Stole My Heart

By TheWriter_BBW

675 0 0

Lexie Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson's little sister was sent to study in the US just before Louis' audition. Aft... More

Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3;
Chapter 4;
Chapter 5;
Chapter 6;
Chapter 7;
Chapter 8;
Chapter 9;
Chapter 10;
Chapter 11;
Chapter 12;
Chapter 14;
Chapter 15;
Chapter 16;
Chapter 17;
Chapter 18;
Chapter 19;
Chapter 20;
Chapter 21;
Chapter 22;
Chapter 23;
Chapter 24;
Chapter 25;
Chapter 26;
Chapter 27;
Chapter 28;
Chapter 29;
Chapter 30;
Chapter 31;
Chapter 32;
Chapter 33;
Chapter 34;
Chapter 35;
Chapter 36;

Chapter 13;

17 0 0
By TheWriter_BBW

I wanted to run up the stairs and check to see if everything was okay, but Liam’s arm around me stopped me.

“Let them talk it out, Lex. Lou probably can’t talk to you right now. Let Niall take charge.” He spoke softly in my ear.

“Okay, keep me busy.” I sighed, he nodded, and suggested a game.

10 minutes later.

We started playing a video game. Mario Karts. The sad thing is, I suck at this game and I was beating Liam by two laps.

“LEXIE! You told me you weren’t any good at this game!” He complained, pouting.

“I’M NOT!?” I chimed in disbelief. “Apparently, you’re WORSE then I am!” I laughed as Liam crashed.

“How’d I do that!?” He exclaimed, hitting random buttons on the controller. “Hm..” He got up, right as I was about to win and turned the system off.

“LIAM!?” I punched him in the arm. “I was actually WINNING that one!” I fell back in frustration, laying on the ground. I closed my eyes, as I heard Zayn laugh.

“Liam is a cheater! He always does that when he’s losing.” Liam just smiled at me.

“I do not. I was just done playing.” He got off the floor and went back to the couch to get his phone.

“Thanks Liam… just leave me here!” I just laid there, not moving. Thinking. “Wonder what’s going on upstairs.” I whispered to myself.

“Heyy Niall.” Katie called, I sat up so fast I almost fell back over.

We made eye-contact and he came straight to me. His smile gave me hope all was okay.

“Louis wants to talk to you.” He whispered in my ear, hugging me tightly to his body.

“Okay… I’ll be back in a few minutes…” I slowly stood up, I looked around. Everyone chose that moment to go back to what they were previously doing.

Harry and Katie were talking, about what, only God knows. Liam was texting Danielle and Zayn was trying to get his attention. Niall had made his way towards the kitchen.

I slowly ascended the stairs. I got to the top and I turned towards Louis’ room. Just outside his door, I heard him on the phone. After he hung up, I knocked on it softly.

“Come in.” I walked in. It was the first time I’ve ever felt awkward standing in his room.

“Hi Lou.” I said, not looking at him.

“Lexie… I’m sorry.” He walked over and hugged me. My arms wrapped around his waist, hugging him back.

“Lou, I’M sorry… I should have told you I liked Niall.” I looked into his eyes.

“About that… I thought we told each other everything Lex?” His eyes took on a sad glow.

“We do… I-I was just worried about talking to YOU about BOYS I like.” I replied, sitting down on his bed.

“I get that Lex, I’m your older brother. I’ll be protective over you. I’ll be a weirdo and stalk your date, like I said I would. But Lex, you have to understand, you have to see things from my perspective. You’re my little sister, you’re so small, and fragile. I don’t want anything happening to you under my watch. You’re going to start dating, I get that. You’ve probably liked boys for years now. I get that too. But Lexie, I’ve had my heart broken a few times, and it’s the worst feeling in the world. I just don’t want to see my little sister be put through it. Lex, when you were younger and you were getting bullied. You want to know why they suddenly quit?” I nodded. ” I beat them up and shoved them in their own lockers. No one was going to make my sister cry then, and no one is going to make her cry now.” He pulled me close for a sidehug. ” Lex, I just hope you understand. I feel like I’m responsible for being your older brother, and a father-figure. Since ya know, our dad just kind of left us.” He took a breath.

Talking about our dad really gets him worked up.

“I may not fully get it Lou, but I get the jist. I love you more then you know Louis. You’re the greatest older brother anyone can ask for.” I hugged him tight.

