Fae and Gabby 2: Return of Th...

By MercuryManson

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"They can take my home...they can take my freedom...they can even take my life...but when someone takes my fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

870 21 43
By MercuryManson

 Yo! The final chapter is here! I hope the ending is perfect just how it is! If not, you can beat me up. XD This chapter is the longest than the rest of the chapters!

Last lyrics for this chapter is Still A Survivor by Akon!



It was dark. Nothing was heard except for the familiar, faint voice.


The voice was to be recognized but the figure of the speaker was no where to be shown.

"Oh, Faith...wake up, sweetie."


After some time, Faith Walker slowly opened her eyes, observing the sudden bright light and a mysterious person looking down at her. Fae cautiously sat up; continued to stare at what appears to be her mother, Catherine Emily Smith.

Emily smiled at Fae's shocked expression. "Hello, Faith. It's good to see you." "Mom!" Fae quickly stood up and tackled her mother into a hug, which Emily willingly replied to the same action. The older woman stroked the young girl's hair while Fae tried to hold back tears that was forming in her eyes.

"Mom...I missed you so much," she whispered. "I missed you, too, Faith...I told you we'll see each other again," Emily reminded. Realizing the circumstances, Fae give a glance at her mother, then looked around at where they were in. "Am I...dead?" Fae questioned. Emily gave a sigh. "We don't know yet."

The teenage girl looked confused. "What do you mean we don't know yet?" "Faith, it's kind of complicated than it's supposed to be," Emily explained, "You were inside a burning building. Not to mention, you got shot in the leg. This can all lead to your death...but at the same time...it doesn't have to be."

Noticing the girl's puzzled face, Emily chuckled. "I think it's best if you just see it for yourself," she suggested.

The angelic woman took Fae's hand and the bright, cloudy surrounding was slowly replaced to an inside of a room. Before she could question, Fae spotted herself in a hospital bed, unconscious; with a certain young, teenager with an afro sitting beside her.


"He's been by your side ever since that night with that burning building. He was also treated as well. Fortunately, it was nothing serious and he was all right once he woke up. You, on the other hand, have not woken up and is in critical condition. He doesn't want to leave the room until he knows you're fine," Emily informed.

The mother and daughter were silent once Huey's voice spoke up. "Hope...is irrelevant...but I just hope you get better soon." The older Freeman stroked the comatose girl's head. "Jazmine said that if I pray, things will get better. The only time I prayed was for my friend, Shabazz K. Milton Berle, when I was ten years old. I'm still not used to it...but for you, I'll try." Huey bow his head while he closed his eyes.

"To whomever I'm praying to...please...please let her wake up. She didn't ask for any of this. All she wanted was to be with her family and make up for the loss times. I know this world isn't perfect and it never will be, but it can't end like this. She deserves a better life. Anywhere she can live her life as long as she's happy...even if it means I can't see her again." Huey shakily sighed as he continued.

"All of this was supposed to be held on me. She should've never got involved with anything I have to go through. If I could take her place, I would. She's been through so much and I just want to know if she's going to make it through in the end. Please...she's the most important person in my life...I love her."

Fae's eyes instantly softened as Huey hold the senseless girl's hand. "He loves me...Huey loves me..." she uttered, waiting for all this to be a dream. 

"Why, of course he loves you. The question is...do you love him?" Emily asked her eldest daughter. Fae looked away once tears started manifesting from her eyes. "It's hard to love someone, knowing they'll probably be out of your life. I don't want the same thing happening just like with you, Mom," she admitted.

Emily paused for a moment before she wrapped her arms around Fae. "Faith, I would never be out of your life. No matter what, I'll always be apart of your life. The same with Huey. Trust me, that boy isn't going anywhere." "But if Huey's not leaving...what are the chances that I will?" Fae inquired.

Emily took a deep breath before explaining, "Listen, Faith. You were supposed to be dead. I thought this was the time for you to leave this world. However, God has a different plan." 

Fae looked at Emily while she continued. "Though you were injured very badly, you have a heart of gold for saving your friends and He don't know if He should take that pure loyalty away just yet...so He decided to give you a choice," she informed.

Fae raised an eyebrow at the statement. "A choice?" "You must decide whether you want to continue living on your life or finally end it." Fae paused at the sudden decision she had to make. "I have a choice to live or to die," she repeated, "If I die...I can be with you again, Mom?" Emily smiled. "Yes, you will. We'll be together again," she agreed, "However, before you start thinking about that option...is it really what you want?"

Fae turned away from her mother and look towards Huey's distraught face. 

"You're right, Fae. We would be together...but if you die, you're going to have to give up the people that you love. You won't be with your friends again, you won't continue to spend time with your father, you won't get to see both of your grandmothers again, you won't take care of your sister anymore...and you wouldn't get the chance to tell Huey how you feel."

The teenage girl tried to fight back tears as Emily touched her shoulders. "I know this is a hard decision for you to make, but I know you will make a right choice throughout the end. No matter what you decide, you will still have everyone continue to love you," she encouraged, "So what do you want to do, Faith? Do you want to finally stop this life and come with me up there...or do you want to continue to survive this life no matter what obstacles you face?"

Fae looked at her mother for a while, then turned towards the older Freeman; weighing her options.

Will Faith Walker go up there with her mother or stay here with Huey?


Days have passed and this night, the Freemans were throwing a party outside of their home. However, the question of it all was:

What were they specifically throwing a party for?

