Your Love Is My Drug [Student...

By PerfectlyUnperfect

4.7K 14 7

Lola's always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer. And lucky for her, the school she goes to offered a... More

Your Love Is My Drug - Prologue
Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 1
Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 2
Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 3
Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 4
Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 6
Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 7
Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 8
Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 9
Your Love is My Drug - Chapter 10

Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 5

385 0 0
By PerfectlyUnperfect

Chapter 5

"How was work?" Ethan asked me, as I plumped myself down on the sofa next to him. I sighed heavily and rubbed my temples.

"Was alright," I replied, putting my feet up on the center table. Ethan gave me a warning look, and forced me to remove my feet from the table.

"Anything interesting happen?" he asked, sipping is coffee. I shrugged, and sat deeper in my seat.

"Not really; unless you consider having a new annoying colleague as interesting." Ethan looked at me and laughed.

"What kind of a person is she? Or he?" He grinned and I elbowed him in the ribs making him squirm.

"He's a guy," I responded, grabbing his coffee cup and taking large sip. Ethan glared at me, and quickly snatched his coffee cup away from me.

"Is is good looking?" I shot Ethan a glare, but that only made him laugh more.

"No, he isn't," I lied, hoping he would buy it. Obviously he didn't considering the fact that me and my brother were extremely close.

"Are you sure?" he asked, looking straight at me. I nodded and turned away from him.

"Course I'm sure!" Ethan shook his head.

"You're blushing," he pointed out, poking my left cheek. I slapped his hand away and stood up.

"He is not attractive!" I growled, glaring at him. Ethan shrugged and smile devilishly.

"Whatever you say," he repsonded, finishing the last of his coffee.

"I have no interest in him; he's just a colleage, and that's all that he will be. How can I ever have interest in someone who's a pain in the butt?" Ethan chuckled, and stood up as well.

"I guess you're right. But I have a feeling it won't stay like that for long." I turned and gave Ethan a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" Ethan laughed.

"Don't you know? Every guy you see, or think is attractive automatically becomes your crush." I glared once more at Ethan before stomping out of the living room, and along the corridor up to my room. Before entering my room, I turned to face the living room door and yelled to Ethan.

"I do not have any interest in any men!" I heard him laugh, as he walked off somewhere else.

"Whatever you say sis!" he replied. I growled and opened my bedroom door, and jumping onto my bed. What I said just there was a complete lie. I did have interest in men. Well, one man. And I'm quite sure you know who that is. And it is not Zach.


Staring at my computer screen, I tried my best to concentrate on writing my biology report. No matter how hard I tried, my mind seemed to quickly divert from Biology, to attractive men; Mr. Grey. I pulled out my Biology book, and flipped through to the couple pages we had to use for our report. Not even five minutes after reading, did I receive an IM from Rachel.

Rachelwashere: Lola! Wanna help me with the report?

LolaLaRosa: Ehh, I haven't even started it yet! Been thinking... 

Rachelwashere: Thinking? About what?

LolaLaRosa: I think you can already guess...? 

Rachelwashere: Ohh, Mr. Grey? :-)

LolaLaRosa: Uhm, yeah. Him. He's fo freaking .. yummy.

Rachelwashere: Haha, yeah you could say that. But why are you thinking of him? You've got a bioreport to work on. If you haven't realised, it's for a grade.

LolaLaRosa: I know, I know. It's so stupid how we just come back to school and we already have a huge project to work on. Oh and yeah, I bumped into him after you left..

Rachelwashere: I know right? Did you? Something happen ..? :-P

LolaLaRosa: Not really. He just apologized about Alyssa and stuff. And guess what?!

Rachelwashere: Did he? Surprising. He was all over her. What? Spill it! :-D

LolaLaRosa: I know; I hate her for that. I want him to be all over me! He told me I was great dancer! :-)

Rachelwashere: Haha, don't get your hopes up to high! He did? Well, I told you so! You are a great dancer. Just have some patience with people. :-P

LolaLaRosa: Yeah, I guess so. By the way, there's this new kid working at my work place!

Rachelwashere: Really? OMG, is he hot?

LolaLaRosa: Yepp, and he's pretty cute. But he's such an ass. Like seriously. He annoys the hell out of me and I just met him!

Rachelwashere: Haha, I'd like to meet him; he sounds my type, personality-wise. What does he look like?

LolaLaRosa: He's really tall. He's got jet black hair, the biggest brown eyes, and I must admit, a killer smile! :-)

Rachelwashere: Ohh, he sounds yummy. Can I have him?

LolaLaRosa: Sure go ahead! I don't want an asshole like him!

Rachelwashere: Thanks! Lol. Anyway, I've gotta get going. If you haven't started the report, I might as well figure it out myself!

LolaLaRosa: Haha, alright! Good luck with it, text me when you're done? I probably won't finish until late tonight!

Rachelwashere: Good luck to you too! And yeah, I will. See you later! :-P

I quickly logged off, and opened a blank document. I knew from this moment on, that it was going to be difficult to concentrate if I was going to have Mr. Grey circling my mind. And the fact that his smile nearly made me trip this afternoon? I don't think I'll be able to handle the next dance class.

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