Tainted hands

بواسطة Gracejenniferanne

388K 11.9K 4.1K

Angelina is a strong-willed and closed off girl although she has grown up in a strong family. Because of the... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 2

14.2K 287 92
بواسطة Gracejenniferanne

No escape

For most people who live in the outside world, people who do something wrong are convicted and are sentenced to a life of prison. But in our life, the sentence is so much worse because it is either kill or be killed. If one wrong move is made then you are going to be forever hunted until your blood is spilt.

For every time I sliced my blade down their throat... for every time I felt their life drain in my arms... For every time I heard their last dying breath... it should have killed me inside and scarred my life.

But instead, I felt nothing...

I only kill bad people who have done sickening things and depending on what they have done is how I determine how I kill them. For the worst deeds, I kill them slowly limb by limb until they beg for mercy and feel completely sorry for what they have done. The victims who have done less evil crimes I kill them quickly by the skilful bullet.

"WAKE UP CHICA WE ARE GOING SHOPPING." My sleep was ruined by my one and truly most annoying brother. "go away." I mumbled snuggling up to my pillow and somehow he took that as an invitation to jump on my bed. "why is your bed the comfiest." I smirked up at him and flicked his head as a person does to a sly cockroach.

"simply because dad favours me more than you and you are the spoilt one who spends all of his money on nonsense." He hit my head with the pillow and pushed me out of the bed.

"Sims 4 is not nonsense it is a NECESSITY."

"Get over yourself and focus more on your flabby stomach then some stupid computer game." The one and truly Juan said as he walked in my room looking unimpressed as always.

"Papa wants you up and ready because mamma is making pancakes for everyone." My body was still well and truly exhausted from last night but if I don't get up mama is going to think I am sick. Then she is going to go full mamma hen mode and from previous memories, you learn to just deal with it. " ¡Okay! Estaré abajo pronto." (ok! I will be down soon) my brothers smiled and kissed my head before walking out of my room.

I huffed out loudly as soon as they left and clutched my head. My ears were still ringing from the bomb explosion last night and my head is aching. I groaned loudly as I got dressed in some jeans and a random t-shirt.

At some point today I have to meet Boss with Jace and I already have a feeling that whatever he is going to tell me is going to bad. Because whenever Boss wants to 'meet' us things turn south.

"well, sleeping beauty is up!" I sighed deeply and slumped down in my seat at the dining table greeting everyone with warm smiles. "morning baby how did you sleep." Mamma asked kissing my cheek and brushing my hair out of my face.

"I slept, good mamma. What about you and papa?"

"We slept wonderfully me and your mother did," Papa said coyly making me and all of my brothers scrunch our noses with disgust. My mother smirked and to make things worse she sat on papa's lap and kissed him. By now we all were gagging and shifting uncomfortably.

"eww, yuck gimme some bleach because this sure as hell is about to give me nightmares." Diego cried jumping on Johnathon's lap for 'protection'. Juan no longer was giving our parents the disgusted look but now was looking at Diego with utter repulse. I stifled a few giggles as I got myself a pancake and berries.

"Ok kids eat your breakfast," Papa said chuckling to himself as he laughed at all of my brother's expressions.

"How the hell are we supposed to eat when my own parents scarred me for life." Diego cried out clutching his heart. I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my pancakes savouring the delicious sweet taste what melted in my mouth.

"well if you aren't going to eat it... I Will." Juan stole the pancakes off of Diego's plate before he could react.

"Hey! I was going to eat that." By now my parents are scowling and half glaring at Juan for starting a fight so early in the morning. I for one was just eating and watching the chaos unravel. Johnathon being the closest and the peacemaker sibling in the family slapped both of their heads. "stop fighting and get over it! there is still plenty of pancakes left." Diego mumbled words under his breath as he got four more pancakes and made himself a stack.

Brothers... I have no idea why people want them... they stink, there loud, there overprotective and more importantly they eat like actual pigs. Sometimes I think me and mum are the only normal ones in the house. Dad can be just as bad and I and mum can't help but laugh as we see dad stuffing a whole pancake in his mouth.