Arturo Walker was being dragged from his ear by his mother, Isabella Perez, who continued to scold at him in their foreign language. They were walking near a car that was parked in front of the Freemans' residence with Vincent Walker and Tony Jackson trailed behind them along with Gabriella Walker and...

...Faith Walker.

"Ow! Mama, I told you before, I didn't know you were going to be involved in any of this. I said I was sorry," Arturo reasoned. Isabella scowled at him as she responded, "Va a sentir, bien. ¡Una vez que estamos de vuelta en México, todas estas 'transacciones' son terminadas y hechas con para usted, Arturo! (You're going to be sorry, all right. Once we're back in Mexico, all this 'dealing' is over and done with for you, Arturo!)"

The foreign mobster groaned in exasperation. "¡Hermano, ayúdeme aquí fuera! (Brother, help me out here!)" he called out.

Vincent pretended he didn't hear his brother as he looked at the sky. "¿Es una noche hermosa, verdad? (It's a beautiful night, isn't it?)" he asked.

Arturo rolled his eyes while Isabella continued, "¡Debería estar avergonzado de usted, Arturo! ¡A causa de usted, casi nos matamos...sobre todo Faith! (You should be ashamed of yourself, Arturo! Because of you, we almost got killed...especially Faith!)"

Fae glanced down at her cast before reassuring, "Estoy bien, Abuela. Mi pierna se curará pronto. (I'm fine, Grandma. My leg will heal soon enough.)" Gabby laughed. "¡Sí sí, Abuela! ¡Diga al Tío Artie que realmente dirige cosas por aquí! (Yeah yeah, Grandma! Tell Uncle Artie who really runs things around here!)" she encouraged.

Tony laughed while he watched the family having a conversation. "Yo, Vince. I don't be understanding what the hell your fam is saying, but they sure be cracking me up," he uttered. Arturo took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm sorry. I should've never gotten involved with the Wunclers. I never meant for y'all to be apart of this," he admitted.

Isabella stared at her eldest son for a while before sighing. "If only you did not run away when you were younger...maybe you would have become good," she told him. "Sorry, Mama, but I couldn't handle staying under the same roof with 'Daddy Dearest'," Arturo said, sarcastically before rolling his eyes.

Vincent scoffed at the mention of his father while Isabella looked down; attempting to erase the past. "Yes...it was true. I am very sorry," she apologized. "Mama, you have nothing to apologize about. That was the past and it's over with. I'm just glad you're okay," Vincent said, "I'll make sure you'll make it safe back in Mexico."

Isabella smiled before she hugged both of her sons. "I never expect to see you two again like this," she admitted, "But I am glad to see you, anyway." She turned to Fae and Gabby. "And I am very happy to see you after all these years!" The foreign woman wrapped her arms around the girls. "Thank you for rescuing me, nietas. I am very proud of both of you." "We'll never let anything happen to you, Grandma," Fae confirmed.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but I just got one question," Arturo spoke up. Vincent crossed his arms while he said, "What?" "Why the hell am I in handcuffs?!" Proving his point, Arturo raised his hands up, revealing the silver object around his wrists.

Vincent rolled his eyes. "If you want to act like a criminal, we gon' treat you like a criminal." Arturo chuckled. "Sometimes, you can be so cruel, little brother," he responded.

Looking around the environment, Isabella told the girls, "Well, we mustn't bother you anymore. This party is for you! You must celebrate it with your friends." "Can I stay for the party?" Arturo asked.

Everyone quickly scolded at his suggestion while the gangster laughed. "It's good to be with family."

"Family moment is over. Get yo' Latino ass in the car, hustla'! Move it!" Tony told him. Arturo scoffed at the Jamaican-American. "I'm a Mexican...Italian...and an African-American. I ain't no such thing as a Latino. Get yo' facts straight, dread-head!"

Tony glared at Arturo as he went inside the car. "Adios, Faith and Gabriella. You two be good," Isabella said. "No promises," Fae and Gabby said simultaneously as the Hispanic woman went inside the car.

Vincent exhaled in irritation as he told his best friend, "Say it, Tony." The dreadlocks man looked confused. "Say what, V?" "Say that I'm the worst father ever for not noticing that my own daughters took all my guns to defeat rich, white dudes just to save their friends and other people in foreign countries!" Tony chuckled. "Naw, Vince. That don't make you the worst father. It just means you got some crazy ass kids!"

Vincent sighed as Tony continued to laugh while he went to the driver's seat. The foreign man turned to look at Fae and Gabby. "Listen, girls. I'm sorry I haven't been noticing what was going on and I apologize to you, Faith. You tried to warn me, but I didn't listen. I guess you made me see what you saw after all." "It's all good, Dad. You still getting use to father life. I feels you, man. No matter what, though, you'll always be stuck with us," Gabby said, hugging him.

Vincent chuckled as he hugged her back. "Don't want it any other way, Gabriella." He turned towards Fae. "Now, Faith. I know you're not fond of this, but the doctor said you gotta stay in bed for your leg to heal. Tony and I are going to drop off your grandma and uncle to the airport. Once we get back, we're going to pick you and Gabriella up, so you girls can continue to celebrate your party. For now, can you sit in one place so you don't tire yourself out?"

Fae nodded, obediently. "Of course, Dad. I will sit inside the house for a couple of hours until you pick us up..." Vincent nodded, then went to the passenger's seat. Once the car started and drove off from a distance, Fae added, "...when I'm dead."

