Tainted hands

By Gracejenniferanne

389K 11.9K 4.1K

Angelina is a strong-willed and closed off girl although she has grown up in a strong family. Because of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 3

10.9K 278 55
By Gracejenniferanne

setting the timmer

Six months

26 weeks

182.5 days

The ringing in my ear then magically stopped and instead was replaced with numbness. I had no idea how to kill this man it was a mission set out for me to fail. It was as if he purposely put me on this mission already knowing my outcome because he hasn't faltered his sinister smile.

"Six months my little angel and if you reach you your deadline I will hunt you down. Don't even think about running away because I will always have eyes watching you and if you do choose to run away. Your family pays the price."



And more pain was consumed by me, there was no way out of this. If only there was a time machine or a magical wand. Then all of this wouldn't be happening but sadly that is only a fantasy and this is sadly a cold-hearted reality check.

I looked beside me and saw Jace but he looked just as numb as me. He may have not met my family but he is my best friend. He is my family and I am his....

"that will be all ... Tony will be meeting you both now and again just to make sure that you are staying on track and behaving. We wouldn't want you guys to break any rules now would we?" I balled my fists and quickly sat up out of the seat feeling anxious to get out of the toxic room.

"Remember my angel, six months."

I walked out of the room anxiety digging out of my chest making my lungs feel like it is swallowing me up. I had to get out of here I had to get air and Jace knew this by just looking at me. as soon as we got out of the building and somewhere quiet where no one can see us the tears what was threatening to spill spilt. Jace hugged me closely letting me cry into his chest.

"Jace what are we going to do." I sobbed feeling the air staring to leave my lungs. I ripped the black mask off and cried  in my hands. "it's going to be ok Ange we will figure this out like we always do." Nothing at this moment could possibly calm me down. I basically just put my entire family into their death sentence letting their blood fall onto my hands. "we have to hide them, Jace! Maybe we could just hide them all until all of this is over." Jace smiled softly as I started ranting trying to find a way to get my family out of this.

"Ange if we do that he will torture us for days until he eventually kills us. And how are we going to hide two of the most powerful mafia families." There was no win in this situation, Jace told it how it is killing any hope, I had left inside my heart. Jace wiped the tears with his thumb and kissed my forehead. "this is what he wants because in every outcome he wins. If you do kill Blaze that is just one last competition Boss has to worry about. If you lose he gets to take down two of the most powerful mafias by using you. He knows that you are their weakness so in every aspect he is using that against you for a tactic."

"Well, then there is only one thing we have to make sure we have to do." Jace was right we not only have to do this but we need to do this not just for my sake but for the people I love.

"We have hunt down this Blaze and kill him."

I and Jace then walked to the coffee house together and sat at a table with the file in Jace's hand. I quickly got changed in a restroom because I am sure that I wouldn't be able to enter the coffee house if I had a black mask on. As  me and Jace sat in our seats we both immediately pulled our special laptops to start our research. 

There was no information whatsoever every trail we looked at led to a dead end. The blaze was a complete mystery and some would say by looking at his folder that he was non-existent. He could be anywhere in the world Heck he could not even be real. This all could be just another one of Boss's sick games.

"This is hopeless." Jace sighed as he smashed his laptop shut gaining a few odd looks. We both felt the same defeat and frustration. I already knew that the next six months are going to be hell.

"shit, I need to get changed and go home I have a dinner to get too." I told Jace quietly and he nodded. "it's ok you go to your fancy dinner. I am going to stay here and keep researching. I might also contact a few old friends to see if they know anything or know any leads." I nodded before I walked out of the cafe. .Maybe if I just stayed as Angelina Garcia all of this wouldn't have happened. If I just stayed on the sidelines and acted like the 'good daughter'. But deep down I know that I didn't have a choice. He found me alone and like a predator and then he lured me into the palm of his hands and crushed my heart. I wanted to prove to my family but I never wanted any of this. He saw my weaknesses and made me into his property.

So now no one can help me but me.

Henry jumped awake when he saw me and smiled sheepishly at me which I smirked at. I sat in my car wanting deep down to cry all of my frustrations out but there was no time to cry.

I raced inside the house sprinting up the stairs into my room there was hardly any time to get ready and I was sure that my skin smelt of Tony's disgusting weed tobacco. I raced into the shower dropping my bag in the hidden spot in my closet. As much as I love my large family right now I just wished I had a smaller and normal family. A family which was easier to protect. I did not want to come to this stupid dinner tonight.  The last thing I want to do was face my family especially my uncles and papa. The guilt I feel when I see them always consumes me.

I dried myself quickly my hands softly brushing over his brand what was embedded in my skin. I pushed my thoughts aside and put my nice black pants and a sweater on. I wasn't like the other daughters in my family who spend hours among hours getting ready and wearing the prettiest dresses on. For me it is less is more and I have learnt that from being in the shadows so long that it is sometimes better to blend in than to stand out. I quickly blowed-dried my hair and platted it letting my braid fall down my shoulder. I also quickly put lip gloss on so that my so-called caked 'cousins' would approve.

I walked downstairs to my brothers but they weren't their usual selves. They had the similar look in their eyes what I have become very familiar of over the years.


"What is wrong?" they looked taken back by my question not expecting me to notice. Little do they know that I notice everything. "nothing we have just been waiting forever for you." Juan growled and I scoffed with disbelief knowing that I only took less than thirty minutes to get ready.

I and my brothers drove in a separate car while my parents drove their own car. I took this as my chance to investigate. "so, what business did you and papa talk about?" John ignored me while Juan clicked his tongue. I elbowed Diego and raised my eyebrows waiting for my answer. "stop putting your nose in our business Angelina you know papa gets cross with you when you choose to put your nose in things what simply aren't your business." John scolded glaring at me through the review mirror. I slumped back in my seat crossing my arms feeling a bit of disappointment. I don't know what else I was expecting they never conclude me in their business and it is purely because I am a girl.

