Playing For The Other Team [R...

By HannahLvberg

155K 8.1K 3.6K

Nathan Bone is the guy that has everything; a rich dad, a nice car, a future within sports, and a phone full... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 19

4.4K 268 88
By HannahLvberg

The next time Jonathan comes over to hang out at Nathan's house, Jennie is all over the place.

She's running around the moment Nathan says that Jonathan is on his way. Either the floor needs to be swept, or a surface needs to be wiped off. Normally, she would be out in the garden or upstairs in her office, and Nathan pretends not to notice her lurking around when Jonathan arrives.

The two boys are sitting in the living room, both sitting with their phones as they chat.

When Jennie walks past for the third time, Nathan can't pretend to not see her anymore. "Hey, Jennie," he calls out to her, and she immediately stops and smiles at him. "Is there, by chance, anything you need help with?"

"Oh, no!" She chirps. "Not at all! I'm just running around making sure things are where they should. Are you two alright? Do you want me to bring anything? Drinks or anything?"

"Why don't you sit down for a moment?" Jonathan suggests. "You look like you could use a break."

Jennie all but throws herself into the nearest seat. "That's so nice of you. I'd love to have a seat." She makes herself comfortable in the armchair she's plopped herself down into. "How are you, Jonathan? Has everything been good?"

"I'm good," Jonathan says. He glances over at Nathan with an uncertain look.

"She knows," Nathan says without looking up from his phone.

"Oh." Jonathan visibly relaxes.

Jennie smiles. "I'm happy for you. I'm so glad Nathan feels comfortable bringing you home. He talks about you all the time."

"Jennie!" Nathan hisses. "I do not talk about him all the time."

"You talk about me?" Jonathan grins.

"I don't," Nathan insists.

The melodic chime of a phone echoes from the kitchen, and Jennie jumps back up. "That must be Annie," she says. "You two call out if you need anything, alright?" She flashes the two boys another smile before she disappears into the kitchen to answer her phone.

Jonathan turns and smirks at Nathan. "You talk about me?" He asks again.

"I-" Nathan shakes his head. "Not nearly as much as she makes it out to be."

"I'm definitely going to have to ask her about it later," Jonathan says.

Nathan lets out a sigh, hiding his face behind his hands. "Please don't. I will die of embarrassment."

"Maybe I'll get to see baby pictures?"

Nathan squirms in his seat. The mere thought of Jonathan seeing any of his old photographs, sends chills down his spine. "I'm going to leave and never come back."

Jonathan laughs, reaching out and patting him on the arm. "I'm joking. Kind of." He glances at Nathan's watch. "I should be heading home. I told mom I was staying back at school for some extra work."

"And you say I'm the one hiding things," Nathan says.

Shrugging, Jonathan adjusts until he's sitting so close their arms are touching. "What was I gonna tell her? The guy I'm dating invited me over, so I'm heading to his house. See you later?"

"Pretty much, yeah," Nathan says.

Jonathan shakes his head. "She'd freak out."

"You haven't told her?" Nathan isn't hurt as much as he is concerned. He doesn't want Jonathan to lie to his mother because Nathan's too scared to come out. Jonathan and his mother seem close, and he doesn't want to be the one who introduces lies between them.

"I'm going to," Jonathan mumbles. "Soon, you know? When things are right. At the right time."

"Right," Nathan agrees. "Can I give you a ride back, at least?"

Jonathan nods. "I'd love that."

It's become routine for them to take a detour whenever they're heading somewhere. Whether they're going home or to school or anywhere else, they always take the long way there. Nathan enjoys driving, and they both enjoy the slight privacy that comes with sitting in the car - where their conversations can't be overheard.

It's not a secret that Nathan is the one that's hesitant to reveal their relationship to others, and Jonathan is more than happy to keep the secret. "You know I hate the attention anyway," he says each time the topic comes up.

"It might not even be that bad," Nathan says. "Maybe. I don't know. I think people just expect me to... I don't want to..."

"I get it," Jonathan says when Nathan trails off. "I don't have much to lose when it comes to school life, but you do. Popularity doesn't mean much, but I know I'd freak out if I suddenly got treated differently. Even if it's just a little."

Nathan nods. "Yeah. I don't care if I'm popular or not... I think." He sounds hesitant. "Or maybe. I'm used to it. I don't know how I'd feel if I wasn't."

"One day at a time?" Jonathan suggests.

"Right." Nathan grows silent as he stops by Jonathan's house. "See you tomorrow, okay?"

Jonathan smiles at him as he opens the door. "Yeah. See you tomorrow."

Nathan waves when Jonathan hops out of the car and heads into his house. He's just about to drive off when he hears the chirp of his phone in his pocket. It's a message from Jennie, asking him to pick up a dress from the dry cleaners.

He doesn't mind running errands for Jennie - or for his father - and in this case, he's happy to stay out for a while more. He hasn't spent much time alone in a while, and the silence feels like a cool breeze.

But the cool breeze turns into cold shivers when he steps through the door to the dry cleaner's and spots Wendy hanging by the front desk with her arms crossed over her chest.