Gabby laughed. "You must listen to Father like a good girl you are, Sister. You need to sit down and rest your crippled leg," she mocked. "Bite me," Fae responded, narrowing her eyes. The younger Walker sustained her laughing. "Nigga, you gay."

With that being said, Gabby walked away while Fae tried to turn around with her crutches.

"You know, you should really sit down for a while."

Fae looked up, seeing Huey leaning against a tree; gazing at her. Once he walked towards her, Fae responded, "Please don't act like my father. He's always worried about me, but I don't need to sit down. I've been doing that throughout my times in the hospital. I rather just walk around and look at what's in front of me." Huey shrugged his shoulders while he put his hands inside his pockets.

"I can understand your need of being outside again." The duo continued to stare at the multiple guests that were outside and inside the Freemans' home. After a while, Huey begin speaking, "Fae?" "Yes, Huey?" Fae responded, turning her attention towards him. The older Freeman looked back at her as he continued. "After what happened in the factory, I've come to noticed something different that's -"

"Fae!" The two teenagers turned their heads, seeing a certain Chinese girl running out of the house and towards them. "I must thank you again for allowing me to stay in Granike with you and your family," Ming said.

Fae nodded. "Don't mention it. I can't send you back to China for my conscience will continue to haunt me," she told her, "We'll figure out how to deal with your grandfather and you'll be safe as long as I'm here."

Ming suddenly looked down. "I appreciate it, Fae...but you don't know my grandfather." "And apparently, he doesn't know me," Fae responded, "He can try to form any plan he can think of, but I'm not the type of person to give up nor take down so easily." Ming returned to her usual smile as she hugged Fae. "Thank you very much, Fae. I'm grateful to have a friend like you."

Noticing the boy's cold stare, Ming coughed awkwardly as she turned towards him. "Uh...Huey Freeman. I must continue to apologize for the kickball incident that took place few years ago. I hope you forgive me for my competitive behavior," she uttered, bowing her head.

Viewing the older Freeman's harsh glares, Fae said, "What you did was unforgivable. Be warned, if you pull any type of stunt like that to me, I will destroy you...and I will end you."

Ming quickly nodded her head. "Yes, yes! You have my word. No lying or betrayal. I'm just glad to be a normal teenager like all your friends," she said. "I wouldn't call them normal...but enjoy the party," Fae told her.

Once Ming was out of sight, the older Walker turned to the boy with an afro. "You know, she did apologize to you numerous times."

"I don't like to be treated like a fool...but if you want to help her, then I'll learn how to deal with it," Huey promised.

Once Ming was about to go inside the house, she was suddenly bumped into Granddad who was exiting the house. "Oops! Excuse me, Mr. Freeman!" she said as she run pass him. "It's all right, baby girl. Just be careful in there!" he called out to her. He came out of the house, shortly after, being followed by Ed Wuncler I and Ed Wuncler II.

"All right, Freeman. We let you and your family continue to live in this house for as long as you want without any circumstance on your mortgage loan just so you don't take this to court about the girl getting shot. Do we have a deal?" Mr. Wuncler informed.

As he spoke on his phone, "Hold on, Rachael." Granddad turned towards the Wunclers. "Don't forget, no more coming up in my house giving me no bullshit on what you need to get done?" he added.

Mr. Wuncler rubbed his forehead in irritation. "Fine," he agreed. "Not to mention, stop treating us like your slaves and makes us do no type of job just to pay off my loan?" Eddie rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Whatever," he stated. Granddad smiled. "Then, it's a deal," he confirmed, shaking his both of their hands, "Now get the hell outta here."

Muttering in defeat, the Wunclers walked away from the property and went to their vehicle; disappearing through the night. Granddad put his phone back on his ear.

"Rachael? Yeah, everything is all right. Sorry I didn't have the chance to get in touch with you for so long. Oh, yeah! Fae and Gabby are doing just fine. Nice girls. Why, we were just throwing a party for them -"

Suddenly, Granddad heard a cry, which made him groaned in frustration. "Hold on one more time, Rachael." Granddad turned, seeing Uncle Ruckus miserably mowing the lawn. "Nigga, what the hell you complaining about now?!" Granddad asked.

"I was just tryin' to imagine that I was mowing the lawn for a nice, humble white family...but once I heard that monkey booty music that making all this ruckus, I instantly went back to the cold, hard reality that I was mowing your lawn! Lord, that's gonna give me nightmares for days," Uncle Ruckus said.

"You better be lucky I didn't sue yo' fat ass after all the shit you put me through! Just be glad that you're my friend and I rather give you some hard work than take everything you got; which in this case, you barely got shit!" Granddad told him.

"Nigga, please! You tryin' to believe you as important as the rest of the white people, tryin' to get me to mow your lawn! Well, newsflash, nigga! You ain't nothing but a jigaboo that's lazy to mow his own grass!" Uncle Ruckus insulted.

Granddad rolled his eyes as he retorted, "Nigga, just shut the hell up and mow my lawn." He put his phone back on his ear once more as he went back inside. "So where were we, Rachael?"

"Bruh, shit was real crazy!"

Riley was getting crowded around by kids that were in his school, Ed, Rummy, and Otis Jenkins, formerly known as Thugnificent, along with his former posse, Lethal Interjection Crew.

"How did you defeat all those guards, Riley?" One of the children asked.

