The PopStar And The Make-up A...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

49.4K 858 1.5K

Louis walks in to the first day on a movie set is was hired to do the makeup and special effects in leading c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

2.2K 34 31
By NotReadyToPlayNice


its been 3 months since harry found out about Kash and has been spending as much time with him as possible and has started recording again as for louis he has been busier with his make up line and a month ago moved into his new building and takes kash when he has time

"mom we have to go" louis says

"we are coming try to get 4 girls out of the house" jay says as she takes kash from louis as they walk to the car and jay puts cash in his carrier as they drive to the photo shoot for adidas

"ok we have all of your clothes for the day and louis we have the baby's things in your dressing room we want to do you first then the group" the director says

"ok" louis says as he follows the stylist to his dressing room and changes and soon walks out of the dressing room and starts to pose as the photographer starts to take his picture

"louis can we get one of you holding your son i mean you would have to take off your shirt and your son will have an adidas diaper cover on only" the photographer says as jay takes off the babys clothes and puts on the diaper cover shorts and hands him to louis as they continue to take pictures louis posing how he is told and soon kash starts to get fussy "i think he is done mom can you get him please" and jay gets kash from louis

"ok now we want you to pose with your sisters one by one and then we can do a bunch of you all" the photographer says as lotties get near louis as they start to pose and then start to laugh as they start to have fun then its fizzy, daisy and phoebe and for the final shoot they all get on set and start to pose and have fun "ok on this last photo i want momma tomlinson"

"no i dont think so" jay says

"mom please" they all say at the same time as they start to pout and bat their eyes

"i should put you all up for adoption for that" jay says laughing

"so you will do it" louis asks

"fine" jay says as they take her to change and soo comes back as she sits down where they tell her as everyone starts to kiss and have fun with her as she starts to laugh

"and we are done" the photographer says "you have beautiful children they should be models"

"thank you my greatest masterpieces" jay says proudly "but i want them to finish school then they can decide"

"ok well we are done" the photographer says

"can you send me i mean i can pay for them i mean copies of the pictures you took please" jay says

"i will dont worry i wont charge you its been fun today you are all naturals" the creative director says

"can i get take a picture of the baby posing i want to send it to his dad" louis says as the creative director pulls up the ones of kash and louis sends it to harry "look booboo daddy says he is proud of you"

"well you are all free to go" the creative director says "and you can take what ever you want"

"really" daisy says


"thank you so much" they all say as they go to their dressing rooms and pick out a few things and soon leave

"this was so much fun" pheobe says

"yeah i know i am so happy we all get to share this" louis says as they all hug "lets get something to eat"

"lou" daisy says


"are we still going to do the photo shoot for your new collection"

"yeah of course why" louis says confused

"well the stylist that was helping pheebs and me said that she didnt understand why we were in the shoot with you since we didnt have any experience and when she heard pheebs and i talking about how excited we were about doing your photo shoot for your new collection she told us she was going to talk to you and not let us" daisy says

"wait when the hell did all this happen" jay says as she starts to get upset

"when you took boo to louis" phoebe says

"ohh hell naw why didnt you tell me when we were there" louis asks

"we were scared she told us if we said something she would make sure we never did another photo shoot again" daisy says

"listen to me and listen closely" louis says " for my makeup line i call the shots and your are my sisters and i want you all on the photo shoot and trust me next time we do another campaign for adidas i will make sure she is not there i am going to talk to liam about this see what we can do"

"ok thank you loulou for protecting us" daisy says

"your lucky its louis and not harry" lottie says laughing

"hmm maybe i should call harry and tell him" louis says laughing

"stop its not funny" phoebe says

"girls if you want to be in the industry you need to have a thick skin and not listen to what people say about you as much as i want to protect you all from the world i cant but please next time come and talk to us and we will take care of it" jay says

"we will we promise" daisy and phoebe say as they get to their house

"kash is asleep" fizzy says

"mom can you keep him for a few hours i want to talk to liam about this" louis says

"sure" fizzy says as he takes kash out of his seat as pheobe gets the diaper bag and louis leaves as he calls liam

"louis how did everything go" liam asks

"good are you at your office i want to talk to you about something" louis says

"yeah i am here"

"ok i will see you in 10 minutes i am close by" louis says

"ok" liam says as he hangs up and louis gets to his office a few minutes later "louis come in"

"thanks ohh sorry didnt know you were here" louis says

"umm i can leave" harry says

"no its ok its going to be quick" louis says

"ok tell me" liam says as louis starts to tell liam what daisy and pheobe told him "ohhh really who was the stylist"

"margo something" louis says

"ohh her i thought they fired her so many people have complained about her she has been trying to get her niece into modeling but" is all liam can say as louis phone starts to ring "answer it"

"louis tomlinson can i help you" louis answers as he puts his phone on speaker

"mr tomlinson my name is margo i was the stylist for your sisters today and wanted to ask if you would consider my niece to model for your new collection you are going to drop"

"umm i think this is unprofessional of you to call me and ask for work" louis says as liam motions for louis not to tell her daisy told him about what happened

"well i been trying to get her into the industry but i havent been able to and she really wants to get into modeling but her interest is more make up"

"well my fall and winter collection is done and i wont have anything else for a few months i am sorry but at the moment i have nothing else to be able to help you, by the way how did you get my phone number" louis questions

"ohh um i kinda told sally that you left something behind and she gave me your phone number"

