Well you died and are now GOD.

By IsaiahDouglas9

200K 5.2K 1.2K

On a normal day in Florida a gamer named Zeke Daniels was just eating a burrito at home when he suddenly chok... More

Congratulations you Died!!
Lets build Sub-God's
Getting down to business
Mistakes, Names, Updates, and Watching
Cracter's Advances and Desending
The right path and choice
New god and growing strong
Waxer's Ways and Arrogance
Punishment time Work inspection
Inspections and Mental note's
Zeke's private time and Tiamo's trial
Passing and Sparks
Elements and Interactions
Rule breaker and Sequoia
A Request and First Meetings
Gigalons and Picking Fights
New lands and rivals
Setting straight and Helgon's duty
Forests Devastation and a new lesson
Tiamo's Deal and Kulema's Partner
Helgon's Error
Setting Sun and Crying Moon
More Gods and GodBook
Jesus's Message Counsels meeting
Left in Charge and Choosing the right person
Livna's Offer and Helgon growth
Adventurers Guild
Natures Ruler
Ravia's Rebel and Kiviku's Home
Demi-Gods Battle
Heavens Tour
Jesus's Advice and More problems
Passing Judgment
Kiviku's Doubts
Movie Night and Kitchens Manager
Brothers and Daughter
Spirit Kings
Mountains End
Holy child of the spirit's
Northern Contient
Crashing Snow and Encounters
Aruno and Symbol's
Gifts and Festival of love
Pirates and Divine items
Battle of Beginnings
Tournament of Gods (Part 1)
Tournament of Gods (Part 2)
Tournament of Gods (Part 3)
Tournament of Gods (Part 4)
Tournament of Gods (Part 5)
Tournament of Gods (Final Part)
Great Goddess of Fate
Impromptu Date Night
Isekai's Heroes
First Quest
Promotion and Love story's
Cider and Seven Heroes
Battle of Dusk and Dawn
Adventure in the cave of the two lovers
Fixing Godhoods and Orders
First steps, Blessings and Wanderer
Travels and Adventures
Calm Before the Storm
Storms and Souls
Words of Encouragement and Sham Trial
Curses and Churches
Trono's Trial
Zola and the Heroes
Demanding and Gift
Meeting up with a friend and Burritos
Quest goes on and Fiery battle
Three gods and Three gifts
Prince to the Kings
Catching up, New additions and Broken Hearts
Becoming a father and Journeys End
Three Sons
Problems Arise
Libraries and Mandatory Events
Nothing can be done
Heroes life and Memories
3 more Races and Meeting of Heroes
Reuniting Heroes and New realms
Dream Realm, lifting bans, and Metals
Siblings bonding time and war plans
Sasa and the Nekoi
The Boys growing up
North and South side stories
Circus and Songs
Hero's end
Getting down to work
Sins, Virtues, and Evil
Worlds Progress and Slumber
Evil and Deals
The Floating Continent
Tact the Kid
Oba, Arti, and Getting it together
Waking up and Up to date
Titan and Jirka
Touring the Temple of Gods
Touring, Naming, Returning
Tact the Aqua Fool
A New Generation of Heroes and Monsters
Orina and The Odachi of Striking Thunder
God of Monsters and Interfering a bit
Fight of War and Elements
Fates, Facts ,and Futures
Dressing up and Casino Games
Strength and Planning
Alliances, Trade, and Bitter feelings
Tact the Captain
Partnership and Pay Outs
Empires on the Rise
Getting into a fight
Glacera vs Lagoua
Waxer vs Hexanu
Next gen and Sailing
Barluna vs Fai
Sequoia Vs Yaglie
Doa vs { }
Going Home
Home and T.V.
Crossing Paths
Tasks and Specters
Worry, Rola and Gajog
Otherworld Visitors (1)
Otherworld Visitors (2)
Sculptures and Artist
Captains, Cubes, and Conscious.
Isla Gale (1)
Isla Gale (2)
Isla Gale (3)
Otherworldly Tour (1)
Arrival, Assault, Anger.
Otherworldly Tour (2)
He started it and Distractions
The first step and Whats to come
How the races Look
Sins and Virtues

More Godhoods and Divine Rage

3.5K 112 10
By IsaiahDouglas9

Zeke lets the world progress as he gets a notification and reads it.