"Papa!" I exclaimed loudly shaking my head. He looked at me and gave me a dumbfounded look furrowing his eyebrows. "What?"

Every time I was a kid and introduced my friends to my dad and family they all got terrified. Which I don't understand at all because when I look at my dad he just looks like a soft cuddly bunny.

"Have you taken your inhaler yet?" Mamma asked giving me a worried look. I sighed loudly and played around with the berries on my plate. My family is constantly on my back about doctor's appointments and taking my medicine. What they don't realise is that I haven't had any breathing problems since I was like 7. I am more than sure that I have grown out of that but they don't see that.

"I will when I go back to my room."

My favourite head maid Mary walked in and collected everyone's plates. "morning Angelina are you finished?" I wished to say no so I could eat more but I can't so I just gave her my plate and smiled. "thank you, Mary."

Just as I was about to dismiss myself my father stopped me and my brothers so we stayed seated. "Tonight, we are having family dinner at the Moretti's mansion." I wanted to groan and complain because on the inside I was throwing the biggest hissy fit but to stay the little miss perfect 'mafia princess' I simply smiled and nodded.

Juan scoffed and Diego slumped his shoulders in defeat and I could see a slight frown appear on John's face. "mamma why are we meeting them tonight, and not next week like always?" John asked calmly asking the question of what was laced through all of our minds. Every single second bloody week we meet with all of our cousins at the Moretti mansion and sometimes our house.

"Do not question it but we are meeting them because we have some new urgent business we have to discuss." This perked my curiosity and it must have caught my brother's attention as well because they had the same expression I did. "what business?" Juan asked narrowing his eyes.

"we will not discuss this in front of your mother and sister. We will talk about it after in my office." I scoffed loudly and rolled my eyes before standing up not bothering to hide my frown. If my father wants to be a sexist jerk like the rest of them then so be it.

"I need to go out to meet a friend today." My mother smiled knowingly and nodded while dads frown continued.

"who is this friend?" my brothers shared the same frowns as papa and for a minute I thought my inner deadly wrath was going to come out

But as always...

The mask stayed on.

"Olivia I haven't talked to her in a while and she really wanted to meet with me today?" My brothers didn't shift their angry stares. Which at times like these makes me think If they can read through my lies.

"where are you going?" I rolled my eyes knowing too well if I tell him he is just going to send a bunch of guards to practically 'babysit' me. "just to the coffee house."

"fine you can go I will have your bodyguard follow you." I sigh with relief not worried at all because every time I sneak past my bodyguard Henry he is nearly sleeping and dozed off from reading the daily newspaper. Father thought having one of the oldest bodyguards would be 'smart' because they would be more reliable and hardworking.

"thank you, papa." Papa smiled as I kissed his cheek and left the dining room and grabbing my keys.

I hoped into my Ferrari after grabbing my bag so I can park somewhere and I get changed. Just as always Henry was following me in his black SUV to the coffee house. I parked the Ferrari and headed straight in with my bag and walked straight to the bathroom. I quickly got changed into some baggy clothes before putting on my black mask.

I walked out the back entrance with my bag and started the walk to the secret base which was underground of a gym. It wasn't too long until I got there and as usual, the gym was packed and downstairs you heard distant people training, yelling and fighting.

Same as always.

"oh, thank god you are here." No one knows about my real identity here they all just see me as Sparrow. There are only three people in the entire world who know my real identity.

We walked down the gloomy dark halls heading towards the monsters office. Some people would be scared out of their wits if they came down here. the halls are thick with smoke and the walls are stained with blood and mould. The air smells of sweat it was enough to make someone gag but after a while, you slowly start to get used to it.

As I walked in I was instantly frustrated as I saw Tony sitting with an evil smirk in the corner seat. I narrowed my eyes at them then stared back to Boss who was sitting with a large smile. Boss was an elderly man though his age does not falter him because he has the most power in the entire world.

