The dreamโœจ

By noir_frostx

1K 142 11

"I'm sorry jack, but it was too late" ~~๐Ÿ’ฎ~~ Elsa Collins, always dream to become one of the most famous mode... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Thank you!

Part 3

45 7 0
By noir_frostx


I woke up as my alarm rang showing it's 1 am. I woke up this time cause I have work on 24 hours cafe

Basically I have two jobs, one at the cafe, one at frost company. It's not really hard since I'm used to it

I quickly got up, did my morning routine, till it almost 2 am. I went to the kitchen and drank some hot milk as I put a few dollars on table for anna

Once I've finished I walked out from my apartment and went to the cafe

It's not that far so I just walking. Thankfully it's not really creepy here since it has street lights


I had done my job here around 10 am. I changed my clothes and put a lot of foundation under my eye

Not to mention I have an eye bag. I put on some makeup on my face so I won't look pale

I walked out from the cafe and head towards the frost company, which is not really far so I just walk

My day went just like this, worked at the cafe, then frost company, on the way going home being chase by hans and tadashi.

Plus when it almost the end of the month, our landlord ask for our rent. I wish I could live like a princess, I don't need to worry anything

"Elsa!" punzie greeted

"Hey!" I greeted back

"So this is Blanca and Red" punzie introduced

"Hi" both of them greeted

"Nice to meet you" I greeted back

Blanca has long black hair. She looks like a Chinese

Red has a brown short hair, not really short anyway. I must admit that both of them are alike and beautiful

"So what are they doing here?" I asked

"They're gonna help us for the model audition preparation and the next three months we're gonna have agreste and frost model collaboration" she replied

"Agreste company?" I asked as my eyes widen

"Yeah so you're gonna perform there and I am the one who gonna prepare you since you're the chosen one" she replied simply

"So that means maybe I can meet adrien and gabriel?" I asked

"Yeah, adrien might be one of the model, since it's his father" she replied

"Awesome!" I squealed

"Hey babe!" a black hair man walked toward us

"Heya!" punzie replied as the boy pecked her forehead

He must be flynn, punzie's boyfriend. She talked a lot about him

"Hey, I'm flynn" he greeted as he held out his right hand

"Hi, I'm elsa" I greeted back as I shook his hand

I pulled away as he did too

"Lovebirds, we're leaving to check on them" blanca said as red giggled then walked away

"Come on elsa, I'm going to teach your catwalk again" punzie said

"Sure" I answered

"See you later" flynn said and walked away as we walked to the mirror room


"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and pose!" I heard hiccup shouted from inside as I walked in

"How is it?" I asked

"Bad" he replied

"That bad?" I asked again

"Well some" he said and back on training the male models as I walked out the room to find elsa

I walked toward mirror room as I heard punzie shouted

I knocked then got in "can I borrow her?" I asked punzie

"Of course jack" she place an evil smile on her face, which I know she and alya planning something

"Come" I said as elsa walked toward me

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a quieter place

"Yes jack?" she said

"Do you have time? Tonight?" I asked

"Sure, why?" she asked curious

"I want to know more about you, since you're going to become my model one day" I answered

"Sure, what time?" she asked

"I'll picked you at 8" I replied

"You know where I live?" she asked

"Arendelle street, right?" I replied

Her face suddenly changed into sad face then I asked "what's wrong?"

"I'm no longer live there, I live eight blocks from here" she looked down at her feet

"Why?" I asked

"I just... I'm not sure if I can tell you yet" she said

"Then talked to me tonight" I said

"Ok" she replied

"Dress nice" I said as she looked at me

"Sure" she smiled warmly

"You can go now" I said as she just nodded and walked away

"How could her expression change that fast" I mumbled to myself and went to my office



"Anna" I called as she rushed to me

"What?" she asked

"I'm gonna go with my boss" I replied

"Jack Frost? Oh my god elsa" she squealed then jumped up and down like crazy

"Ehh yea?" I said confused

"You are going to have a dinner with one of the most famous model, I bet he might take you to five star restaurant" she said

"Whatever, I'm gonna change" I walked to my room

I open my wardrobe and looked for the nicer dress

I decided just wear a white short dress, which is pretty for me. I put my hair into one side braid as usual and did my makeup.

I put on a white purse and white flat shoes

"Oh my god elsa you're beautiful" she complimented as I walked out

"Thanks" I smiled warmly

"I bet he'll fall for you" she said

Before I could replied I heard a knocked then I opened the door revealing jack standing there

"Come on" he said

"Tell me the details!" anna shouted then rushed to her room

"Sorry" I said embarrassing

I locked the door and went to his lamborghini. He open the door for me and I hopped in, such a gentleman

He got in the car and started to drive. All the way there is silent, a comfortable silence

A few minutes later we arrived at one of the most famous steakhouse. He opened my door and lend me his hand

I took his hand and get out from the car. Then he locked his car

We walked inside and the waiter came to us "yes sir?" he asked

"Frost" jack simply replied

"Here" he gestured us to follow him

Once we sit on the table, he gave us the menu. I opened it and it cost really expensive

"Just order whatever you want, I'll pay" he said

So this is how the rich life. I flip page through page and order the cheapest as he order tuna steak and two glass of wine

"So what happen" he started as the waiter walked away

"Well my parents passed away when I was 15 and also" I said then looking down "I never lived in arendelle street" I whispered which I'm sure loud enough for him to hear

"But why when I searched about you it says that your parents are alive and you live in arendelle street" he asked

"Because I don't want people to pity me and I don't want them to lower me" I answered

"Please don't tell anyone" I looked at him

"Sure" he replied

Then our conversation goes on like normal conversations. We know about each other more

But I don't tell him anything about the bills, my other job and anything that would make him pity me


He sent me back home and drive away. When I looked he's far enough, I began to walked to the place where hans asked

Once I arrived, I gulped then opened the door

"Finally" he said "get in"

I walked inside then suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pushed me in the bed

He began to raped me as I just crying silently begging him to stop

After what feels like forever, he finally stopped and slap my face which already full of bruises

"I give you time till next week hun" he said and left me here alone

I slowly get up, fixed myself and walked back home

When I arrived, Anna has nowhere to be seen, she might be asleep. Which is lucky for me, she doesn't need to see my bruise

I got in into bathroom and took care of my injuries

Once I done, I saw a razor again. I want to grab it but I can't

"One, just one cut they won't know it" I said as I grab my razor

I sat on the floor and started to cut. I cut one and two then stopped. I saw it bleeding as I smile

"This is a freedom" I said

I tried not to cut again, luckily I succeed. After a moment I cleaned myself and all the blood then changed into my pajamas.

I walked to my bed and drift to sleep


"So how's your little date?" hiccup asked as soon as I walked in

Hiccup stay overnight at my place when he helped me together with Astrid cause his company and mansion is far away from here

"It's not a date hicc" I replied

"Whatever, it's still a date" hiccup said

"So?" astrid asked

"So..." I copied

"So how is she you idiot" she said

"Well her parents are dead and she live eight blocks from my company" I replied

"What?" hiccup shouted

"She said that she faked about her parents and her address" I said

"For what?" astrid asked

"So people won't pity her" I replied

"So you're that?" hiccup teased me

"No hiccup no!" I said as I glared at him

"Whatever" he said


𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥❤
𝐂𝐲𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭

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