I love my brothers but sometimes I wish I could be with Jace because at least when I am with him I am allowed to be myself.

"Oh, baby my little Bambina is here." Grandma has always been my favourite female in the house. She is the only person who I feel like I can talk to freely without being scolded. I wish I could talk to Mamma but over the years she has changed. I hear stories all the time about how she used to not let anyone tell her what to do and how she didn't take shit from anyone. But through the years of aging and becoming a mafia queen, she changed.

Sophie and Rebecca glared at me as usual as they stared up at from their latest phones and designer clothes. Aunty Jess was no better as she stared at my outfit with disgust and scoffed loudly as she saw mamma walk in. I ignored them and went over to Vince and Laura who was talking to Sam. Out of all of my interesting cousins, these three are my favourite and I can actually tolerate them the most. My brothers immediately walked over to Mathew and Ben who were playing Wii on the Tv.

"well if it isn't for my little bug." Vince wrapped his arms around me then spun me around the room. "Hey." I smiled giving him a big hug. "Hi, Laura." Laura was the girl every girl wanted to be. She was practically gold in the mafia's eyes as nearly every heir wanted to be matched with her. She was strong and beautiful as well as she had already built her own fashion line. "Hey Angie, how are you!" it was always the same conversations every week.

I let the predictable conversation carry on as it was practically the same repeated conversation I had the week before and the week before. I grew tired quickly and mentally thanked the lord when dinner was ready.

"Hey, peanut." I smiled up at my favourite person in the entire world and gave uncle Enzo a big hug. "Hey, uncle Enzo." He kissed my head and gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze. "sit next to me so we can catch up alright." I smiled and sat next to the end of the table. By now I could feel three death stares from the twins and aunty Jess. I seriously wonder what went through uncle Luke's head when he decided to marry her and conceive those two witches. Uncle Louis rolled his eyes and gave me a cheeky smile as if he knew what I was thinking.

As I plated myself some Caesar salad ignoring the scoffs what came out of the twin's mouth. If I say anything it is me who gets in trouble so why bother. "so, squirrel what has happened this week?" Louis asked as he plated his dinner. Enzo smiled at me showing me he was also interested.

"just school and catching up with friends," I said plainly shoving food into my mouth. Louis chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "it is always the same answer with you kid, can't get anything out of you." Louis teased ruffling up my hair but I felt my breath hitched as he said that. Has everyone around me noticed? "What about you then uncle Lou anything new with you?" I cocked an eyebrow hoping that maybe something good is happening in his life.

"Nah you know me squirrel same old, same old." I nodded sadly feeling guilty for asking. I remember when I was just in preschool and when Aunty Lou-Ann died. It took years for him to get out of the dark pit of despair he was in. he loved her with all of his died and he always felt guilty because an enemy killed her. No matter how much revenge he got he just remained the same way.


We all wish for him to maybe fall in love again and feel happiness again. Uncle Louis is still attractive for his age as he still practically looks the same as he did when I was a little girl. I remember when he used to take me and my brothers to school. all of the mothers would practically drool over him.  But he is annoyingly stubborn and determined to forever stay devoted to her.

Dinner went on and so far I thought it was just going to be a normal family dinner but as the maids were taking our plates uncle Enzo brought everyone's attention to the front by clearing his throat. All of the males in the room had the same dark look as their eyes darkened instantly knowing what is about to happen. "we have something that we need to be discussed with all of you." I had seen uncle act like this numerous times. Letting his mafia leader side take over but there was something hidden in his eyes what I had never seen there before.


"as over the years, some of you may have heard of the blacklist. The blacklist is created by the shadows for the leader to assign assassins to target their victims which are on the hit list." The girls listened carefully as Enzo talked to all of us as a teacher talked to his fellow students. I wanted to scoff as he mentioned 'leader' he was no leader. He was a complete monster.

"well last night one of our ally gang building was destroyed last night into nothing but ashes. We are not sure why but more and more people are following onto the list and the list itself is a mystery. So, we can no longer find who they are targeting." Everyone was filled with fear making my heart tug. It wasn't the first time one of my 'secret missions' made the topic of conversation.

I wanted to comfort them and to share my own fear with them. But how could I when I am only an imposter. "the committee has gathered and we are all predicting that a war could be coming our way soon." Boss loves chaos and he loves bloodshed but he wouldn't start a war. That would be too easy for him instead he would want to mess with them and lure them all into his trap so that eventually.

They kill each other.

I already knew this 'news' is made to scare all of us so we stay at home playing damsels in distress as the males go to the 'war'. I wanted to scoff and to tell them everything but Laura being the perfect daughter she is, spoke up. "it's ok daddy we will do everything that needs to be done." I bit my tongue as the fakest smile made its way on my way tense face.

"Same! uncle Enzy we will do everything so you guys can win this." I wanted to puke as Sophie promised. it may have been seen as 'bravery' and 'sweet' in everyone's eyes but in my eyes, it is pathetic and coward like. One thing what boss has actually managed to teach me over the years was to fight your own battles and to never stand down.

The air in the grand dining room was now thick of hidden fear and pretend bravery but it was also laced with secrets. Everyone the rest of the night tried to pretend that everything was ok. They don't even know the truth their own fear is only built on theories and rumours but of course, none of that mattered. Cause like usual people talked with smiles and shared laughter with each other but it was all fake.

The way home was quiet and tiring I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed. But there is too much guilt and pressure dwelling inside of me to sleep. I have unknowingly pulled my family into this mess and the only way of ending all of this is by killing him and that is exactly what I plan to do.

To spill his blood and to let this end

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