Shadows Lingering//A Glaze AU...

By Candi_Writes

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Blaze, protecting the city of Scaleswind by himself, still continues to look for his partner Garroth Ro'Meave... More

Author's Note


190 8 7
By Candi_Writes

Blaze cleaned the dishes after breakfast, thinking about what happened. He felt bad that he didn't know what to do to help. He knew that he couldn't fix the problem. He knew deep down that Garroth wouldn't be able to see his family in a long time...maybe never. All he could do is be there and listen. It hurt. Part of him though didn't feel guilty. Garroth's parents hated the hero, and he didn't particularly like them either. He disliked that his parents put on this façade that they were the victims of their son's death. That they had to go through trials and tribulations. Blaze did not doubt that they did but, the way they presented themselves made him want to scream every time he sees them. But, his brothers were a different story. He remembered the conversation they had in the bathroom before Shadow attacked the event. They missed Garroth and now, seeing the blonde standing in his home, he only felt sorry for the two who had no idea.
Blaze looked up from the sink to see Garroth still sitting at the counter. He was staring out the windows, gazing at the city outside. He was sitting awkwardly, like if he was waiting for the teacher's dismissal. The redhead put the last dish in the dishwasher, turning to the blonde, smirking.

"You know you can walk around. You seem so nervous,", He chuckled.

"I-I know...I just...", Garroth was trying to the find the words. He didn't know why he was so anxious about being here with Blaze. There was a small feeling that he wasn't supposed to be there. That he should be back in that cell, looking at the blank walls around him. It wasn't Shadow whispering in his ear but, his own thoughts.

Blaze walked over and leaned on the counter, looking at him. He gave a comforting smile and said; "You're safe here. I promise. Today, is going to be the best day you've had in the past decade."

"Oh really? What's on the agenda?", The blonde asked, genuinely curious since they couldn't leave.

"Well, I have experience on spending weeks, months at a time indoors. Not by choice either. So, I have a few ideas."

Garroth had no idea what Blaze was talking about but, he was excited to find out what his plan was.


Baking, movies, coffee, games...Garroth found himself smiling the whole day. Blaze's plan was definitely working and he could tell. He was starting to see the Garroth he remembered. A beautiful smile, paired with a contagious laughter. Watching him slowly go back to how he was, was refreshing to the hero. It gave him hope that his partner would soon return.

"I'm so they realized that can just chop Thanos' arm off and they saved the world? The gauntlet is only made for one hand. Forget the head Thor! Aim for the arm!", Garroth explained while the two were watching Avengers. Blaze laughed, almost choking on the popcorn he was eating. As much as he usually hated nitpickers of film, he loved that Garroth was getting so into it. It was adorable to him.

"P, it's just a movie! Also, you know how easily you can overlook something in the heat of moment,", He said, still laughing.

Once the credits rolled, Blaze reached for the remote on the coffee table in front of them. While leaning forward, Garroth caught a glance of the sunset outside. The room was lit with different hues of orange, red, and yellows. He forgot how beautiful they were and the shadows they casted. Blaze noticed this and his heart skipped a beat. Seeing Garroth's deep blue eyes light up in wonder made everything worth it. The ten years he spent crying, shouting, searching, all made sense now. It was for this. To see him happy again.

"What's going on in that beautiful brain of yours?", Blaze asked, almost above a whisper.

Garroth looked at him and blushed slightly, sinking back into the couch. "Nothing...nothing at all."

"Is that a good thing?"

"'s been a while,", The blonde said truthfully, hugging his cup of tea closer to his chest. "I missed it."

Blaze decided that they would leave Endgame for tomorrow. It was long anyway. He would probably fall asleep before they finished it. He leaned back on the couch, crossing his ankles on the coffee table. Instead, he decided that it might just be better to catch up.

"I have an idea for what we could do next,", Blaze suggested, propping his elbow on the top of his white couch, leaning his cheek against his palm.

"Oh, really? What's that?", Garroth asked, taking his cup of tea from the coffee table, crossing his legs on the couch while leaning back himself.

"Laurance and I play this game every once and while. You ask me a question, I'll answer truthfully and vice versa. It's a great way to catch up and make conversation,", Blaze explained.

"Sounds like some speed dating activity,", Garroth smirked, cocking an eyebrow at him; "but sure. Let's do it."

"Okay. I'll go first. What do you really think of my apartment?"

"I already told you. I think it's great,", Garroth insisted. "To be honest though, I kind of picture you somewhere smaller. You seem like the type of guy who would enjoy a one bedroom apartment."

"Thank you! That's what I've been saying!", The redhead exclaimed, laughing afterwards. "Okay, your turn."

"Okay...what was the rest of high school life for you? I assume you didn't attend Scaleswind Boarding School after the know."

"You'd be correct. I did online school at the S.T.F while I did training. It was a quick few years,", Blaze shrugged. "I kind of want to go to college though. I never got that experience."

"Really? What happens when you can't do the superhero-ing?"