"hmmm so you lied to the creative director" louis says

"kinda look i really want to help my niece, i gave her your phone number and told her to call you" margo says hopeful

"you did what" louis yells out "how could you"

"she promised she wouldn't give it to anyone" margo says

"look i am not going to help her or you so please dont ever call me again" louis says as he hangs up the phone "did you record that shit"

"yeah" liam says

"so what now" harry says "i want to kill her for what she told the twins"

"calm down" louis says

"let me call bradly" liam says

"where is kash"

"fizzy stole him" louis says

"i swear its either fiz or gems" harry says laughing

"its funny when they are together they fight for him" louis says as they continue to talk and soon liam gets off the phone

"bradly will be here in 20 minutes, they have audio and video recordings in the dressing room" liam says "and we need daisy and phoebe here"

"let me call my mom and have lots bring them " louis says

"no niall is on his way i will have him pick them up" harry says as he takes out his phone and calls niall as louis calls jay "he is on his way and not happy"

"they are going to die" louis says laughing

"you tomlinsons are so dramatic" liam says

"hey" louis says

"ohh dont get offended" harry says as louis starts to pout and bat his eyes and harry just smiles and soon niall walks in with daisy and phoebe

"you told this crazy leprechaun" daisy says as she hugs louis

"yeah and that crazy styles" louis says laughing "well he was here when i told liam"

"uugh why us" phoebe says

"sit" harry says as the girls sit down

"tell us what happened" liam says as they repeat the same story word for word as liams phone starts to ring" yes esther"

"mr bradly is here from adidas"

"let him in please" liam says as the door opens "bradly how are you"

"embarrassed that this happened" bradly says

"well come in, this is harry styles niall horan harrys guitarist and part time assistant, louis and his sisters daisy and phoebe" liam says

"nice to meet you" they all say as they shake hands

"daisy phoebe i know you told us already but i want you to tell bradly what happened" liam says as daisy and phoebe start to say their story again word for word

"girls i want to apologize about what happened and i promise this will never happened again" bradly says

"well margo also called louis and we recorded the whole thing" liam says as he plays the recording to bradly

"uughg i cant believe this happened, louis i am so sorry about this but i will personally fire her" bradly says

"look we all had fun today and i just didnt like that she was in a way bullying my sisters and to tell them that she had pull to get them fired is not ok with me" louis says "but not only that but to give my phone number to her niece ohhh no no no"

"dont worry louis i will take care of it"

"and you are lucky its me here and not my mom" louis says

"i heard about her so thank you for that" bradly says as he laughs " but rest assure that i will personally fire her but honestly you might have to change your phone number no telling what she might do"

"look give me a few days to change the phone number then fire her" louis says

"ok just have liam call me" bradly says

"you girls ok" harry asks as he hugs daisy and pheobe

"yeah we were just scared to get in trouble we had so much fun today didnt feel like work but just us hanging out with our brother and we enjoyed every minute and didnt want to get in trouble and not be invited to do another photo shoot" daisy says

"girls you did nothing wrong and i am happy you said something so we can take care of it and I saw some pictures of the photo shoot and they look amazing and the photographer and creative director all loved you guys and gave us nothing but positive feed back so you all did amazing and depending how this campaign goes we might invite you all back again" bradly says as louis phone starts to ring again

"its her" louis says

"put her on speaker and dont tell her we are here" bradly says "liam record"

"louis tomlinson"

"mr tomlinson its margo again"

"i am busy what do you need" louis says annoyed

"i talked to my niece and she said she can meet with you tomorrow at 10" margo says

"i never agreed to meet with her" louis says trying not to let anger get the best of him

"look meet with her tomorrow or i will ruin your reputation and tell people how difficult you are to work with and i have so much pull in this industry that i can ruin all of your careers" margo threatens

"do what you need to do but i wont meet with her tomorrow i am busy all day" louis says as liam motions for louis to meet in an hour "look how about in an hour come to my managers office i will talk to her but i am making no promises" louis says annoyed

"fine let me call her see if she can" margo says annoyed "i will call you back"

"fine" louis says as he hangs up the phone "can one of you take my sisters home dont want them to witness me getting arrested for murder"

"stop being dramatic" liam says " harry you and niall need to leave tho"

"ohh hell no" niall yells out

"then you all need to behave" liam says

"maybe" harry says with a smile

"man you all are over protective" bradly says

"you have no idea" liam says laughing as louis phone starts to ring as louis answers and puts it on speaker

"hello margo" louis says in a monotone voice

"she said in an hour and make sure you dont say shit and make it seem like it was your idea or else i will ruin you" margo says

"fine i will text you the address and my manager will let his receptionist know you are coming what is your nieces name" louis says

"joselyn smiles" margo says as louis eyes get wide

"ok see you in 30 minutes" louis says as he hangs up the phone and text her the address "ohh for fucks sakes"

"is that who i think it is" harry says

"i am pretty sure it is" louis says

"is that joselyn the one you got fired at the movie set" liam asks

"i think so" harry says

"well we will see when they walk in" niall says and 30 minutes later liams phone rings and soon margo and joselyn walk in

"good afternoon, i am so happy you decided to give me an opportunity to shadow you after mr nolan fired me i couldnt find work but thank you i can start in 3 weeks as i have a trip planned and cant start work until then and i can only work until 2PM and dont even ask me to work weekends because that is my social days and i cant even be bothered" jocelyn starts to say with a smile