He controls everything.

The blacklist

The assassins

And me...

"well if it isn't my favourite angel." He sat up and walked around his deck to pull me into a tight hug.

"Boss, Tony." I unknowledge both of them and in the corner of my eye, I could see Jace clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"Why did you request to see us?" He chuckled darkly before going back to his seat behind his desk. I tried my best to not say something and to watch my wording carefully. Because Boss is like a like a light switch...

He can change in an instant.

"straight to business as always my young Angel." He chuckled making Tony's eyes watch over me more. "why don't you two young kids sit down so we can have a grown-up chat." Jace's hands turned into tight fists as he sat down. The tension in the room was thick and filled with so much uncertainty slowly sinking into my skin eating me up. But it didn't affect Boss he only took it like how a shark hunts his prey. He smiled more as he saw me staring at him and started to tap the table as he hummed the tune he always taunts his victims with.

He was playing a game and both me and Jace knew this. It was what Boss did best he was the game maker. He craves chaos like a vampire who craves blood. Only the foolish get lured into his traps and all of them pay the price after.


He finally began after the torturous silence. "I must say you my Angel, are getting better each time. It is very refreshing to see such young talent displayed." I nodded my head letting no emotion appear on my face.

"In no time I believe you will be able to work alongside me." His lips twitched into a displayed smirk. "But of course, by then I think for certain you will have already proven to your little daddy and uncles. So, then you can remove this silly mask, after all, we can't hide that pretty face forever." My eyebrows furrowed as my hands turned into small fists and of course he got the reaction he wanted from me and Jace cause his evil façade passed and loud predigest laughter was replaced echoing throughout the room.

I squeezed Jace's hand so he calmed down I knew it was hard for him to hear, I was like a sister to him. "now enough games." I released the breath I didn't realise I was holding and listened carefully.

"I have a new target for you Angelina and of course like always Jace will work alongside helping you." He handed me the smallest folder I have ever seen and both tony and Boss chuckled darkly as they saw my reaction.

"he is another Assassin who I am sure you have both heard of, Blaze, no full name has been founded for him and there is very little information about him," Tony informed whilst boss sat there watching us as me and Jace read the one and only page.

"I want him dead. The bastard has crossed me too many times and gotten away with it." Boss growled his eyes darkening sinisterly.

"if you kill him I will give you guys whatever you want and maybe out of it I will get two things I want." He spoke smirking at me as he eyed me up and down slowly.

"and if I don't kill him and I fail?" It has only happened twice where I have failed and that was when I first started. I remember the pain tony inflicted on me to make it sure it won't happen again. I would hate to think of the punishment if I failed this mission but it was a question that simply left my lips.

And one question I am sure that I will regret asking after getting my answer

Blaze isn't just any assassin he is the best of best, no one for three years have managed to see him. He is the most sinister deadliest killer known in this world. He destroys establishment and gangs and kills without blinking. The rumours around his name are known to make a grown men cry. Lots of people have tried to kill him but they all turn out in the same ending.


Tony chuckled and Boss laughed along as he tapped the table with his fingers. "oh my sweet little angel the answer is quite simple." He began his eyes darkening with blood lust. "if you failed and he didn't kill you for himself." he chuckled. "You will only wish he did because I won't just painfully torture you and kill your little dumb sidekick, but I will kill every single family member in front of you one by one. Leaving your beautiful mother, pathetic father and brothers last. Not only will you be flooded with unbearable guilt but your secret will be out. Then for the rest of your life, I will torture you slowly until you wish of death but that gift will not be given. You will live the rest of your life swallowing yourself up with guilt."

Fear washed over me and I stared at him with complete conflict. I wish I got away from him years ago but every time I did he brought me back and 'reminded' me who I belonged too. If only I tried harder than me, my family and Jace won't be in this position.

"how long do we have?" Jace asked as no words were able to leave my lips.

"Six months."


age: 36

height: 6'1


Age: 65

Height: 6'1

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