"I guess get a leadership role at the base. Washer will hook me up,", Blaze took a moment to think of his next question. He didn't want anything too serious but, wanted to make it meaningful. "Do you think I'm handsome?"

Garroth choked slightly on his tea, his face turning red again. Blaze chuckled while Garroth found his bearings again before saying; "Y-Yeah...I mean, who wouldn't find you attractive?"

"I guess you're right! I am pretty fabulous!", Blaze joked, showing off his muscles in a way that made Garroth laugh again and roll his eyes.

"Okay! Okay! Don't let it get to your head too much,", The blonde said. "Did you date anyone after me? I find it unlikely that you didn't."

Blaze awkwardly shifted, rubbing the back of his neck. He nervously smiled as he answered; "Just once. For a few months." Garroth scooted closer, interested in knowing more. Blaze was slightly relieved that he didn't mind. "His name was Daniel. He was a really nice guy. Sort've reminded me of you. We both liked each other in a way and tried it out."

"How come it didn't work out?"

"Geez! Now it sounds like you rather have me be with him!"

"I'm just curious! I don't want to make the same mistake!"

"Well, you don't have to worry,", Blaze sighed; "because, knowing that the only reason why I liked him is because he reminded me of you, I realize that why date someone because of that? Daniel deserved someone who loved him for him. I wasn't that person."

Garroth softly smiled and said; "That's really sweet of you Blaze."

"It's nothing really. So, again, my partner slot is open if you want to take it!", Blaze said, becoming comfortable again.

Garroth blushed and said; "D-Do you mean partner as in Protector and Howler sort of thing or b-boyfriend thing?"

Blaze went red this time and said; "I guess either works..."


The two sat there quietly, not really knowing what to say. So, Garroth blurted out; "Just a-ask another question!"

"Okay...,", Blaze said, thinking about it again. "...will you be my boyfriend? I don't think I actually asked you that..."

Garroth snickered, seeing how shy Blaze was acting all of a sudden. "So much for being all 'fabulous' huh?"

"H-Hey! I was joking then! You know that!"

"Haha! Yeah! But, to answer your question, yes, I will be your boyfriend."

"Yes! Finally!", Blaze cheered, pumping his fists into the air before wrapping on around the blonde's shoulder. As much as it was a silly moment, both of the men were elated knowing that they had settled it. Now, they were official and it was refreshing in a way. Blaze was especially excited, since he's waited so long. He found it silly that Garroth had to to have it clearly offered to him. It showed that he may be secretly a genius deep down but, still had an innocent mind. "Okay, your turn to ask another question."

"Hmm,", Garroth hummed as he tapped his chin. An evil grin appeared on his face, making Blaze worry slightly. The blonde asked; "Why did you like Protector so much but, never expressed those same feelings to me?"

"Oh my Irene!", Blaze groaned. "You were the same person!"

"That doesn't explain why you didn't tell me in chemistry class that you...what was the word you used? Oh right, love me. It was also an cheesy set up. Would've been written in some future high school romantic comedy."

Blaze actually never thought about it. He always assumed that he secretly admired Garroth as his friend but, maybe he was right about the fact that he didn't feel the same way back then. Why though?

"That's strange...I did think you were handsome,", Blaze sighed, remembering the conversation earlier. "I guess...maybe because I knew you liked Aphmau. Protector I thought was a completely different person...but, that does leave the question why you took interest in Howler and not me."

Now, Garroth was confused. What spiral did he get them into to?

"I remember you saying you liked someone, which I now know was me. Also, you are right about the fact that I was interested in Aphmau. I guess I don't have an answer...", The blonde kept thinking, recollecting their conversations from the past. Then, it hit him. "Oh! I know! It's because we spent more time as our alter egos than we did as our real identities. We were so busy with school during the day that we really only hung out during patrols!"

"Huh...I guess you're right!", Blaze said, in awe that Garroth was able to come up with that solution so easily. "Look at that brain of your's working. That's why I love you."

Then, as Blaze was about to ask him to say his next question, the blonde got another one in mind.

"Why do you love me?"


"You had ten years to think about it,", Garroth said proudly, only to retract a bit seeing how thrown off the other was. "Y-You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Blaze only smiled softly, combing back some of the blonde's hair that had fallen in front of his face. Garroth looked up at him, the shadows from the window covering his face but, his eyes were as colorful as ever. A forest green with a navy blue, that made you feel lost. As Blaze looked into the blonde's though, he got his answer.

"Well, first of all, you have the kindest heart on the planet. Even before,", He started. "You put yourself in front of others to protect them, even if it means that you'd be hurt in the process. You are always so witty and smart, that it makes me slightly jealous. But, you also are shy and have insecurities yet, you put them aside when needed. When you and I talk, I feel special in a way because, I know that you're someone special and it's rare for people to come across someone like you. The best memories I have is when it was you and me on that rooftop by city square, just talking the night away, looking up at the stars. Your laugh is loud and unapologetic, your voice is traced with an accent that I can't identify, and when you walk into a room, the mood swifts. Your hair is as soft as sand, reminding me of your freckles. And oh boy, your eyes. They remind me of an ocean that pulls me in every time I look at them..."