"Nigga, I'm getting to that!" Riley responded, "A'ight, so it was like this. There was a lot of guards bursting through the door, tryin' to beat me. I was like 'Hell naw! Y'all can't beat me! I'm Young Reezy! Can't nobody take this nigga out!' So I was like doing all these dope moves, kicking their asses left and right! But some of them want to act like little bitches, so I took out my glock and got the shootin' on every single one of them. Can't none of them defeat me!"

The rest of the kids looked impressed as Thugnificent said, "Damn, lil' nigga! You got kidnapped by rich dudes, then managed to get yourself out of there without dying? How the hell you do that?!" The younger Freeman shrugged his shoulders. "Just be a real nigga like me and you won't have any problems," he advised.

JC and Cindy smirked throughout the teenage boy's story; knowing what truly happened in the factory. The New Yorker covered his mouth and said in a deep voice, "Nigga, you dumb." Everyone laughed while Riley glared at his best friend. "Fuck you, JC! With yo' hatin' ass!"

Suddenly, the boy spotted Gabby from a far; signaling for him to come to where she was standing. "Ay, I'mma be back real quick," he said, as he managed his way out of the crowd.

Just as he went towards her, Riley said, "What's up?" Gabby shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. You tell me." Riley looked confused. "What?" "Don't you got something to say to me?" Gabby questioned.

Riley looked around before he turned his attention back to the girl. "Like what?" he asked. "How about like 'Damn! Thanks for saving my ass, Lil' G! Without you, I'd never get up outta that factory, girl!'?"

Riley scoffed. "That shit ain't true! I would've found a way to get outta there," Riley insisted. "Screaming and crying don't count as finding a way, Reezy," Gabby stated.

The younger Freeman rolled his eyes while he remain silent. "But real talk, I'm just glad you a'ight, man. I don't want my Ride or Die nigga leaving me!" Gabby told him, "And I bet all them girls are happy than a mug to see you again." Riley smiled. "True...but I wouldn't care 'cuz I got you."

Gabby raised an eyebrow at what she heard. "Say what?" she responded. Riley took her hands as he said, "What would you say if I decided that I don't want no more groupies? I just want to be with one girl and that's it?" "I'd say 'Nigga, is you on that stuff?!'" Gabby said, surprised.

Riley wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "G, I want you to be my Ride or Die and stay as my Ride or Die. I don't want no girl but you. We'll always be homies, but I got lots of love for you. It's always been you and me against the motherfuckin' world. Say you wanna be with me and no other nigga 'cuz you always got me going crazy for you."

Gabby's eyes softened as she looked at the boy in shock. "Oh, Riley..." "Girl, don't be using my government name! You know who you talking to!" Riley told her. The younger Walker laughed at the moment that was suddenly over.

"Young Reezy, you crazy for real. But you always got a girl falling hard for you. I got lots of love for you, too, baby boy. But you know what I ain't got love for?" "What's that?" Riley asked. "Your hoes! Bruh, sometimes they be tryin' to fuck with me like I'm a dumb bitch. Man, you need to check 'em! 'Cuz I am about to go ham on somebody -"

Gabby's ranting was soon cut off by Riley's lips. The foreign girl immediately responded by kissing him back passionately. After a while of getting in the moment, the younger Freeman pulled away from the girl who suddenly felt lightheaded. Noticing her daze, Riley held onto her from fainting.

"Now who you got love for?" Riley questioned. With droopy eyes, Gabby faintly responded, "You, Reezy..." "You wanna roll with me?" "Hell yeah..." "Gonna start fighting off some hoes?" Riley quizzed. Gabby was silent for a moment as she looked at Riley puzzled. "What hoes?"

Riley smirked at his attainment on calming the girl. "Thought so," he responded before going back to kiss her.

Meanwhile, JC and Cindy were sitting on a bench next to each other. "How you holding up?" Cindy asked, inspecting JC's arm that was wrapped in white bandages. The young boy shrugged his shoulders. "I'm good. It ain't bad as it was that night," he assured. "I'm glad you a'ight, though. Don't be doing no crazy shit, man!" Cindy told him.

The Brooklynite took her hand away from his arm and pulled it towards his chest; where his heart was place. "Ay, if it has anything to do with you, then I gotta be one crazy ass motherfucker," he replied. The blonde smiled at him as the boy breathed out a sigh while he looked up at the dark sky. "So?" "So what?" "You gon' tell Young Reezy?"

Cindy was confused at what he meant as JC added, "Your feelings. Now that all this crazy shit is over, you gon' tell Reezy you got feelings for him?"

The Caucasian girl was silent for a moment before answering, "Naw. It's best if I left that alone." JC glanced at her while Cindy continued, "I ain't into Reezy like I was before. Plus, I think Lil' G already got to him."

The New Yorker looked at where the girl was staring, seeing Riley and Gabby sharing a kiss from a far. "Damn! Is it like that? Reezy and G together?" JC questioned, amazed, "I don't blame him, though. That girl is one fine, lil' -"

He caught Cindy's death glare at him. "Uh...but she ain't got nothing on you, C-Murph," he covered. The blue-eyed girl smirked. "Mhm. Real talk though, I got love for Reezy. We'll always be tight...but you always have my back, JC."

Cindy wrapped her arms around his neck. "You a real nigga, boy. Ain't nobody as fresh as you. You always there when I wanna talk to somebody and you be making me laugh when I just wanna beat somebody's ass. Jay, you a good friend."