"hold on" louis says as he puts his hand up and points his index finger up "nobody said i was going to hire you or work with you and what entitlement trip are you on that you think i am going to work around your schedule" louis says with annoyance

"ohh you are going to hire me or i will ruin your career" joselyn threatens

"go ahead what are you going to do tell the world that harry and i were together" louis says

"no that you and adam lambert are together" joselyn says

"go ahead but i would be careful of adam" louis says as he laughs

"i have pictures of you and adam and will sell them if you dont hire me" joselyn says "and i will tell the world that you were cheating on harry"

"go ahead i am not scared of you or even threatened" louis says as he takes out his phone

"who are you calling" margo questions

"well if you are going to threaten me with exposing my and adams relationship i need to tell him" louis says as he sees harry glaring at him

"louis " adam answers

"hey are you busy" louis asks

"just talking to my attorney and manager about my contract"

"well put me on speaker you will need your attorney and manager to listen to this" louis says "i am going to put you on speaker"

"ok, you are on speaker what is going on" adam questions

"well" louis says as he tells adam everything that is going on

"is she there" adams attorney asks

"yes" louis says as harry still glaring at louis

"ms smiles, as mr lamberts attorney i will advised you that you refrain from that or we will sue you"

"you cant sue me for pictures i have you are stupid to think that you can scare me" jocelyn yells out "watch i am going to destroy all of you"

"ok go ahead" liam says "if that is all then you both can leave"

"and margo you are fired" bradly says "go tomorrow to the office and pick up your things and we will have your final wages ready when you get there"

"but but why am i getting fired" margo questions

"well because" bradly says as liam plays back the recording

"you cant record me i dont consent and that wont be admissible in court" margo yells out

"well actually it is since my building has signs that says that upon entering you consent to  being recorded with audio and video so you have nothing" liam says

"anything else you would like to add ms smiles" adams attorney says

"i am going to ruin you all" joselyn says as she stands up and walks out of the office and margo follows behind her

"liam let me take care of this i know how to stop them" adams manager says

"ok just keep me updated and i will forward you everything we have" liam says

"ok thank you for letting me know" adams manager says as liam hangs up

"well one issue down" liam says laughing

"well i better get going thank you liam" louis says as he hugs liam as daisy and phoebe go to hug him

"stay out of trouble" liam says

"we will" daisy and phoebe say

"wait i will walk you all to your car incase they are outside" niall says

"we all will go with you" liam says

"harry doesnt even have this much security on him" louis whines

"shut it i dont want to get in trouble with your mom if something happens to you" harry says

"fine" louis says

"and dont you dare roll your eyes" liam says

"ooopps" louis says laughing as they leave liams office and when they are about to walk out of the building

"they are still outside" phoebe says as she points

"lets go back to my office" liam says "june call the police"

"yes sir" the receptionist says as they all go back to liam office

"i need to call my mom before she worries" louis says as he takes out his phone and calls his mom

"so how are you girls doing" liam says

"good just got scared we would get in trouble" daisy says

"well as long as you have us you will always be protected" liam says

"thank you guys, you are seriously the best body guards we could ever ask for" phoebe says as her and daisy go and hug niall, liam Bradley and harry

"even you harry thank you" daisy says

"no problem you know we love you girls and would do anything to protect you" harry says

"and i promise not to date until you are dead" phoebe says laughing

"thank you my favorite tomlinson" harry says laughing as louis walks back in the room

"what did mom say" daisy asks

"she is not happy and wants to come and kill them and she said if anything happens to us its your heads" louis says laughing

"see that is why you will never date" niall says laughing

"paul and some other guards are on their way and they are taking you all home" liam says

"so what do we do in the mean time" louis says

"i want to go home i miss my son" louis says

"can i have him this weekend please" harry says

"yeah sure" louis says

"thank you" harry says as louis phone starts to ring and louis walks out of liams office

"stop being jealous" daisy says

"what i wasnt" harry lies

"yeah sure you are stupid and a bad liar" phoebe says

"you both are lucky i love you" harry says

"we know and we need to make sure you dont climb that high horse again" daisy says laughing

"can we take a picture with you and post it on our social media please" phoebe says as they bat their eyes and pout

"for fucks sakes tomlinsons" harry yells out as he covers his eyes and liam, niall and bradly do the same

"just give them what ever they want" bradly yells out

"what" daisy and phoebe say at the same time as they start to laugh as louis walks into the room

"what is going on that everyone has their eyes covered" louis says confused

"nothing they are all being dramatic" phoebe says laughing

"your sisters have the same pout and bat their eyes like you that is not fair" harry yells out

"ohh this one" louis says as he looks at his sisters and they all do it at the same time

"stop" the 4 men yell out at the same time as they cover their eyes

"well now i know what to do to get what i want" louis says laughing "thanks girls" louis says as he high fives his sisters as they start to laugh

"anytime lou" daisy and phoebe say at the same time as paul walks in the office

"do it to paul" liam says

"do what" paul questions as louis, daisy and phoebe start to pout and bat their eyes "stop" paul yells out as he covers his eyes "i fucken quit"

"liar" harry yells out as they all start to laugh

"well that was fun" daisy says laughing

"well i checked out side the police escorted both ladies off the property so i will take the 3 of you home" paul says