[ Your Bodie Zonla has passed away and her legend will become history for the Meadow Walkers]

[ The Gods have over a million followers in the Cracters and Weadow Walker each for reaching this number you have been giving a chance to spin the gacha of messiahs. It will let you draw a special power that will be passed down in bloodlines to one of your souls and their future decedents.]

[ You also reward by a supervisor with Divine power of Elemental]

[ Your god Tiamo has gain his first true followers and has gained a new area of Godhood Travel.]

[ You're Gods Infintino and Eternina  also gained a new Godhood and one together Parenthood, he gained Darkness and she gained light.]

Zeke is surprised by the notification and how the three of them all got new domains and is happy but now he has to make two gods Cooking and Element. He doesn't even know where to start on what they will look like and how they can be of use to the world. Even though a lot of the world seem to be using the cooking system a lot and he is a bit salty about.

He looks at the interface some more and the sees a notification that makes his face goes serious and Tiamo who sees this and grows concern and looks at his grandfathers face as he stands up and screams from his lungs shaking the realm. Hearing the screams all the other gods run to the throne room at full speed when arrived all six arrive they see the great father standing their enraged and breathing heavy. 

He turns around and sits on the throne and looks at them and speaks,

Zeke ( Waxer go to the location I say and purge every life in the area I want no survivors understood.)

Waxer nods and gets ready to purge on Zeke's command, Infintino and the others look at him and wonder why he was so angry. He opens his interface and let them all see what thew him into a rage. They all look and their eyes go sharp and Zeke holds his chin and then deploys Waxer to the surface in god mode.

Zeke sent waxer to a town that is ruled by a lord that is feeding his whole town to the trailers that come and the town develop into a town of cannibals, they are Magistar and became blood magic users. He read the details on how they would smile a as they would like to watch as the travelers died. He was sick to his stomach and wanted his world to not have any of that.

On the surface the lord and the village are getting ready to slaughter they latest catch. The lord is smile watching the preparations and thinking thoughts of what wine to drink with it tonight. then in his own mind the ground shakes, he catches himself and then hears a roar that deafens all the sound around it with in a moment. Then he sees a bright light and a large green being radiating in the light.

Then a large crystal field covers the whole village and no one can understand what is happing. The they hear a strong and over powering voice says to them all, 


Hearing this the townsfolk grab up arms they get ready to fight some casting magic, Waxer walks forward holding a scythe, then a large woman emerges from the darkness. She had a hair as bright as sunshine but it is not shining at all. She summons a large staff to her hand and shows no emotion on her face. The people tremble at the sight of the giants and shake in pure fear. One starts to shoot at him but the scythe comes down and cuts many in half.

The lord watches as the two giants are cutting through the townfolks who magic and attacks are not even a threat. He try to escape into the woods but as he hears the cries of his friends and sees the light of fire and smoke engulfing the town. As he runs into the woods he hits a wall and looks around and he can't escape. Then all the sound is gone and all he hears is a pair of foot steps through the darkness of the forest.

He turns around and sees two sets of eyes glowing in his direction then they show their figures of them themselves and his eyes grow in horror as its the first victims walking corpes with bleeding eyes. Then more eyes appear and the others start to show slowly walking to him with bleeding eyes. He tries to escape but is blocked at every turn by the  dead. He tries to pray but all he gets are images of the murdered. He is then is caught and they start to rip his flesh off one at a time slowly.

Zeke watches as the lord dies a bad death, and his soul is reaped and brought to the soul domains worst part. He closed the screen and sits on his throne trying to relax as the other gods watch him with concerned eyes. He opens his interfaces and starts to review the notifications and seems better reading,

[ The town of Delna has been destroyed by the gods for their great sin, none of them have escaped.] 

Zeke feels better that these monsters were destroyed and now being in eternal damnation, and tells the gods to return to duty. Waxer and Kulema  come back and bow, he sent ulema to make sure those souls are to be dealt with directly. He thanks them and will do something for them later as they leave. Zeke goes to his space and lays down trying to calm down even more then dealing with that matter.

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