JC raised an eyebrow. "Friend?" he repeated. The blonde girl gave him a smirk. "And a good kisser."

With that, Cindy kissed JC on the lips, leaving him speechless. After the brief shock, the New Yorker kissed the teenage girl back, pulling her closer to him until there was no space between them.

After some time, they slowly pulled away for air; staring at each other, wondering if what they were in was a dream or a reality. "Hold up...is this your way of tryin' to get with me?" he questioned. Cindy raised an eyebrow while a smirk was plastered on her face. "Is it working?" she responded.

JC grinned. "Hell yeah." He cupped her cheeks and brushed her lips against his once more.

"Now sweetheart. What you did was very dangerous and you could've been hurt," Tom Dubois lectured Jazmine, who continued to nod. "Yes, Daddy," she replied, a bit guilty.

"Oh, stop it, Tom. I think what she did was amazing!" Tom's wife, Sarah Dubois, argued as she hugged the mulatto girl, "I'm so proud of you, honey! You saved the Freemans and every innocent person in that factory!"

"But Sarah, it was too dangerous! She never even told us that she was going to defeat the Wunclers! I'm just relieved she didn't get injured," Tom insisted. "My God, Tom. You just can't see the fact that our daughter is a hero! Just grill your burgers. A lot of people are waiting for the food," Sarah said. The district attorney sighed as he went back to his grill; knowing this wasn't going anywhere.

"Fine, we'll talk about this later. For right now, let's just enjoy the party. Who wants some burgers?!" Tom called out to the guests. Sarah looked back at her daughter with a smile on her face. "You go have fun with your friends, sweetie. You deserve it!" she praised. Jazmine smiled as she hugged her mother. "Thanks, Mom!"

The light-skinned girl run towards the DJ stand, spotting Hiro and Shani standing behind the stand. "Hi, Hiro! Hi, Ni-Ni!" she greeted to her friends. "'Sup, Jaz?" Hiro responded. "Hello, Jazzy!" Shani said, hugging the mixed girl, "How are you doing?" "All right. My dad wasn't pleased with the certain mission that happened, but my mom is very proud of me!" Jazmine informed.

The Indian girl sighed as she put her headphones around her neck. "At least one of your parents are okay with it. My parents practically scolded at me for doing something dangerous like that and did not tell them about it. They were kind of proud that I saved our people, but I couldn't tell over their angry faces. They're going to find some way to punish me."

"That's terrible. Are your parents mad at you, too, Hiro?" Jazmine inquired. Hiro shrugged his shoulders. "They were at first, but I'd say they were more worried about me than being angry at me," he explained.

"I'm just glad everything is back to normal," Jazmine admitted, "And I would love for you to come to Woodcrest more often, Ni-Ni! We'll have so much fun together!" Shani smiled as she responded, "I would like that very much! I'm glad to have a friend like you, Jazzy!"

The two girls hugged each other until the mulatto girl spotted a figure a far. She gasped as she let go of Shani; seeing Cairo waving at a car that drove off. Once his eyes locked with hers, Jazmine quickly looked away; feeling her heart racing. "I-I didn't know he was going to be here," she said in an inaudible voice.

Noticing the actions that took place, Shani advised, "Maybe you should go talk to him." A bit nervous, Jazmine looked at Shani in a fearful manner. "You think so?" she asked.

While Hiro raised an eyebrow; not understanding the situation, the foreign girl urged, "I could see it in your eyes that you would like to talk to him again. Go for it. Nobody won't be angry with you."

The mulatto girl took a deep breath before saying, "Okay...I'll be over there if you need me." Once Jazmine left the duo, Hiro questioned, "What was that all about?"

Shani smiled as she continued to look at the mixed girl walking towards Cairo. "Oh, nothing...just girl stuff."

The mulatto girl nervously walked towards the Chicagoan while he continued to stare at her. "Hey..." she greeted. "Hey," he responded. "I didn't expect you to be here," Jazmine admitted; eyes lingering to the ground. Cairo shrugged his shoulders.

"To be honest, me neither. I thought my moms would be mad at me about what happened a couple days ago, but she seemed real happy that I actually saved Huey and his family. So she dropped me off to enjoy the party," he explained, "Not excited to see me?"

Jazmine snapped her eyes back at Cairo. "No, of course I am! I'm just surprised, that's all. It's good seeing you again, Cairo," she told him, "I missed you..."

Cairo smiled at her. "Yeah...I missed you, too. Chances are I'll still miss you since after summer is over...I'm going back to Chicago."

The light-skinned girl slightly frowned at the statement. "Right. I forgot...but you're here."

Cairo raised an eyebrow as she continued. "You're here now and that's all that matters. We can hang out with each other all summer! We can go to the park, we can walk around the beach, we can spend time in the mall, and we can have fun with Ni-Ni, too! Just...please...don't forget about me."

The teenage boy embraced the mulatto girl while he whispered, "I'll never forget the first friend I made since I came into town. You a sweet girl, Jazmine. Huey is lucky to have a friend like you."

Jazmine can feel tears forming from her eyes, but quickly held them back before stating, "Come on. This is a party, silly! Let's not be all emotional tonight! Let's have some fun!"

Cairo laughed while the girl took his hand and started dragging him towards the lively guests. "A'ight, then. Whatever you say." Discreetly, Jazmine gave a thumbs-up to Shani while she was walking pass the DJ stand.