"can we get ice cream please" daisy says in a sad tone as she starts to pout

"STOP" paul yells out again

"puleaseeeee" louis, daisy and phoebe say at the same time

"i quit i quit" paul says "i cant with any of you, should let you all walk out on your own"

"if something happens to us you have to tell mom" louis says in a matter of fact voice

"why did you have to say that" paul says "fine lets go get ice cream"

"we want to come too" niall says

"fine but you are paying" paul says laughing

"fine lets go get ice cream" niall says as they walk out of liams office and go into pauls car and drive to the ice cream shop together and soon just sit down at a table as far away from everyone as possible louis making sure to sit close to harry to block him

"you see how the cashier almost fainted when she saw styles here" bradly says

"ohh yeah" everyone says as they continue to talk and laugh and harry just stares at louis

"stop staring" niall whispers into harry ear

"sorry cant help it" harry says

"stop he is with adam" niall says

"i know" harry says

"what are you two whispering about" liam asks

"nothing just band shit" niall says as they see 2 girls walk to their table and harry starts to get nervous and louis gets harrys hand and rubs his thumb on harrys hand as harry starts to calm down

"ummm we are sorry we are big fans of yours can we take a picture" one of the girls says as they all look at harry

"umm sure" harry says as he starts to stand up

"no not you harry, louis" the other girl says as they all start to laugh as Harry sits back down

"i mean we love you harry but we want a picture with louis" the other girl says laughing

"umm sure but can you please not post it right now i am with my sisters" louis says as he stands up and takes the picture with the girls

"thank you louis we learned to put on our make up because of your tutorials thank you" one the girls says

"umm harry can we take a picture with you now" the other girl says

"now you want to take a picture but no" harry teases as he starts to pout

"we are sorry but we were excited to see louis" the other girl says

"its ok i know he is more popular than me" harry says dramatically

"your funny so are you and louis back together" the girl asks

"no we are just here on business" louis says

"so you were sitting in front of him to protect him from us crazy fans" the other girl asks

"yeah i mean he is still harry styles and if something was to happen to him then what would my son do" louis says with a smile

"is he here i mean your son"

"no he is with his grandmother sorry" louis says

"bummer well thank you for taking time to talk to us and the pictures" the girl says

"no problem have your self a good rest of your day" louis says as they all go back to sit down

"that was a first" harry says

"aww you are upset they liked me better than you" louis teases

"no relief" harry says

"well lets get going before my mom worries where we are" louis says as they all stand up and go to pauls car and soon get to jays house as they get down and say their final good byes and louis,daisy and phoebe walk into the house "MOM" louis yells out

"shhh baby is sleeping" jay says

"sorry" louis says as he walks into the family room "ohh hi dan"

"hey just came for a visit and wanted to play with the baby for a bit" dan says

"you came to play with my son or my mom" louis teases as they start to laugh

"well i came because your mom said the baby was here and since she is here well that was a bonus" dan says as jay starts to blush

"so what happened" jay asks wanting to change the subject as louis, daisy and phoebe tell jay what happened and what happened at the ice cream shop "no way thats funny"

"and harry was just like ok and sat back down" daisy says laughing

"it was funny" phoebe says

"i can imagine" jay says as louis hears kash starting to cry

"i will get him" dan says as he stands up and picks up kash "hey baby boy what is the matter you miss mommy or nana"

"me" louis and jay say at the same time

"im sure he misses his dad since he is more attached to harry than louis" lottie says laughing

"true" fizzy says laughing "how did it go"

"good" daisy says as they tell lottie and fizzy what happened"

"should of punched her" lottie says laughing

"stop and then we went to get ice cream" phoebe says laughing

"we didnt get ice cream" fizzy whines

"call liam or harry" louis says laughing as lottie takes out her phone and calls harry since she knows she is Harry's favorite

"lots is everything ok" harry answers

"yeah everything is fine louis and the twins told us what happened are you ok is your ego bruised yet" lottie says laughing

"shut it lots" harry says laughing

"so we heard you took the 3 of them to get ice cream and fizzy and I didnt get shit" lottie says trying to sound angry but failing

"what had happened was that it was pauls idea" harry says

"well i want vanilla and chocolate chip, fizz wants strawberry and cookies and cream are you wetting this down and mom wants coffee and chocolate and dan is here, what did you want harry is paying" lottie says laughing

"rainbow sherbert" dan says "but i can pay for it"

"dan wants rainbow sherbert, please and thank you we will see you in 30 minutes" lottie says laughing "ohh and louis wants another scoop of vanilla and daisy wants mint and chip and phoebe wants chocolate chip cookie dough"

"but we are almost to liams office" harry says

"figure it out" lottie says laughing as she hangs up on harry

"that was mean" dan says

"what he wants to be treated normal well he can be normal" lottie says

"here louis your son needs a diaper change" dan says as he hands kash to louis

"hey booboo momma missed you so much but dont worry daddy said he will pick you up tomorrow" louis says as kash starts to smile as louis goes to lotties room which was louis old room and changes kash and soon louis goes back downstairs and dan takes kash from him

"hey kashew did momma treat you good" dan says as kash laughs as he puts his hands in his mouth and starts to suck on them "do you have his pacy"

"yeah here" louis says as he gives it to dan and dan puts it in his mouth

"he is such a good baby" dan says as they continue to laugh and talk and soon there is a knock at the door and lottie goes to open it and harry, niall and liam walk in