“Lexie… I want you and Naill to be together.” I froze.

“You what?”

“I had this long talk with Niall, and he told me just how much he likes you. Lex, he’s falling and hard. It was cute.” He paused. ” And if you ever LIE to me again, or KEEP something this big from me… I’ll ground you.” He smirked at me.

“YEA. OKAY!” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Or… I could do this…” He leaned over, grabbed my by my waist, and up in the air I went.

“LOUIS!? PUT ME DOOOOOOOOWN!” I screeched as he ran down the stairs with me over his shoudler. “I DO NOT APPROVE OF THIS! DAMNIT LOUIS! PUT ME DOWN!” I covered my eyes.

He slung me forward and dropped me on someone. “LOUIS THAT HURT!” I yelped.

“Lex?” Niall laughed.

“Oh, hi Niall.”

“Alright, give them a moment. Into the kitchen! NOW!” Lou picked Harry up, and everyone else followed.

“Louis, I don’t think us sharing Harry is going to work…” Katie said.

“SHARE!? WOAH! I DON’T SHARE WELL!?” Lou called to her.

“Oh my God. Katie and Lou are fighting over Harry. Good Lord.” I facepalmed.

“How’s talking with Louis go?” Niall asked playing with my hair. He twirled a strand around his finger, his eyes looking at the light brown mass I call my hair.

“Actually, really well.” I looked into his eyes. I bit my lip, I glanced at the kitchen. I didn’t see any obvious lookers… So I grabbed Niall by the back of his neck and kissed him.

After I pulled away from him, I noticed how flushed his face was.

“That was… the best kiss I’ve ever had.” Niall whispered, embarrassed. I knew it was true for me too, because my face was burning hot, and him saying that… the temperature of my face increased be 100 degrees.

“Lex?” Niall’s hand gripped mine.

“Yes?” I replied, my full attention on him.

“Will you take the honor of making me extremely happy and be my girlfriend?” He asked, smiling, hope glistening in his eyes.

“Of course Niall!” I squeezed his hand, as he kissed my nose.

“YAYYYY! LEXIE’S GOT A BOYFRIEND! NOW the ground rules. No macking on my sister INFRONT of me. No touchy feely. Around me or not. Try and keep the lovey-dovey couple stuff to a minimum around us. And no sex.” His face was as casual as ever. Then he got to the no sex part and it become straight lines. I CAN’T believe he just had to announce that infront of everyone.

“Yes dad….” I mumbled, as Niall wrapped his arms around me.

“Don’t make me get you Lexie!” Lou threatened as he jumped into the chair. “ANYWAY, let’s watch a movie!”

Everyone piled into the livingroom. I was draped across Niall since that’s how he wanted me to lay. Liam was on the other side of me. Zayn was sitting on the floor, right infront of the couch. Harry and Katie were on the love seat, cuddling. Yea, I knew this would happen. And Lou was in the chair, on his phone whenever a commercial came on. We were all laughing, carrying on, and joking together.

This is how life should be. Friends just hanging out, living life. It’s great that Niall and I can be open about our relationship with the group now. I don’t feel bad now that we’re holding hands, or that his other hand was wrapped around my waist under the blanket.

Everyone wanted to order pizza, and the pizza joint was about a 10 minute drive away. Niall volunteered to drive, so I went with him.

We got back to the house after getting the pizza, to see the other huddled around one of the computers.

“GEEZ! We can’t do ANYTHING without getting seen!” Zayn said, “I love the fans, but damn!” I craned my neck to see what everyone was looking at.

It was pictures of me and Niall.

Just. Fucking. Great. This is just what I need right now.

“Look at the caption… and the comments! Fantastic.” Lou said aloud. “Lexie DO NOT read this. They’re quite disgusting.” He covered my eyes. I grabbed his hand and moved it.

“Who is this bitch all over Niall!? She’s ugly as fuck.”

“Wow. Niall certainly knows how to pick trolls.”

“Ew. That thing is gross.”

“Isn’t that Louis’ sister! Wow. What a user.”

“Ikr! She’s totally using her brother to get to his friends. Shallow bitch.”

“What the hell is this!?” I exclaimed. “Life was JUST going great, and then this!” I fell onto the couch.

“Lex, it’s about to get worse, I’ve been flooded with interview requests… They all would like for you to come too…” He said.

“Well, you know what?”




We know what!?

Don't you just love haters?


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