The Indian girl smiled and gave a thumbs up in response. "This is such a great party," she told Hiro, "I didn't know you like to be a DJ." Hiro shrugged his shoulders. "Most of the times when there's a special occasion. I hope none of the music ain't scaring you. You look like you never heard of it before."

Observing the majority of the people dancing to the rap music that's being heard, Shani admitted, "Well, my parents don't allow me to listen to this type of music, so I'm not necessarily accustomed to it." "That must be tough since you're living in The Hood," Hiro pointed out.

Shani sighed as she nodded. "That is true. Rap music is always heard in Granike...but I don't mind listening to your music, Hiro. I'm glad I've gotten the chance to know you."

The Japanese-American smiled at her. "Same. You were great working with throughout the entire mission. And I don't want to stop seeing you, so let's make our own mission." Shani slightly tilted her head, a bit confused.

"What are you suggesting?" she questioned. Hiro slowly brought his face closer to hers before whispering, "You. Me. Date. I would like to take you out some time and see where it goes 'cuz I'm really feeling you, Shani. So what you say?"

Shani stared at him for a while before she looked away. "I'm sorry...but no." Hiro looked puzzled. "No? How come? Did I do something wrong?" he asked. "Of course not! You're a really nice guy, Hiro. I would like to spend more time with you, but it's my parents." The foreign girl glanced at the ground. "My parents will not approve of me being with you if they find out. They would be furious, because -"

"I'm Japanese." Shani looked up at Hiro's nonchalant face; causing tears to form from her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Hiro. I don't want different race to come between us...I really like you...but I understand if my parents are going to be a problem for you, then we can just forget that we ever met each other -"

The timid girl stopped in mid-sentence once she felt the boy's lips brushed against her cheek. "I don't care what anybody say. I really do like you and I want to spend time with you throughout the whole summer; whether your parents like it or not," he stated.

Shani touched where she felt his lips rested upon, then smiled. "Don't worry. You'll always have me no matter what happens," Hiro promised as he pulled her in a warm embrace.

"You ready?"

Cairo took a deep breath before he said, "Are you sure this is going to work?" Jazmine nodded, excitedly. "Of course it will! You promised me, remember?" she reminded. Cairo looked away from her. "What if it just backfires?" he inquired.

The Chicagoan was surprised once the mixed girl kissed him on the cheek. "I believe in you. Even if it doesn't work, I'm just proud that you tried your best. You won't know what happen unless you try," Jazmine advised. Cairo was silent for a moment before a smile slowly came across his face. "A'ight...I'll give it a shot."

The two teenagers walked towards Huey and Fae; Cairo feeling anxious with every step he took. The duo noticed Cairo and Jazmine coming towards them. "Hi, Huey! Hi, Fae!" Jazmine greeted.

Huey raised an eyebrow. "Jazmine?" Fae slightly tilted her head. "Cairo?" Noticing the duo holding hands, Huey questioned, a bit skeptical, "What's going on?" "Cairo has something to tell you, Huey!" Jazmine informed. Cairo looked down, feeling Huey's glare towards him.

"Uh...she's right. Listen, Huey. I know I've been bugging ever since you came back home six years ago. It ain't like I got beef with you. It's just you've been gone for so long, I guess I got pissed that you left. Man, we was best friends. I thought nothing was never gon' change that until you left Chicago. You're living in this white neighborhood with a big ass house while the rest of us is struggling back home. I just felt like you changed on us...you changed on me. I thought you was living the good life and forgot where you came from. But once I heard that you wasn't feeling it here as you was back home, I was wrong. You've always kept it real. And I apologize how I was acting when we was ten years old. I was young. I didn't know anything back then. But now that I grew up, I'mma be a bigger man and accept your apology that you gave me before and hope that you accept mine. I'm real sorry, Huey. I know we can't go back to being best friends again, but I wouldn't mind if we start over and call it a truce 'cuz no matter how much we fight...I'll always think of you as my homie back home."

Cairo slowly pulled his hand out, causing Huey to slightly flinched. He remembered a few years ago when it seem like Cairo wanted peace, but ended up head-butting him. The older Freeman looked at Cairo who seemed genuinely honest. He turned to Jazmine who was silently begging for him to accept. He looked towards Fae who simply nodded at him. After a while of weighing his options, Huey sighed before he shook Cairo's hand, cautiously; anticipating on a surprise attack.

As Cairo smiled, Huey said, "You were my best friend, too, Cairo. I can't promise that we'll go back to what we used to be, but I'm just glad this feud is all behind us." Jazmine jumped up and down, excitedly. "This is great! You two aren't fighting anymore! This deserves a toast. Come on, Cairo. Let's go get drinks!"

Cairo waved at Huey and Fae before being dragged by the mulatto girl. The teenagers continued to stare at Cairo and Jazmine once they were out of sight. "What did Jazmine say to Cairo?" Huey questioned, confused. "I'm not sure, but whatever she did, it got him to apologize to you after all these years of the both of you hating each other," Fae pointed out.

Huey took a deep breath. "He's not the only one who needs to apologize." As Fae turned her attention towards him, Huey said, "Fae, I'm sorry about the fight we had a while ago. I should've never got you upset. It's just seeing you with Cairo...it felt like you didn't want to spend time with me anymore...this might sound selfish, but I wanted to be the only guy you want to be around with."

Fae was slightly stunned while Huey furrowed his eyebrows towards the ground. "You must think that's childish, huh?"