"did you get it yourself or have one of your minions do it" fizzy says

"we three got them" harry says with attitude" i know how you tomlinsons are"

"good" lottie says as they walk to the family room

"umm harry, niall liam this is dan deakin my boyfriend" jay says "dan this is harry kash's dad and niall harrys guitarist and liam is harrys manager"

"nice to meet you and good luck " harry says laughing as they shake hands as niall and liam start giving everyone their ice cream

"too late should of warned me 2 years ago" dan says

"stop it" louis says

"its true" liam says

"well its too late i love her already" dan says with a smile

"can i have my son" harry says

"no i am holding him" dan says

"great just great now we have to fight him for my son" harry says

"but he is so cute i want to bite his chubby little cheeks off" dan says as he pretends to bite kash's cheeks as kash starts to giggle and laugh

"so dan do you have any kids" liam asks

"no but i am having fun with the girls and kash and hopefully i get to see all of them grow" dan says as he looks at jay

"hopefully" is all jay can say

"well we all like you dan and you make mom so happy" louis says

"thank you and she makes me happy" dan says "hey i wanted to ask you louis"


"i been talking to your mom alot and i asked her a question and she told me i had to talk to you first" dan says

"yeah sure" louis says as he looks between his mom and dan

"ummm i dont know how to ask you this" dan says nervously as everyone gasps as they put their hands over their mouths realizing what dan was going to ask

"just say it" louis says with a wide smile

"can i have kash" dan says as he and jay start to laugh

"you both are mean" louis says laughing "but no he is my son and i will not give him away"

"i swear every conversation he always asks" jay says

"ask his dad" louis says

"no its ok the way harry is glaring at me i am fine" dan says laughing

"smart man" louis says laughing

"dont worry love if harry tries to get near you i will take care of him, right harry" jay says laughing

"can we just get past that please" harry whines

"thank you honey" dan says laughing

"uughgh i regret all life choices right now" harry says

"dont worry baby daddy i gotchu" louis says as he stands in front of harry and harry cant help but put his hand on louis waist

"thank you doll" harry says as he sticks his tongue out at jay and dan

"i have to get going i go into work in an hour" dan says as he hands kash to harry

"thank you love" jay says as dan kisses jay

"EWWW" everyone yells out as they cover their eyes

"ohh grow up" jay says laughing "see why i didnt want you to meet all these kids"

"i know but they are amazing" dan says with a smile

"we love you both" everyone says as they all go hug dan and jay as they start to laugh

"gosh you all are emabarrasing" jay says laughing

"well it was fun we should do this more often thank you guys" dan says as he hugs everyone and walks out the door

"i like him" louis says

"me too" jay says with a big smile

"have you guys talked about getting married and stuff" louis asks

"we have but i want to wait a bit more just alot going on" jay says

"mom get married and enjoy life we all support you and we all see he makes you happy" louis says with a smile

"i know but i am still scared" jay says

"dont be take the jump and if he breaks your heart we send paul" liam says as they start to laugh

"thank you all" jay says

"well we better get going its getting late" niall says

"can you take me to pick up my car please" louis says

"yeah sure come on" liam says

"mom can i leave the baby i dont have a car seat for him" louis says

"yeah sure or leave him and pick him up tomorrow" jay says

"sure" louis says as they walk out of the house and drop off louis at liams building and louis drives to his house and takes a shower and gets into bed as he hears a notification coming in and louis looks at his phone

HARRY: i just wanted to tell you i had alot of fun today

LOUIS: me too havent laughed this much in i dont even remember but thank you for protecting my sisters i appreciate it alot

HARRY: you dont have to thank me i will always protect all of you

LOUIS: thank you and good night

and louis puts his phone away as he watches television and soon falls alseep


its been 3 months since louis saw joselyn and her aunt and liam made sure to send out restraining orders against them, louis decided to do a seperate birthday party for kash from harry and since their birthdays were on a thursday louis let harry have him for the 2 days as louis was only going to do a small gathering as jays house

"mom what time is harry bringing boo" louis says

"an hour" jay says

"ok i have to pick up the cake so i will be back in a few" louis says as he walks out of the house and sees dan pull up and louis waves to dan

"wait dont leave" dan says as louis stops and waits for dan and when dan parks his car he walks to louis

"hey thank you for coming" louis says

"no need to thank me i want to be here i took the day off" dan says

"aww booboo is going to be happy" louis says

"umm i wanted to talk to you about something" dan says nervously

"yeah sure" louis says

"umm i want your blessing to ask your mom to marry me i mean im not going to do it today" dan asks nervously

"i know you make my mom very happy and i would be honored for you to marry my mom but she comes with 5 kids and a grandkid" louis says with a smile

"i know and i love you all and i have an idea of how i want to plan this can you and the girls help me" dan says

"I have a business trip and leave Monday i will call you when I get home and we can go over ideas" louis says

"Ok thank you" dan says as louis hugs dan

"i will be back i have to pick up the cake" louis says as he leaves and dan walks in the house

"honey" dan yells out

"kitchen" jay yells out

"you need help"

"no its ok i am almost done and harry should be bringing kash over soon" jay says "did you get the day off"

"yeah told mathew it was my grandsons birthday" dan says as kash has started calling dan granpa