Garroth's heart was racing at this point. Every word Blaze was saying, he wanted to thank him but, he didn't want him to stop. Blaze continued by saying;

"When I think of you, every day for the past decade, I know you're worth waiting for. You are someone who doesn't know they're a star because they help others shine brighter...that's why I love you. All of you."

When Blaze finished, Garroth had new tears running down his cheeks. They weren't from sadness but, from pure joy. At this point, the cup of tea was back on the coffee table and the two were now turned completely to each other. Hearing Blaze say those things, proved to Garroth that someone did finally love him. It reminded him why he loved him back.

"I...I love you too Blaze..."

Blaze, after hearing those words again for the first time in so long, made him burst. He embraced Garroth tightly, exchanging his warmth with him. Garroth only wrapped his arms around his neck, twisting his red hair in his fingers. The sun was now fully down, the city lights only shining through. Blaze quietly asked; "Why?"

Garroth smiled to himself, knowing how to answer. "Because I'm allowed to be myself around you. You always know what to say, whether it be advice or just for a good laugh."

He felt the other's tan hands move up and down his back, showing affection. Warm breath crashed against the skin on his neck and soon, lips met it as well. Garroth swallowed, holding back a reaction so soon. Besides, he had more to say; "You're the only person I feel comfortable to talk to and tell my secrets to. I could spend hours upon hours with you if I wanted to and never get bored. You have an adventurous and risky spirit that I wish I had. You're brave and confident but, know when to switch into someone quiet and caring at the right moment. Your only flaw is not knowing when to stop caring about others and being selfish from time to time."

"I'm a hero...that's what I do,", Blaze said, moving to the other side of Garroth's neck. He immediately found his sweet spot, earning a small sound. Garroth buried his head into Blaze's shoulder, now gripping his shirt gently as Blaze left a hickey on that same spot.

"Sometimes even a hero needs to take a break,", Garroth breathed out.

"Not me,", Blaze chuckled, separating for a moment to look at Garroth who was red in the face. He got serious for a moment, the room going silent. He cupped his hand on Garroth's pale cheek, wiping a way any liquid still leftover. "That's the reason I got you back. Now, I'm never letting you go."

Blaze passionately kissed Garroth's pink lips, the taste of sugar lingering on them from the baking they did before. The blonde let out a moan into the kiss, giving a sign that he was okay with this. Blaze licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance to which the blonde obliged. As Garroth ran his hands through Blaze's long ruby red hair and gripped his black t-shirt, Blaze explored every crevasse. His tan hands then went up to the collar of his flannel and started to slip it off, not breaking the kiss. Garroth got the signal and tried to do it himself but, it got got caught by the cuffs on his wrists. Blaze, seeing this, got slightly irritated and huffed out; "I can't wait for those to come off."

"My clothes or the bracelets?~"

Blaze, with now new found motivation, quickly tugged off Garroth's flannel and tackled him onto the couch.

"Either works,", He said, licking from the blonde's collarbone up to his jawline.

Garroth placed his hands on Blaze's shoulders playfully, slightly giggling since he was a bit sensitive there. The redhead found it adorable in all honestly. He took off his black t-shirt, making Garroth flustered. He covered his face and Blaze only laughed, amused at his shyness.

"Come on P. Don't you like it?~"


"Then can I see you?"

The man below only nodded, letting Blaze take off his white shirt. Blaze froze. He forgot about it. He forgot about the scar. It was larger than he thought before. It was all along his left arm and chest, patches of his normal skin showing the contrast. Garroth noticed the change in mood and pushed himself up on his elbows.


"Did it hurt...?", Blaze asked out weakly.

Garroth frowned and said; "I-I don't remember..."

"How far does it-"

"The back of my knee...and it's okay. It doesn't bother me."

Blaze put his hands on either side of Garroth and said sternly; "Like I said, I'm never letting you go again. And I'm gonna fix this I promise, got it?"

Garroth, again, only nodded. Blaze reconnected the kiss, igniting the previous spark. Wrapping his arms under Garroth, he picked him up and started carrying him upstairs. Garroth's legs were tightly hooked around his waist as he started to return the hickey on the redhead's neck.

"Garroth~", Blaze breathed out, almost falling at the top. He gripped his behind tighter, the blonde responding by moaning out his name; "Blaze~Mmph~"

Once in the room, Blaze placed Garroth gently on the bed, looking down at him again. He only saw Garroth's eyes sparkle in wonder as he gazed back up at him. That was enough for him to know that what they were doing was okay. For he knew, that the love of his life loved him back.

Word Count: 3038

This one was a long one...yeah. Sorry about that guys! Hopefully this didn't take you too long to read! Let me know though if you like the longer chapters!

Treat people sweet!

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