The older Freeman was surprised once he felt a hand stroke his large afro. "You have nothing to apologize, Huey. I should be the one asking for forgiveness," Fae admitted, looking into his eyes, "I started this whole argument, because of what you said to Jazmine."

Huey raised an eyebrow. "What did I say to her?" he questioned, curious. Fae exhaled, a bit distraught. "You said she was pretty...whereas you never said anything about me. I understand that we haven't seen each other for a long time, so I would understand if you had some sort of attraction towards her, but...just like you, I wanted to be the only girl you want to be around with."

The duo was silent while they continued to stare at one another. After a while, Huey broke the quietude. "All this time, you were upset just because I complimented Jazmine?" "It's very foolish, I know, but you have to understand that because you said something about her made me feel that I wasn't as appealing as she is -" "Why would that bother you if I didn't say you were pretty? You're nowhere near pretty," Huey interrupted.

The mixed girl's eyes slightly widened at the sudden insult. "Wow...I knew you weren't friendly, but I didn't know you could be so harsh," she whispered; her voice cracked. The young boy covered her mouth with his hand from saying anything else.

"You're beautiful..."

Letting go of her, Fae was silent while Huey said, "I'm not the type of person to give out compliments and I assumed you already know how attractive you are, but if you want me to say it, then I will. You're the most beautiful, strong, brave girl I ever met. When we first met, I didn't like you. I never trusted you. I don't know how we came from hating each other to being friends now, but all I know is, I can't hide my feelings any longer. You always understand me when practically no one doesn't and we stick together as a team. Just know no matter what happens, I -"

"Will always love you." Huey was shocked to hear his sentence finished as Fae added, "That's what I wanted to tell you some time soon, but I was afraid to admit it. Events like defeating the Wunclers or my uncle can happen any time, possibly worse...but even if it does, we're going to stick through it together. No one can take my heart just like you did, Huey Freeman."

Hearing this, Huey couldn't help himself but grabbed the teenage girl's waist, dip her down, and gave her a passionate kiss; leaving her crutches on the ground. Fae stroked his hair slowly, causing the teenage boy to give a long, lingering kiss. Before anything else happens, the duo suddenly heard a certain voice.

"Hell yeah! That's what I'm fuckin' talkin' about! That's my boy right there! Yo, Hiro! Look at this shit!" Caesar yelled. Hearing the New Yorker's voice, Hiro looked to where he was referring to and instantly grinned. "Fuck yeah! Go, Huey!" he praised. Layla laughed at the scene that took place. "Finally! About damn time they got together!" she said. "Awwww! They're so cute together!" Shani gushed.

Noticing the PDA taking place, the twosome pulled apart while Huey glared at the nosey teenagers. "Idiots," he commented, helping Fae stand back up. "That's the price we paid for being friends with them," Fae reminded, trying to hide the blush forming from her cheeks; while Huey picked up her crutches and hand it to her.

Sitting back down on the park bench with Layla, Caesar laughed at the death glare his friend gave him. "They so feeling for each other," he said. He turned his attention towards the Arabian girl. "Real talk, when you gon' let me get a kiss of that?" he questioned, gesturing her lips. Layla raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me? You want me to answer that? If so, do you want me to include one fist or two?" she retorted.

Caesar chuckled. "A'ight, then. What I meant to say was I'm really feeling you and if you would like to, I wouldn't mind taking you out on a date." Layla pretended as if she was thinking. "Hmmm...I'll think about it," she responded.

Caesar looked shocked at the answer. "Ay, girl! That's fucked up! I thought you said before if we made it out alive, I probably have a chance! I even got grounded for a month 'cuz I wreck my mom's van and got JC shot! Why you gotta do this to a nigga? The least you can do is just go on one date with me. After that, I'll leave you alone -"

Caesar was stopped in mid-sentence as Layla rested her lips against his. Before he can respond to the kiss, the Palestinian girl pulled away; a smirk plastered across her face. "You're cute when you beg," she stated.

The Jamaican-American grinned as he shook his head. "Girl, you a tease. You know you want me as much as I want you," he said. "Maybe. My parents aren't technically mad at me to ground me, so what can you do if you're grounded?" Layla questioned.

"Think about you," Caesar responded. The foreign girl chuckled as he said, "You gon' wait for me? Once I'm out of punishment, you wanna go on a date with me?"

Layla smiled at him once he started pouting, then concluded, "All right. I guess I can give you a chance." The Brooklyn Native pumped his fist in the air. "Yes! That's what I'm talking about! Ay, Hiro! Quit whispering sweet nothings to your girl and put on a song!" he called out.

The Japanese-American pulled away from Shani as he glared at his best friend. "A'ight, then." He took his microphone and announced to all the guests, "This next song goes out to two new friends that was there when we needed them the most. Fae and Gabby, you girls are awesome."

Hiro pressed a button and the music started playing.

Yeah eh ehhh
Still a rider
A Soul Survivor

Once they heard the word survivor, Fae and Gabby instantly paused. The younger Walker looked towards her sister and slowly smiled at her, remembering the times they shared together without anyone else from when they started to run away from home.

Your back is up against the wall
And there's no way to turn
You can feel the heat from the fire burn
There's no where to run and your down to the wire

For the first time in years, Faith Walker smiled back, knowing no matter what happens, in the end, the Walker sisters shall always be known as survivors.

