Does That Make Me Crazy? Kuro...

By Fool4Toga

32.3K 946 847

TRIGGER WARNING!: Cancer, abuse, death, suicide, sex, depression, and too much cuteness All is well between K... More


-FINALE- Part 23

1.3K 46 130
By Fool4Toga


I fell. I was in Kuroo's arms. I felt dizzy. I fell to the ground. I heard yelling. I couldn't see or hear. Everything was black. Why can't I wake up? I thought. I heard Kuroo pleading with me to wake up. Someone called 911. Am I dying? I wondered. Right after my wedding, am I dying? I didn't understand why this was so sudden. I still had so much to live for. Kuroo started to do CPR. WAKE UP! I yelled at myself. GODDAMNIT KENMA WAKE UP! I didn't understand. The cancer was under control. So why? Why? Why? Why?

It was dark. I looked around, wondering where I was. I woke up next to Kuroo. It was just a dream? I wasn't dying? Kuroo was asleep in bed. He was crying. He kept on telling himself not to cry, but he couldn't help it. I went to stroke his hair and shushed him gently. I hugged him. His body was warm. He didn't hug me back. I heard our bedroom door open. It was a little girl. Why was a little girl here? She had straight black hair, except in the back where it stuck up. She had the most beautiful golden eyes and was wearing a light blue nightgown.

"Daddy?" she asked. "Why are you crying?"

"Oh, sweetie," Kuroo said groggily. "I'm okay, go back to sleep."

"But Daddy, why are you sad?"

"I just miss your other Daddy."

"I'm sorry Daddy," she said as she climbed in our bed. I sat up. What was going on? Then, I remembered. Was this my gift? She clung to him. "Can you tell me what Daddy was like?" Kuroo smiled.

"Of course, Kenma." Kenma? Was she named after me? "Daddy was quiet and smart. He had golden eyes, just like yours, Kitten. He was very handsome. Your Daddy loved to play games, like the ones you do. He would sometimes stay up so late I had to hide it from him." The girl giggled.

"Daddy was funny!"

"Daddy was funny," Kuroo repeated. "He was so sweet. I loved him. I still love him. I really miss him. But he's still here. He's in you," he said, pointing to the girl's chest. "Daddy was sick when he was little. Very sick. The doctors said he would die, but he lived. But it didn't last forever. After I fell in love with your dad, and when he fell in love with me, he grew ill once more. I took care of your daddy. Years later, he was still sick, but we got married. After we got married, Daddy fell. I tried to save his life," Kuroo sobbed. "I almost did. The doctors came. They said he had a heart attack. He didn't make it. He died after we promised forever." The little girl was now crying too. "But, he left one last gift. Your daddy filled out paperwork before he died. One day he went to the doctors when he was temporarily cured and asked for something special. He asked them that if he died, I could have you. He did a special test and put a magic piece of him in a container."

"Magic?" she asked, her eyes wide. Kuroo smiled through his tears.

"Yes, magic. Everyone has magic they use to make kids. So, he took his magic and put it away, for now, saving it. After he died, I found a box. The box had a letter. It said that he was sorry he died, but that we could still be together. He wrote about magic. I filled out the paperwork and had a piece of magic taken from me too. The scientists and doctors did their work, and a very nice lady gave us some of her magic, too. Then, we made you. You are Daddy's very special given," Kuroo said as he sniffled. "You are my magical kitten. I love you so much. Does that make me crazy?" I started to cry.

"No," I said. Kuroo didn't hear me. "NO!" I yelled. I hugged Kuroo and the little girl. I was sitting there.

They couldn't hear me. Was this the future? I could still hear them outside. Kuroo crying for me to live, the doctors trying to bring me back. I could go back. But I would die eventually. I needed to disappear. I decided to disappear into the sun. This future with Kuroo didn't have cancer. This future was safe. I heard the outside noises more.

"Take my hand," Kuroo cried, holding my hand. "Stay, Kenma. Heaven's not ready for you. Please. I need you more than the angels do." I started to fade. I heard rapid beeping in the background. Kuroo started to yell, "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" He yelled. "DON'T GO! STAY! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! I looked over. I saw the girl resting in Kuroo's arms.

"Daddy?" she asked.

"Yes, my Kitten?" he replied.

"Can you sing the song again? The one you always sang for Daddy?" Kuroo nodded.

"Of course, Kitten. Anything for you.

I remember when I remember, I remember when I lost my mind

There was something so pleasant about that place.

Even your emotions had an echo

In so much space

And when you're out there

Without care,

Yeah, I was out of touch

But it wasn't because I didn't know enough

I just knew too much

Does that make me crazy?

Does that make me crazy?

Does that make me crazy?

probably [album version]

And I hope that you are having the time of your life

But think twice, that's my only advice

Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,

Hahaha bless your soul

You really think you're in control

Well, I think you're crazy

I think you're crazy

I think you're crazy

Just like me

My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb

And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them

Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun

And it's no coincidence I've come

And I can die when I'm done

Maybe I'm crazy

Maybe you're crazy

Maybe we're crazy

Probably~" The girl fell sound asleep in his arms. I sighed and laid with them, listening to their soft breathing.

If I could, I would stay, but Kuroo and I both knew things wouldn't work out that way. I felt guilty about making the promise that I wouldn't say goodbye, but through this girl, I could have forever with Kuroo. I heard Kuroo's yelling and sobbing start to fade. I felt him grip my chest. I hadn't even said goodbye. I just needed to say goodbye. I stopped fading, just for a moment.

"Kuro," I croaked.

"Kenma!" he cried.

"I don't have much time. Honestly, you know where I'm going. Baby, I'm just moving on. I'll still love you even if I can't see you anymore," I stroked his cheek.

"I can't wait to see you soar," he croaked. I wiped off a tear that was falling down his cheek. "Does that make me crazy?"

"Does that make me crazy?..." I softly repeated back. I faded more. Kuroo cried into my chest. I looked back at Kuroo and the little girl on the other side. They were sleeping soundly together. I walked back over to them.

"Kenma," Kuroo said, "are you here? Is this a dream?"

"Hi, baby. I'm here," I cried. "I'm right here." I got into the bed with the two of them. At last, I could rest. 

I cried so hard writing this and I rarely cry :( I'm sorry for this ending but it was needed thanks for reading! :)

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