She looks just as surprised to see him as he is to see her. "Nate," she says. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"Likewise," Nathan mumbles.

"They have some trouble with their computer. The guy went to the back to reboot something," Wendy sighs as she nods towards the empty desk. "I hope you don't mind waiting."

Nathan shrugs again. "I'll manage."

An awkward silence falls over them. There's a radio somewhere in the back of the shop that plays old-timey music, and the fan behind the desk whirrs quietly. "You look like you're doing good," Wendy says. "Did you do something with your hair?"

"Less wax," Nathan mumbles.

Wendy nods. "It suits you. I was thinking the other day... well," she chuckles softly. "Not just the other day, but a lot in general." She bats her eyelashes at him.


"I was wondering if you'd be willing to give me another chance? We really got off on the wrong foot the last time. I'll admit I was a bit... forward."

Nathan snorts. He knows for a fact that Wendy is still with Josh. If whatever they had going on had ended, Nathan would be the first to know about it. "Sorry, I'm kind of seeing someone right now," he says. "Exclusively."

"Oh." The surprise on Wendy's face makes Nathan feel a bit smug, but he tries to hide it.

A man with tousled hair and an apologetic smile returns with a handful of hangers of plastic-covered garments. "Here you go. I apologize for the delay." He offers the hangers to Wendy, and she flashes the man a sickly sweet smile when she takes them.

"Thank you," she says.

The man turns to Nathan. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm picking up some clothes. They should be under the name Bone," Nathan says. He pretends not to notice that Wendy lingers.

"I know just which ones," the man says with a smile. "Give me one moment, and I'll get those for you."

Nathan nods and watches the man disappear from where he came in. Wendy shuffles closer, but before he has time to say anything, the man returns, and Nathan takes the clothes with a smile. He turns around to leave.

"You know," she murmurs. "I don't care if you're seeing someone else. I don't mind that, actually."

"I mind," Nathan tells her. "Now, if you'd let me pass. I need to get home."


Nathan and Jennie are in the middle of eating dinner when Jennie's phone rings. She gives a disgruntled sigh when she puts her fork down to go and answer. Nathan remains seated by the table.

Jennie's never liked phones by the table, and when Aaron's not home, she's extra strict about that rule.

"They always call me when I'm eating," she mutters as she wipes her hand on a nearby kitchen towel.

"It's the only time you're sitting still," Nathan says.

Jennie shakes her head. "I'm a busy woman," she says. She leans over the phone, and the moment she reads the name on display, she lights up into a bright smile and lets out an excited squeal. "It's Aaron!" She cheers before picking the phone up and pressing it to her ear. "Aaron, hello!"

"Tell him hi," Nathan says before shoveling a forkful of food into his mouth. "Ask him how he's been."

Jennie chuckles. "Yes, we were just eating dinner. Hold up, let me put you on speaker," she puts the phone on the table. She sits back down, but she leans over the table to get closer to the phone. "Can you hear us?"

"I hear you just fine," Aaron's voice echoes from the phone's speaker.

"Hey, dad," Nathan says. "How's Germany?"

Aaron clears his throat. "Oh, it's lovely. A little bit different, but I like it. I think you'd like it too, actually."

"I'm sure." Nathan nods and casts a glance at his watch. "Wait, isn't it really late for you?"

"Just after one, yes," Aaron sighs. "It's been a long day, but I thought I'd check in and see how you two are holding up."

"We're holding up," Jennie says. She leans even closer to the phone when she speaks. "We miss you!"

"I miss you too," Aaron says with a slight chuckle. "I'm just about ready to go home, but there are still a few things that need to be arranged. When I come home, we'll have to do something. All three of us."

Nathan smiles. "I can't wait."

The conversation doesn't last much longer, since it's obvious that Aaron is tired. When he yawns for the third time, Jennie tells him to go to bed. "Aren't you the one who insists on being awake and sharp at work?" she asks with a smile.

"That would be me," Aaron sighs. "Well. It is late, and I'm sure you two want to finish your dinner. Before I go, is there anything I should bring home? I'll have the day after tomorrow off, and I thought I'd do some shopping."

"You should bring something local," Jennie says. "Some sweets, perhaps?"

"I'll see what I can find," Aaron promises. "What do you say, Nathan?"

Nathan shrugs. "Sweets are nice," he says. "I don't need gifts and bribes, though. I'm fine with you just coming home." He shoots his step-mother a grin, and she reaches out and slaps him on the hand.


Aaron laughs. "I'll be home soon. You keep up the good work while I'm over here, alright?"

"You know it," Nathan says.

They say their goodbyes and hang up. Jennie and Nathan finish their dinner, chatting about what they should do when Aaron comes home. Jennie's clearly excited and has an array of suggestions.

Nathan smiles at her when she rambles through restaurants and activities she thinks might be fun. She's right to him, and she's good to his dad. Things had been bleak and strained between Nathan and Aaron until Jennie came along and helped them patch things up.

It had taken time, but with love and dedication, they had become almost like what the family had been like before.

"Everything is going to fall back into place when Aaron comes home," Jennie says.

Nathan agrees with a nod. "Yeah, you're probably right."

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