sister!" He pushed him again

"Do you fucking know how it feels being neglected by your own fucking parents! I had to make my own food for 5 years. I came home with bloodied bandages littering my face only to be met with silence from my fucking family! They never cared! They didn't even know if I was alive or not! Do you know how it feels to be treated a ghost in your home, a punching bag in your school, a stress reliever for everyone.... Do you fucking know how it feels to want to kill your selves!" izuku screamed and punched Shouto in the face making him fly a feet back

Tears streamed down both Izuku's and Shoto's eyes. Both crying for different reasons

One being betrayed and one being the betrayer

"I am sorry okay!" He shouted making Izuku take a step back. Shoto never yelled. Never!

"I am fucking sorry!" And he never sweared!

"I didn't know what came over me! I wanted someone to experience the life I went through! I thought you were happy... I thought you were loved by your parents so I wanted someone to experience the pain I went through"

Izuku had many questions now

"But what you went through was a pain I could never bear to Handle!"

"What the hell are you talking about? what do you mean by "experience the pain you went through" ? You aren't making any sense" he spoke, his voice much softer

"I got my quirk when I was four" Izuku nodded "my father is the number 2 pro hero Endeavour" he said making Izuku go wide eyed. As far as he knew, Shoto never talked about his family

"I am a product of quirk marriage. A marriage where-" he was cut of by Izuku "I know what a quirk marriage is" Izuku said irritated but not at Shoto

"My father married my mother in hopes of getting the perfect weapon to surpass All Might. He wanted to become number 1 but he could never hope to surpass him so he settled for the next best option" Izuku scowled

"He tried thrice before I came. The perfect heir with the perfect quirk. The ability control Ice from my right and the ability control fire from my left"

"My father, After I got my quirk isolated me from my family. My sister left to study abroad along with my elder brother. The third oldest and my oldest brother Touya disappeared from the face of the earth two years ago" Izuku gasped. He had suffered so much at so little age just like Izuku

"My father forced me to train with him which was more like abuse. My mother always tried to protect me. She somehow forced Enji, my father, to send me to school. Had it not been for her I would not be able to attend this school with you all. He was still against the idea though"

"One day, I overheard my mother talking on the phone. I heard her call my left sight unsightly. She said I looked more and more like my father.
After I called out to her she looked at me as if I were a demon, a monster.... Then she poured boiling water on my left side" he said touching the red burn scar on his face

Izuku was stilled. He was feeling a mix of emotions. Rage, sadness, guilt, regret but the strongest emotion was


"After that, he beat my mother and then admitted her to a mental hospital. I do not have the guts to go apologize to her... But the point is I am sorry for being a prick to you like Enji. You did not deserve that and I certainly do not deserve your forgiveness"

"What made you stop?" "Huh?" "What made you stop bullying me? You have not raised your hand against me for 3 and a half years" "well it would be when I first came level after you being pronounced quirkless. Your parents completely ignored you so I started thinking. Seeing you being avoided by people at school and neglected at home made me stop bullying... It reminded me of what Enji did to me"

"Sen is he being honest?" "I believe you already know the answer to your question"

"I forgive you" he said making Shoto look at him hopefully "What?" "I said I forgive you" "but why?! I made your life a living hell! you should resent me"

Izuku gave a dry chuckle "I should but I can't. we are alike, you and I, I guess I feel sort of a kinship towards you"

"So I forgive but you will have to do something for me"

"What?" Shoto asked sceptically

"I want you to visit your mom" Izuku said. "But she hates me" Shoto muttered, barely being heard by Izuku

"You don't know that unless you see for yourself. And even if she hates you It's her fault. If you want I will go with you"

"You will...?" He asked. Izuku only nodded in response

Shoto started crying. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He fell on his knees

Izuku walked forward and wrapped his hands around him and pulled him in a hug

"I forgive you... Sho-chan"

"Thank you... *sob* Icchan"

"Now stand up! After all, you wouldnt want to get your clothes dirty"

Shot gave a dry chuckle and both friends left the park. Both happy if this encounter

He did not see Sen looking up at the sky... or looking at someone

I forgive you Sho-Chan, you aren't alone anymore...

Shoto Todoroki


Word Count: [1760]

How'd you guys like this chapter. Expect more brotodo moments from now on. Who was the mysterious guy on the building? What is Senbonzakura hiding?

Find out in the next episode of dragon ba- *ahem* wrong anime

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote

Peace Out!

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