"are you ok with him calling you grandpa i mean if you are not its ok" jay says

"its fine i love it and you know daisy the other day called me dad" dan says

"i know but if you are not ok with it please let me know i know they love you alot" jay says

"i like it makes me feel good that they trust me enough to call me dad and grampa its not forced its all coming from them" dan says as he hugs jay

"thank you for being amazing" jay says "and loving all my brats"

"they are not brats they just have your temper" dan says laughing

"fine i created this stubborn hard headed army that sometimes i dont understand why" jay says laughing as they hear the doorbell ring

"i will answer" dan says as he opens the door and sees harry and kash is crying "what is wrong buddy"

"he is upset because he couldnt bring a roll of toilet paper with him" harry says laughing

"no laugh, daddy" kash says

"aww buddy its ok we are going to celebrate your birthday and going to have cake mom went to get it" dan says as he takes kash from harry and hugs him tight

"tank you gampy" kash says as he smiles

"see that helped" dan says

"umm i'll call louis tomorrow i have to go over my tour schedule" harry says

"ok i will let louis know when he comes back" dan says as harry walks out of the house and dan walks to the kitchen

"why is he crying" jay says as she tries to reach for kash but kash just hugs dan tight as dan tells jay why kash was crying as jay starts to laugh

"no funny nana" kash says

"ok its not funny" jay says

"you want to go play" dan says

"no i stay here" kash says

"dont be a grumpy pants mr kash let me see that smile that grampa loves" dan says as kash starts to smile as lottie and fizz walk down the stairs

"come here kashew" lottie says as kash just hugs dan tightly

"what is up with him why is dan his favorite" fizzy says as she tries to grab for kash and he wont let them

"he loves his gampy" dan says as kash looks at dan

"yeah gampy mine" kash says as louis walks in the door with the cake

"look mommy is here" dan says

"no i wit gampy" kash says as he cuddles into dan as dan starts to rub his back

"mom i am back do you have room for the cake" louis says as he puts it down on the counter "aww there is my big boy" louis says as he reaches for kash

"no mommy i wit gampy" kash says as he cuddles back with dan

"what the hell" louis says confused

"i think he needs a nap" dan says as he tells louis about kash crying

"let me make him a bottle" louis says as he makes kash a bottle and hands it to dan and kash starts to drink it as he starts to fall asleep

"see he just needed a nap, ohh harry said he is going to call you tomorrow and let you know about his tour" dan says

"ohh ok thank you let me help mom and set up the back yard" louis says as dan sits down with kash and when kash was out dan lays him down on his pack and play

"want some help" dan says

"yeah please just set up the two tables and the chairs" louis says as soon they finish they sit down and start to talk and soon louis hears kash crying and goes to him

"gampy gampy" kash cries out and swats louis hands when he reaches for him

"dan" louis yells out

"yeah" dan says as he walks in

"he wants you" louis says as dan picks him up

"what is wrong buddy" dan says as kash cuddles into him

"gampy" kash says as he takes a deep breath as kash makes grabby hands

"what the hell dan" louis says laughing

"he loves his gampy now can i keep him you can babysit" dan says laughing

"of course not" louis says "or you can ask harry"

"well of course he is going to say no" dan says laughing

"i think he just woke up grumpy today" louis says

"me too" jay says as kash goes back to sleep

"this is new" dan says "let me check him he never falls asleep this quick again after a nap"

"let me call harry see if he noticed anything weird" louis says as he calls harry

"hon go get me a thermometer to take his temperature" dan says as jay gets up and dan walks in the house and lays kash down on the couch as jay walks to the living room

"here is my stethescope and thermometer" jay says as she hands them to dan

"hmmm" dan says

"harry said he was fine these 2 days and they went to the trampoline place" louis says

"hmmm i think he might he getting the flue do you have any medicine for him" dan says

"umm yeah let me go get it" jay says as she goes and gets it and comes back "just give him a quarter"

"does he have a fever" louis asks

"his temperature is a bit high but nothing to alarming" dan says

"my baby" louis says

"he is going to be fine but if his fever rises you need to get him to the hospital quick" dan says

"ok" louis says "i need to call harry and let him know"

"what is wrong with kashew" lottie says

"he is not feeling good might be getting a fever" dan says

"so you all need to stay away from him i dont want you girls to get sick" jay says

"but mom" the 4 girls start to whine

"i know girls but as much as it hurt me to see him sick it hurts me to see you girls sick to" jay says as louis walks back "what did he say"

"he is coming with anne, Gemma and robin" louis says

"man this little boy is so loved" dan says

"ohhh yeah" louis says as the door bell rings and harry walks in with his parents and sister

"my son is sick" harry says as he picks up kash and cuddles him as kash opens his eyes

"daddy" kash says as he throws up on harry

"ok well love you too booboo" harry says laughing as fizzy goes to get a towel and soon comes back and hands it to harry

"want me to take the baby" louis says

"no" harry says as kash starts to cry as he starts to gag and daisy brings harry a trash can as kash starts to throw up again "ohh son i am so sorry your sick because of me" harry says as he starts to cry

"its not your fault" louis says as he sits next to harry and rubs harrys back and kashs leg "umm pheebs can you get harry a shirt"

"its ok here harry take this one i am sure it will fit better than one of the girls or louis" dan says as he takes off his shirt and harry takes his off as louis helps him and puts on dans as jay takes harrys shirt to the laundry room