Remember that you're still a rider (still a rider)
Still a survivor (a Soul Survivor)
Remember that you're still a rider

Once the beat dropped, Riley took Gabby's hand and everyone started dancing; people from Woodcrest and people from Granike.

And that's all I ever been known to be
Most stop from running
Saying their licensed
Saying you know what I got that thang on me
Pretty young case stayed thang on me
Tryna pop that and plus stain on me
If they go down in history
Nigga don't forget to leave me a rider

All the fourteen year olds were dancing along with Riley, Gabby, JC, and Cindy while they danced with each other.

Even though we struggling
Tryna find ways to doubling
Girls on the hunt thinking we bubbling
Funny how people love it when
I come in when the Taylors fumbling
If we keep on stumbling
We end up more than just struggling

Cairo and Jazmine grabbed each other's hands as they danced with each other while Hiro and Shani clapped to the beat.

That's what I'll always be
Might of have to move kammy
But believe money that I'm still sucker free
(AK) I low em down
(8K) I throw down
(State k) I closed down
So what do you do when

Your back is up against the wall
And there's no way to turn
You can feel the heat from the fire burn
There's no where to run and your down to the wire
Remember that you're still a rider (still a rider)
Still a survivor (a Soul Survivor)
Remember that you're still a rider

Caesar put his arms around Layla's waist from behind as the two teenagers sway from side to side.

Just like my niggas that really never made it home
And being honest they gettin' that money
Trying their best to get feed their family
No matter what hustle going
We'll find a way to get up on it
Gotta put that muscle on and stand on and on till the morning

Tom and Sarah were having a good time as they danced with each other along with other couples around them.

Like everybody in the hood
Really when nobody thought you could
I see you my nigga what's good?
Rippin' leather and wood
9 milli. meter hidden by that hood
Get touristic leave for the ball
Like the motto they riding for

Caucasian people from Woodcrest were getting fond with the beat of the song while African-American people from Granike was getting all hyped up to the music.

That's what I'll always be
Might have to move kammy
But believe money that I'm still sucker free
(AK) I low 'em down
(8K) I throw down
(State k) I closed down
So what do you do when

Your back is up against the wall
And there's no way to turn
You can feel the heat from the fire burn
There's no where to run and your down to the wire
Remember that you're still a rider (still a rider)
Still a survivor (a Soul Survivor)
Remember that you're still a rider

Ed, Rummy, Thugnificent, and the Lethal Interjection Crew were dancing with women from Granike while Granddad was dancing around with younger females.

Keep on riding and do what you gotta do keep on surviving
Keep on riding and do what you gotta do keep on providing

Everyone was having a good time, enjoying themselves while Uncle Ruckus tried to block out the volume of the music.

Oh woah oh woah oh oh oh
Yeah eh just keep on surviving
Oh woah oh woah oh oh oh
Yeah eh just keep on providing
Oh woah oh woah oh oh oh
C'mon let me hear you sing it
Oh woah oh woah oh oh oh

Looking around, Layla asked Caesar, "Where's Huey and Fae?" Seeing the spot they were previously in, Caesar said, "I'unno. They were here a few minutes ago." After a while, Caesar broke out in a grin. Noticing his expression, Layla shook her head. "No. Don't even think about it," she warned him.

Caesar laughed. "They gettin' down and dirty!" he exclaimed. Layla rolled her eyes at the New Yorker's theory. "You're impossible."

So what do you do when

Your back is up against the wall
And there's no way to turn
You can feel the heat from the fire burn
There's no where to run and you're down to the wire

Far away up on the hill, two certain teenagers were sitting against the tree. Huey Freeman have his back rested on the wood while his chest was used against Faith Walker's back; the crutches lay motionless next to them.

Both of them feeling relaxed at the dark atmosphere - music being heard from a far - the duo looked up at the starry night.

Remember that you're still a rider (still a rider)
Still a survivor (a Soul Survivor)
Remember that you're still a rider
Still a survivor

"What's going to happen after this?" Fae questioned. "I'm leaving."

Fae looked up at Huey as he continued, "As long as those Wunclers are still breathing, I don't see any point of staying in this town. Once I'm out of high school, I'm going back to Chicago; where I belong. This place is too eccentric for me."

The older Walker instantly remembered what her mother told her.

Trust me, that boy isn't going anywhere.

That's when she questioned, "What about us?"

Huey looked down to meet her eyes while she said, "What about you and me? Every time we're always together, something separates us again. If you go back to Chicago and I decide to stay here in Maryland...what's going to happen between us?"

The older Freeman was silent as he stroked her hair. "You're naïve." "And you're confusing," Fae responded, "But that's how we're good together..." Huey wrapped his arms around her waist as he concluded, "I guess I can stay here a little longer."

With that, the twosome looked back at the stars as they continued to hear the music playing from a distance.

Remember that you're still a rider (still a rider)
Still a survivor (a Soul Survivor)

The End


And that's it! Love the song Still A Survivor. Total Fae and Gabby relatable!

Wow, a lot of work made for this story. I hope y'all like this story! Chances are I'll probably continue writing about The Boondocks or write my own series! ;) Look out for any of those!

If anybody have any questions that has to do with Fae and Gabby's past before moving to Woodcrest or their parents' past or their uncle's past or anybody related to them, please feel free to message me your questions! I'll give you all the answers you want!

Again, thanks for giving me a chance to entertain y'all! All of y'all are awesome! I won't disappoint you in the future! ;)

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