"ohh buddy" harry says as kash wakes up again crying as he starts to gag "buddy please tell me what is wrong"

"tummy daddy" kash says as he rubs his stomach

"ohh baby" harry says as he cuddles kash

"gampy" kash cries out as harry hands him to dan

"what about mommy" louis says

"no gampy" kash says as he starts to gag and throws up in the trash can

"niall is calling" harry says as he answers "niall"

"hey what are you doing" niall asks

"umm kashew is sick and we are all at jays house" harry says

"what is wrong" niall says

"he might have caught the flu" harry says "he is throwing up and has a slight fever"

"liam and i are coming over we need to talk to you" niall says

"umm ok where are you guys at"

"we are about to leave liams house"

"can you bring me a shirt the baby threw up on me" harry says

"sure we are on our way" niall says as harry hangs up

"can you go get him some pedialite so we can give him" dan says as he puts kash down in his pack and play

"we can go" lottie and fizzy say

"ok thank you" harry says as he takes out his wallet

"no its ok we can pay for it" lottie says as her and fizzy walk out of the house

"gampy" kash cries out as he starts to gag again and throws up

"let me get him undressed" louis says

"no nononnonononn" kash cries out

"boobooo please" louis says

"mommy mommy" kash cries out as louis picks him up and starts to undress him as harry hands louis clean clothes

"my baby what is the matter" louis says as he starts to cry

"tummy" kash says as jay takes kash from louis and jay starts to rub her hand gently on kashs' stomach as she starts to sing to him as lottie and fizzy walks in with niall and liam

"get him a bottle of pedialite" jay says quietly as harry makes cash a bottle and hands it to jay and she gives it to kash as he starts to drink it and starts to fall asleep

"my baby" louis says crying as harry goes next to louis and gives him a hug "thank you"

"its ok" harry says

"is he ok" liam asks

"he is not feeling good" harry says

"do not give him milk until he feels better" dan says

"ok" louis says

"or i can take him home and watch him all night" dan says with a laugh

"NO" harry and louis say at the same time

"but thank you dan" louis says

"no need my kashew needed his gampy" dan says with a smile

"man is he attached to you" harry says

"of course i am his gampy" dan says

"so am i" robin says

"he is actually attached to you both" Harry says laughing

"and that train set at your house is a bonus Robin" louis says laughing

"shhh dont wake up mr grumpy pants" anne says as they all go to the backyard

"well anyone hungry" louis says crying

"dont cry look he is sleeping comfortably and we are all still here together" harry says as he hugs louis tightly

"but my baby is sick and i cant help him" louis says

"lets just let him sleep it out and hopefully with the medicine and pedialite he will be himself" dan says "you trust me"


"ok he is fine his temperature has been the same and he stopped throwing up" dan says

"thank you" louis says as they all go to the backyard and start to eat and talk and a few hours later louis goes to check up on kash and feels his forehead and doesnt feel as hot as it was and goes back to the back yard

"how is he"

"feels a bit normal than when we started" louis says

"ok so something is working i will check him again in a few minutes" dan says

"ok" louis says as he sits down

"what did you want to talk to me about" harry asks liam who is sitting next to him

"we can talk later" liam says


"kendal" liam says into harrys ear as harry puts his head back in annoyance

"what about kendal" louis says in jealousy

"nothing" harry says

"you going to go see her when you leave" louis spits out in anger and jealousy

"i havent seen them in 6 months so no" harry says annoyed

"hmmm go with her if you want" louis says "you dont have to pretend to want to be here"

"can you please stop i am here because i want to my son is sick and i want nothing to do with her nick or hazel so stop fucking accusing me of shit i havent done" harry yells out

"louis enough" jay yells out "stop it right now this is not the time to do this shit"

"im sorry" louis says as he starts to cry "harry i am really sorry i shouldnt of said what i said i know when it comes to kash you are an amazing father"

"thank you and please believe me that i want nothing to do with any of them" harry says

"i believe you but its hard for me to trust you" louis says as he starts to cry

"can we talk about all of this right now" harry says

"umm i dont think so" louis says as the tears start to fall and anne hugs louis tight

"just listen to him" anne whispers into louis ear

"i cant he hurt me so bad with his lies, i am scared anne i am really scared" louis cries into annes arms as she holds him tight

"i know i understand you i was there but you need to listen to him for closure and if its the end at least you know that you both said what you wanted to say and not live with regret" anne says

"your right i hate when you and my mom are right" louis says with a small smile as he looks at harry as harry extends his hand and louis reaches for it "talk"

"lets take a walk"

"we cant you will get mobbed" louis says

"lets walk to the playground" harry says as he walk to the playset and louis sits on the swings

"why did you cheat on me" louis asks

"i felt like you were going to leave me you were busy with your make up line and adidas wanted you to collab and we were spending less and less time together, its been the biggest mistake of my life, when you went to my house and heard me i never meant to say what i did i just wanted to justify my actions and not take responsibility for what i did in my head you were the one leaving and to busy for me but i get it i understand you have to work for what you want nothing has ever been handed to you like it has to me i get that and loosing everything made me realize that i have been priviliged to have everything and not everyone is as lucky as i have even the way you treated me was new to me everything with you was and still is new to me and i am scared so scared to loose you for ever, please tell me i have a chance to make you mine again" harry begs as he starts to cry

"no there will never be an us i cant trust you i fell in love with you and to hear you say all that i dont think i can trust you ever again, how will i know if you are telling me the truth how can i trust you wont do this again, i am so scared to trust you its been hard for me not just for you specially when i see you with the baby and how much in love you both are with each other but i am sorry i cant" louis cries out as liam walks to louis and harry

"umm i am sorry to interrupt but H, i really need to talk to you" liam says

"its ok go" louis says as he takes a deep breath and wipes the tears

"no tell me here in front of louis i want to prove to him i want no secrets i want him to start to trust me" harry says

"you sure"

"yes i have nothing to hide" harry says

"one of your hood rats is threatening to release pictures of you and her in bed if you dont pay her 5 million dollars" liam says "and will release documents that you paid for her to get an abortion"

"no that is not true who is it" harry questions

"maureen" liam says

"who" harry questions

"you hooked up with her in Germany" liam says as he pulls up a picture of her

"but that was over a year ago" harry yells out in anger

"are you sure you were in a druken parade at the time it might have happened" liam says calmly

"fuck i dont remember" harry says

"well then we will fight this" liam says

"wait i think she is nicks cousin" harry says as he takes out his phone and goes thru his text messages "here" harry says as he hands his phone to liam "we were in a group text so its his cousin its all lies"

"are you sure" louis questions

"yes i am sure we did sleep together once but i always wore a condom and i knew i had one on because she kept whining she didnt like the way it felt" harry says

"just both of you be warned if this person comes out history says that other hook up will come out as well as people claiming to have hooked up with you" liam says

"uughg why me" harry groans out as he puts his head back

"cuz you are stupid and felt entitled and thought you were gods gift to the fucken world" louis says with anger

"stop i get it i fucked up" harry says as louis stands up from the swing and hugs harry

"but i will be beside you thru all of this as long as you tell me the truth" louis says as he looks into harrys eyes and both start to smile

"i promise angel" harry says

"you better or i will let my sisters loose on you and they are worse than me" louis says laughing

"stop" harry says laughing

"so what now" louis asks as he hears his name being called and sees dan with kash as harry goes to get him

"mommma moomma momma" kash cries out as he makes grabby hands to louis and louis takes him from harry as he covers him up and kash starts to play with louis ear and falls back asleep

"my baby" louis whispers into kash ear "mommy loves you so much"

"you want me to take him" harry says

"no" louis says "so liam what is your plan"

"nothing right now i want to see how serious she is about all of this but i sent everything to the attorney when i got the notification and right now what i got from harrys phone"

"and in the mean time whenever you go somewhere please call paul specially if you take Kashew" harry says

"i will i know all you want to do is protect us" louis says

"i do if anything was to happen to any of you and i failed to protect you all i would never forgive myself" harry says as he stares into louis eyes

"i believe you same thing i never want anything bad to happen to you" louis says as liam takes kash from louis as louis and harry continue to stare into each others eyes "we need you we will always need you"

"and i will always need you both" harry says in almost a whisper

"H" niall yells out as louis and harry look towards niall as he starts to laugh as they start to laugh as they all start to walk to where everyone was sitting at

"what" harry growls out

"lets get thru this and then let louis and harry makeout" anne says laughing

"dont you all know its rude to stare" louis whines as he takes kash from liam

"yeah we know but since we couldnt hear we made bets how long before you both made out and i won" jay says laughing

"angel please give me a chance to prove to you that i want you and only you" harry says almost begging

"ok i will give you one last chance and if you fuck it up that is it we are done" louis says has harry hugs louis tight and gives louis a kiss

"wait what about adam" niall questions

"we broke up 3 months ago" louis says

"you did" harry asks

"yeah, it wasnt working out for us and we decided to break up we still talk every so often but nothing else we ended up being more friends than anything else he is actually seeing someone else and i think they are cute together" louis says

"so there is no chance that you will run back to his arms" harry says with jealousy

"nope you have been the only one that i want just wanted to move on but i couldnt" louis says as harry hugs louis tight

"well i called you all because nick Dm'd me and said that his cousin was going to sell some story to the media for money" niall says

"yeah we know and until further notice you all walk out with a body guard and i mean all of you got that lots, fiz, daisy and pheebs" harry says

"NO" the 4 girls say

"Girls" jay yells out "harry is trying to protect you why are you all trying to give him a hard time and if anything happens to any of you i will kill him"

"fine" the girls says

"can we get paul please" fizzy says as they start to pout and bat their eyes

"stop" everyone yells out as the girls start to laugh

"we been teaching kash how to pout" pheobe says laughing

"you better not" harry says trying his best to sound tough

"watch" daisy challenges

"im sorry angel i cant deal with this i think i am going to stay single" harry says

"ok if that is what you want" louis says as he starts to pout and bat his eyes "but kashew is going to miss you" louis says in a sad voice

"stop" harry yells out

"what i thought" louis says laughing

"i hate you all" harry says

"liar" jay says laughing "admit it we are the best thing that has ever came crashing into your life "

"ok fine you tomlinsons are the best thing that has ever came crashing into my life" harry says

"see anne told you all we had to do was knock some sense into harry" jay says laughing

"that is true" anne says laughing as they hear the door bell ring and dan goes to answer it

"LIAM" dan yells out as liam walks to the front door

"what do you want" liam says with anger " dan call the police and have niall call paul"


Hello my beautifull readers

Off the Chapter 11 Lets go!!

all the love


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